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1. O. HURLEY. Wilson & oanhaiiJ •AERISTER AND SOLICITOR, (THE SQUAEI. TTUYERS MONEY TO LEND ON FREEHOLD SECURITY lowest current rates, also on ci attels, Pi IFFORD MOORE, ONGLEY IjT KELLY & TREMAINE. BARRISTERS AND SOLICITORS. Palmerston North and Feilding. _ Consignments from rail receive prompt tfoney to Lend on approved securities at current rates. II Rangitikei street, Palmerston North. Kimboltou road, Feilding. OUTHERFURD AND QONNELL, PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS, Licensed Land Brokers, Fire, Accident, Life Insurance Agents. MONEY TO LEND on freehold security in any sura at current rates. MONEY FOR INVESTMENT ON FREEHOLD LAND OR CHATTELS. I HAVE Trust Moneys in almost any sums for investment on freehold *nd both town and country; also sums •a approved chattel securities. M. H. ORAM, Barrister and Solicitor, •National Bank Buildings, Rangitikei st. r OUOHNAN AND J AOOBB, BARIBTERS SOLICITORS, National Bank Buildings (Upstairs) Money to Lend at Lowest Current Rates. Rangitikei street, PALMERSTON NORTH. J jgpUCE JJEALE, BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR AND NOTARY PUBLIC, Bryant’s Buildings, Rangitikei street, PALMERSTON NORTH. Various sums to lend on approved security at current rates on land and chattels. PiOOPER AND -pUTHERFURD, BARRISTERS AND SOLICITORS, PALMERSTON NORTH. MONEY TO LEND in any sums on approved security at lowest current rates. C ASH B HIDES, CALF SKINS, SHEEP SKINS. WOOL, TALLOW, Etc. attention. PHONE 484. m isso MAKE JEWELLERY YOUR CHRISTMAS GIFT! NOTHING carries with it so much sentiment as good Jewellery, and our usually good stocks have been specially augmented for the Xmas demand. We are making a fine display of BROOCHES, PENDANTS DRESS RINGS, ETC., in all the favourite combinations of gems. These make beautiful and lasting gifts, and always prove acceptable. WILL YOU INSPECT THEM? N. D. STUBBS, JEWELLER AND OPTICIAN, PALMERSTON NORTH. JNNIS AND QAKLEY, BARRISTERS * SOLICITORS. MONEY TO LEND at lowest current & tea on Town and Country Securities J, P. INNES, Notary Publio. (Ernest V. West, A.N.Z.1.A.) L. G . W EST 4 S 0N ’ REGISTERED ARCHITECTS. 24 KING STREET. Phone 235. A H. GRANT, ACCOUNTANT. AUDITOR AND INSURANCE GENT, Secretary Kairanga and fanawatn Dairy Co., Ltd. MONEY TO LEND at current rates, 'o. 31A Hanson and Barr’s, Ltd., uilding, Rangitikei street. Phone 782, ’ost Office Box 140. CELEBRUE THIS XMAS WITH A GIFT OF A SELECT PIECE OF Jewellery Silverware. A FEW SUGGESTIONS. FOR GENTS— FOR LADIES— Oct., 15ct., 18ct. 9ct., 15ct., 18ct. / Gold Gold Watches, Chains, Rings, Necklaces, Rings, Pendants, Brooches, Bracelet Tobacco Pouches, Watches, Strat Tobacco Boxes, Watches, Lockets, Cigar ano Cigarette Bangles, Pcnsils, Holders, Links, Tie etc. Pins, Studs, etc. SOLID SILVER & EBONY GOODS. Hair Brushes in Manicure Sets, Cases, Cloth Mirror and Brush Brushes, Dressing Sets, Jewel Boxes, Cases, Matchboxes, Card Cases, DressShaving Mugs and ing Cases, Cloth Strops. Brushes. And any Other Suitable Gifts too Numerous to Mention. FOR ENGAGEMENT AND DRESS RINGS WE CANNOT BE EXCELLED. STOP AT THE RELIABLE FIRM. 30VERNMENT WAR LOANS. E HAVE BUYERS AND SELLERS. Market Prices on application. JVAGNALL AND -gUEBIJ, mOENSKD SHAREBROKERS THE BATTEKY HOSPITAL, QUEEN gTREET, WILL CURE OR REFRESH SICK AND RUN-DOWN BATTERIES. r ILLARD SERVICE. WILLARD REPAIRS. CAMERON BEOS.. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS. WINTER FUEL. JF lOU WANT TO SAVE MONEY ON YOUR FUEL BILL, ÜBl COKE. 'Hivexed to ftll parts of the Borough free of charge, at PER g/- BAOIL By the MUNICIPAL GAS WORKS DEPARTMENT. PHONE *O7. NO HITTER HOW HOT the weather is, yqii will scarcely notice the heat if you wear a hat made for a much hotter climate than ours. PANAMA HATS. The name suggests heat, and these hats are made to.counteract the burning rays of the sun, that make life such a burden. PANAMA HATS are practically essential because they afford such protection in summer, they are exceedingly light, and are rvithin roach of all. LADIES’ PANAMA HATS are only 7s lid, 11s, 12s Gd, 13s 9d and 14s Gd. GIRLS’ 4s 3d, 4s 9d, Gs 3d, 7s Gd and Os Gd. J. MIDFIELD, RANGITIKEI STREET, “WHERE THE BARGAINS ARE.” CLOSE 8 P.M. SATURDAYS. MRS BEYAN, COLEMAN PLACE. J. E. FIT!, JEWELLER, Kosy Building, the Square, And Main street west, Palmerston North. as I WISH to thank the Ladies of Palmerston for their "liberal support during my opening sale. I have decided to remain in business here, and hope to keep the confidence of the people, and gain a fair support of patronage by selling at reasonable prices.—White Jap Silk Blouses, long roll collar, 21s Gd; Spiced do., 24s Gd; White and Black useful do., 16s lid; also in colours, Voile Blouses, hemstitched, from 8s lid; Pink, Navy and Black do., pleated .handkerchief fronts, roll collar, 12s 9d; Crepe do., White; 7s lid; Striped, also White, Striped and Check, collars, 8s lid; Navy O.S. Blouses. 25s Gd: White do., 21s Gd ;' Brown, Nigger, Grey and Black Hose, 2i lid; Mercerised do., 4s Gd; all colours; heavy Black Hose, 2s Gd; fancy front singlets, 3s 3d; 0.5., extra long, 3s lid; fancy front Spencers, 3s 3d; 3. Hanks.,-hemstitched,. Is ; Floral dp., 8a ; fancy Camisoles, from 4s lid. INSPECTION INVITED. : MRS BEVAX, Coleman Place, and Fergusson street, Feilding.. Eye Glass Help. GOOD GLASSES, properly fitted, will help you to enjoy the full benefit of youi eyesight. CORRECT Glasses in the BEGINNING, are ECONOMICAL in the END, and satisfactory eyeglass results ar« guaranteed to you iECRAVE© BUILOINO* Palmerston North Wa •:o PRONE 291 PHONE 291 PRESENTS THAT PLEASE. 3 UR most complete stock of Christmas and New Year Presents will, o fool sure, enable you to choose a resent that is pleasing to the recipient id yourself; pleasing because every arcle boars the stamp of quality. We ive a very wide range to choose from. YOUR VISIT WILL REPAY YOU, id your inspection cordially invited. At CERBAND’S, PALMERSTON’S LEADING JEWELLERS. December: Birthstona, Turquoise. O'7All BONDS and Life Assurance TV J. G. RADFORD, District Agent. Government Life Assurano* Department, 33 Rangitikei street, Palmerston North il Gr pi LETOHER > BARRISTER & SOLICITOR, fatlonftl Bank Buildings (Upstairs) Money to Lend in Sums to Suit borrowers. Lowest current rate*. Rangitikei street, PALMERSTON NORTH. OLIVER & SON. jpAINTERS, MAIRE STREET. PHONE 785. ABSOLUTELY UNEQUALLED. 0 ARSON’S AERATED WATERS AND CORDIALS Made from Artesian Water and Pure Cane Sugar. One quality—the Best Motor delivery. Obtainable everywher Factory phone 338. Private phone 9 A F NE P ROPERTY. ABOUT 1 l-sth acres ground, laid out in gardens, lawn, and orchard, with well built 8-roomod house, all conveniences, in good part of the town; section Ims a frontage of 132 ft. PIUCE £2350. i s TERMS—£SOO cash, balance arranged. * -o DURWARD & DAVIDSON, RANGITIKEI STREET. Gifts for Ladles That Will be Welcomed. NOTHING pleases a Lady more than Exquisite Perfumes, Dainty Soaps, and in fact all articles associated with her dressing table. - ' ■ ■ We have an extensive selection of suitable Gifts, which include— EBONY HAIRBRUSHES EBONY MIRRORS DAINTY PERFUMES AND SPRAYS SOAPS AND PREPARATIONS FOR THE SKIN, all in attractive packages Why not come in to-day, and lot us help you solve the Gift Problems? W P Henderson, M.P.S.N.Z. (by exam.), DISPENSING CHEMIST, THE SQUARE, PALMERSTON N. A HAPPY SUGGESTION. “T OOK HERE! When moving 3o as JU 1 did, and get the New Zealand Express Co. to do the work. They served mo splendidly. Their men were up to their work, everything being_handled so carefully and skilfully delighted.” Wo were The name I’ve, got for bike repairs will stand through many ages; The “biz” I do is bound to grow, and pay increasing wages. My motto is, good work, low charge, and that’s the reason why Once a cyclist’s been to me he’ll never pass me by. P. EDGE. 54 Rangitikei street. D. WATSON, PLUMBER, 3 TAONUI STREET, HAS now resumed business, and hopet that all his old clients, as well af new ones, will give him their support. ORDERS PER PHONE No. 51. HAVE THE DEFECTS IN YOUR CAR SET RIGHT NOW! TiHE present , time is best for overhauling! The strain of winter running may have caused some slight defect, which, if neglected, will perhaps lead to a bad breakdown. Dawbor Motor Co. will quickly put your car in first-class order! And if you wish you can have it smartened up with a coat of highgrade opr enamel. A largo and export staff and first-class plant assure promptness and satisfaction 1 Pull .up at the Jlawbor Motor Co. next time you’re passing. ; ■ .... .... • PATRONISE OUR STORE FOR Xmas Presents IT MEANS SAFETY, SATISFACTION AND ECONOMY! YOU can depend on anything we show you being the very best quality and always the best value price 1 For ladies we would suggest EBONY HAIRBRUSHES & MIRRORS SILVER HAIRBRUSHES & MIRRORS' JEWEL BOXES MANICURE SETS DRESSING CASES SILVER PURSES AND CHAIN BAGS SILVER CLOCKS SHOELIFTS AND HOOKS OUTCLASS SCENTS AND PUFFS OPERA GLASSES WHITING SETS Suitable acceptable gifts and all in perfect taste. You are invited to inspect without obligation. O’Connor ftTydemah THE QUALITY JEWELLERS, PALMERSTON NORTH. Ladies’ and Maids’ Panamas ' : I TRIMMED IN COLOURS, ONLY0 NLY 5/11. b NLY 5/ii. This is an exceptional chance for you to secure a cool, smart Panama for the holidays at ,a phenomenally low price—we made a special purchase, and YOU can make a special purchase. See them —l4 doz. blocked Panamas—trimmed in Navy, Green, Pink, Fawn, Saxe Blue, Brown and Black—only 5s lid eaclq Such value as this may not occur again —ss lid is a trifling price I Remember, there are only 168 of these hats—but more than 168 ladies and maids of Palmerston will need them 1 See window display. Country residents—write. W 7 e pay postage. Millar & Giorgi, 'TH* GIRJSAT' OUTFITTERS, ; iiLMMISTON NORTM. ■ :.V ■■ v.J a.-'Oiiv C"’ ’ ,o ■ir.ii.! «.i < <,tuf i.iinvrv 4ili .v. 5 fi't !<•' • Sian tni; .;■> ’ -i,-i ■'■ ■ : I '>- /TfJ,' • , />? r-irif f,a >- ■C!a, ui ! • !).1t a ■: ■? » I’M r; au;a:;J -14 Hi. t)I ml <■ mir . Kditl-eq V) dh" sUutrii} sna', tr, /'t ;j -30>i or.i at •v/fr.inr.-'d) saw • 39* wiH ro 'y-r, 1c ■J ■ - ed ' P. D. C. hj /i » ■■ ".(, : . 4 i ted jci: Collapsible Costume Hanger OR Blouse Hanger. Dawber Motor Co., ■m PALMERSTON NORTH. ‘ mm ‘ THESE HANGERS are, a patent which hiiye never been introduced into New Zealand beforehand fold up into a very flat compact shape, and therefore are ideal for travelling, taking up practically no space. One of these Hangers will be GIVEN AWAY, to every customer who purchases goods to the value, of 10s or up-wards-in any of our departments from today onwards. Our “Gift Inspirations” will continue in this column on Friday Night. ITU PALMERSTON NORTH. BUY A “D0M0” Separator And SWELL YOUR BANK; BALANCE Read this testimonial “Before purchasing a ‘DOMO’ I made 141bs of butter per week. I now get 171bs from the same quantity of rank, and a penny a pound more for the butter. A ‘DOMO’ will pay for itself in a few months.” Get a price list from your storekeeper to-day. COLDINCHAM & BECKETT, LTD., DISTRICT AGENTS. T.P. Robbins ft Co , f TPHOLSTERERS AND BEDDING U MAKERS, 13 GEORGE STREET, PALMERSTON NORTH. - PHONE 684, .... - • ,

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Manawatu Standard, Volume XLIII, Issue 1704, 18 December 1919, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Manawatu Standard, Volume XLIII, Issue 1704, 18 December 1919, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Manawatu Standard, Volume XLIII, Issue 1704, 18 December 1919, Page 4