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(By “Binocular.”) Kin6el is reported to have come in again from a spell in tho Gisborne district. Polar, who has been a usoful sort, is stated to be doing slow work in the Gisborne district and it is hoped that he-will stand another preparation. Acceptances for all first day events at tho Waikato meeting on April 27 and 29 will be received up to 5 p.m. on Wednesday by the secretary, P.O. box 56, Hamilton. Battlement broke down on the eve of the Easter meetings and his Hastings owner has decided to retire him from tho race track. Tho Martian gelding was a very useful sort in his younger days. Princess Nata is reported to be out in the paddock, it being' tho intention of her connections to send tho daughter of Polydamon to the stud next year.

Figuring among the entrants for next year's A.J.C. Derby is tho GrandcourtTigritiya youngster owned .by the _ Awapuni mentor, G. W. New. Tigrano is still a maiden.

The Valais yearling that brought 2,600 guineas at the recent Sydeny. sales has an interest for New Zealanders in that he is out of Shepherd Princess, the dam of Princo Humphrey. C. Morse, who proposes transferring from Gisborne to Takanini, intends taking Prince Willonyx, Rose Willonyx and two or three youngsters with him. All tho youngsters are by Prince Willonyx, one being from Mungakino, a grand-daughter of Carbine.

Nylolis, . comments a southern scribe, came through his cross country experiences at Riverton without scoring a success, but he raced stoutly and he is now being prepared for the Dunedin fixture and, as ho is hardly likely to bo weighted close up to 12 stone, this fact should be in his favour.

Tho Songbird gelding Mananui, who is a big fellow and not yet reasonably furnished, has been tried out as a jumper by F. W. Ellis, states an Invercargill writer. Ho took to the game from the outset, measuring off the obstacles well and going about his work in a calm and collected fashion that may encourage his being kept to a hurdling career.

Nightmarch was galloped on in tho Great Autumn Handicap, and received injury to one of his .hoofs. A southern writer states that he is all right again, but in the meantimo his work is restricted to light exercise. The Nightraid gelding should bo a very useful four-year-old. There is some talk of racing him in Australia in the spring, and if this programme is decided on ho may not ho out of active commission very long.

Papier puts on condition very rapidly when he is relieved of serious tasks, and already he shows the effects of the easy time he has had since Easter, states the Press. Although rising eight years, 11. Nurse is sanguine that the Greyspear horse will be as good as ever next season. He did no racing till he was a three-year-old, and he was not severely tested until his five-year-old senson, so there is no reason why he should not retain his form for some time yet.

King Smock, who ricked himself just before, the Thames meeting,' ,is reported to be training on satisfactorily again at Parawai. This gelding, who is engaged at the approaching Waikato meeting, has previously performed well on the-Te Rapa course, and if started at tho coming meeting he is likely to have a good following. Tho rising two-year-old colt by Tea Tray from Bon Avis, being handled by W. G. Hobbs,, in the south, will race under the name of Welcome Sight. Others being put through their pacings by that mentor comprise a bay colt by Shambles from Palestrina, a brown colt by Nightraid from Week End, and a rising three-year-old gelding, Kindling, by The Ace from Wood fire, by Auturiinus, from, Fairhavcn.

In referring to Captain Whi‘akor’s connection with racing, a writer in the London Sporting Life states that after Lawyer 111 ran in the Liverpool Grand National Steeplechase the horse was found dead in his box. A post mortem revealed the extra, ordinary fact that Lawyer 111 had only one lung. Lawyer 111 had won a number of minor races, and the sequel to his National effort in which he ran third was one of the strangest ever recorded of racehorses. Lawyer 111 finished third to Rubio and Mattie Macgregor in 1903.

Oalendale, a promising tlirco-year-old colt by Rossondiile from Outrock, went amiss while contesting tiie Sydney Cup on Easter Monday, and his case was found to bo so serious that it was deemed merciful to requisition the friendly bullet. In November Inst Oalendalc was bought by two Sydney sportsmen. Messrs G. 11. Magill and M. Robinson, for 2000 guineas, and the only return the partners received as the result of the speculation was £SOO. which was the prize attached to Oatendale’s second position in the A.J.C. St. Leger. The well-known horseman, S. Henderson, who has been in hospital since being severely injured in a fall from Mangaiti at Paeroa on March 18, has recovered sufficiently to return to his home, where he is under the care of a trained nurse. It will be a while yet before lie is able to leave his bed and 6ome time will probably elapse before his recovery is complete. Still he is making favourable progress and that is very gratifying. Henderson’s many friends will be pleased to 6eo him fully restored to health. No horse has isliown more consistent form in its last few starts than the maiden performer Archileeii, comments “Early Bird.’’ She ran without luck at Avondale, and a coincidence —an unlucky one at that —was that she drew No. 17 marble on both days, placing her on the extreme outer on the second day. The extra ground she had perforce to cover made all the difTorence between winning and losing, and it was obvious that better drawn Archileen would have made Arihana’s task much more difficult. Archileen is improving with each race and cannot bo far off a winning bracket.

Two furlongs from home in the Chevalier Handicap at Avondale on the opening day Bulolo looked like making a good attempt for the first money, for he and Air King (the winner) wore at the head of affairs, the former having shown a lot of speed in the early stages from an outsido position. However, for some then unaccountable reason the Bisogno gelding .retired to the rear, but subsequently it was learned that he had ricked a muscle. And still further, on returning home on the Sunday the three-year-old had perforce to go through the inquisitorial torture known as dentistry. Naturally he was not asked to carry out engagements at Avondalo on the second day.

A study of the teams of some of England’s leading trainers shows that J. Lawson, who succeeded A. Taylor at Manton, has 67 horses in work.Thoy are the property of twelve different owners, the principal conti-ibulor to the total being Lord Astor with 21. With such a large team, Lawson will need some “head lads” upon whom he can thoroughly rely. It would be difficult for any trainer to keep thoroughly in touch with the doings and ailments of 67 horses, of which 26 are two-year-olds. W. C. Earl has 46 horses in his charge, all but one being owned by S. B. Joel. W. Nightingall has 55 in his stnble, and of the 32 in charge of W. R. Jarvis, 18 are owned by King George. There are many veteran trainers in Australia and New Zealnnd, but at Oriental Park (Havana, Cuba) one who followed his calling to the last died at the end of January at the age of 104. His name was Tom Cheek. After a long walk from the stablo to the saddling paddock to superintend the saddling of a horse he complained of pains in the region of the heart. After the race he gave instructions what was to be done with the horse, and then roturned to witness the last race. Ho suddenly collapsed, and was dead when picked up. As a jockey and trainer, Cheek was associated with racing for nearly 90 years. Ho must have been tough to stand the strain of the game for such a period', but possibly he overestimated his age. Tho Paper Moneys seem to bo doing almost better in Australia oven than in the land of theii; birth. A nice little coup

was brought off with one of them at tho la6t Menanglo Park (New South Wales) meeting. “Knowing nothing about tho three-year-old Short Order,” writes “Poisedon” in the Sydney Sun, “bookmakers were • caught off their guard at Menanglo Park, and some of them laid long doublefigure odds against tho filly in tho Welter Handicap. Even the fielders did not take the backing of Short Order seriously, and the commissioners were able to snap up good bets all round tho ring. So solid was the support accorded tho filly that tho public followed tho lead until her price shortened very considerably. Short Order carriod out her part of the contract, and won well from the speedy Goodstead, to whom she had conceded a fair start down tho long straight. Naturally the question was asked: “Who is Short Order?” And it was tlion found that this was not the first galloping display that she had given. Last season Short Order appeared in three races at Orange and won them all. Sent to Sydney to be prepared at Victoria Park, her Menangle race was the first run given her, so that her record is now four starts for four wins. Short Order’s success came as a great surprise to many people who had seen her work at Victoria Park, as her gallops had not been of a particularly impressive nature; but evidently she is a filly who shows her best under race conditions. The filly is by Papor Money from Snow Waif, bred by Mr I. G. Duncan, and was sold for 130 guineas as a yearling at the Sydney sales.”




Tho general committee of the Marton Jockey Club met last week, there being present: Messrs R. E. Beckett (chairman), E. Opcnshaw, J. McDonoll, J. H. C. Broad, R. H. Trotter, 11. MeManaway, H. J. Cameron, F. R. 11. Brice, J. R. L. Stanford, D. G. Riddiford, I. Jefferson, J. Brice and the secretary.

Tho Marton Band was engaged to provide tho musical programme for the May race meeting.

Tho committee decided not to support tho proposal of the Egrnont Racing Club that the Racing Conference be asked to rescind their resolution prohibiting radio broadcasting from racecourses during tho progress of meetings. A resolution was! carried in favour of tho Gaming Act being amended so that investments could be telegraphed to secretaries of clubs and for the publication of dividends; also favouring the legalising of tho double totalisator.

Tho officials appointed for tho summer mooting will act in tho same capacity at tho May fixture.

Tho following officers retire but are eligible for re-election: —President: Mr R. E. Beckett: vice-presidents, Messrs F. R. H. Brice. D. G. Riddiford, L. M. Richards and Dr Skerman; lion., treasurer, Mr D. G. Riddiford; committee (four vacancies), Messrs E. Opensliaw, J. 11. C. Broad, 11. J. Cameron and H. McManaway. All tlio retiring officials intend to seek; re-election. The following dates were selected for the 1929-30 season:—Spring meeting, Wednesday, September 4. 1929; summer, Wednesday and Thursday, January 1 and 2, 1930; winter, Saturday,- May 3, 1930. The committee decided that if the acceptors in any race exceed file safety number tho race be divided and run as separate races, the stakes for same to bo duly notified. COURSE COMMITTEE’S REPORT. The course committee reported meeting the trainers at the racecourse and discsiloing matters in connection with the tracks. As a result a grass track for fast gallops has been laid off 60 feet from tho course proper, rails and furlong post being erected. This track is to be used solely for training gallops and will bo kept in good' order tor that purpose. After consultation, with the trainers, the .oommittco are of the unanimous opinion that it is advisable to lay a plough track adjoining the special fast track. This will do away with the plough near the inside training track rails, which it is proposed to reform and sow down in grass and use in luturo as a schooling track. Tho only expenditure in connection with this work will lie the cost of the grass. The whole of the work can be carried out by the permanent staff. . Four new standard brush hurdles have been made to complete the double brush across tho course proper, making seven hurdles in the first jump, and the whole of the coiuve proper in the second brush with the exception of 20 feet. The night paddock has been strengthened and the grass cut around the stables. The whole of the course proper has been cut and put in order for the coming meeting, j The removal of the top storey from the old members’ stand at the accommodation house, and tho erection of a motor and tractor shed and the implement shed, also four extra feed rooms adjoining the stables, have, been carried out at an additional cost of £l7 18s. The electric light has been installed at the accommodation house and the j stables .and will be in use at the May meeting. ] Attention is now being given to rolling the steeplechase track, which is in good order, and fresh brush will be placed in all jumps. The general committee decided that the comse committee be authorised to carry out the work of laying down a fresh plough track as soon as possible.



l’or Press Association. WHANGAREI. April 20. On tlie second day of the Whangaroi Racing Club’s meeting the totalisator handled £19,627, against £20,135 for a oneday meeting last year, which was held on a Saturday. Results: — JUNIOR STAKES, of 100 sovs. Special weights. Roman Pearl, 7.12 i 1 Gold Lily, 7.12 2 Land Measure, 7.12 ... ... ... 3 Also started: Blue Bonnet, The Dansant 8.0, Legation, Little Gift, Viburnum 7.12. Won l-«’ two lengths, with Gold Lily just ahead of Land Measure. Time, 1.17. ONERAHI HACK HANDICAP, of 135 sovs. Six furlongs. Palmares, 8.2 1 Bulolo, 8.9 2 3 Camp Prince, 8.10 3 Also started: Sea Cob, Hnviland 8.10, Sunny Morn, Big Bertha, Measurer 8.0. Won by a length, a short head between second and third. Time, 1.15 1-5. AUTUMN HANDICAP, of 300 sovs. One 1 mile and a quarter. Thursby, 7.10 1 ILo Choucas, 8.2 ... 2 2 Wend ay, 7.10 3 Also started: Branson 8.10, Hipo 7.3, Glen Star, Sleepy Sol 7.0. Just won, third horse a length away. Time, 2.8. PARUA BAY HACK HANDICAP HURDLES, of 160 sous. One mile and a half and 197 yards. 2 Golden Wedding, 9.13 ■ 1 1 Odin, 9.9 2 3 Ned Kelly, 11.0 ... 3 Also starlod: Just Quietly 9.1, Michael, Illingar, Paris Model 9.0. Won by half a length, a neck betweon second and third. Time, 3.3 2-5. FLYING HANDICAP, of 250 sovs, Six furlongs. 5 Melissa, 7.7 1 6 Tea Time, 7.3 2 2 Subdivision, 8.3 3 Also started: Lucy Rose 8.2, The Begum 8.1, British King, Chelono 7.0. RUATANGATA HANDICAP, of 120 sovs. Seven furlongs. 3 Royal Seagull, 7.0 1 7 Fiery Lad, 8.10 2 1 Kildeor, 7.10 3 Also started: 5 Right and Left 9.13 and Mineral 7.0 (bracketed), 4 Welcome Home 9.7, 9 Exalted 9.2, 6 Waning Light 8.10, 2 Gazerin 7.12, 11 Bluespear, 8 Creation, 10 Cynique, 12 North Boy 7.0. Won by three lengths, four lengths between second and third. Time, 1.30. NORTHERN HACK CUP, of 150 sovs. One mile.

2 Envoy, 8.5 ... ' 1 4 Gay Cockade, 7.4 2 1 Brilliant Light, 8.3 3 Also started; Grand Tea 7.6, Merry

Mason, Fiery 7.0. Won by a length, a head between second and third. Time, 1.42 3-5. ‘ICIA ORA HANDICAP, of 150 sovs. One mile.

1 Ti Tree, 8.11 i 4 Lorient 11, 8.10 1 2 Schorr, 9.4 i Won by a length and a half, a neck be tween second and third. Time, 1.41 1-5.



Per Press Association.

HASTINGS, .April 20. Cold, bracing weather was experienced for the second day of tho Hawke’s Bay Club’s meeting. Tho courso was in tiptop order and the attendance very good. The totalisator for the day handled £19,294 against £19,539 for the second day last year. For the meeting £32,899 was put through the machine, compared with £32,449 last year. In the Karamu Hurdles Highwayman was the early leader, but he was soon displaced by Crislma who led to three fur-

longs from home, where Atareria took command and went on to win easily. Ballyfarnon was fourth. Maunga fell. In the Pakipaki Handicap Imitation was the first out, but was soon displaced by Joy Germ, Blackpool and Second Thought. Rounding the bond, Inflame was in front of Tom Byrne, Joy Germ, Valpine and Flying Binge. Once heads were turned

for home, Joy Germ put in a claim and went on to win easily. Second. Thought was fourth.

In the Juvenile Handicap Hunting Boy was the quickest to begin and led practically throughout, but had to withstand a strong challenge from Valpre in the straight. Clever was fourth. The Ormond Memorial was a great race. After a splendid start Silver Paper went to tho front from Gascony. Then tho latter took up the running from Cimabue, Silver Paper, Toxeuma, Reremoana and Teri. Gascony led Cimabue, Silver PSlper, Toxeuma and Teri into the straight. An exciting finish resulted in Silver Paper getting through to catch Reremoana a few yards from the post to win by a neck. Gascony was fourth.

In the Burke Memorial Comical was the pacemaker to the home turn when the field bunched, Atholspear actually being tho first to straighten up from Comical, White Fang and Goodwill. In a great finish Atholspear prevailed. ‘ In the Akitio Handicap Bernera led to the home turn, tho nearest attendants then being St. Melba, Shortly and Sylvan Dell. In a good finish St. Melba prevailed. Monetize was fourth. Charmaline finished close up after getting badly away. In the Oliiti Handicap Starboard Light and Good Sport got away badly. Imperial Fame went to the front and stayed there to the home turn where the field bunched and a great finish resulted. Epistle was

fourth. In tho Okawa Handicap, Ilclotis and Miss Ransom piloted the field to tne straight from Moa Bird, Millais and Royal Duke. Inside the distance Royal Duke took charge and won in a close finish by a hea&! Millias was fourth. Details of the races are as follow: KARAMU HURDLES, of 130 sovs. One mile and three-quarters. 3 Atareria, 10.13 (C. Robinson) ... 1 6 Mandarine. 9.0 (M. Nicoll) ... ... 2 1 Bracmar, 10.3 (C. McGovern) ... 3 Also started: 4 Ballyfarnon 10.13, 4 Abisogne 9.4, 7 Maunga 10.7, 5 Grishna 10.0, 8 Pale Star 9.11, 2 Highwayman 9.11. Won by three lengths, a similar distance between second and third. Time. 3.15 3-5. PAKIPAIvI HANDICAP, of 130 sovs. Five furlongs. 5 Joy Germ, 7.0 (A. Dick) 1 1 Flying Binge, 7,13 (J. Barry) 2 3 Inflame, 9.4 (T. Green) 3 Also started: 4 Second Thought 8.13, 7 Invitation 8.5, 2 Blackpool 7.8, 2 Joekin 7.0, 11 Dimmer 7.6, 10 Miss Cowrie 7.4, 6 Tom Burn 7.3, 8 Tane 7.2, 15 Kinibo 7.0, 9 Lucky One 7.0, 14 Valpine 7.0, 16 ICingly 7.0, 13 Town Section 7.0, 12 Royal Opera 7.0. Won by one and a half lengths, one length between second and third. Time, 1.2. JUVENILE HANDICAP, of 130 sovs. Five and a-lialf furlongs. 1 Hunting Bov, 8.3 (R. Reed) 1 3 Valpre, 8.5 *(L. G. Morris) ... ... 2 4 Ben llur, 7.11 (E. Burgess) 3 Also started: 6 Clever 8.8, 7 Cuticle 8.5, 10 Royal Flyer 8.3, 9 Royal Line 8.2, 8 To Awlia 7.12, 2 Lordlike 7.3, 12 Merry Melody 7.2, 11 Manifesto 7.2, 12 Cook 7.2, 12 Gipsy Fate 7.0, 11 Talioma 7.2, 5 King Acre 7.2. VVn by a head, five lengths between second and third. Time, 1.8 2-5. ORMOND MEMORIAL, of '355 sovs. One mile. 1 Silver Paper, 9.4 (A. E. Ellis) ... 1 { Reremoana, 9.1 (L. G. Morris) ... 9 £ Toxeuma, 9.4 (R. Reed) 3 Also .started: 5 Cimabue 9.10, 4 Gascony 9.10, 6 The Hawk 9.1, 7 Tori 9.0. Won bv a nock, one a half lengths between second and third. Time ,1.41 3-5. BURKE MEMORIAL, of 230 sovs. One mile and a quarter. ! 4 Atholspear, 7.8 (C. T. Webster) ... 1 i Z Cashier, 9.0 (L. G. Morris) 2 | 1 White Fang, 8.11 (H. Griffiths) ... 3 Also started: 7 Tresharn 8.7, 2 Papatu I 7.11, 5 Comical 7.9, 6 Rowley 7.9, 8 Goodwill 7.0, 9 Clavcrs 7.0. | Won by a head, two and a half lengths between second and third. Time, 2.9 2-5. AKITIO HANDICAP, of 140 sovs. Six furlongs. 8 St .Melba, 7.2 (E. Burgess) 1 10 Shortly, 7.0 (A. Dick) 2 1 Sylvan Dell, 7.13 (J. Barry) 3 Also started: 2Bernera 9.0, 3 Desert Lad 8.3, 4 Gold Bay 8.2. 7 Keen 7.8, 9 Irish Court 7.8, 12 Royal Elm 7.7, 13 Kahu Arikt 7.4, 6 Monetize 7.3, 11 King Manu 7.2, 11 Tan 7.2, 5 Charmaline 7.2, 17 Birklad 7.0, 14 Nightwitch 7.0. 15 Real Estate 7.0, 15 Highland Mystery 7.0. Won by two lengths, a head between second and third. Time, 1.15 1-5. OHITI HANDICAP, of 130 sovs. One mile. II Road Hog, 7.2 (K. Voitre) 1 4 Spearmiss, 7.9 (T. Webster) 2 13 Imperial Fame, 7.0 (W. H. Bell) ... 3 Also started : 3 Starboard Light 8.10, 2 ICaiti 8.10, 9 Epistle 8.2, 7 Jeannette 8.11, 10 Huikai 8.0, 1 Thrift 7.9, 5 Queen’s Choice 7.8, Tanagra 7.3, 14 Good Sport 7.3, 6 King’s Jest 7.2, 8 Kinross 7.2. Won by a head, a similar distance between second and third. Time, 1.42 1-5. OKAWA HANDICAP, of 300 sovs. Six furlongs. 4 Royal Duke, 7.2 (H. Wiggins) 1 1 Great Charter, 8.6 (J. Barry) 2 2 Miss Ransom, 7.1 (E. Burgess) ... 3 Also started: 3 Moa Bird 7.10, 6 Helotis 7.4, 7 Merry Mint 7.2, 5 Millais 7.0. Won by a head, a length between second and third. Time, 1.13 4-5.


Per Press Association,


The following handicaps have been declared by Mr H. Coyle for the winter meeting of the Marton Jockey Club to be held on May 4:

OPJSN HURDLES, of 175 sovs. One mile an'd a-half.

MARfON STEEPLECHASE, of 500 sovs. Two miles and a-half.

CROFTON HANDICAP, of 260 sovs. One mile and a-quarter and 27 yards.

FLYING HANDICAP, of 200 sovs.

FAREWELL HACK HANDICAP, of 150 sovs. Six furlongs 27 yards.


HAMILTON, April 21,

The following handicaps have been declared by Mr SV. P. Russell for the first day of the Waikato Racing Club's autumn meeting to bo held on April 27 and 29: —

FRANKTON HURDLES, of 150 sovs. One mile and a-half.


Per Press Association


Handicaps for the Amberley Racing Clubs meeting on April 27 have been declared by Mr J. E. Henrys as follow: Brackentield Hurdle Handicap, of 120 sovs. One mile and live furlongs.—Aberfeldv 11.13, Kaikahu 11.1, Iroilus 11.0, Oritiamb 10.13, Amorist, Header, Shut Eye, Money Bag 9.0. Seadown Hack Handicap, of 100 sovs. Six furlongs.—Great Star 10. 2, Caterpillar 9.7, Paper Boy 8.12, Noteworthy 8.11, Master Clarence 8.9, Sea Raid 8.6, Impertinence 8.3, Solfello 8.1, Marsham 7.13, Moy Hall 7.10, Star Stranger 11. 7.9, Kentish’ Lady 7.8, Karitane, The Bailiff, Tala, Garvary, Hounslow, Huntley 7.7. G. B. Starky Memorial Handicap, of 200 sovs. One mile and a-quarter.—Beau Geste 9.9, Amor 8.11, Thorndale 8.10, Gay Sonnet, Countersign 8.6, Evening 7.12, Prickles 7.11, Buoyant 7.9, Ronaki, Corinthic, Moratorium, Para 7.0. Amberley Handicap, of 100 6ovs. Seven furlongs.—Gay Sonnet 9.7, Thorndale 9.3, Great Star, Countersign 8.13, Buoyant 8.10, Gold Brick 8.5, Arrowmir, Evening 8.4, Ronaki, Malmsey 7.11, Waterlow 7.10, Paper Boy 7.9, Winsome Boy 7.7, Sea Raid 7.3, Corinthic 7.3, Para 7.0. Glasnevin Hack Handicap, of 100 sovs. One mile. —Haze 9.0. Paper Boy 8.8, Solgele 8.0, Troilus 7.13, Impertinence 7.11, Solfello 7.8, Moy Hal, Honeycomb, After Ten 7.5, Amourette, Thurso 7.3, Little Queen 7.1, Karitane, Ripdale, Postess, Briar Thorn, Commentor, Hounslow 7.0.

RACING IN AUSTRALIA. SYDNEY, April 21. The principal events at the Moorefield races resulted as follows: — JUVENILE HANDICAP, of 234 sovs. Six furlongs. Guiding Light, 7.2 1 Tetrawa, 7.13 ... 2 Morimond, 8.6 3 Eleven started. Won by a head, third five lengths off. Time, 1.17. FLYING HANDICAP, of 236 sovs. Six furlongs.

Magnetic, 7.10 1 Tea Miss, 8.3 2 Bayardc, 7.12 3 Nineteen started, including the New Zealand horse High Disdain, wno made a poor showing. Magnetic won by two lengths; Bavarde was a neck away. Time, 1.15.

JOCKEY KILLED. ADELAIDE, April 21. The jockey Aldridge, who was recently acquitted ot killing a constable with his motor car, was himself killed yesterday, when he was thrown from a horse he was taking to the Victoria Purk racecourse:

TROTTING. TE AROHA MEETING. CONCERTINA WINS CUP. Per Press Association. HAMILTON, April 20. The Te Oroha Trotting Club’s annual meeting was held to-day in fine, cool weather. ’Results:— WAITOA HANDICAP (harness), of 120 sovs; 3.38 class. One mile and a-half. I Belle Axworthy, scr 1 6 Zealous, scr 2 3 Polly’s Picture, scr 3 Also started: 5 Roland (bracketed with Gold Treasure), 16 Margaret Walalce, 12 Conder Bell, 13 Jersey Thorpe, 14 Oliver Thorpe, 10 Edna Thorpe, 15 Don Juan, II Profiteer, 9 Lord Lu, 2 Benefice, 8 Vanity Boy, 7 Lord Haldane, 4 Regent. Won by ono length and a-half, a neck between second and third. Time, 3.37. ELSTOW HANDICAP (harness), of 100

■ovs; 3.45 class. One mile and a-half.

11 Sebisca, 120yds bhd (Mitchell) ... 1 4 Direct Action, 84yds bhd 2 5 Royal Bob, 84yds bhd 3 Also started: 9 Peter Brown, 12 Gold Cry, 3 Nelson Girl, 1 Te Ngutu, 6 Sweet Memory, 2 Don Zolock, 7 Roez, 8 Wild Nut, 10 Anseline. Won by a neck, one length and a-half between second and third. Time, 3.43 1-5. MANAWARU HANDICAP (harness), of 150 sovs; 4.48 class. Two miles. 4 Warspite, 12yds bhd (Shaw) ... ... 1 6 Horizon, 12yds bhd ... 2 1 Bell Dial, 12yds bhd 3 Also started: 15 Black Ballin, 9 Hori .Dillon, 16 Joe Aspro, 7 Gold Sound, 5 Etta Cole, 14 Nella Dillon, 13 Maid of the Mountains, 8 Haerenga Pai, 2 Dawdler, 10 Nelson Dillon, 3 Rolfe Audubon, 10 Mountain Dell, 12 Andover. Won by throe lengths, one length and a-half between second and third. Time, 4.52. Won by a head, nine lengths between second and third. Time, 4min. 42 3-ssec. TE AROHA CUP (harness), of 365 sovs.; 4.40 class. Two miles. 8 Concertina, scr. (Phipps) 1 6 Carmel, scr. 2 3 Tony Victor, 48yds bhd. 3 Also started : 7 Limosa, 12 Betty Moko, 4 Great Peter, 11 Cornelian, 10 Lord Nepean, 2 Rockburn, 1 Medus3, 5 Daytime, 9 Goldman. Won by two lengths, one length and a half between second and third. Time, 4min. 49 3-ssec. RUAKAKA HANDICAP (harness), of 120 sovs. 3.2 class. Qne mile and a quarter. 5 Great Ballin, 48vds bhd. (Julian) ... 1 12 Conder Bell, scr. 2 2 Zealous, scr. ... ... ... ... 3 Also started: 4 Carnui. 11 Nathaniel, 1 Great Parrish, 7 Don Wildman. 10 Single Mint, 6 Zaza, 9 Lord Lu, 8 Profiteer, 3 Gold Treasure. Won by three-quarters of a length, a neck between second and third. Time, 2min, 56sec_ HOT SPRINGS HANDICAP (harness), of 130 sovs.: 3.36 class. One mile and a half. 6 Polly's Picture, ecr. ... ... ... 1 4 Haerenga Pai, scr. 2 5 Vanity Boy, scr. ... 3 Also started : 1 Belle Axworthy, 10 Marionette, 7 Lord Haldane, 2 Benefice, 17 Bell Todd, 18 Don Juan. 3 Bell Dial, 9 Regret, 16 Joe Aspro. 11 Hori Dillon. 12 Gold Sound, 7 Limosa, 13 Ursuline, 14 Maid of the Mountains, 15 Mountain Dell.

Won by a length and a half, a length between second and third. Time, 3.34 3-5. WAIHOU HANDICAP (harness), of 150 sovs; 2.20 class. Two miles. 2 Royal Bob, 12yds bhd. (Millen) ... 1 3 Direct Action, 12yds bhd. ... ... 2

1 Anseline, 108yds bhd 3' Abo 6tartcd; 10_Sweet Memory, 7 Don

Zolock, £ Roez, 9 Peter Brown, 5 Te Ngutu 8 Wild Nut, 4 Sebisca. Won by a head, five lengths between second and third. Time, 4min. 55sec. FAREWELL HANDICAP (saddle), of 145

sovs. 2.20 class. One mile, 3 Scandal, 24yds bhd. (Hall)

5 I'ml

I lone

12vds bhd.

6 Admiral Lock, scr. 3 Also started: Marosa (bracketed with Scandal), 1 Marionette, 7 , Charming Pronto, 14 Princess Audubon, 12 Huon Grattan, 13 Edna Thorpe, 2 Silver Link, 4 Ursuline, 1 Carmel, 9 Concertina. Won by two lengths, half a length between second and third. Time, 2min. 17 sec.



Per Press Association.

ASHBURTON, April 20. At the Ashburton Trotting Club's autumn meeting the totalisator bandied £16,940 10s, against £17,728 last year:— IMPROVERS’ HANDICAP (harness), of 165 sovs.; 3.50 class. One mile and a half. 13 Purser, scr (L. 0. Thomas) 1 1 Kelp, scr 2 7 Leventer, scr 3

Also started: 11 Regal Voyage, 16 Rokena, 15 Lady Zephyr, 6 Target, 3 Oinadora, 2 Nell de Beu, 12 Glenlake, 17 Becky de Oro, 12 Irish Pointer, 9 Frances de Oro, 8 Lady Oran, 4 Cyone, 23 Cora Locanda, 20 Torchlight, 14 Specdlight, 10 Kate Logan, 5 Alpine Melody, 18 Eiffelton Lass, 19 Wee Brent.

Won by two lengths, half a length between second and third. Time, 3.31 2-5. ALLENTON HANDICAP (harness), of 150 sovs. For unhoppled trotters. One mile ami a halt. 1 Admiral Bingen, 48yds bhd (F. G. 1 Holmes) .* ... 1 16 Accumulator, 60yds bhd 2 4 Blue and Gold, scr 3 Also started: 12 Bon Fille (coupled with Gemlight), 9 Deceitful (coupled with William Woods), 7 Criterion (coupled with Elando), 5 Goodwc*od (coupled with Great Harvester), 10 Decrepe (coupled with Stand By), 15 Bonora, 22 Great Burton, 3 Rustle, 11 Rey, 6 Great Glee, 17 Llando, 8 Great Way, 18 Bon Fleur, 2 King Oscar, 14 Great Nelson, 13 Connie Audubon, 19 Kereta, 23 Wee Patch, 20 Bon Elect, 22 Eva Reta, 24 Tot Logan. Bonora, Rustle and Eva Reta lost their drivers in a mix-up going round to the straight. Won by a length, ten lengths separating second and third. Time, 3.42 2-5. DURBAR HANDICAP (harness), of 400 sovs. Two miles. 2V. Alborn’s Linkman, scr (Owner) 1 1 Evelyn Locanda, 12yds bhd 2

13 Omaha, 48yds bhd 3 Also started: 5 June do Ono, 7 Matagouri, 10 Firpo, 8 Kiowa, 14 Hector's Own, 4 Shadowland, 6 Neerson, 9 Kotuku Jack, 11

Avenger, 3 Wrackler, 15 Event, 12 Bill} Sea, 6 Trampfast. . . Linkman passed the box two lengths ahead of Evelyn Locanda, who beat Omaha by a similar distance. Avenger was fourth, lime, 4.34 3-5.

HARVEST HANDICAP (harness), of 175 sovs. One mile and a half.

7 lone, 12 yds bhd (E. C. McDermott) ... 1 2 Tumatakura, 36yds bhd. “

3 Wild Voyage, scr.

Also started: 11 Auto Minto (coupled with Asset), 3 Young Bingen (coupled with third horse), 10 Return Journey (coupled with Dan Logan), 16 Kollo, 1 Lady Cello (coupled with Rap), 19 Hard Knocks, 8 Denver’s Doll, 4 Golden Ore, 9 John Noble, 18 Pet Locanda, 14 Springtime, 6 Anon, 21 Sunny Bob, 17 Slump, 15 Loiterer, 5 Thorpe, 13 Delighted, 19 Apex, 23 Yoicks, 12 Golden Author, 22 Erin’s Royal. Won by two lengths, a neck separating second and third. Time, 3.26 2-5.

Entering the straight Return Voyage, Young Bingen and Tumatakuru were leading a closely packed bunch. Just before the stand was reached Golden Authorbroke and fell, bringing down Loiterer, Delightful Denver’s Doll, Kollo and Auto Minto. No serious injury was suffered, although G. Holmes and W. J. Gudsell were badly knocked about.

AUTUMN HANDICAP (harness), of 160

sovs. Two miles.

13 Torchlight, scr. (J. D. Smith) ... 1 1 Mountain Ore, 12yds bhd 2 4 Alpine Melody, scr 3 Also started : 15 Muri, 16 Great Iluon, 7 Moorhead, 10 Mary Locanda, 3 Author Franz, 11 Myra Locanda, 5 Kautuma, 5 Devon Child, 14 Key Child, 2 Ariki Toa, (coupled with Rafa), 9 Lee Thorpe, 8 Roidena, 12 Wrackeen, 17 Exclusive. Won by a head, nine lengths between second and third. Time, 4.42 3-5.

UTILITY HANDICAP (harness), of 175 sovs. For tinhoppled trotters. Two miles. 2 Accumulator, scr (Owner, D. Robertson) 1 3 Kereta, scr ... -2 7 Oval, 48yds bhd 3 Also started: 12 Deceitful (coupled with Commander Bingen), 17 Bon Fleur, 1 Aileen Wood, 20 Decrepe, 15 Bonora, 13 Connie Audubon, 19 William Wood, 11 Great Way, 10 Bon Elect, 5 St. l’etrox, 4 Eva Rota, 8 Tot Logan, 16 Dillon S., 21 Peter Elect, 6 Quickfire, 9 Repute, 14 Tim Wood, 18 All Peters. Won by a neck, a similar distance, between second and third. Time, 4.49 3-5. RAIKAIA HANDICAP (harnessl, of 250 sovs. One mile and a-quarter. 4 Author Jinks, 108yds bhd (T. Wallis) 1 8 Slump, scr 2 12 Hector's Own, 36yds bhd 3 Also started: 2 Becky Mine, 16 Listen In. 9 Rose Marie. 1 Tactless. 15 Yikota, 17 Mob, 6 Lindberg, 10 Sylvie Logan, 11 Mac Dillon, 13 St. Bridget. 5 Kiowa, 5 Evelyn Locanda. 17 Great Logan, 14 Darknite. 18 Zenith, 19 Dundas Boy. Won by a neck, two lengths between second andthird. Time. 2.42 3-5.

FAREWELL HANDICAP (saddle), of 200 sovs. One mile. 4 Mavis Wood, scr (owner, L. G. Grice) 1 11 Young Bingen, scr - ' 3 10 Black Wattle, 12yds bhd ... A] so started: 3 Heroic, 14 Roger Lyon, 2 Golden Ore, 7. Routine, 9 ! Dan Logan, 1 Fair Dil/on. 5 15 Gibraltar, 8 Donard, 12 Cl ‘ide Kang 6 Pearl Logan, 18 Direct Tod, 16 Lr n *56. •Vh r is: tween second and third. Tim ,

Rod Fuchsia 12 2 Red Bank 9 7 Ivoauau 10 13 Criahna 9 5 Home Made 10 10 Kilbrook 9 0 Ballyfarnon 10 .7 Mandarine 9 0 Nucleus 10 6 Abisogne 9 0 Kilburn 10 2 DASII HACK HANDICAP, of ISO sovs. Fiv e furlongs. Inflame 9 4 Pot Shot 7 0 Callapat 8 12 Nasselle 7 0 Wliite Ringlet 8 9 Chesterman 7 0 Joy Gcnn8 4 Hopwood 7 0 Bank Note 8 4 Waiorua 7 0 The Jack Mademoiselle 7 0 Jumper 8 4 Maranga 7 0 Lucky Bag 8 3 Long Acre 7 0 Wyeford 7 9 Arrow Shot 7 0 Wine Tray 7 4 Taranto 7 0 Vinella 7 2 Mint Belie 7 0 Plane 7 2 Fine Acre 7 0 Scottish Some Acre 7 0 Standard 7 0 Atacama 7 0 Joy Girl 7 0 Good Cheer 7 0 Call Again 7 0 Valpine 7 0 Tatakia 7 0

Beau Cavalier 12 8 Vexatious 9 6 Puwhero 11 10 Banjuke 9 3 Brigadier Bill 11 3 Braeman 9 0 Star of the Hollycombe 9 0 East 10 13 Mareetlus 9 0 Maunga 10 9 Trouble 9 0 Matu 10 3 Birkbeck 9 0 Frico Jack 9 11 Son o’ Mine 9 0 Mountain Crag 9 6 Mandarine 9 0 WINTER HACK HANDICAP, of 175 sovs. One mile and 137 yards. Briar Root 9 3 Balloon 7 6 Elysianor 8 11 Clavers 7 5 Royal Acre 8 4 Aurora Disrank 8 3 Borealis 7 5 Gold Bag 8 1 Shrewd 7 4 Gasnapper 8 0 Tunbridge 7 0 Warfillo 7 12 Mystum 7 0 Metellus 7 11 Atacama 7 0 Skyrider 7 11 Hard Gold 7 0 Mothplane 7 9

Nukumai 9 0 Papatu 8S 2 Blimp 8 9 Starboard Manly 8 8 Iiig ht 7 9 Royal Damon 8 8 Briar Root 7 7 Ruanui 8 7 Imprial Shining Spark 7 2 Armour 8 2 Bor6aline 7 u

Six furlongs 27 yards. Royal Damon 9 2 Limited 7 12 Booster 8 13 Moa Bird 7 9 Black Duke 8 8 Lady Limond 7 4 Vast Acre 8 6 Broad Acre 7 2 Paleta 8 4 Whenuanui 7 0 Dobbin 8 3 Borsalene 7 0 First Acre 7,13 Second Keddar 7 13 Thought 7 0

Callapat 9 0 Yinella 7 5 Second Mandate 7 5 Thought 8 12 Atacama 7 5 Marjoram 8 11 Call Again 7 5 Gold Bag 8 7 Tatakia 7 5 White Ringlet 8 7 Mademoiselle 7 5 Desert Lad 8 6 Long Acre 7 5 The Jack Fine Acre 7 5 Jumper 8 3 Real Ejtate 7 5 Joy Germ 8 2 Taranto 7 5 Lucky Bag 8 1 Mint Belle 7 5 War Flame 8 0 Hard Gold 7 5 Ali Baba 7 9 Grafton 7 5 Australis 7 8 Hatteras 7 5 Volplane 7 7

Pouri 11 0 Glena Bay9 0 Wiltshire 10 7 Arclieno 9 0 Vivo 10 4 Star Comet 9 0 Ned Kelly 10 2 Regent 9 0 Gala Gay * 10 0 Master Lu 8 0 Uralla 9 13 llliugar 9 0 Highflovrn 9 13 Cy belle 9 0 ltipon Abbey 9 12 Monday 9 0 Pendennis 9 11 Bracken Abbey 9 0 Koiuak 9 11 Te Kawana 9 0 Gold. Wedding 9 9 Paris Model 9 0 Kahepoto 9 6 Town Rambler 9 0 Berinthia 9 2 Kaihoremai ,S 0 Odin 9 1 Te Waka 9 0 Boomerdf.y 9 1 Stencihill 9 0 Sir Archie 9 0 Kanui 9 0 JUVENILE HANDICAP, of 150 Five furlongs. SOVS. Genilight 8 13 Valstreet 7 1 Awamutu 8 8 Rose Lupin 7 1 Flying Prince 8 3 Crimestor 7 0 Bennie 8 0 Taurua 7 0 Pellette 7 10 Fairy Belle 7 0 Currajong 7 9 Trig 7 0 Praetor 7 5 Lauy Suzanne 7 0 Fraser 7 4 Anom 7 0 Royal Finance 7 3 Valorious 7 0 The Sun 7 3 Sensola 7 « Coll 7 3 Snowflake 7 0 Kiritahanga 7 1 Helium 7 0 Valkyrian f. 7 1 Will, of Orange 7 0 Day Comet f. 7 1 Ruling Chief 7 0 STOREY MEMORIAL CUP, of 600 One mile and a quarter. SOVS. Aussie 9 9 Orazone 7 3 King Lu 9 0 The Lover 7 2 Corinax 8 10 Thursby 7 1 Hyde Park 8 3 Mosaic 7 1 Royal Doulton 8 2 Queen Arch 7 0 Flying Juliet 8 2 Lucy Rose 7 0 Desert Glow 8 0 Wend ay 7 0 Branson 7 13 Hipo 7 0 Mervette 7 11 Tidal 7 0 Stormy 7 11 Gold Money 7 0 Awarere 7 8 Barometer 7 0 Ivingfield 7 5 Ti Tree 7 0 Le Choueas 7 5 Black Maire 7 0 Mosque 7 4 Glen Star 7 0 In the Shade 7 4 Sir Russell 7 0 LINLEY HACK, of 200 sovs. One mile. Maori Boy9 5 High Tide 7 3 Black Maire 9 4 Camp Prince 7 2 Hakanoa 9 1 Brampton 7 1 Arikitoa. 8 0 Grand Tea 7 0 Some Lady 7 12 Always 7 0 Te Money 7 11 War Officer 7 0 Archieval 7 10 Gay .Cockade 7 0 Kaha 7 9 Sports King 7 0 Brilliant Light 7 7 Measurer 7 0 Indolent 7 6 Katuscha 7 0 The Jack Furrie 7 0 Jumper 7 5 Princess Electra 7 0 Len 7 5 l’anawhaka 7 0 Pendavies 7 5 Merry Mason 7 0 Standfast 7 4 Rangihafia 7 0 PUKETAHA HIGH-WEIGHT, of sovs. One mile. 150 Paitonu 9 3 Owairaka 8 0 Le Choueas 9 1 Prince Lu 8 0 Day Guard 9 0 Aurieulus 8 0 Schorr 8 13 Marble 'King 8 0 Lorient II. 8 9 Bright Day 8 0 Queen Arch 8 7 Sir Russell 8 0 Modest Boy8 6 Red Comet 8 0 King Smock 8 5 Bright Land^ 8 0 Mithra 8 5 Respirator 8 0 Hipo 8 3 Ramblin’ Kid 8 0 Golden Krist 8 2 Kaiwanga 8 0 Paddon 8 2 Glcndowie 8 0 Tidal 8 1 Archiclcen 8 0 The Thorn 8 0 Tautnai 8 0 Master Doon 8 0 Pai Ana 8 0 Barometer 8 0 King Fame 8 0 Serang 8 0 Rawepoti 8 0

PRESIDENT’S HANDICAP, of 300 Six furlongs. BOVS. King Lu 9 5 Town Bird 7 1 Nancy Lee *Delightmcnt 9 0 Chelono 7 0 9 0 Tea Time 7 0 Benzora 8 12 Mosaic 7 0 Vallar 8 8 Ruffles 7 0 Kingfield 8 5 Whako King 7 0 I.ady Qucx 8 2 Macroom 7 0 Stormy 8 1 Waltzer 7 0 Dobbin 7 11 New Moon 7 0 Subdivision 7 8 Taka Tamu 7 0 Billikins 7 5 Cynthia N. 7 0 The Begum 7 5 Hakanoa 7 0 Lucy Rose 7 5 British King 7 0 Melissa 7 4 Glenstar 7 0 Value 7 4 Respirator 7 0 Lorient II. 7 2 Marble King 7 0 BEERESCOURT HACK, of 150 Seven furlongs. SO VS. Maori Boy9 6 Flapperette 7 3 Air King 9 4 Crown Arch 7 2 British King 8 12 Te Taone 7 2 Leitrim 8 8 Luminary 7 1 Valuation 8 6 Master Clements 7 0 Some Lady 7 12 Otangihaku 7 0 Frothblower 7 11 Quinsilia 7 0 Brilliant Light 7 8 Mark Mint 7 0 Maurea 7 8 Big Bertha 7 0 Queen Comet 7 7 Katuscha 7 0 Unoco 7 6 Prin. of Orange 7 0 The Jack 0 rebus 7 0 Jumper 7 5 Arcadian 7 0 Arcade 7 5 Lucess 7 0 Standfast 7 4 Semiarch 7 0 V.'hakama High Tide 7 4 Liona 7 4 7 0

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Manawatu Standard, Volume XLIX, Issue 121, 22 April 1929, Page 9

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RACING NEWS. Manawatu Standard, Volume XLIX, Issue 121, 22 April 1929, Page 9

RACING NEWS. Manawatu Standard, Volume XLIX, Issue 121, 22 April 1929, Page 9