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it A profitable afternoon was spent bv the High School Cadets in skirmishing' and neld work on the Fitzhorbert hills yesterday. Triplets were safely ushered into the world at Manaia on Monday morning—two girls and a boy—tho happy father oeing Mr A. X. Skevington, of Oeo.

The monthly meeting of the Palmerst-on rsoith-Kairanga River Board, to haro boon held yesterday afternoon, was ljoetponod until Tuesday next, at 2 p.m. Owing to the death of his father. Rifleman K. J. Kmg, who was practically certain of a place in the final fifty for "the King's i rize, left Trontham range on Tuesday and returned to Maaterton.

Threshintr operations are pretty general in the Sandon and Makowhai districts just now. Several plants were to be seen yesterday, either in operation or moving from one farm to the other

The question, "What is a native agent,?" was asked by his Honor, Mr Justice Edwards, at the Supreme Court this morning. He was not one, his Honor supnoeed, who prepared transfers. Air Graham suggested a native agent was a person who asdnted in native transactions for remuneration. His Honor replied that ho understood the person to l>e one who clid what was required of him in his work, but did not do the work of solicitors in preparing transfers. The question had bearing upon a case in which a native agent was claiming for work done in facilitating the transfer of a block of native land to defendant.

When the special train bearing excursionists returning from the Campbell street school p: -nio at Plimmerton was nearincr Palmersron laet owning a- mother made the d'sconce rtii/g discovery thai one of her children was missing. The. carriages were searched, without avail, but it, was found tnat the child, of four years, had been seen to follow its parent on to the platform at Longburn. and the latter, not blowing ihis had boarded the train, while the little one was left behind. Oil reaching the local station, communication was "made with Longburn. and the little one was brought on by the late Wellington train and restored to its parents.

Don't trust to memory; a Bunting portrait preserves all that memory loses. Each one will bring out the individuality and natural characteristics of the sitter. All charges moderate; call to-dav Bunting I Studios, the Square. Palmerston N. —Advt. | The first winter shew at the BonMarche on Thursday, Friday and Saturday next will reveal some extraordinary charming styles in tailored costumes/ The features of design and the beautiful quality and exclusiveness of materials are most impressive. Mr Ross personally selected theso before leaving London, -and their superiority, coupled with their decidedly moderate prices, will appeal to every ladv whose inclinations are for refined creations of the most distinguished order. We strongly urge an early inspection of theso goods. C. M. Ross and Co. —Advt. The best of tennis rackets by Slazen ger, Jaques and others, including "Doperty," "E.G.M.," '"3pecial Demon," "Champion," "Driva," "Majestic," etc., at Wm Park's.

Scveral threshing plants are busily engaged in the Sandon district. Mem b6r a of the I anion Rifle Club shot consistently at the recent Trentham mating and although they only got one man n, the'final fifty, each one won money, averug. ing from 7s 6d to £8 10s. Mitre Peak and Mount Balloon were both successfully scaled last week by Jack R. Murrell,' of Manapouri, and Jv R. Williams, of Christchurch, under fasourablu weather conditions. Magnificent view* of the surrounding mountains were obfainod. Another large-Government order for railway locomotives has been placed with Price Bros., of Thames. The last contract for ten engines was increased to twenty. These were classes A and 1), of 72 ton*. The present order is for twenty class 1j engines. The following are the latest addition* u, the telephone exchange No. 789, .Mr \Y. Newth, 23 Cuba street; No. 790, Air j. K Redward, 144 Broad street; No. 791, .Vlt ,\. A. Wood, Main 6 treet West; No. 792, Mr J. N. Jordan; Feat hens ton street West; N. ; 793, Mr J. B. Pascall. Te Awe Awe street. The diary of a Burgeon of one of the vessels of the first floet to visit Australia has been discovered, it 6hows that the first Christian service wa® held in Australia on February 3rd, 126 years ago, not on Jnnuary 27th, the previously recognised dat*. Cabled item. Good progress is being made with tho erection of the new ferroconcrete factory for the Awahuri Dairy Company, at Kau whata. This factory, when completed, will be one of the moat up-to-date in the dipt net. and the company are to be congratulated on the enterprise they have shown in erecting euch a fine building The picnic held by the High Schoolgirls yesterday at Tiritea was a very enjoyable affair, large numbers participating in the outing. Although there was not ideal picnic weather, still a very pleasant and happy time was spent rambling in the nativebuah and inspecting the Tiritea dam. The girls were also chown over the filter Imhls connected with the water supply. There appears to be some difference of opinion among the business people of Rongotea regarding the recent decision of the Rongotea Town Board to change the weekly half-holiday from Wednesday to Thursday, and an effort is being made to induqe. the Board to rescind the motion The new order of things was to have oomo into operation on April Ist. At the Police Court this morning Messrs W. Rutherfurd and W. F. Durward, J.P's., remanded a man named Robert Wilson, who had been arrested yesterday on warrant from Christchurch, to appear Before the Magistrate on Mondav. Wilson is charged with failing to provide for hit* child. Bail of two sureties of £SO was allowed.

Vurious expressions, usually known as j "slangy." are oft-times used in the law j Courts. Sometimes they are passed over , and sometimes not. The latter was the j case at the Supremo Court this morning, . when a, witness said "he got on to his wife for her conduct." "Got on, what does i that mean?" queried his Honor. He then j sharply informed witness that ho "preferred the English language being spoken, .and if witness meant scolded or reproved

i to say so." j A young man landed at the Masterton j railway station on Wednesday with a susi picious-looking two-gallon jar. A constable ! saw him. There was a chase. The coni stable overtook his man. who mado a d*s~ j nerate attempt to prevent the limb of the j law from gaining possession of the demi I John. The constable won. But the | Jar proved to be empty. There will not ; Lkj a prosecution this time. j Although Pliinmerton did not favour j excuruoniste with summer weather y esterj e.ay on the oooasion of tho annual picnic , of the ( arnpbeil street school, still a most | pleasant and a happy time was spent by the j large number of excursionists, who made the i tri P- Ine children found plenty of healthy amusement in playing on the beach, and in bathing. The teach ore and the committee carried out the arrangements admirably. A tired but happy, party returned at 8 o ck>ok.

; . A Wellington miifical enthusiast. who hat ; just returned from a trip to Euro[«\ told lan interviewer: "I al«o met Misw Rosina i .Muck man. Sho was doing at> much concert j work as any one woman can do. arid could i easily ha\e got more. She is to appear in Lovcnt Garden in 'Parsifal.' I heard her J sing several times, and her voice is in , beautiful form. She is very wise, for sho j remains a student. She is studving languagee, and keeping up oVe rv side of her j work, as a. vocalist should do." j At the Supreme Court this morping;, in j reply to the Official Assignee, a debtor who , was applying for a discharge, stated that I prior to ISovember, 1911, he was a tobftci oonisk and bookmaker. "And did you keep ■ any books?" queried the Official Assignee. His Honor: "You don't expect, him to have done so?" Mr Cooper (for debtor): "It would not have been wise." Tho Official Assignee said that expectations were not always realised, and his Honor remarked that) mu eh it was not expected that books would .ia\e been kept in that particular business. The concert and dance arranged in aid of the Vaughan fund, and held in the Kelvin Grove 1 Lai 1 last evening, was a big success. About 90 couples were present. The floor was in first-class order for dancing, and Mr Pawson, junr., made a courteous M.C. Musical items were interspersed between tho dancing, songs being rendered by Misses Miliar ana Archer, Mesers Jacobs, Carson, and W. Young. Miss Bctt and Mr C. xoung played the accompaniments. The proceeds should materially increase a very deserving fund.

At tho Supreme Court this morning, before M i Justioe Edwards, William Roger*, of Rotonia, native agent, claimed trom Donald Fraaor, of Bulla, farmer, tho mim of £2OO, for work alleged to have taon done, and interest upon that sum. Thy claim aroao out of two agreements between tho parties, by which it was alleged defendant agreed to pay certain sums for assistance rendered and assistance to be rendered in connection with tho sale of a block of native land, known ns Poutu, from certain native owners to defendant, rhe claim being for the lmlanoo of such moneys. Mr Fitzherbcrt appeared for plaintiff and Mr Graham for defendant. The case was pro-

oeeding this afternoon. • 9 J Oil Monday next nearly 50 boys, drawn f prom the. Taihape, Hunberville, Marton, V\ anganui and Fcilding will go into jcamp a fortnight on Mr E. Short's >1 j "An idale" property. Tho camp is hold >t i annually for boys taking tho agricultural -1 course in this oentro of the Wanganui Edun cation. Iktard's district, and it has m usefulness every year. Next week's camt» •' will be occupied largely in practical work [. in connection with heavy horsee, Hereford • cattle, Romnoy, Lincoln, and Southdown t) ahoep, and in tho evenings lectures are -} to bo given with a view to popularising the j pig industry. Messrs J. Grant und 0. Banner will be in charge. A feature of tjte r3 ! camp will bo the comi>etition for a numbeu J] of medals donated by members of M ( Feilding A. and P. Association. —Star. a A somewhat striking s[>eetaclo met tH* i eyes of the Exhibition authorities on the 3 morning after tho farewell concert by tho f Royal Artillery Hand at. Auckland. All I round the outside of the area occupied by .[the 2000 seats for hire, was an untidy dist array of empty boxes, crates, cases, and r j timber structures of various eorte. Tuesday ,} night's audience had commandeered this . j paraphernalia whereon to sit from all conceivable directions, (.'aces had been hauled [lout from beneath buildings, and front other , ' storage places, one had been bodily lifted . I with its contents (three- full tins of biscuit?) from the exhibit, of a manufacturer and ~ even trebles and tables of the Horticultural j Society had been taken from the concert hall, where they had been stacked to servo :as temporary resting places. So great was i the accumulation of these "free scats" that j five lorry loads were carted away from tho i! lto 'n K™ stimatod that the attendance totalled 14,000.

j A perfectly now shade this autumn m ; copper, and, though so novel and striking. ! 'j cas J r w 'en j '' To he seen in the rw ! ready-to-wear hats at (ollinson and Cun- ' n / n 5 me s w ' n dow and showroom ; also new shades of fuchsia, lime, and mustard. Theso shapes, smartly trimmed, wilh bulhant Oriental designs—snmc have tiny wings. Prices 7s 6d to 15s 6d. Also showing j are stylish shapes and shades in velour, felt, i and velvet.—Advt. I End of season sale of lawn mower®. ; Buy 0110 now and save money. 12-inch cut, ! usual cash prices 25:< 6d, sale price 20s 6rl; 14-inch cut. usual 275, sale 21s 6d: 16-inch cut, usual 32s sd, sale 2"s 6d. Ball-bearing, the kind that vin easy—l4-inch cut, usual 35s 6d, sale 28s fcd ; 16-inch, u~ual 49s 6d. sale 33s 6d.— and Son, 11 Broad j street, the j School book# leather school bags for girls a fine selection host of value at Park's, bookselier.Advt. W

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Manawatu Standard, Volume XLI, Issue 9743, 7 March 1914, Page 4

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Untitled Manawatu Standard, Volume XLI, Issue 9743, 7 March 1914, Page 4

Untitled Manawatu Standard, Volume XLI, Issue 9743, 7 March 1914, Page 4