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ANNUAL MEETING. THE YEAR’S ACTIVITIES. : The annual meeting of tho Palmeri ston North brnach of the Y.W.C.A. - was held last evening, Mr O. Monrad i presiding. There was a fair attendv ance of members and several apologies - for absence were received. I In discussing the reports, Mr T. R. ■ Hodder said that the work was rapidly I advancing and was commendable.. A > pleasing feature was the thrift club, 1 rocently started. Tho finances, however, were not all tliatx could be desired, but progress was Hieing made. The institution should take courage as it was well worthy of the support of all Palmerston North residents and its work was truly great. Mr H. E. Pacey congratulated, the ' association ,on its progress. While a profit had not been made financially, tho work among the young girls and its future work could not be underestimated. The Y.W.C.A. lmd a mission to fulfil and it was doing it admirably. When the general public realised the potentialities of the work, their support would be forthcoming in a larger measure. In moving a vote of thanks to supporters of tho movement, Mr Monrad said that it was most gratifying to think that the work of tho institution was becoming more fully recognised and appreciated. A vote of thanks was also accorded tho Press. ELECTION OF OFFICERS. The election of officers for the ensuing year resulted as follows : —President: Mrs L. A. Abraham; vicepresidents, Mesdames H. Palmer and E. C. Barnett; secretary, Mrs Grant; treasurer, Miss E. Fitzgerald; board members, Mesdames L. A. Abraham, E. C. Barnett, 11. Palmer, IV. J. Phillips, W. Rutherfurd, .1. A. Grant, Hugh Sinclair, W. Mouldey, A. 1. Gibbs, and Misses M. McLagan, M. Forrest, E. Fitzgerald and J. Pacey; advisory board, Messrs A. Grigor, T. A. Hodder. H. E. Pacey, O. Monrad, E. Bennett, H. F. Gibbons, T. R. Lees, G. H. Bennett, R. H. Billens, R. Luke and W. Newlands. PRESIDENT’S REPORT. The annual report of tho president, Mrs L. A. Abraham, was as follows:—“In presenting tho annual report ending'June, lfc>23_, ono feels that tho Y.W.C.A. has justiliou its existence in our midst. During the year, under the guidance of Aliss Hardic, our energetic and hardworking secretary, all branches have mado steady progress. Miss Hardio is a good organiser, keen, and full of enthusiasm both in work and sport; she .was responsible for inaugurating tho Palmerston North Basket Ball Association, in which 24 teams play regularly on Wednesdays and Saturday’s, 'live hostel lias provided 310 women and girls with travelling accommodation, while many using the hostel expressed their appreciation for tno pleasant time spoilt in its homelike atmosphere. The average number of pormoents lias been 24. Several improvements liavo boon made, some rooms papered and tho hot water system altered, this adding considerably to tho general comfort of tho home. Meetings have been hold regularly by the Board of Directors, every month, tho hostel, girls’ department, and financo committees having given good servico in the interests of girls. Tho financo, committee, with Airs Barnett as chairwoman has had a par-, ticularly strenuous time trying to make both ends meet. Wo arc all hopeful for’tho future, as the town is realising the importance of the work being done for girls and women in their .midst, Various- changes have taken place, both on the staff at the hostel and in the board of directors; we particularly regretted tho resignation of Mrs / Aitchison,: who had boon treasurer for nine.years; sho , was one of our most efficient members a capable business’ woman and always ready . to give kiiid and sympathetic help; her ( work- has been much appreciated by Aliss Fitzgerald who has taken her place. Tho association, this year, has outgrown its. , one club room in Broadway, and has added another room to its equipment for club purposes.” HOSTEL REPORT. The hostel committee, comprising Mrs 11. Banner, Airs ituuieriuru, Alls A. n. Aianstorcl, Alls \\. .1. Thiilips and All’s Hugh Joiuciulr, have met ruguiariy through the year, giving their services lreeiy and giadiy in iho interests of tho girls away iroiii their own homes. Aliss Searlo, our present matron, has been with us sincu nlay and is with us to stay, wo liopo. la the year, our hostel has provided accommodation for 310 girls and women travelling, or holidaying. The average number of “permanents” for the year lias boon 24. The unemployment,, lias sent some of our permanent girls to seek work elsewhere, while others have had to go home for a period, wliilo somo have left us to mako homes of their own. (several improvements have been mado, somo rooms papered and tho hot water system altered, this adding considerably to the general comfort of tho home. Many using tho hostel .- have expressed their appreciation and have written letters of thanks for tho pleasant time spent in its home-like atmosphero. The tennis court and grounds are much used —not only by tho hostel giris, but by girl citizens and other girls as well. GIRLS’ DEPARTAIENT. The girls’ department committee, which is responsible lor the Girl Citizen and senior club work oi tho association, has rendered excellent service in the interests of tho clubs, mothering and assisting wherever possible, iiiover sparing tnomseives ■ in attending special functions; in chaperoning parties and dances and in assisting tho girts in the raising of lunds; in securing voluntary help for special purposes and. in creating outside interest in this work. The members of this committee are: Aliss AicLagan, Airs ' J. iv. Baton, Airs J. Aitchison, Airs F. W. Christian, Airs C. A. Small, Airs T. F. Fairbrother, Mrs D. Y. Gemmell, Aliss E. Fitzgerald, Aliss J. Pacey, Aliss K. Simkm and Sister Olive. To.those women and to our band of counsellors we owe the success of. this club work in the past year, and wo would like to express our gratitude and thanks to them. During tho year, we were unfortunate in losing Aliss K. Simkin in the capacity of chiei counsellor.' This position necessitates moro time and work than Miss Simkin finds it possiblo to devote at present. Aliss Simkin will be much missed as sho has watched the growth and development of the Girl Citizen movement from its beginning in this city. There have also been three other resignations amongst our counsel-, lore —Aliss M. Bonnott who has recently, left for Wellington, Aliss A. Johansen who_ is now in Waitotara, and Miss L. Tealo.' We are pleased to welcome Miss Alavis Burnley as a counsellor to this community. To Aliss T. Randall, Miss M. Weeks and Miss C. Wood, <■ members of the Y.M.C.A. gymnasium class,' we are indebted for tho instruction of physical culture in the Girl Citizen Clubs. Tho Girl Citizen Council, which is a committee of girls, mado up of .one representative of each section of. citizens, has met regularly to help plan the workings of this department. 'For tli© latter, part of 1927 Joan Edwards was tho Chief Citizen, who presided at these meetings and this year Muriel Richards, has been elected in lior stead. Tho Girl Citizens have shown their international spirit by contributing £lO £o the World Fellowship Fund. They wero also ablo to assist at the Alanawatu competitions helping to serve morning . and afternoon teas. SENIOR DEPARTAIENT. The senior department is an entirely new venture this year and, so far, comprises two clubs. Kohinema Club is for girls 18 years and over, and its purpose,is “allround development and fellowship.” Wfl

feel that this club is more baby yet; it made a small beginning in November last with five members, tlio programme then taking the form of outside activities and tho making of Christmas gifts. Wo reopened in March with a membership of 13 and now have 20 members. Our programme includes physical culture, which \vo very 'much enjoy under tho leadership of Mr Goo. Young, a gymnast from the Y.M.C.A. The Arts and Crafts Club is another senior club which meets in tho afternoons. This group also will bo pleased to welcome now members. Wo hope that tho time will not bo far off when we in tho. senior clubs will bo a department or Dominion movement like tho Girl Citizens and not ono or two isolated clubs only.SECRETARY’S REPORT. Tho general sccfotary, Aliss Ilardio, reported as follows: Thrift Club: There arb between 60 and 70 contributors to tho Thrift Savings Bank Club. Somo of these are amongst our own club members, while others are girls in business outside of tho association membership altogether. During last year, tho amount saved was £B7, while this year the. members of this club hayo already saved £BO. (this in six months) in small sums. Alembership: Although 101 new members have joined this, . tho total financial membership, including sustaining, general and Girl Citizens, is only 200, the proportion being as follows: Sustaining members 47 (paying half a guinea or more); senior and general 63, Girl Citizens 90. Apart from tho membership there are-24 subscribers who are all now this year. We should like to take this opportunity of thanking all who have generously given of their time and energy by assisting us on committees, and in our club works, also by contributions in money, thus making all that' is contained in this report possible. In viewing this story of the past, which wo present in humble thankfulness, ono sees quiet, but steady growth in all parts of tho work. But, for tho future, wo hear tho call to greater effort and greater usefulness. Our membership is not nearly large enough, nor are we sufficiently a forco in the city ; our finances ought to bo on a more satisfactory basis; wo need more’leaders for clubs and a better quality of work in our clubs. So let us make a still greater effort in this now year to carry out our purpose which is: “To unite girls ami women in a world-wido fellowship, To help them to find a dofinite purnoso in life, to be honest and fearless in' their thinking, to attain the fullest appreciation of tho joy of friendship, or service and of beauty, and to interpret by radiant living the love of God.”

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Manawatu Standard, Volume XLVIII, Issue 205, 28 July 1928, Page 4

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Y.W.C.A. Manawatu Standard, Volume XLVIII, Issue 205, 28 July 1928, Page 4

Y.W.C.A. Manawatu Standard, Volume XLVIII, Issue 205, 28 July 1928, Page 4