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[Published by Arrangement.j


For thousands of years bread has been looked upon as the staff of life for the human race. An rightly so, for good bread contains all iho elements necessary to build muscle, bone and brain. It sustains the energies at their best and, moreover, besides being strength-giving and healthful, n is economical. The muscular or mental worker who desires to attain the highest ellicieiicy can only do so by eating efficient bread and it is in this respect that Boniface Bros, appear as bakers of the best quality of bread. Allhough it is only six years ago since the inauguration of the firm, the business has progressed by leaps and bounds until it is now claimed to bo one ot the loading bakeries in the Palmerston North district, The reason for this phenomenal progress is not hard to find, as it is wellknown that Boniface Bros, use only the best cereals and compressed yeast in the making of that king of all foods—bread. Mention must be made of the “Pavia" bread which the firm placed on the market recently. It i- common knowledge that broad contains vitnmines which arc the life-givers of all foods, and it is asserted by authorities that, by the special process evolved in the making of “Pavis” bread, the vitnmines are not destroyed. Pavis supplies the nutritious elements or building materials in the right proportions for nourishing brain and body, and increases resistance against fatigue and bodily ailment, while it is said to bo far superior to ordinary brown or whettlmea bread. In these days when the universal cry is for more production it behoves oven - one to be efficient and this can only bo done' by eating “efficient" food. _ Ytanv people hesitate before buying bakers' small goods, but it is certain that everyone is satisfied with the quality ami freshness ol cakes from Boniface's. In fact, the demand has so increased that the firm has been compelled to contemplate making extensive additions to the present promises so mat they can more adequately cope wit", the demand bv turning out bigger quantities mote expeditiously than is the case at present. time ago,’owing to repeated toquesU tvom residents to institute a horse delivery, the firm purchased two u’p iiu ..p debut v vans wb.?cs» i ■ ' ■‘' h " the delivery to your door cl ctcau, ; whvU • some bread, free trout _ at. com ‘ ■ • Still another feature ot the onstnoss au the facilities and arrangement' to: me i-d< ■ jug of wedding and other parties. A special mom is placed at their disposa. ami tl<■ catering leaves nothing to be desired, \\ •' ding cakes of all descriptions will be -‘ uu “ io order at the shortest notice. On you, way to the show glance at me windows ot Boldface Bros., and you arc certain to >e pleased with the array ot at into lively d» ,hived cakes and confectionery. It you contemplate changing your baker, or it M ll have nut got one yet, ring phime No -M or call at 67 Cuba street, ami you will bo satisfied with the result.

Till' EMPIRE HOTEL, Palmerslon North. To all Show visitors seeking a comfortable hostelry during their short stay m town pleasure is taken in recommending ,1,0 above hotel. This is done m full conliclince, for it is in the truest sense a homo away from home, while the charges for the excellent accommodation and high-class cuisine meet with the approval of all visiting guests. - It has indeed so, popularised itself that many business people have taken thoir permanent abode there. Ample, and comfortable commercial, reading, writing and sitting rooms arc available, with due attention to the warmth mid coinlort of patrons, and being fitted throughout with electric light, the modern conveniences wi 1 appeal to all. The Empire Hall, which adjoins the hotel, has been brought right up-to-date by tire erection of a commodious supper room, which will be fully appreciated by users of the hall. Terms and particulars cun be had on application to the management.

W. H. KELLS, Builder and L'ndertuker. Mr W. R. Kells again draws attention of the public to the fact that ho has no connection whatever with any other firm. As a builder his long years of experience enable him to advise clients as to the best methods of carrying out repairs and alterations. All orders are promptly and efficiently executed at charges which are very moderate. Mr Kells also specialises in undertaking work and, in order to cope with the demands of this trade, has provided a mortuary chapel at 88 Rangitikei street. All funerals are conducted at shortest notice in either,town or The public may communicate with Mr Kells by telephone 254, by night or day, or by calling at the only address, 88 Rangitikei street, Palmerston North.

H. PALMER AND CO., Pig, Produce, and Poultry Alarf. The present crisis through which the world is passing has brought much hardship to many people, and everyone is on the alert tor opportunities to economise in every direction possible. One of the easiest ways to practice economy is to buy at die auction man. . Hero you may choose your own goods and obtain them at your own prices, thus eliminating the retailer’s profit and overhead charges, 'ibis fact is now generally recognised, and every housewife on the qui vivo to save every penny attends die mart tales regularly. The butcher’s bill, always a big item in every household, may he reduced to a minimum by purchasing the meat at the auction mart, while the same applies to fish, produce and vegetables. At 11. Palmer and Co.’s, one of the oldest established linns in the district, one may rely on only the best provisions being put up for sale. Their rooms have been made the rendezvous of hundreds of residents every day who have found that they can rely on getting a “square deal.'’ The firm is now under new management and die auctioneer, Air L. (Waldegrnve, is well known to most people in this district. lor many years auctioneer for the N.Z. Loan and Alercantile Agency Co., Ltd., bis 23 years_ experience in the live stock line have fitted him admirably for the onerous position of auctioneer. Meat sales arc held regularly, while a pig, produce and poultry mart is held at stated intervals. The immense popularity of (he firm is evidenced by die largo concourse of people who daily visit the rooms to their profit. The mart sales, however, are only one branch of Palinoi and Co.’s activities. They are prepared to carry out auction and clearing sales in any part of die country, and it is in this respect that Air Waldegravo’s knowledge of live .stock and lancF'serves him in good stead. It it, is at all possible to make a sale a success, you may rely on Palmer and Co. to do so. In the show rooms in Rangitikei itreet a' large stock of new and secondhand furniture is displayed, and may bo purchased at prices claimed to ho unequalled elsewhere. Farmers who have live stock, produce or poultry which they wish to dispose of should consult 11. Palmer and Co. before arranging to sell elsewhere. And again, those residents who are really desirous of saving money will be taking a step in the right direction by attending die mart' sales, which are held daily at the rooms, 14 Rangitikei street, Palmerston £\’orth.

[Published by Arrangement. J


“I’ve discovered why 11 lady is so careful when selecting a now hut,” said Jones to bis friend. ‘‘lndeed!” replied the oilier mockingly, “and how ‘careful’ is she I” “Lummy! Don’t be funny, I've just received the bill for the wife’s latest' Parisian model, and really I fail to see where the carefulness comes in. More like wilful extravagance.” “You misunderstand me, smilingly replied Jones. ”1 mean that woman is ever careful to see that her headgear is just ‘it,’ and exactly suits her. otherwise her whole personality is marred.” He added; "We poor men must learn that secret, for the times demand it. I’ve found it out. and I’m oil to the best hat shop in town—Johns ami Co., the bailors. Everybody’s Theatre.” “A by there.' asked his" friend. "You poor ignoramus! replied Jones, “haven't i said it's the best, and what’s more it's the cheapest.” "Guest I'll go as well,” said the friend, remembering ins much depleted purse

“PROVED." Business continues brisk at Inkpon’s. Why? Because this firm has gained ami is holding the patronage ol an increasing number of the people of Palmerston Norm and surrounding districts. "U s an easy mutter to gain a new customer, said Mr Inkpen, "but, to keep him, you must sutisty his needs, and that, at a lair price. ,’«»» no that,” savs his bootmaker and repairer. ••Look.” be‘ said, "here is the class ol leather we use. Is that shoddy . is it second grade?” It had to lie admitted that it was a good specimen ol genuine hide. ••With that class of goods we have no tear of competition, ’ continued Mr lokpcii. "Besides our workmen are Justifiably proud of their work, and their pride is m evidence in ~\erv job undertaken, ’lake it from me," he said, "there's expert workmanship best of materials, and a tair deal to all at

MODERN 'I KANBPORTATION. The world lias, in the last century, wit-..,,-md very marked progression in transvstation. and to day finds us in the midst ot bustling activity, where loss of time means money. Ibe local linn, ( hihl Bios., tally realise ibis important principle and bv die installation of a line of motor-trucks Jm undertake removals with the quickest de-patch. Distance is not a deterrent and, multi- the expert supervision of their experienced staff, household furniture removals, are undertaken between towns throughout the island, 'this (Inn has also undertaken with a lull measure of success some verv important haulage contracts, nut ilu«ir activities tire not merely confined to these lines, for their large ileet ol horse and motor vehicles is steadily engaged on ■ eiieral earning woi k or disposing ot lh " wood, coal and coke in which they do such an extensive trade. Prices are finely cut, but quality is never sacrificed• •the ollico and yards are situated m McGifieit sheet mil ( Lurch Street West), while phone 6U2 will ever find them at your service. harry burrows and uo, Sharebrokers, Land Estate and Property

Fifty years ago the early pioneers laboured under a very severe hamlicap m choosing land for farms, etc. the. selection was limited and the would-be funnel huu to iciv on his own judgment as to lluquality ol the land. .Nowadays purcluuei s Have the very pick ol the land to choose liom, in unv part of die country, and the} can rest assured that all is what it is claimed to be. Men, who 1 eve had melon..- experience in real estate, and who are experts in all classes ol properties, are at their disposal. Such a hand of experts is employed nv Burrows and Go., have, by reputable dealings, assumed a. leading position amongst land and estate agents in die Dominion. Jins firm is prepared to conduct Miles in dairying, sheep or town properties in any part ol the North island. Hotel and home properties have’been made a speciality. In fact appearing on their hooks will ho found every possible class ol prooertv from tlio smallest town lot to a 10,000 litre sheep farm. They are prepared to finance a client for any property ot s;i!e wliu-h pas.-ea ilieir hamls. Should anyone wish to inspect any pioperty in the district the firm are always willing to place a car at his disposal. Those desirous of eliciting information anenfc any dairying land in inis district could not do heller than obtain the advice of 11. Morrows and Co. before investing. Ibis live firm have four salesmen continually on the road, who have in the last six nn.nlbs sold real estate to the mne of ±.72,850. Their sliarebrolting department_ is also a busy one. “T he 11 ilia Traders N.Z., Lid.,' lias recently been floated and in a smut lime the whole of (he 20,000 pharos umiilable will have been applied for. At the present time they have two other coniuanies in course of formation.

THE HART BATTERY. Motorists who have in the past found diflicf.ltii*s with their batteries are advised to forego ihe idiosyncrases of die old and give die ‘‘Hart” a trial. Hart starter and lighting batteries have been extensively used bv motor-car manufacturers as well as the individual motorist ever since the need first arose in recent years for the batteries which would lilt the requirements for electric,ally starting the motor engine instead a [ cranking by hand. Being a British production their workmanship can bo safely relied on and they are so constructed that they are interchangeable with American batteries in ear work. Whether it be required for house lighting or car use one cannot do better than investigate the merits of the British “Hart” battery. Farmers and townspeople contemplating the installiigf of a lighting plant are advised to look into the merits of die Delco lighting plant, which embodies many advantages. jhe agents for the above lines have an exhibit at i lie show and enquiries relative to their merits and capabilities will bo welcomed. Their business address is: The Genual Electric Co., the Square, Palmerston North.

MODERN LIGHTING. The long, dark winter nights are now upon us and, attendant with them, is the' necessity of evading the accumulated water pools which lie lurking in our path when we issue forth til night. The Central Electric Co., die Square, are now handling a unique contrivance in torch lighting apparatus, which has much to commend it. Having, as it does, its source of electrical energy derived from a small dynamo with permanent magneto, it may safely ho termed inexhaustible. It is quite as easy to hold and operate as the pocket flash lamp and overcomes the endless expense of fresh batteries—its first cost being the only expense entailed. However, to the puichaser requiring the ordinary type, a varied selection of torches and refills awaits him. A further unique torch of quite a different pattern is the firefly electric gas--1 i<ditcr, which has much to commend it. Electrical contrivances of all descriptions are bundled by this linn, and householders desirous of obtaining house fittings of an electrical nature, are well advised to interview them on this all important subject.

“THE WHITE HOUSE.” World wide fame is the wonderful fortune of, few and reputation in its turn is is not easily earned; but die fame which surrounds die catering branch ol Mrs J. Rawlins, of Palmerston North, is not merely confined to local activities, for by mutual beneficial service it has spread throughout the North Island itself. This week show visitors will have the opportunity of judging for themselves, for this progressive firm will be found quartered in the grandstand in order to cope with the wants of the hurried business man as well as the visiting section, while the White House in the Square is closely adjacent to the route from the Showgrounds, and meals will bo held in readiness for die visiting public throughout the show season Their conscientious endeavours to meet the needs of the travelling public merit their due reward, and the present week will gain them many friends from the visitors in our- midst.

[Published by Arrangement.J


Palmerston North cannot be termed a manufacturing centre ol any great magnitude, but a recent innovation in our midst —The Elgclroplatiing Go,—-will to the thoughtful business man as well as the careful housewife make its appeal. 'I hue and usage leaves its mark whether it be motor parts or household silver or nickel ware; yet the process of rejuvenating its appearance is a simple and comparatively inexpensive one. In many households the family silver ware plainly shows the usage of past years, yet on account ol its sentimental associations is still cared for. Why

not have il rcsilvered and I Inis restored to the line appearance it originally bore'.' The work of re-silvering or renicl clling presents a very wide field lor activity and the management is already finding its services in b:g demand. A visit to the works at 17 King street would prove indeed interesting to the show visitor.

THE FUR. TRADE. A Growing Industry, Situated in Tuonui street is a novel industry which, although begun with modest aspirations, now promises to have a big future and which will materially assist other than those directly concerned. It cannot be gainsaid that nature’s work can to some extent be copied with true to life effect, and in no field is tills more attempted than the fur trade. .Mr 11. Blaudford has since his advent to Palmerston North built tip a big reputation as a mumifuciiiriiig furrier, but unit it all a striking feature is the absence of at tempt to deceive; which lias gained for him a reputation ot honest purpose. To such a high standard lias the art developed that "John Bunny” appears in many disguises, which to the layman cannot be deciphered. The big secret lies in the art of dyeing, and in tins branch Mr Blandford has proved himself par excellence, in fact, his services are eagerly sought by trad, ing firms who personally enjoy big reputations through both islands. Consequently, his time is heavily "mortgaged,’' and the increase in business now merits a large extension of premises which together with the installation oi modern machinery, will make the concern one of Palmerston s leading industries in the near future. Mr Blaudford fully undertakes the work in all its branches and is now a big importer of skins of all descriptions, thus a wide range of fur is at the command of the purchaser. His capable stall complete the transformation and the finished article is such as to make u strong appeal to the fair buyer. There is, needless to say, a wide range of prices according to the genuineness of the fur. and the purchaser in this respect will have the personal elucidation of the hidden mystery duly revealed before the transaction is completed, for Air Blaudford strongly enforces honesty in business metlioos. It was Mr Blandford’s intention to have an exhibit at the present show, but such has been the demand on his time that his stock is sacJy depleted. Nevertheless, a visit to the factory at 7 Taoiiui street would be indeed interesting, while some specimens of Ins work can be viewed, which by their quality and finish, will delight the visitor.

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Manawatu Standard, Volume XLIII, Issue 429, 21 June 1922, Page 6

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NATIONAL DAIRY SHOW. Manawatu Standard, Volume XLIII, Issue 429, 21 June 1922, Page 6

NATIONAL DAIRY SHOW. Manawatu Standard, Volume XLIII, Issue 429, 21 June 1922, Page 6