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THE QUESTION OF SUBMARINES. HO lIT KOH THKIK ABOLITION. WASHINGTON. Dee. 24. [hdinn circles profess lo see tlifliculUos | 1( ,. 1( | i h the diseussi f die submarine • ~( ' ( ' . ~.,„.,,,! |, v ll.i- wide divergence in ni ,'. [trili h and French views. The Kalian d.»U»'ali«iii has mg-eslod thai another con 1,,).,,,,,,. |„. held in Urn future should am sm!l || nalimis now i.ol rop-scnled atlemp. t 0 ) m ;|i| up njeiiaeinu navies or add lo men fU liiii»i-i»" l1 "'"'-- . .. . . T)j,. I'.iilish are nutting up » mval ligii |, r, lor Hie abolition, ol f ,il)iiiovin«s. 'L.i'l v s .ueelim ~..,, ~l i;i ),.K de\uied lo u ill cussiou ,"•' ,(„, subject. Alter Admiral do Ron had ,„',!,, Rrcnch .wb for the retentioni ol [ubniarinos, Mr Balfour developed the Br. p.), ,;,.,. in what lie- American spokesman eharaeleriscd as a very lucid and sirom argume.,l Mr Balfour was in Ins hesi rorm. and was most, show...: I v -m cxtraordinarv set "I figures how tinli'shing lion of Rrilah, will, an auxiliary ctafl navy, had saved not o Britain I'd i>l*i !• riniiiJ and liul) Uiirm ll.e war II w.s in those coi.nlnes inler ,„. ~, n.quie n lli« ahobtion ol tie '. | , m; . ;,,,. ~,..,,,„! of insisting on ils rclen . I||L : '.,,| ,!„.:, ie forcing r navies |. i i.;iil ;,iu; keep up siihinariiie navies, any | n ',. ,1,,.,'n :l> ;1 contiiiued menace io then |j'„,, ~| cMiinumieatioii and food supplies |i i-' ( . v j,|,,„| U,„i the Briiish eonsidci l!i; , ; ,;,,,;,■ arguments are likely to lall oi me-l fertile earth. \i ||.e evening's Press Lor< I ', pi,4 l,(,rd of the Admiralty, in an s ; ve ; lo Admiral de Bon's suggeslioi, I ,ai i)(,(;(jf) ions of submarines should he im minim. f nil the nation's rcpure.nenls Oaimed dial will.oiit an a-reeineiil I lie con [<>rei,(-, ild ac-cpl '•" nstnelions. JAI'ANKSK KKLICITATIOXS. ,|-| i(j Japanese issued Iwo slalemenls to ,]. IV ~,„• being Chrislinas fehcii; st. ,!,;.' An.ert-m They said das da ~,,, (.xpecl tin- generous irealnieni ilu-\ lim !,,,,, aecor.led in \\',diiirinn .\sk;-d vyhe ,| M . r (Lev uol heen onidely critical o Ihc Creal Power, who, hv .heir saer.hce- |,.„| ~,-e-illv heneCiled mankind, iliey callei ftit..|,7i«,n l'o Ihe l.iMora- lael il.hi the hI«M. ~f J,,,;,,,-- so.e had h.Mii died lor die pi« 1.-c-fion of China as l.y no oilier mitioi Th „i, ,„!„,• slideinelll reviewed ll.e biinlHl ,. ~! , n s -o)-tium. .vhifli, ii was sf I--U. v:

f „ nil( .,| .... id, a view lo .-.><lmg He compe.^ ,i,„, in !:.:.n- .o ( '.'.till tl.l hooe ... ~ toring more stable financial com hi , i| lt . f -Jiiit.-s- I 1.e..-. i:m-:«i wa.. nnal.le _ 1.. ( , x ,,-k-iie the co.intrv Iroin Us dnhciillies \„ ultiioii alone eou'ld furnish China will. M pilal in meet ii- iM'i'ik wliu-li llilli-l, bi ,1,,';,,. Ir; ;i 'zronp. v.hich naturally i-.0-'n--tl„. Kiipervi-icii of the and e: ,„.,.(lilnn! involved for the protect 11,,. investors. Tln-v did _ M'j'k. ""r mo )|„. v ( |,h:i. lo colilrol Cliina'- linaiiee, md (h.'v did m" interfeiv wiili prival.- iimii.w; | ;l( ,' ||„. V soiadii only !o <-t;d !isl. < lima : (;.,,! :iiiiiili.i!i on ii siii'ml ba.-is. _ Sir Jcim Sa!. d has .- .preyed luniv-. ~ ..„.;, iiupi-.-scd and dele lilvd woh ,\'r Balfour's speech, which win a n.a-terly ev po.ilion of lie- I'.nti h ease, and il nil.l.Hihtedly had a iireal eIV.-cl on the imiiil ~f tie- conference. PREKIUHNT HARHIXn'S MKSSAOK. I'ivu!. ni Harding, in ;. me.-s !-;e -- : (.'ln'istinas ereelii.";. ays: "Tin re i ii new ~,,,,-.-ii lion in the hearn ol men dial ~i a|,|ieii| In arms is a futile ihing. Men a--1,;.,,.,,,!,,,; v,i-.- eiMiiigh lo it am, lalk hefon- i-oine to war so a- Jo try and ~.,,!,. ~,,■;;: i-s. 'I h;i| i- ihe niijecl ( I Ihi [•our-l'ower Tn-aiy." 'l'll - I'-vi ion nl .In Vei-ail!."- Treaty V.ji- a problem lor llu Kniopea.i nalio'V. lo setile among then. : , ( .| Vt ..:. Tin I'rc.-i.leni nol ihink lluLeague of Nations will he a lie. ied bv lie Four Power Treatv, or anythiii;; "in o| Ihe '-onlerence. excepl ilia! both an workin r lov ard .he peace ol llu- .vm Id. T 1,,..,., will) ilie lore-oinu' aiitlioriliis' views, iir«- laki-u to mr-iiti thai Pre-id.-nl Harding inl-nib vie.orously m lighj for Ihe ralificiilion "I all ilu- inaih- llouiiej ihe conference uheii they come l.el'i.n- tinSeiiafe. [XSTIircl 10.N.S I'P.dM I'AIM;-. The Xew Vorlc.Time-'.. Pari.- roiiapondeni diseoimfs., tin- iios.-il.ihiy of Al. lii-iaiid ncceilinii to Air ilughe-'s I'.-qin-.-i ,hat l-'rance should lediice IofJOXOO Ion? ]mr submarine quota. Al. P.riand 10-day. staies the (.•orre>p indent, sp; hi ihe major part of his tine- in iraniiii:: inslrueiioii.In tl„- ]m-, neh (lei.' ation ;.l Wasl iuglou, and in conferring u.ili ne-mliei- ol hi(,'nl inel on .lie mailer, 'i he nev. p '».,.. express surprise a. Mr i iiu:lie ■ ai'iiud •, declaring 'ha; ■ he .- playii.» the Priti-h i/aine. This is M.gresied Ijv lla- l'"iv'; Power troaly concerning the safegii;;i(lin:;' "I Atliiiilie and Mediterraneaii waters. IH'X.'KXT KVKXTK IX CHINA. Ainericaii conferenee circle:- regard the recent evenls in ('hina. e pecially die i -tab H-dim.-nL of a mi called .lirlainrship of ihe Siiper-Turhiin Chi .M.lin over i!,.- North ern PvPpublic. a.- a vin.lieaiion of ihe po i linn laken up by tin Powers when lluw adojiled the Pool princijilis. Thi- was done will, ihe idea of n-ino'-. ing I'oiei -n restrictions ;nid giving China a !'.■<•>• hand lo develop when she was lii to m.aiia- e h.-r own idi'airs and va- able lo guarantee Unsafely of other national.-. h is eviden. lliai *ili,. (Vnlral Coveriiinenl will I-.- un ahl.- io ■■K i-1 if oppo-.'d !i\ all powerful mililarv governor-. Sjiecial lo Australian Pre-:, AsM.eiiilion.

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Manawatu Standard, Volume XLIII, Issue 3106, 27 December 1921, Page 6

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WASHINGTON CONFERENCE Manawatu Standard, Volume XLIII, Issue 3106, 27 December 1921, Page 6

WASHINGTON CONFERENCE Manawatu Standard, Volume XLIII, Issue 3106, 27 December 1921, Page 6