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wSljopgpf^ Tin ; Dajryj Aa^pciatibh's;: Conf bren'cp; 'dj;- : -a>' IfMokti "CpMerUihftlio ''';E turn; ilia 11, lastj■ evening, \ Tlwfb.iAyhs. sattijii'daiico'.o/f;,abput -t\y<i,JiuhtlretJ; ; arid ■.'s; ailed, ; /'Majof AVintor' wis,; supported/ on,/, either,/ hawl ; by ,', the, Mayor;and vMr A/^Gpriway;'President/: .of; the■■ Aiifinil-;PriAsspciatioh.:'- ; ;- V¥;.-' ; ;:':.:y .Mr J. M.)i Jblinsfcori.,"proposed the'.toast; oivtho ''NatipnalvDairyLAssociiation.' 1 Ho; puti lof tho : Alsociatibn.'; "exoept ■ that it. hiicl. ctono'f good,: ,and 'j had^be^ : ;';tho; ; :ineaiis;of: SiioWvjnVib-years ago; That diow fwaslibld; iha liaJl -in the' town'. at' fcho instance./of Mr' Beattie,'; who' - was : then president, Inthe fbllowihg year, the Show •ps'heid an; ; tho, Aband^> vbiiildihg in-aisriiall,wayi Sinfcc then if had grown greatly:-; fcho-secretary,;."for;'his;aisistancc,. ; ,also /the' 'memßiSrs:-.iind:;the'-:iMliry-'- : to'riaßqrs.' .:;. ' Mr A. Morfoh;; Prosident of; tiio : Dairy Assooiation,; in respbhding; said ho tlipiight it must; bo Admitted 'tliat'ia; dftbt.of grati--.tudo'.'.waa duo tp^thpvDaiw'Association- for having' initiated .tho..shb\w;.but---.he : ; thought a istilb greater due to;that,;mag-; nificont body', the A .""'arid P.; ; Association,; for the which it had continued the work; He doubted; whether a -finer epllec-;: tion of-exhibits would' ; boVfouhd : :in'the Southern ■ Hemisphere. ■-Ho hoped, that the farmers would realise that, the wlyance--ment ■ of: ■■■ tho country: in the, futuW ■ must, be dua to thorn., lie'-apologised'for thp. absonpe of Mr; indisposed, biitwas happily; recowring.. ; i" Department: of-- Agriculture''liwas proposed by Mr.T. R.^Hodder, 'whpVsaid there \yoro many whp ; thought ;wb wore spending too-'-much'bri.Vluxuries,; cspeeially: in .tho matter 1 of .'■ Government experts. That■'might-lid so or not, bitt ho qorisidorcd in'.'.- this 'connection - tlio mpnpy - was '.well expended every time;' Tho', papersl wore. alv/ays 'writing.- about. the need , for.. factories, . but if .they considered tho, situation thoy would find wo had not : thp population, wo were not a. good 'distributing centre, and the labour laws were not conclusive to the .increase-of industries. However, we had'a great future 'in 'agriculture,', with advantages of climato and a good', class of settlers. ' They only had to look at the Agricultural.: exhibit at the show to-realise the value of its work. The Department could show Us how to grow three blades of grass whero only one grew before;, was that not something? The speaker: also referred to tho usefulness of thp demonstrations of manuring -and the growing of crops. For, these reasons -.-. alone' the experts ' were almost worth their weight in gold. He Was sorry that they had lost some of their best, men, in Professor- Gilruth, because they were not.prepared to pay for .brains., Mr Hodder paid a tribute to the efforts of Mr Clifton, director of field experiments;. Professor T. Kirk, : Government Biologist;' Professor C. J. Roakes, successo' Mr Gilruth,; Mr D.-Ciiddie and his colleaguee of the. Dairy' Division;. and Mr MoPherson,.who has charge of,tho Departmentad exhibit.'-..■'/,. V. ..' Professor Reakes, iii responding, said that the Department was,doing its best to -further;';the; interestsjof tliQ agricultural and-pastoral industry. in : this country. One particular branch of the. Department which he had ■to deal with was live stock, and Ko emphasised tho need for farmers pushing on .the dairy .industry; ~Tho aim. ho had always had in view" was that the Department should do everything' possible to help the farmers to get the best out of their land, .and tbo best yield from their stock. It was realised, he was sure, by every officer of tho Department that their function'.was to help tho farming industry in every possible way. One point that stood out was tho necessity'Of improving the quality .of the herds from a productive point of view. : The-'cxparisiori of the p dustry in proportion to tlio land occupied by it was increasing in greater ratio than .the; production of good milking . cows. Farmers should make certain that; heifers were reared properly and given good attention from, tho first few; months, sp that they, could: start with a sound : constituion. •:.Mr-McPherson, -who/has charge of tho Department's,;exhibit, said ho thought this year's show was ; very'creditablo, "Tho Department's officers were most enthusiastic in affording farmers all tho information they could give them. In coming to Palmerston they felt that they wero visiting tho hub of the North Island, for they met farmers from all parts. .. • Mr Grigg.of Longbeach; proposed "Kindred Associations."" Ho said he knew well the. extent to which his father helped for-. ward the agricultural industry, and his idea .wks thai-unity, was strength. Thpro was no doubt-this district had shown tho rest of New Zealand, to a very largo extent, how to run A. and-P. : shows; Regarding the suggestion for a Royal Show, he thought the separation of the two islands prevented ; that from being practical. However, they 'might':have; one; ; big; -'show, .'subsidised by .the/iGbycrntnent,; and- held Kin < the. North .and 'Spilth Islands alternately; "■ This• Associatipn'ideseryed; praise, for- itV energy, and for tho splendid lino of presidents who had directed its business./

Mr J. D. i Hall,- President-.oLtho- Canterbury A. and P. Association, responded Heexpressecthis appreqiatiori" of- the geniSl hospitality of the Association to' its visitors from' Canterbury. Ho believed the National Dairy Association could do a great deal by bringing the ideas', of the Agricultural Department, readily within the reach of farmers. He thought the education of tho farmer as necessary 'as that of the student, He praised'the. exhibits of schools. In regard to the milk-testing competition, hethought it.was not sufficiently appreciated, Education on those lines was the education for the future. He' believed that Holland and Denmark were ahead of us in the application of scientific principles'-to ■ tho dairying industry. There was no reason why that should be so. It did not seoiii impracticable that the farmers of New Zealand should have instruction communicated to them in, the same way as it-was done in those countrios. r Mr Wm, Perry, president- of the Master, ton A. and P. Association, also spoko. lie congratulated the Palmorston institution on the success' of, and also the Agricultural Department on its very fine, display. Mr Conway, President of tho Manawatu . Association, said that Mr Hall had given 6omo splendid advice, having re-echoed what the Governor,had spoken about—the importance of union. ■' • ■ ' \ ■ ■... "Tho New Zealand Dairy Factory Managers" was proposed by Mr R. S. Abraham,, who said that when he realised, that we wero exporting something like £1,800,000 worth of butter and £1,300,000 worth of cheese, he knew he had something'worth talking/about; They would find in our meat' and other producls various grades, but he believed that in butter there was only one. grade, .which spoke highly; for the. quality of the article. •' He thought that the * factory managers deserved all honour. If' it were' not for their capability..; and : their' conscientious attention to business we could not. hold tho place in the buttormarket.that wo>,did. ,-- 'I Dixon, Manager /of.. the ■, Thames Valley, in responding,-said it nijght not; bo said'that our:butter : asigopd as- Danish, but he believed, that 'with'.tho improvement, of Hhe:-faw material- - that' goal; would;, be reached, ! 'He': -believed .thab -if'the old. motto ;was' observed regarding eleanlirjest' being next-to godliness, the butter would .be both ,jn quality-and; : ~ Mr-Murray,:, secretary . of-",the Factory ManagersV:Association; also acknowledged - it: was the:,ihtention'of the-Association- to bring 'forward Hwq. "or three pairers at :tho;next;;conferencc. '-. ■' '■' , Mr S/?R. proposed "The -Judges and-Exhibitors." ;:He-'said tho Association had always been, very fortunate ■'.iii>tho class of .-judges, it secured, especially -'.those from /the. Department -, of Agriculture,' who - dealt' with/tlie Miter-and .e>e'cse>u;r.:^;;.^v -The Mayor, in,responding on .behalt />t tho -judges,: said ;lio,did hotV think ;the homo industries; fojstcred. as; -much: as tbey"should: be. ■.■: As : ,;.towhspcoplo : :they Should AssOv eiation -ami; give duo' praiso to; W'ay.vGolohTO J^Mv^ns^p;;^ v Mr■•'A;i J-^Pilmer,Vjiidgb of tho hunting ithat ¥tHevjumping> vw-fW attraction that''ranked;-next'-to''to;'football; iai^'w^ sliould; bo li or• : ' exhibilors^'said^ ; they-: wcro-;v;groatly;;;iri-debted-5 to" the "bllio^rs ; of .

; displaysrS's K; Wf^-9sW^^%- n H ;' ; y;.Th6, , ;/GhMrin^ ; MifeCuddie,'ayhop':lte^^ /foMlip^^ ;'wjaii ! '4iJy':-. ; other iitidiyidual.; -i 'f' -';;■ ; - /;^ -'V :!; jVIt AGuddje^ift^ foT gcy-to ypiijt '& : «(|eiitfthfeynvbrc iiVclebtdcl' to' :]tTip' ; j'ordint\ry * fpo -IjeJieveci ]nT:oohqActi6n;\witli i /Iho|'dnii7'.ifi tho^'mnpufeturo^b^ '.fllo ..yaliin ■ :o[*co^opevdtiyo^airyiiig; , thti- ;■ invdiitbr, wiiliotjt/whom' thoy : ;woiilcl : npt'belp'lhov posit ion -Mby; occupied to'--' day.f.fl^o'bft'lieyecl. thatz/tltb:; ihduVtryjhacl in; Such;/ jv sound' its it ■ : P(»jiprcd' : -fo-d^ ; :-l->T]iq-V Manawatu ■>-;Ppijlti*yi ,,: . Association'' \viis...proposed'- liy Mr Wm, ;MclCch'sdb>!ahd'' Messr^G^H/VPickonngjaiiciTindiill 1 responded;;. '; ; ; r:-~tX ■>■;■: >'V; ■■'■'■'' -/'/ i .':'.;.'

I and ; testified' 'tb.the; ipnthiisinsfic work car. Iried oil ■by- Mr dickeringVin' tho j'litovcsttt of;fho Association;-' .'.' ■'■■': t -'-':-"/" j ; Mrj'Pjokering, after.• a Inuhprou's introducti6h,- expressed liis approval of.; the/two associatipns—agricultural'' arid;.., I had: beou.a.,'and: oncoiiraging 'iprpmises; pf,.,support;.hftd been .received lor' .tiipfnpxt exhibition,' so niucli- so,:tUit n-oy oxppetbd;:;to.h!n;o'frohi : 'lo6o:to:lsoo;;'mtr I ■ •Mr'Tindall, one of the:judge's,Vaid;-ihere .■we're "biftlsin'tho'-Orpington and 1 Plymouth Rock sections that- were'fit. to take',prikos in ; England. . -'; :: '; ■:,;■; . ; Thb president (Mr-Coiiway) proposed a hearty ;vptQ'; of tlianks;to :-Major Dunk, chairman: of -tlio- Winter- Show'-Committcc, arid:.his health was heartily.drunk. , .

,;•■' The;Ohairman; in- responding,'said that : tlieSvintor slipiy had not been/built upwitli-; joutVh'ai.'d-work,-.iiiid unless-'soineonp took a 'partiflular interest"'in any; movement it iwoiild 'not; succeed. : ■■'.- Since 'ho: had joinod ; th.e?Ass'oci ati quarter -of a -'century ago, ! tlio bxpoiises gone; up' twonty-fivo per cent, but tho /Association still only chargod a sliillilig attlibgatc;-J - • ■ ' "Items."'word coritributod:,as follows:•-'Songs,-Messrs-A; E.':Beiinbtt, E. S..Poes, :Jqhnsonj; Talwr and Catoii; recitations, Mr A,' W. Galiichan;/ monolbguo, Mr. Hanlon; humorous sketches', Mr'P, Eadie; Irish jig, Mr T,; Jaffraj'..'.Many' cricp'res wore 'given. The ;goiieral:arrangeinents.;wbi'o supervised by - Mr'W-..T. Penny in. a thoroughly satis'fuctorymanner.'':';■'"; / '- r , . ■■ ,

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Manawatu Standard, Volume XLI, Issue 9227, 28 June 1912, Page 6

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FARMERS ENTERTAINED. Manawatu Standard, Volume XLI, Issue 9227, 28 June 1912, Page 6

FARMERS ENTERTAINED. Manawatu Standard, Volume XLI, Issue 9227, 28 June 1912, Page 6