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THE DANNEVIRKE FIXTURE. COMMENT ON THE RUNNING. (By “Binocular.”) Fortune smiled kindly on the Dannevirkc Racing Club at its autumn fixture on Wed- ; nesday and Thursday, and an increase of £4502 In its totalisator returns will enable ! the club to increase its stake money next . year, Two glorious days naturally proved attractive to patrons, but the lengthy spell ‘of dry weather has been productive of ' brick-like surfaces on the racing tracks and it was not surprising to find a reduction in the strength of the fields the second day. ‘Whereas on the opening day seven of the original nino acceptors wen to the pest in the Highweight Handicap, there were two defections as compivrcd with one fresh inclusion on the second day, while in the Novice Stakos tho first day field tof 14 runners was reduced to nino on ! Thursday. Tho other events, with tho exception of the open sprint and the Nur- : sery Handicap, witnessed corresponding defections. The two exceptions were one ] dividend events both days. ! Favourites enjoyed a fair innings at the [ fixture, three winning and one running second on tho opening day, while four I won and one' ran second on Thursday. 1 However, tho prices were so cramped that a consistent backer of the favourite would liavo shown a loss of half a crown on the ! first day and a profit of but 11s on the | succeeding day, there having been one in- | stance where two horses had ranked equal i favourites. Break o’ Day, a six-yoar-old Finland gelding, who had run a good second'' to High Court in a hack event at Woodville, followed up that performance by accounting fior tho Highweight Handicaps on the respective days in attractive fashion. The timo returned by the jumping brigade equalled that credited to the Cup candidates—not over-flattering to tho latter. That tho form shown at Woodville by High Court had not been a. mere flash in the pan was evidenced by the Grandcourt geldin’s performance in the Dannevirko Cup, he coming at tho right end to smother the opposition over the last 60 yards. An additional 131bs. on his back, however, forced him into third berth in the Hartgill Handicap on Thursday, but it was a much faster run race. The amount of stake money his success brought him will not prevent High Court returning to hack company. Novar failed to run up to expectations in the Highweight Handicap on the openday, the Sarto gelding having been allowed to drift at a highly critical stage half a mile from home and he oould not do better than finish fifth in the run home. On tho second day ho had again to make up a considerable looway over tho last half mile and he could not reach Break o’ Day in tho run homo, Braeman looked very well when ho went lout to contest tho Highweight Handicap on the opening day, but he was only entrusted with 57 tickets. Ho had Break o’ Day doing his best over the final pinch, a head separating them at the post with tho third horse two lengths back. His price for second was accordingly quite a good one, and he was paying about a quarter as much on tho second day when he was forced into third berth. The Garance gelding, while not in the first flight of hurdlers, should prove capable of annexing a stake at one of the country fixtures later on. Panorama added another unplaced performance to his credit on tho opening day at Woodville and he failed to fulfill hi 6 engagement tho following day, although he had been accepted for. The Panmuro gelding is not so burly as lie was and it is possible that ho did not find tho going to his liking. . " Propaganda had been considered tho best of good things for the Maiden Plate at Dannevirko, but such , hardly proved tho case in the actual race for, after having hud all the best of things, the Star Streum gelding appeared to be somewhat fortunate in securing tho verdict over tho Awapuni trained Malahat, who had given promise of improvement in tho near tuture when racing at Woodville. The judges’ boxes on racecourses, in the majority of instances at least, are placed on angles which prevent patrons saying with anything like definite certitude which is tho winner when heads aryi necks are tho separating margins. There was one or two instances at Woodville and again at Dannevirko where pressmen failed to agree with tho judge, and the fact that in Propaganda’s case those patrons who were positioned on either sido of the judge’s box thought that Malahat was the winner made it appear that the judgo had erred. The horseman on top of tho "favourite was also of tho opinion that Malahat had got up in time. Snowshoe continues to got in the placings without being able to secure the major portion of the stake money. The Kilbroney threC-ycar-old maro was making Propaganda do his best when Malahat arrived to force him back into third berth. It is not unlikely that, like other membors of tho Kilbroney family, Snowshoe will be found more at homo when the sting is out of the ground, but in any case his supporters should not have long to wait. St. Melba brought off a coup when ho caught backers by surprise at Dannevirke. On the opening day tho Australian Sun gelding, with R. S. Bagby in the saddle, had been entrusted with 289 tickets, but sixth was tho best he could do. The putting up of an unknown apprentice in G. Wilton on the second day had the natural effect of the gelding retreating still further in the betting market, he going out with 96 tickets invested .upon him. Well placed throughout, St. Melba hung on surprisingly well to return a dividend of appreciable dimensions. While he has struggled out of maiden company, the importation docs not promise to prove a very profitable betting medium in the future unless he shows that his earlier form has been all wrong. Tunbridge, a three-year-old gelding by Tonbridge and Katrina, did not compete in the maiden company on the opening day at Dannevirke, but elected to start in the hack sevon furlong evont when he ran a very fair third to Delude and Mothplane. Ho returned to maiden company on Thursday as did the unlucky Mothplane, but once again had to be content with third berth, while Mothplane added yet anothei seoond to her growing list. Tunbridge might well develop into a useful sort for he showed distinct finishing powers at both his essays. Although Kiriana had not been capablo of finishing in the first half dozen runners in the Tahoraite Hack Handicap, on the opening day, the Kilbnoney gelding gave a markedly improved performance on the second day by unfolding a strong finishing effort to head off Warfille on the post. It wa3 just .another instance of the public tiring of an animal only for him to turn up at the succeeding start when much less fancied in the betting market. Delude, who had promised to got on the - winning list for some time past, managed to attain the position on the opening day at Dannevirke, tho field being a comparatively strong one. On the second day ho competed over a furlong shorter distance of ground, but with 181bs. more on his back. Inside tho distance ho promised to have the race at his mercy—it had appeared that his rider thought so also—but Green’s finishing effort on Monetize carried him past tho Elysian gelding before his rider was able to get down to business again. It certainly appeared as though Delude had the honours taken from him by superior riding tactics ion the horseman on top of his victor. The youngsters who figured at Dannevirke could not be termed strong class, but it certainly appeared as though Te Awha, a Lord Quex —Makere filly, might well prove herself capable of better things in the future for on both occasions there was nothing capablo of seriously extending her. Another member of the Lord Quex family in San Quex, and also of the same sex, made a bid for the honours for a time, but had not the other’s pace. The Nurseries wero veritable competitions between progeny of Lord Quex, there being only one runner in Killogie who was not of that family. The latter, who has always given evidence of requiring tfine, is now putting mofc heart into his work.

Patearoa ran one of his best races for a Jong time past when ho just failed to hold

off Sylvan Dell over the last few yards in the Oringi Hack Handicap on the oponing day at Dannevirko and there is a possibility that the handsome son of Acre and Mangaoroa will now go on with it. Trainer E. Watson was unfortunate in that he had to likewise fill second berths both days with his other candidate, Dobbin, and it appeared that had his rider not allowed himsolf to be shut in on the rails on the second day he might well have beaten Vast Acre. He had jumped his mount out smartly, but Plimmerton and Vast Acre headed him before the first furlong had been traversed and when lanfled in the straight Dobbin had to be momentarily checked in order to work free, and the additional length which such probably entailed meant the difference between defeat and victory.

The local hurdler, Locarno, was somewhat unlucky in having to fill second berth in both tho Cup race and the Hartgill Handicap at Dannevirke and it is evident that tho Elysian gelding has a great future in the other branch of the gamo ahead of him. Although the Cup race was run in slow time, the mile on the second day could not be termed such. Tho final event at the Dannevirke fixture was productive of one of the keenest betting races and one of the finest of finishes. Goodwill, who was making his first appearance at the fixture, and Australis wound up equal favourites with Archeria but 10 tickets lesser fancied in a pool of over £2000! At ,tho distance practically everything had a chance, but Goodwill managed to just hold off Archeria by a head with Imperial Famo about a neck back. It was a fitting conclusion to two days of quite interesting sport, * WAIAPU CLUB’S MEETING. GISBORNE, March 1. The Waiapu Racing Club’s a/inual meeting was held yesterday when the totalisator handled £8964 compared with £5775 last year. Results: — Maiden Scurry.—Autumn Eve 1, Out of Sight 2, Baby Prince 3. Flying Handicap.—Tan 1, Dimmer 2, Pereki 3. Te Puni Memorial.—Royal Songster 1, Kathelmo 2, Big Turn and Shot (dead heat) 3. Waiapu Stakes. —Kinsel 1, Sunny Boy 2, Jen 3. Matiti Handicap.—Dimmer 1, Master Cynic 2, Rocket Car 3. Tuparoa Hack. —Jon 1, Kinsel 2, Fall o’ the Year 3. Counties’ Handicap.—Tutumina 1, Sunny Autumn 2, Purseful 3. Farewell Handicap.—Tan 1, Nightwitch 2, Sun Yat Sen 3. MANAWATU RACING CLUB. NOMINATIONS FOR AUTUMN FIXTURE. Excellent nominations have been received by the Manawatu Racing Club for its autumn fixture on March 20 and 21, a total of 414 entries—exclusive of tho classics —being 36 in excess of last year. Following are tho detailed nominations for tho various’ events: —

FIRST DAY. KARERE HURDLES, of 250 sovs.; 1J miles. Gala Day Abisogne Diana’s Lad Elicit - Vivo Red Fuchsia Lin Arlington Locarno ‘ , ' Royal Acre Panorama Hyinestrason Mandarine Braeman Novat Red Bank Vexatious Brigadier Bill Elysianor Cohesion AUTUMN MAIDEN PLATE, of 150 sovs. ; 7 furlongs. Warzono Varsity Bon Aero Goldliko Sapient ■ ■ Vinella ".1 Painting Curtsey Kilstar Seamstress Kilorell Snowshoe Ex Dono Andy Regan Banbridge Tano Duellona Tigrano Asmodeus Vaucleusc Oral Arkansas Equitant Grattan Bonnie Stream Tunbridge Tenure Dawn o’ Day Mothplane Birkbeck Ahu Mai PRINCE OF WALES HANDICAP, of 400 sovs. ; 9 furlongs. Seatown Star Area Joy Bird Merry Damon Royal Game Nucleus Discourse Macroom Partaga Tho Hawk * Benzora Ruanui Concentrate Merry Mint Tidal Singleton In the Shade Silver Paper Mendip Cohesion Bright Glow Royal Lineage Tresham Blimp Mervetto Imperial Spark Joy King Rowley Bonogne Mister Gamp WOODHEY HACK, of 200 sovs.; 6 furlongs. Warzone Bernera Catuna Flying Binge Roi do Val Wyeford Callapat Mangahaeri Royal Mission Arcliieval Tapestry Royal Lineage Le Champ Goodwill Endorse Snowshoe Chief Singer Black Acre Golden Flower Lucky Bag Archeria Malahat Shot Silk Grand Acre Valuation Dermod Cool Mint Richfield Havering Desert Lad Moutoa Fume Grattan Australis Spearmiss Monetize Cloyno Patearoa St. Melba

Warflame Second Thought Sylvan Doll Inflame Marica Speedaway FINAL PAYMENTS 21st. MANAWATU SIRES’ PRODUCE STAKES of 700 sovs.; 7 furlongs. G. M. Currie’s Ceremony. Dr. H. A. H. Gilmer’s Duellona. S. J .Gibbons’ Equitant and Oral. J. McLaughlin’s First Money. J. T. Jamieson’s Polyxena. T. H. Lowry’s Clever. G. F. Moore’s Valpre. J. S. McLeod’s My Own. W. G. Stead’s Gay Ballerina. AWAPUNI GOLD CUP, of 600 sovs.; li miles. Lysander Rapine Pegaway ' Moutoa Treasury Nightmarch Rapier Concentrate Yoma Gascony Paganelli Hynanna Reremoana Bright Glow Laughing Prince Commendation Red Heckle Joy King The Hawk TELEGRAPH HANDICAP, of 300 sovs.; 6 furlongs. Epistle Macroom Kilbronsyth Veronese Lysander Limited Benzora Merry Mint Cimabue Silver Paper Royal Duke Gold Dawn Lipsol Whenuanui Mervetto Meadow Lark Vigilance Kaihoro The Raider Broad Acre Ridgemount Benmure Dobbin Keddar Monaghan Kilmezzo ** TE MATAI HACK, of 200 sovs.; 9 furlongs. Roi de Val Clavers Fallow Glena Bay Royal Black Bernera Acred Full Mark Rory Mor Archieval Disrank The Warden Asmodeus Red Fuchsia Balloon Briar Root Gasnapper Spearmiss Aurora Borealis Atholspear Monetize Skyrider Wrigley Birkbeck Kawhakin*


KAIRANGA HURDLES HANDICAP of 200 sovs.; 1J miles. Gala Day Abisogne Diana’s Lad Elicit Vivo Red Fuchsia Lin Arlington American Pillar Royal Acre Locarno Hymestrason Arkansas Askari Panorama Braeman .. Mandarine Red Bank Novar Puwhero Vexatious Cohesion Elysianor Brigadier Bill y LOCKWOOD HACK, of 200 sovs.; 6 furlongs. Warzone Sylvan Dell Catuna Marica Callapat Varsity Royal Mission - Bernera Tapestry Flying Binge Le Champ Vinella Acred Mangahaeri Endorse Seamstress Chief Singer Archieval Archeria Royal I.ipoage Golden Flower Goodwill Shot Silk Snowshoe Valuation Black Acre Cool Mint Lucrelia Ali Baba Malahat Bonnie Stream Desert Lad Fee Simplo Grand Acre Havering Dermod Moutoa Fume Richfield Tenure Grattan Australis Atholspear Mothplane St. Melba Monetize Second Thought Patearoa Inflame Warflame Dawn o’ Day TAMATETE HANDICAP, of 500 sovs.; li miles. Seatown Merry Damon Roi do Val Yoma Partaga Glena Bay Concentrate Reremoana Tidal Ruanui In the Shade Laughing Prince Hynstnna The Hawk Mendip Singleton Bright Glow Cohesion Commendation Moutoa Treasury Tresham Blimp Joy King Imperial Spark Rapine Rowley Star Area Mister Gamp STONYHURST HANDICAP, of 250 sovs.; 7 furlongs. Epistle High Falutin’ Joy Bird Silver Paper Kilbronsyth Tommy Dodd Royal Game Whenuanui Discourse / Cohesion Partaga Kali Royal Duke Royal Lineage Mcrvette Desert Lad Vigilance Gold Cure Bonogne Borsalone Lady Limond Keddar Nucleus Kil mezzo Monaghan Maui Macroom Rouen FINAL PAYMENTS 25th MANAWATU STAKES, of 600 sovs. Six furlongs. G. M. Currie’s Lysander. Crawford and Roberts’ Paganelli. W. McA. Duncan’s Freehold. B. H. Edkins’ Dresden China and Kilstar. W. H. Gaisford’s Commendation. Dr. H. A. H. Gilmer’s Duellona. S. J. Gibbons’ Equitant and Oral. J. McLaughlin’s First Money. R. Johnson’s Ridgemount. T. H. Lowry’s Gascony and Clover. G. F. Mooro’s Reremoana and Valprc. J. S. McLeod’s My Own. Mrs M. G. Mclntosh’s Hunting Cry. L. McKenzie’s Royal Parade. T. F. Rollings Tapestry. W. G. Stead’6 Gay Ballerina. CLOVERLEA NURSERY HANDICAP" (two-year-olds), of 200 sovs.; 5 furlongs. Sapient Royal Parade Painting My Own Becky Sharp 11. Valpre Advcntus Hunting Boy Polyxena Courtlike Refresher , ..Habit : Eaglet Lord Quex— Symbnllo , Retraction c. Ben Hur Tigrano Banbridge King Acre Killogie Bisogne—Lady Ex Dono Elgiva f. Duellona Lord Quex — Oral Perplexity g. Equitant Hot Spring Royal Flyer Castle Island BOROUGH HANDICAP, of 300 sovs.; 6 furlongs. Epistle Sylvan Doll Kilbronsyth Mucroom Callapat Veronese Lysander Limited Benzora Merry Mint Cimabue Silver Paper Royal Duko Tommy Dodd Miss Ransom Gold Dawn Lipsol Meadow Lark Mervetto Kaihoro Vigilance Broad Acre Ridgemount Benmure The Raider Keddar Dobbin ANDERSTONE HACK, of 200 sovs.; 9 furlongs. Roi do Val Clavers Fallow Glena Bay Royal Black Curtsey Acred Full Mark Rory Mor Archieval Disrank Bernera Kilorell The Warden Asmodeus Red Fuchsia Balloon Vaucleuse Bon Acre Briar Root Gasnapper Cloyne Hymestrason Spearmiss Aurora Borealis Atholspear Monetize Skyrider Braeman Elysianor Marica Tunbridge Wrigley Birkbeck Kawhakina Speedaway

FRANKLIN ACCEPTANCES. Per Press Association. AUCKLAND, March 1. Tho following acceptances have been received for the Franklin Racing Club’s annual meeting on March 9:— Puni Hign-weight Handicap, of 150 sovs. One mile and a quarter.—Glena Bay 10.12, Kawini, Wiltshire, Uralla 10.7, Sleepy Sol 10.5, Maurea 10.0, Berinthia 9.10, Harbour View 9.7, Bizarro 9.3, Mashoor, Regent, Paris Model, Kaiwhanga 9.0. Waiuku Hack Handicap, of 130 sovs. Six furlongs.—British King 9.0, Frothblower 8.7, Green Bonnet 8.6, Bagpipes 11., High Rose, Some Lady 7.13, King Peg 7.11, Bahama 7.10, Hone Heko, Big Bertha, Ta Taono, Envoy 7.3, Joy Germ 7.2, Queen Comet, Fernden, Night Comet, Blue Sky, Perfccto, Sulla, Brilliant Light 7.0. Franklin Cup Handicap, of 400 sovs. One mile and a quarter.—Royal Doulton 9.0, Desert Glow, The Lover 8.0, Hyde Park 79, Tidal 7.8, Schorr 7.7, Maori Boy 7.4, Gold Money, Eager Rose 7.2, Hakanoa, Far North, Sir Archie 7.0. Bucldand Handicap, of 120 sovs. Six furlongs.— Carl. Idem 8.7, Flying Prince 8.4, Cymon 7.8, Imperial Prince 7.6, Helium, Refresher 7.3, Bennie, Currajong, Motere, Pellette, Snowflake, Lady Suzanne, Etehi Rangi 7.0. Tuakau Flying Handicap, of 240 sovs. Six furlongs.—Branson 9.7, Kingfiold 9.0, Tea Timo 8.6, Lady’s Boy 8.1, Prince Lu 7.7, The Begum 7.4, Hakanoa, Macroom, Value, Hone Hoke, Green Bonnett, Royal Blood, British King 7.0. Onewheno Hock Handicap, of 120 sovs. One milo and a furlong.—Mussie 8.11, Star Comet 8.3, Maurea 7.13, Te Money 7.12, War Officer 7.5, Archieval, Big Bertha, Unoco 7.3, Salamander, Gay Cockade, Bonny Day, Carmint, Mashoor 7.0. Pukekohe Handicap, of 150 sovs. About seven furlongs and 22 yards.—Lorient 11. 9.0, True Blood 8.6, The Thorn 8.4, Archeen 8.3, Macroom, Hakanoa 7.5, Barometer, British King, Liaison, Serang, Yaqui, Bahama, Auriculus, Some Lady, Archileen, Cynthia N. 7.0. Bombay Handicap, of 120 sovs. Six furlongs.—Queen Comet, Atapai 8.10, Red Lion, Archileen 8.2, Whakama, Hiata 7.11, Salamander, Steady Fire, Asmodeus, Pessimist, Panawhaka, Copey, Bonny Day, Myola, Princess Electra, Tununoa, Lineroo, Lord Hopetoun, Onewhero, The Distant, Standfast, Thurmus, Critique, Haviland, Princess Hazel gelding, Measurer, Night, Comet, Little Gift, Shine On, Waiau Lady t Liona, Merry; Lu, Jpy. Girl 7.8*

OPUNAKE WEIGHTS. Per Press Association.; WELLINGTON, March 1. ■' Mr H. Coyle has declared the following weights for the Opunakc Racing Club’s annual meeting on March 16: — Handicap Hack Hurdles, of 200 sovs. One milo and a half.—Glcngariff 11.11, Royal Acre 10.10, Airtight 10.3, Vivo 10.0, Grand Lupin 9.7, Onward 9.2, Lucrative, Rangiutn 9.0. V Railway Hack Handicap, of 150 sovs. Seven furlongs.—Cool Mint 9.0, Kawhakina 8.7, Tcnacro 8.6, Calamino 8.4, Whisogno 8.1, Green Acre 7.13, Monsogne 7.11, Merxcis 7.10, Marica 7.6, Monoio, Interest, Clover Leaf 7.0. Opunako Cup, of 400 sovs. One mile and a quarter.—Partaga 9.0, Mcndip, Orazono 8.8, The Swell 8.6, Llanore, Anolo 8.3, Hipo 8.1, Manly 8.0, Nucleus 7.11, Monoghan 7.10, Gasnappcr 7.6, Sovena 7.2, Whisogne 7.0. Electric Hack Handicap, of 150 sovs. Fivo furlongs.—Cool Mint 9.0, Airway 8.13, Richfield 8.3, Flying Bingo 8.2, Annoyer 7.12, Potolcor 7.11, Potency 7.8, Rillct 7.5, Golden Flower 7.4, Broxt, Mollah, Christmas Tree, Our Nancy, Hopwood, Fincy, Lady Lucerne, Rangi Utu, Alleyway, Maiehau gelding 7.0. St. Patrick’s Handicap, of 250 sovs. Six furlongs.—Ridgemount 9.0, Bcnzora 8.8, Partaga 8.6, Llanore 8.3, Gold Dawn 7.13, Whenuanui 7.6, Monoghan, Bonogno 7.5, Melissa 7.4, Nasstori 7.0. _ President’s Hack Handicap, of 200 sovs., Nino furlongs.—Gasnappcr 9.0, Kawhakina 8.9, Calamine 8.5, Whisogne 8.4, Tenacre 8.3, Merxcis 7.9, Patrolet 7.4, Joke Form, Monoio, Ngawhine, Skypoint, Royal Tour 7.0. Farewell Hack Handicap, of 150 sovs. Six furlongs. —Cool Mint 9.0, Richfield 8.2, Flying Binge, Green Acre 7.13, Merxcis, Monsogne 7.11, Potoleer 7.9, Annoyer 7.8, Fortalice 7.7, Marica 7.5, Broxt, Interest, Mollah, Anbridge, Wise Acre, Lady Lucerne, Alleyway, Ngawhine 7.0. C.J.C. NOMINATIONS. CHRISTCHURCH, March 1. The following nominations have been rcceivd for the Canterbury Jockey Club’s autumn meeting. . Great Eastern Handicap, of 1000 sovs. Seven furlongs.—Ramescs, Pink Note, Meadow Lark, Booster, Black Duke, Bright Glow, Mondip, Great Charter, Gascony, Black Mint, Rin Tin Tin, Tresham, Paperchase, Chide, Roromoana, Nightmarch, Silver Coot, Silver Paper, Commendation, In the Shade, Royal Saxon, Hurly Burly, Full Feather, Cimabuo, Royal Duke, First Raid, Winsome Boy, Broad Acre, Moa Bird, Gay Sonnet, The Hawk, Merry Mint. Great Autumn Handicap, of 1000 sovs. One mile and a half.—Pink Note, Hynanna, Amor, Count Cavour, Scatown, Black Duke, Bright Glow, Mendip, Black Mint, Tresham, Beau Geste, Thorndalo, Hoylake, Footfall, Rotor, Rapier, Nightmarch, Commendation, In the Shade, Tho Hawk, Merry Mint, Concentrate. RACING IN AUSTRALIA. MELBOURNE, March 1. J. Pike will arrive to-day, and will ride Gothic and Strephon at Flemington tomorrow. The Banker has been engaged for the Essendon Stakes and the Brunswick Stakes. He will bo ridden by H. Cairns. The New Zealander Nedda is engaged in the Sires’ Produce Stakes, for which Parkwiood, Meadow King, Hebrus and Temoin aro among the other runners. Probable starters in the St. Leger will be Strephon, Balmerino, Prince Don, Cosy Rug and Tutor.' Coybeau, a candidate for tho Australian Cup, is running in to-morrow’s hurdles. Tho weather forecast is for fine weather with rising temperatures.

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Manawatu Standard, Volume XLIX, Issue 79, 2 March 1929, Page 13

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RACING NEWS. Manawatu Standard, Volume XLIX, Issue 79, 2 March 1929, Page 13

RACING NEWS. Manawatu Standard, Volume XLIX, Issue 79, 2 March 1929, Page 13