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A rifle meeting is to be held in Palmerston North for Senior Cadets of No. 6 area group in the course of a week or two. The Hon. F. M. B. Fisher, Minister for Marine, has consented to deliver a political address in Fox ton on March 30, and other speakers will probably also give addressee on the same occasion.

A few nights ago a Sumner resident wa# the victim of a very mean theft, having just replenished the tank of his motor car in readiness for a trip, he was annoyed. upon returning to it. to find that nearly tile whole of the contents, amounting to about eight, gallons, hud been drained off.

The Dannevirko Borough Council is in the happv position of having a credit balance of £IOBB Is 10d. When this was announced at the last meeting of the Council a member exclaimed : "Marvellous ! Such a thing has never been known in the history of Dannevirke!"

The Napier Telegraph says an action for alleged breach of promise had been set down for hearing at the forthcoming sitting of the Supreme Court in Napier, but it will not now be dea't with. The parties have approached the hymeneal altar, and the difference regarding legal expenses has been drowned in the clash of weddin c bells.

The Federal Government is considering the question of supplying Sydney with a daily trawl of fish. An officer has been deputed to report on the subject, and has consulted Mr Dannevig, the Federal Fisheries expert. It. is understood an endeavour will be made to secure a trawler from New Zealand.

At the Juvenile Court, Christchurch, a buxom fresh-faced woman, neatly dressed, staggered the Bench by announcing: "1 have had eighteen children !" "What!" gasped Mr Bishop, S.M. "Yes." declared the woman with immense pride, "and fourteen living. This is the first time ] have been in Court.' - "What is your husband?" asked Mr Bishop, with obvious interest. "An engine-driver, and this is mo and my husband," she replied, at the same time handing the Magistrate a photograph. "A very nice couple," was Mr Bishop's r«ply, with a whimsical smile.

In a letter to the Prime Minister, the Hiovh Commissioner states, in reference to the prospect* of a d<;mand for New Zealand deer-skins :—"There is- a considerable trade in deor-skins, both in Euroi>« and America, for the production of leather useful in several connections. So far as the London, market is concerned, the principal descriptions offered come from India, nnd the prices for rhesc vary, according to the weight and quality of the skins, from 9d to Is 2d per lb. New Zealand skins should meet a ready sale here if carefully flayed and free from taint, and not seriously damaged by shot."

Don't trust to memory ; a Bunting portrait preserves all that memory loses. Each one will bring out the individuality and natural characteristics of the sitter. AIJ charges moderate; call to-day Bunting Studios, the Square. Palmerston N. —Advt.

The first winter shew at the Bon Marche 'on Thursday, Friday and Saturday next will reveal some extraordinary charming style? in tailored costumes. The features of design and the beautiful quality and exclusiveness of materials are most impressive. Mr Ross personally selected theso before leaving London, and their superiority, coupled with their decidedly moderate prices, will appeal to every lady whose inclinations are for refined creations of the most distinguished order. We strongly urge an early inspection of these goods. C. M. Ross and Co.—Advt

The,heats of the High School Girl*' swimming races took place yesterday afternoon. Trie finals will take place on Wednesday next. To-morrow the girls bokl a picnic at Tiritea. Lovers of music who did not hear Paul Dufault at his first concert here will be pleased to learn that Mr Barker has made arrangements for a farewel] concert on Friday, March 13. A generous donation of £IOOO has been made to the fund for the purchase of the Day's Bay bush, Wellington, by Mrs M. A. Williams, whose munificent gifts to the Seamen'.-; Union, the Children's Hospital, and the Boys' Institute are well known. The Talune brings a report that the outlying islands of the Cook group wer» swept by a hurricane in the eecond v. .ek in January. It is believed that the fruit and other crops at Aitutuke, Rakahangi and Manihiki suffered considerably.—Pi t*» Association. It does seem incredible, but neverthel«#i it is stated to lie a fact, that among th« many hundreds who witnessed the Nu«r Zealand championship swimming events at Blenheim, a few days ago, was one individual who had not seen anyone swimming before. In a well-watered country like New Zealand thw is truly remarkable. January phormium was of a disappointing character right throughout the Dominion, writes Mr W. H. Ferris. Government Hemp Grader, in the Journal of Agriculture. In very few cases, he savs, was fibre of good quality turned out. The raw material was apparently just as good as formerly, and the colour was satisfactory, bus the work of stripping and scutching wan decidedly inferior. Witness at the Supreme Court this morning: "When I came out on to the street the land agent was on the look out for me.'' His Honor: "On the look out, what does that mean?" .Mr Cooper, counsel for plaintiff (laughingly) : "It generally means that when a land agent get*; hold of a client he won't let him go." Mr Murphy (for defendant) : "Land agents are so keen, your Honor."

A young lady who returned to Wanganui a week ago from a visit to Rotorua is lamenting the loss of a dress-basket, which Bontained nearly all her earthlv belongings, valued at about £7O. The efforts of the Departmental officers to trace the missing luggage have so far proved fruitless; meantime, says the Herald, l h+ young lady is greatly inconvenienced and perplexed as to whether it is desirable to purchase fresh garments.

Recently in Seattle in a cigar-stand appeared the sign, "W« give 15dol for 1909 Lincoln pennies.'' No less a }M?rson was attracted by this than Judge Watson. Ho walked up to the counter, and, laying down a penny, triumphantly as'ked for 15dols. The clerk took the penny, examined it carefully, asked if it were genuine, and after several minutes sighed and said he guessed it was good. "Certainly, it is." answered the judge. "Where," said the clerk, "are the other 1908?"

A naive girl, who has been working in Gisbornc, in passing through a draper's shop the other day, underwent a transformation equally as effective as did those who went down the well of Truth in "The Arcadians." She entered the shop, priced some goods, and was allowed a room in the rear in which to have a try-on. She diverted herself of most of her old garments with much celerity, and made a surreptitious exit per medium of the back door, immaculately attired in the best of the season's styles. The police were seen with regard to tho affair, and the Maori lass will bo called on to explain her eonduct in Court.

At a large gathering of Druid* at Fahiatua on Tuesday evening the Grand President Bro. A. Thompson installed Bro. A. Simpson, of Feilding, as District President for the territory embracing Palmerston. Tokomaru, Dannevirke. Pahiatua and Feilding lodges. Bro. Thompson, prior to the installation, addressed a public meeting on Druidism and friendly societies. He summarised a scheme whereby Druid funds would be advanced to Druids"at a low rate of interest to enable them to build homes. A limit of £SOO wa« mentioned, and the scheme provides for repayment by instalment*.

I Food for the trout in Lake Rotorua is bej ing collected by some persona employed br the Department of Internal Affaire (says the New Zealand Herald). Up to Saturday Iset about 2000 shrimps had been netted in the Waikato river at Meroer. and liberated at Rotorua. The Department also obtain**! from Mercer recently twenty can* of a small rioh known as toitoi. These are being used fur experimental purjioses in tho Government gardens in connection with the work of feeding the trout. In consequence of tho food becoming scarce in the Taupo Like, the Department W also decided to supply that Lake with small fish, which will be j secured from the Waikato river at Mercer. i Hii Honor, Mr Justice Edwards, wu «n----gaged at the Supreme Court this morning in hearing a claim for an order for th« specific performance of an agreement. Pluintiffs were Mary Alice Silson, of Palmerston North, widow, and the Official Assignee in bankruptcy of the property of Oliyer Noel Gillespie, and the defendant, Frederick William Bismarck, of Beaoonsfieid, farmer. Mr Cooper api>eared for plaintiffs, and Mr Murphy for defendants. After hearing eridenoe, his Honor allowed the decree for a specific performance of the sale of the property on terms tr> be settled by the parties, or, failing that, to lie settled in Chambers. Costs were allowed as on a claim for £SOO.

Some considerable excitement was arousled on the Napior beach one morning lust I week by the action of the Burgernieister i Hachmann, the German liner, which had on 1 board 30,000 case* of petrol for Napier. | When a few miles off the breakwater the : vessel was turned for the south-west and headed straight for Clifton. Many people were attracted to the parade, and eomo stato that the vessel got. within half a mile (4 the beach before turning. Captain Lake, the harbourmaster, saw the vessel turn out of her course, and at once set out after her in the Board's motor launch. The captain, however, was proceeding cautiously enough Ao prevent any serious risk beinu run by the vessel, and he headed her out to ae'a when he discovered there was no breakwater there. The skipper of the Hachmann had not been to Napier before.

Among the 40 applications received for the position of operator of moving pictuns and custodian of the Foxton Town Hall was one from a man who gave as a strong point in his favour that he was "a great help in church wor,k." The want of a complete change of climate was another man's decision for submitting his application, while yet another considered he was eligible because he was "a singer at Jooal concerts, sft 9in in height, and 53 years of age.'' Ho omitted to state his *ize in boots, which may have been the reason why the ('ouncil did not appoint him. Among the applicants was one who had worked at a steam laundry, a pianist and a photographer. The work of drafting out the best man occupied the Council for over three and a half hours, and a Hastings applicant received the appointment.

I Nothing more beautiful in the way of I rugs ( can be wished for than those shown iby Collinson and Cunninghame. Sundown 'is the name given them, and they are 1 absolutely fast in colour, can be washed as : often as wanted without running, and stand J unlimited sun. Most arf light in colouring, I but washable, the soiling of them doe* I not matter. —Advt. I Remove that dirt off your hands! You can do it easily with Ericka Hand Soap, and I with cold water, too; instantly -removes j grease, paint, oils, inks, etc., from your 1 hands and clothing. Try it to-day ; 6d a tin. Collinson and Son, 11 Broad street, the j Square.— Advt. I School books and solid leather school ! bags for girls and boys, a 6ne selection ami I best of value at Ww . Park's, booksoller.- | Advt j When the Customs duty wae a uniform percentage ad valorem, the passing of the entries was quite easy. Nowadays it takes a brainy man to run the gauntlet of th» many tariffs. Merchant* can save both time and worry by getting their Customs work done b> J. J. Curtis and Co., Ltd., Customhouse Qu»y. W«iUngton.—Adtt. RICKED HIS BACK. "I ricked my back severely was unabla to upright," writes Mr Thos. 11. Maher. Edden, Vic. "I had seen Chamberlain's Pain Balm advertised for strains, and thought I would see what it would do for me. The first application gave mo relief and I was quiro myself again after UEing only a quarter of a'botile." Sold by all chemists and storekeepers.—Advt.

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Manawatu Standard, Volume XLI, Issue 9740, 5 March 1914, Page 4

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Untitled Manawatu Standard, Volume XLI, Issue 9740, 5 March 1914, Page 4

Untitled Manawatu Standard, Volume XLI, Issue 9740, 5 March 1914, Page 4