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(By (hi; Special uti'Oini '.)

Yesterday woe n red letter day in thi- j itvtory of ih.' Bush Districts A. and J'. ] ssociation. as ii marked the attainment [ it-, majority, tor twenty-one years tin* • .ssouiatiou ha- endeavoured to eater for . le wants of the farming community in tii-• < istriet around Woodville, and judging , ■<•• n■ yesterday's show, all lliat ir, possible ; !>eing successfully accomplished by the issoeiation. It seemed hut yesterday, reui.ik. a an early settler ui tho district. iii.o all the township (reft.rrin-jj to Woot! ille) was covered in bush. The yearn liar' lapsed in rapid succession, and with ill.' elling 01 the i>us!i Ikkl come lho tilling >!' lie soil, the sowing of pastures and 11. ai.-ing of stock. The Association iia-s de eloped with tho growing prosperity of he district, and it has now reached a hurl. lObition in its class. Tho support givi ■ ' >y the public yesterday wa6 very sati-fa' ory. Settlers and townspeople came from .11 part* of the countryside, a fair couth; , r ent being from Palmerston, and kern ntercst was displayed in the various ►«■ | ions of the show, which was held on th j •acecourse. The grounds pre.-ented a bu.-v ippearance during the afternoon, the assem >l:ii:,' on the lawns and about the stock pons rid sideshow*, logether with the stir cam. 1 >y the various competitions, making an .miniated scene. THE ENTRIES. On the whole bigger entries were receiv. '. 'his year than lust. The she. P s ( ction id:. fribuled tho strongest display, there 1» ii ;; in increase of forty entries. Lincoliis wuv mostly in c\idcnc. and -some line spcciniei.-. were to bo secii. Crossbieds also occupied a largo iiiimber of pens, while fat sheen suitable for freezing purposes were i'i fair numbers. Other breeds represent' I wi ::■ Uomney Marsh. Border Lci< . ;.■:■ and Shiopshire Down--. The, we;c lir-i class and :••- reived nun h . oiiim«mdaiion al the hat ■ - of the iudtre The Berk>|,ii- - >\\ and litte that -eenri .1 !i -; ;,ri>c ~; . ,.; j ,|! ; ,,.| v ~;, ;l . 1 Mr I',, ,•:.. The ■..•.;«„, , vl-j! it.,| ■ very line porker- and ba, on pio-s. The farm, dairy proline. . ;; iid iudiis.ii . section was ,• li<tie p„ n r than on the l.:> occasion, but what i\a, lack-mr in i]iiiinti: •■'■ is made up in (|iiality. \o doubt ih. lateness of lhe pre.v n; sea 01: < hiofh all'i 11 ed this branch ot die display. Some valuable animal- v. ere exhibit., i 111 the h U'se section. Mr J. Domett's Str; bane Ireini; ,-p j ; i|] v j-tlnn;p«i as a hart. * horse. ('ompeiiiion v.a- fairly keen and :n various class. • atirai led muiien u . . :i. r*. In the ortlle . !.! -v- ('. \\\ odley '- (New bury) Ayr-hires v. i-io i.:uch in : ■. el. nee. •:-. *- ii t I class t-ioek I'reatlv admii il Dairy cattle formed the strongest , | a ,> ;; ..< very creditable beasts wen penned. Includi -I under this .wtieti of the schei! ule was ,". cow juditinu r competition ?.e imat. lire-. The re-iilfs of the amateur jink' ng we:--compared with the judire's a war Irhe e.enji. titer approach in:: nearest th official marks -ivurine f n . ; place. T'n Winn.--- proved to h<. Mr J, Grant . Woodvilie. M,..„-. .1. P. Savasre and J Crotliers dividiny s-'«md place The Savajre Cup. for ino-i points -r;ii; .. '" r ' : ' horse, cattle, -he< j., |dir. and compi ition sections was won bv Mi \V. 11 Gaitord. JI'DOKS AM) OFFICERS. Ilor-es- Thoroughbred and hacks M ')• (I. Bid.lifo:,| (Lower \\ut\); poire lighi harne.-s horses and draughts, Mr W I). Wat.-oii (Mast, rtoii'. (attic - Jersey llolsteiris and Ay rshires, Mr V. Ilarkm'sIrlawera); eros-'bied dairv cattle. Mr (' Uoodley iXewbury). Sheep Limxiln. I'o ■lor and Enirli-h '].< icester, M r (;. j.;i) l( , ; lla-tii'tr-l: !', ie\ and Cro»l»red. M •\- Oib-0,. (Kind .Iton) ; Sht. p-ldre Sontl lou ' ! t!i:d fat. Mr \V. I.i. Tax lor. Pies Mr I'errett (San-on}. Prodn Mr (f T Hall (YY.ihn-rini. 1 hj::• [lip:, won .; t)., show '.'. .le pn 5,.;;- ,■ 0 the v.iiuKi's ilurin-r t-iie afternoon [> M's !'.,.:; :,. wifi of tiie Pre-, lent. Mr S Bn! " "• '■' I'ahia-ua. Mr Bolton, in th ■"!"'•■••• •■! a f h reiiiark.- referred to ih '■ '' '■■'""' '' .' ih" -how and onirratulaie. tho Miceessful compi-iitor*. ;i' T. w. ;i;e'Ln!i;''d!.'.,'l^'i,,v.:lj''i n ..; 1 n. li ;M <:. etieman sparinir neither t'. : ':'■' , ': , " rl i!l •"■ -'in : r to the inanv wan; "| evlnl.itors and memlvrs .alike, 'lie w;i d' lv •mmnrt.'d by his <-ommiti m.l -t, -. ■''l'd>. '■[ 1 ma;-, well fe:>l -ati-fied with T I"-' :; '' ~r '■" : " «i rk. 111,1 . iily .in -h. w t '.a 11,11 ! '' ,l; ' preliminary m-iranidation.

COMPETITIONS. I i ■ competition.-, plOVcd the Centre < ' , . °" ' '■'.; an vxwwiiiifrU (ir.i(-Ji**rifiv. !i, *>* l : "»'.v Uvipinti (' Joins' Risin- ;>«'•■ 1; J. 11. l-.ifs Jessie 2. S. U. K,' ►uisoii - Bourn Charlie 3. ''—' !-'■'' ■ I-'., rider MiK, (;. Uohoi, : s !iiHrr V.. (,;i\< r 2. . m |-is ' I l ' ''\ Ull'illjr J. 11. Esotfs .Irs | • I-.J- 11. I'a-hui-i . U.-.ui.. 2 |, 1 " I ''''"'-'. r..iii M -i-iikui- A. M, Manner 1. •J- 11. iMirlmrst. 2. Maiden >«"•* !•;'!•. i:l: ('.. Laitur's R<x-v 1 ":''■■> -\\.- ; .\ TarriiJK-tu. 2. E. Tim i'ii- K.ikn 3. '!'; !1 > ."'"'l' ' ''iUN Millieen and Hunter's :' ; H 0 ( "' 1 ! - Mi* !!■ McDerniottV Rivi-i ,',!' ;•: !, /--i'i"!.' (Hac-lH.!«i!-" ('„,,, ||. it,,, , ' : ■ l: " ! '.'> '• ■•■■ l I). O. Smith's Hill 2 '■ !.:;/■!■ - R.i \ Morn 3. ~''•: ; '' • ::: ' •'• I 'ojriri It's Strahano 3 K. i-'- ik-Ii s \h <i,.| v 2. . *-■•'•'' ;'. j-'apimj -I), o. Smith's |i,|] i. ''■ "• ' "Hii'm,i,\ Major W.-hi, 2 |.> all \ VVOII -i CHAMPIONS. v - !! ;;-- : .',•-. -r o,isf„nrs „„,». " •, '• <»awl 'i- ' - lOrmirii .Inker , T (: '' ,! '' ; n ll '" ! ""'-' rri.'siiin hull, J,„ n( . '; ! ' ' . : ' l !':" :i!! '''""••■ I'i.'tiTtji- of Cliff. :,v i-,; , ; il "'" l "' 1 ' K - A - Greenland \\oodvill t . ; cow, C Woodley's (Ncwburvi ' l";'.'" 1 " !i - hull, K. Holdauav 'lfc'lli'iin ; r,,xv. K S. Holdawav S!: -';V : Lil ".'" 1 " '•=""'. 11-nr.v Gaisford 7V • ( ;'. lM '"?: '<<'">»"> Marsh ra:i.. •! l|l)1 Hin-ili!,!: (Woodville) : ,«,, J H a .,; ni,ir. '' l: '. ■ ';' •'-'"'■•■ l"'ar, J. B. Vn;.lW coilv ill • FARM AND DAIRY PRODCCK. V S I,s " '•""- "ats. William, and Krltl ■ 11->::'' l 1 -> :: '' ! 1: slmrl oats, Williams and f"; I '' 1- «"'!»•■ l'«r!oy. and K.... .'" * "'»' 2 - i.w-rrass, Williams and K.-itJ.-1 "'"I 2 - hikl Co., Ltd. (Napi.r Y." ( " : - '■ '■ Williams and Kettl<> 1 V"" 1 ",'" ■ ;, .' , ' l <'"• 2 C'd-sfoo,, saved and '" ; i '•:> lanii.T. C. R. Palmer 1 and 2: ! 50,.,|, \\,l| lnm „ aln ! K ,. tTK , j. ; v::t ' i-!"v«T. Sunmords and Co. 1, Wj| l " : ;'- : '"; i , K "!f'" 2; '•"■vu'i-asH, «.''■'' 1. «!!..!nn n ,ls and Co. 2; coll-r f' » "1 t«iri.i L , 5,.,,N, Williams and Koftl--1 !l "- I. W llliums ;mkl Kcttlo 1 and 2 !>"tato,s, S. IV, k iWiKidxill,.) 1. ;1 '"»' ii.diisrri.-,. Powdcrod butter, Mrs J.-ns.- n (Mal.arahara) ] Mrs M. Clark, fWoodvill,.) 2; powdered ''"'ler, separator. J. Fletcher (Woodvill, i ■;■ Ij-ney, ••xinu-ted, K. Jens,.-, 1; h«i.ev in 'lm ~,,„!,, K. Jensen 1: home-mad"-l"'.>ad. \vh:re. Miss Cammoek (Woodville) '■• Mm Jensen 2: hum.-niade bread, hrown Mrs Jensen 1. PIGS. H'-rksln'r ■. H-wir. ovr 12 months, A. > ■■■■• ■-!':■ Id (Woodville) 2: ! >• ■ ... r '- a yd iti.'dt'f 12 months, .1. B Vealc 1; sow, ~,,, 12 months, A. G. Crowe (Woodville) 1Uo far ~iM . H. Baker 1, R. (J. Edwards (Maharahara) 2, S. Bolton (Mamratainoka) 3; two pork pijra, A. J. Rendlo (Woodville) 1 and 2, J. Fletcher v.h.e. SHEEP. Lincoln—Ram lamb, 11. Gaisford 1, 2 and 3; ram. over 12 and under 21 months, D. McDonald (Waitahora) 1 •••.d 2, 11. Gaisford 3; ram, over 21 ;■ i under 33 months, I). McDonald 1, I). Gaisford 2 and 3: ram. over 33 months, 11. Gaisford 1 and 2. I). McKen/.io (Dannevirke) 3 ; three rams, over 12 and under 21 months, H. Gaisford 1, 2 and 3; ewe lamb, Henry Gaisford 1, 2 and 3: ewe, over 12 and under 21 months, 11. Gaisford 1, ].). McDonald 2. 11. R. Wilton (Mangarawa) 3: ewe, 21 months and over, 11. Gaisford 1 and 2. D. McDonald 3. Holder Leicester.—Ram lamb, J. A. Welsh (Kiritaki) 1; ram, over 12 and under 21 months, J. A. Welsh 1; ewe lamb, J. A. Welsh 1: ewe, over 12 and under 21 months, J. A. Welsh 1. Shropshire Downs.—Ram lamb, H. R. Wilton 1; ram, over 12 and under 21 months, H. R. Wilton 1 and 2; ram, over 21 and under 33 months, 11. R. Wilton 1 and 2; ram, over 33 months, H. R. Wilton 1; owe lamb, H. R. Wilton 1; ewe, over

2 and under 21 months. 11. 11. Wilton 1 ■ b< we, over 21 months, 11. R. Wilton 1 and 2. I( Fat sheep.-—Five wethers, suitable for K 1 reezing, J. Murrav, junr. (Woodville) 1. 1 M 1. Gaisfoid 2, S. Bolton 3: five wethersh v or freezing, under 21 months. 11. Gaisford ' and 2, 11. 1,. Wth,,ll (Mangarawa) 3; <*■ ive wethers, heavy weight, 11. Gaisford 1: i ,r ive ewes for freezing J. Murrav, junr. 1. ! > f. B. Gaisford (Dunnovirkc) 2.' S. Bob,, d • ; five lambs for freezing, S. Bolton 1. 11. |; Wilton 2. 11. Gaisford 3; live lambs. ! •'. 1. L. Wilton 1, \{ Richards (Woodvillej \'' !. J. Fletcher 3; child'en's pel li lab, Miss '' *.. McCurdy 1. Miss L. G. Richards. " Romney-Marsh. Kan: lamb, J. Harding!, I and 2,\j. 11. Gin-ford 3: ram, over 121 : ' md under 21 months, J. Harding 1 and j I: ewe lamb, ,!. Harding 1 and 2; ewe, >ver 12 and under 21 months. .1. Harding ja I and 2: ewe, 21 months and ovci, J. B.'ti Gaisford 1, 2 and 3. 1 •' Crossbreds.—Three ewes, any age, R. a Pattison (Kumeroa) 1. VV. H. Nelson | e (Woodville) 2 and 6: three ewes, over 21 • I and under 33 months, 11. Gaisford 1, \V. i H. Nelson 2. R. Pattison 3; three ewis. |i under 21 months, R. Pattison 1, W. 11. I■. Nelson 2 and 3: three' wethers, under 21 j 1 months. 11. Gaisford 1 and 3, J. Murray, a junr. 2. i • CATTLE. Holstein-Friesian.—Bull, any age. J.j 1 Hart 1: bull, over 1 under 2 years,) 1 W. Remnant (Woodville) 1: heifer, over i and under 2 years, Win. Remnant 1 and Z.\\ Avrshires— Bull, unv age, E. A. Green- : • land (Wocxlville) 1: bull, over 1 and under J 2yrs, C. Woodlev ; cow any age, C. Wood-r lev 1 and 2; heifer over 2 and under 3yr- !j (.'. Woodlev 1 and 2; heifer, over 1 and i under 2yrsi ('. Wo<hllcv 1. 2 and h.o. |j Jersev or Aldernevs -Bull, any age. F. j Iloldaway 1. J. KleU : lnT 2 ■ bull, over 2 ami ; under 3vi>, ,1. Fletcher 2; bulk over 1 uji.'i j under 2yrs, S. F. Worlxn-s 1. J. Fletcher 2: , |oow. any aire, F. S. Iloldaway 1, J. Flet-j Idler 2: heifer over 2 and under 3yrs. F. jS. Holdawav 1; heifer over 1 and und. 2vrs, F. S Holdawav 1. J. B. Veale 2 ai.d. . 13! I l Milkimr Competition—W. Wright. Won 1 . ville (37ii)ts) 1. S. F. Worboys. Woodville I33i|.is| 2. J. Murrav. jun. (322pt-») 3. i 1 Dairv Cattle-Cow. J. M. Morgan (Woo . ville) 1. R. Charmley (Woodville] 2.•). Murrav 3; heifer in milk, over 27 months] land under 3yrs, R, Charmley 1 and 2. A.; 1.1. Rendle 3; heifer in 11.ilk. <ver 13 ami I hinder 30mlhs. |' S. Veale 1, .!. \MmMi ?. '.I. Murray, jun. 3. A. S. Litchfield v.h.e : ; heifer not in milk, over 18 and und r 27niths, J, 11. Morsran 1: heifer not in j milk, undler A. Barrell 1. S. !■'.. |Worbo\s 2. .1. B. Veal- 3. 1!. Charm!' > h.e.. J. Flet- her .-. ; heifer, umh ■ 6mti -. |S. F. Worboys 1 and 2. J. Fletcher 7: three calves, under 9mths. R. Charmlev i: J. Flet, ii«r 2. .1 M-'Kinlev 3. A. G, (':-"•• j v.h.e. ; two hejfeiv. "Ver 1 and und ;■ 2yrs, Win. Wright 1. HORSES. Uaeks Bri\iii:ig w. ma.e P. Lowrv 1; !;",,,. hatU. iiiiv a'sre. li. 11 -s sell (Hasting) 1. .1. Doinrctt 2, M P. Kni -. ' (Danne\ irK«-i j; 15-; hack. W. 11. Cai.-f ■ i 1. Mi - R. Waterh n■-illilsiiu-.j 2. W. 11. Ikmlli (Mastet'vil •; list hack. W. 11. Gaisford 1. 1„ 11. C i ; ':: son (Baimer-ton) 2. A. M. Ila -in li)aiii'<> \ irkel 3 ; . .b. noi • ■•;. eding 15 handi-. Mrs !■:. C. iliiisford 1. Mts- M. Ranwd-n (Kumeroa) 2, Mrs C. Srubbs 3: ladv'-. ha« k, W . 11. Gai-ford 1 and 3. , R. Waterhou-e 2. Pome- Mar. or gohlimr. 14.2 hand- . . under. 11. \. Wa-stali".- Ma.-t. rpUce 1. !. 11. Fairhms-t's Kawiri 2; ma •■ or L r . I«ii■ ■ -■■. ; 13.2 hands »r ,nder. 11. A. 11. Clarke's S-iler 2. Mis- Gwladye Gac ford- Tc.;.-v 3; mare. 12 hanus or under, Mrs 11. ( 1,-,-],,. 1, Mi-. G. t;,»i-ford 2. Harness ho,--.,— Umrcart horse. .). It .- Rett's Straban. 1. W. 11. Booth's Brown:. '2, L. 11. C-lli.e m'.- Major Webb 3; brndle-. ■ horse. 15.2 hand- and under. Mr.- C. S;ub',.-' ■ Steak 1. 1.. 11. Collin-on's CokerV Exprrf- ■ 2. C Douglas's (mr Jack 3: ponv. 14.2 ■ hands and under. y r -. (\ Stubb- 1. H. A. • Wagstafr 2. C DragerV Myrtle 3. Sprue; cart her-. - Mare fir heavv ear:. .1. Murrav'-. junr.. K .anv 1. North "island " Brewery ( onipanv's Prince 2. (i. Rich iiKiieiV M ■:: 3: mare for litrht cart, J. l>.e; irett's IV-sj.. l. Knight and Snmniervilli 2. ■ Samuel Peach 3. tradesman's turn-out, L', ( A. Funk.. I. S. Turnbull 2. Draught-- Stallion, 3yrs and over, I). Beagley's c tieral Buller 1. I ». 0. Smitii's ■ Glen O'phi: 2. colt, f. aled since duly, ISIO, 'J. B. Gai-fo.-.i'- Kill\m<M)n Combination ]■ , j L'eld'-nr. foal, i -in ', Jidv. 1910. J. M ur : j rayV. junr.. V■•-l*-i 1 : md.liiiir. foaled sic j July . 1911 J. Murra\'-, Junr., Gipp 1 und I Jess 2; mare, with fed al foot. S. Boltmi'I G.ill 1 ami Kate 2; I'.-ldimr. in drav, Wood j ville Bm-ouudi Couneil'- Billv 1. W.'B. at;i- ■'- •| Polly 2: pair pli.mrh horeiw. 11. 1.. Wiliou -I ami s. Bolton 1.

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Manawatu Standard, Volume XLI, Issue 9405, 30 January 1913, Page 2

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AGRICULTURAL SHOWS. Manawatu Standard, Volume XLI, Issue 9405, 30 January 1913, Page 2

AGRICULTURAL SHOWS. Manawatu Standard, Volume XLI, Issue 9405, 30 January 1913, Page 2