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At. a recent salo of dairy cows at Wyndham, in Southland, prices as high as £lO 10s wero reached.

Two first-offending inebriates were convicted and discharged before Mi 11. R Waldegrave, J.P.. at the Police Court this morning.

Thero is still no news of the old man Peter Smith, who so mysteriously disappeared from Manakau somo five weeks ago.

Seven cases of scarlet ffver in the Palmerston Borough wero notified to the authorities last month. In addition thero were two cases of tuberculosis and one of diphtheria. In reply to a question by Cr. Mowlem, as to when tlio Council intended that work should be resumed at tlio Tiratea waterworks, tlio Mayor last night stated that it was on the minule s for October,, but a motion authorising a commencement might be moved at any time. Hearing of the case in which Adolphus Oxloy sued Ueorgo Craw, flaxmiller of Linton, for £144 damages ,for alleged wrongful termination of a cooking contract, wa s concluded before Mr A. D. Thomson, S.M., yesterday afternoon. MiMason appeared for plaintiff and Mr i'it/licrbert for defendant. Evidence for the defence was heard, and judgment was reserved (ill jioxt Tuesday. At the Manawatu County Council meeting yeste'rday, the Chairman explained that the delay in getting the loan for tlio Poxton .Beach road was_ due to the fact that the special order had been sent to the Foxton Herald to publish on Mondays. That journal, it appears, did not publish on Mondays, and inserted the advertisement on Saturdays, which invalidated tlio whole afftiir. An Order-in-Council had been prepared to validate the defect, and it was hoped that no more timo would be lost. It was a pity tlio hitch occurred, as the trucks were ready, and tenders should have been in for the work.

EarJy yesterday morning a fire broke out in a house at Longbtirn owned by Mr D. Prouse, and occupied by ...Mr C., with t.ho result, that it was totally destroyed .'along with tho contents, Mr Prouse, who was alono in the house when the outbreak occurred, managed to escape by breaking through the bedroom' window. There is little doubt that the origin of the fire was .a .djMedtivo chimney. An inspection showed the kitchen chimney was in a deplorable condition. It was cracked deeply in places, and soot was exposed in fairly largo quantities, tho chimney woodwork having Jittlo protection. When retiring for the night, Mr Prouse left some embers smouldering in the kitchen grate. Ho was awakened at an early hour by a noise, and found smoke issuing from tho kitchen. The fire spread quickly, and he just managed to escape from tho house. The furniture was insured for £2OO.

The w'iole of Collinson's lamp's and filments at sale prices for 3 days only. If you do not need a lamp for six months it wili pay you to buy now. Collinson's crockery #1 jo ceases on Saturday, September 9th. —Advt.

Supply yourself with a vigorous vitality -possess- a keen and healthy appetite, rich roil blood, strong nerves and robust health is yours—Stearns' Wine of Cod Liver Extract does it—Advt. For Chronic Chest Complaints, Woods' Great Peppermint Cure. Is 6d, 2s 6d Advt,

Disc gramaphone, largo horn moveable arm, first quality sound box, beautifully finished, only $3 ss. Double-sided records from h 6d. Largo variety to choose from. Come and hear the latest songs and band pieces, New Hornless machino in solid leather case and record carrier only £B, perfect tono. Ideal for drawingroom, terms arranged—J. P. Leary and Bates, the Homo of Music—Advt.

"tlio delivery of the Financial Statement has been postponod till l'riday night. A unique and much appreciated feature of last night's Council meeting was the serving of supper, at the instance of tbo Mayor, to the Councillors and pressmen. The uso of the Opera House for the fete in aid of the children's ward, and the Municipal Hall for tho Scottish concert and a, Band entertainment, was granted by tho Borough Council night at the prico of the gas consumed. I Alteration:) to tho old firo station are to bo carried out by day labour. Only ono tender wa3 received by tho lforongii Council, thai; of Messrs Hopwood and Sun at £l7B, and it was declined as being £33 in excess of the engineer's estimate. The Chairman of tho Mana.wa.tu Coimiy Council said yeetorday that Ira had ascertained at the County Conference that County Councils now had power to compel anyone roading their land for tho purposo of subdivision to metal the roadi, a power not previously in their hands. A donation of £5 5s lias been received , by tho Fire Brigade from Abraham and Williams, Ltd., in recognition of the valul able service:; rendered by the brigade in 1 saving their wool store from destruction during the recent outbreak at the Tiratu 3 planing mill.

Tho work of planting osier willow for jrotection purposes on tho river beach Touting the Esplanade is being carried 3iit by Borough labour. Two men arc putting in from 1400 to 1700_ plants a ;lay, and tho engineer reports that at this rale the work should bo completed during tho present week. The prize list for tho Manawatu Spring Show, to bo held on November Ist, 2nd, and 3rd, have been issued. The schedule is a very complete one, and is so arranged as to form a concise, yet explicit, guide for tho public, all of whom aro interested in tho season's greatest event.

Tho sexton reported to the last meeting of the Cemetery Committeo that flowers had' been wantonly pulled from graves and left lying about tho cemetery. Instructions voro accordingly given the sexton to keep a sharp Jook-out for offenders, and to tako action to stop I lie practice on their discovery. Permits to the number of sixteen for drainage, twenty-ono for plumbing, and thirty for building, were granted in tho ■Palmierston Borough during the past I month Of tho building permits nineteen ■ wero for new structures, the remainder ■being for additions, and the total value was £7364. Three more new buildings were sanctioned than in tho previous month. ' Mr P. Hally (Conciliation Commissioner) has been engaged hearing the W'anganui dispute in reference to tho tramways. A complete settlement was arrived at "on all matters in dispute including general conditions of labour together with wages. A preference clause, similar to the Wellington carpenters' award, was ! agreed to. An eight-hour day was fixed, 1 overtime to commence after nine hours had been worked at a rate of time and a-half on week days and Sundays—Press Association. | The Borough Treasurer last night reported the following balances:-General .account, dr. £14,345 2s 6d; sanitary account, dr. £343 10s 8d; reserves account, ' dr. £416 15s Id; Opera House account, ! dr. £924 16s sd; deposit account, cr. £488; waterworks account cr. £ISBB 4s 6d; interest account, cr. £948 16s 2d; library account, cr. £384 4s 9d; overdraft «i& bank, £12,620 19s 3d. Separate accounts: Cemetery account, cr. £15319s sd; waterworks loan No. 3, cr. £1530 8s 7d. The Mayor mentioned at the Council meeting last evening that ho had conij municated by telephone yesterday with Feilding with tho object of ascertaining tho condition of the reservoir, which was to bo visited by a committee of the Council during tho first, spell of wet woatliei. Ho found that, although heavy rain had fallen in Palmerston, Feilding had had scarcely any. The caretaker of the reservoir was to have rung him up at 5 o'clock if the water was discoloured, but he had not received any message up to tho time of tho meeting

Several motions to have been moved by tho Mayor and Cr, Nathan at last night's Council meeting oil various matters of importance, including the Mayor's proposal to havo a report prepared on the tram scheme, and Cr. Nathan's motion for a loan to bring the Opera House up-to-date, had to bo postponed. At 10.30, when the meeting had disposed of routine business Cr. Stubbs moved the adjournment. Several small matters then in hand remained to be cleared up, and th.; meeting rose at twenty minutes to eleven without having touched cither "general" or "special" business. Tho Council will meet again next Tuesday evening to deal with the matters held over.

Four horses disappeared from a paddock in Ruahino street on Monday night. When Mr Yortt, of Walther and Yorlt. visited the paddock early yesterday morning ho found that of tlio five horses which were grazing thero on the previous evening only ono remained, Thia was the property of the firm, but, two others belonging to it had gone; tlio remaining two wore owned by Mr Rowlands and Mr Robinson respectively. Tlio strange part of the incident is that the gate was found to be padlocked as it had been left, and the fences wore quite Gecure. The only other exit would bo through a gato opening into an adjoining paddock, but tlii s was also considered to bo safe. The horses wero recovered this morning- in Wilton's Line.

The Borough Engineer reported to tlio Council last night that he had had intimation that more advertising boards were to be erected on the side of the railway land between the subway and the railway station in Main street. The Council had previously been advised that between the subway and tho Square the practice would be discontinued, and this had been done. Tho eyesore, however, was not less at one end of the street than tho other, and he suggested that if revenue could be made by advertisements facing the street in the position named the Council should let the space in its own street, when the nuisance would bo no greater than it was when tho hoardings were erected just over tlio fence—lt was decided to inform the Railway Department of tho Council's intention to adopt tho oourse recommended by tho engineer.

The new millinery for spring and summer wear is decidedly pretty, and tho ladies who desire to see the authoritative styles, the correct shapes, and fashionable colours and trimmings will tako an early opportunity of viewing tho'display of models at tho Bon Marche.—Particulars are given in this issue.—Advfc.

A HINT TO THE WISE. A man is seldom sick when his bowels •are regular and nover tcJI when they are irregular. Bear this in mind and take Chamberlain's Tablets _aa occasion may require. Thero is nothing better. Thev are mild and gentle in their action and are pleasant to take. Try them, and ymi will never wish to tako another dose of pills. Sold by all chemists and storekeepers.—Advt. ' EVENING SCARVES.

Mr Collinson, who is now in London, has sent us out_ a most beautiful lot f' evening scarves in floral and striped P- 115 " ley ninons. chiffons, chrvstalines. tinsel and beaded. These are the rage in London at present. They are from 18in. to 40in. wide. Those requiring tho verv latest novelties for evening wear should see these. The prices tire from 2s lid t»> 27a fid. Ootlinsnn and Onnninghame, T.tnjMcssrs Baldwin and Rayward. who=o local representatives are Messrs Ravcnhill and Co., the Square, report that amoiiKt tho many applications for patents thev havo just filed are: S. I. Tracy, Auckland, an improved guard for hat pins; F. VRusmussen, Pahiatua, improvements _ m umbrellas; W. Jermyn, Shannon, improvements relating to securing lid' 011 milk cans, billy tins, and the like; A. White, Otago, egg tester, grader, am carrier; J. R. Jones, Gosborne, machine for washing wool, hair, and ot' lcl fabrics—Advt.

lii future tho Town Clork's ollico is bo closed at 12 noon every Saturday. Rev D (J, wired to-day Easterly moderate to strong winds, indications for fair weather and probably a 'very cold niglit;. glass little mo\cment.

I'lirther information touching tho •lUuilh of Emily Knowlos lias booiv rocoiv-,(-'d bv the police, and tho mystery sur--vounduig tho man who was in her com,iany when she returned hoijio on the rridny night has been cleared up satisfactorily. Says a Press message:-A mild speculative sensation was caused at To ■kuiti yesterday by tho fact that the 2 a.m. express brought four policemen, and they, accompanied by the local constable proceeded immediately in tho direction ■ot 1 lopio. Four more police arrived by the 4 p.m. train and proceeded in the '•same way. Tho question is being asked •on all sides, is it Powolka? Strict silence is being maintained by tho police. District Adjutants and other officers ■assemble at the local headquarter s of the •Defence Department to-morrow to receive iiniil instructions for the posting of reCl 'utts._ A memorandum to tho posting committee gives a quantity of detail bearJn o on tho formation of tho different units, and for a timo tho posting, enrolment and equipment, of (lie Forces will take precedence overall other work. Each man will bo notified as to the section of the Forces to which ho will be attached. \ n vK *? us ''. W) Dominion's opinion as embodied in his remarks to a jurv at the recent sitting of the Christchiirch Su--I'ieino Court, "many a man whilst not urraming of doing it to convict a man, . vc .'' st-ram "is conscience and utter an untruth while on his oath iri Court to save or shield a friend," H, j s .Grange, and not very reassuring, from the standpoint of public morality, to note that almo!it i every and magistrate in the Dominion finds it encumbent iq,on him to deplore tho growing habit of prevarication to uso no stronger teriu-aniong tliose giving evidence on oath. Several settlers in the Western District, command, have demonstrated tho efficacy and utility of applying lime to their •land A farm which was disposed of recently at a very satisfactory price was brought to its present state of perfection ■by, the judicious application of lime, which the late . owner claimed was the foundation of his success. Not so many years ago the locality was regarded in a very valuablo light by those visiting it toi the first time. Now there are many nice homesteads, and herds of good dairy cows are in evidence in all directions, ihis transformation is attributable mainly to the judicious use of lime. The Maori census enumerator for the ■Rotorua, Taupo and Bay of Plenty districts, in the course of his official report, expresses grave apprehensions as to the future of the race. He says: "I am beginning to think that the position is almost hopeless, that tho race is dying, and all that remains to be done is to make their final exit as easy as possible for i&em by seeing that they should not suffer from actual hardships and starvation. There is considerable danger of their pasting all their substance at tho present time, as there seems to be a growing inclination amongst them to sell all they can, live for tho present, and let tho future look after itself.

A lady correspondent of a Grcymouth paper, who signed herself "'A Mother of Nine,'' in the course of a patriotic letter, stales that she has no pationco with women who would encourage a son, or a husband to hung back or refuse to light for his country, "but still less for beings in trousers who masquerado as men and are always whining against capitalists for being tyrants and oppressors.'' The only tiling that vexes, this modern Spartan mother is that the first six of her family arc girls, and are not eligible "under the present imperfect military service law," but her boys, as soon as they are ready, will join the ranks and be ready to serve their country if need be. She expresses her thankfulness that while grumbling men are far too plentiful, there are comparatively few grumbling wives. If she had her way,'she would segregate all grumblers, and leave them to cure themselves in their own companionship of their baneful habits. It is rather remarkable that, whereas in most parts of New Zealand where Territorials have undcrgono medical examination, the condition of t.he teeth has been almost a shocking revelation to the | medical examiners, in almost every case at Tuatapcre, in Southland, the teeth were excellent, and in this respect the whole contingent showed a marked superiority. The examining doctors remarked that the result of the examination suggested a splendid field for careful scientific investigation as to the cause or causes which have combined to produce such desirable results. Possibly tho causes are local—viz., climate, soil, water supply, etc., or possibly heredity may provo to be the determining factor, or tho habits of the young men may furnish some clue to tho remarkable difference between the highly satisfactory condition of the teeth in°t.hat Southland district, and tho deplorable state of affairs which examination of young men in other localities revealed. The doctors offer 110 cause beyond the foregoing suggested theories, and the additional one that possibly tho dwellers on the frontier live more in accordance with nature's beneficial laws, and observe restraint from tho perpolual round of excitement which wears on tho ncnes ot city youths. Timaru lias been contemplating a municipal milk supply, but tho cost figured out, proves altogether prohibitive. It, is calculated that a municipal milk supply would cost as much as the underground drainage. There would bo the cost of some three hundred oows. an initial outlay of £2500 Then there would be a "razing area of some 600 acres 01 i'airl\' D good land, value about ±>20,000, at present 'ruling prices. Buildings, which would require to be up-to-date m every detail fencing, delivering van s with horses and harness, would run into between four and live thousand pounds at the very lowest estimate. Then there would bo the staff, from a highly-paid managerial specialist down to farm and delivery men, book-keepers, and lastly, but not, least, a formidable array of bad and doubtful debts And after all it is •contended that the present price of milk would not be reduced by a farthing a gallon. The quality might possibly bo somewhat better, and even that, is doubtful. Timaruirans have wisely decided tor the present- at all events, so far as muiucinal milk' supply is concerned, to let matters remain as they are, prolcrably to runnin o " an indefinite risk of future liability with a grave concurrent responsibility as affecting tho public health. Tt is satisfactory to learn on the authority of Mr T. W. Kirk, Director of Orchards Garden and Aviaries Division, that during the last, three years, thero •■had' b n en added to tho area ot commercial orchards in this country a total d fivo thousand acres, which did not inelude domestic orchards. Tho latest re.tllvn published by the Government, which ' i„ 1908. showed that, there were then 23,000 acres of land laid out in commercial orchards in New Zealand. Have You a Spark of Ambition ?-A flflsire to rise above your fellowmen? Then Stent your ideas; tlicy are worth money.■You will find valuable hints in tho free ihnnklet "Advice to Inventors,' obtained f nm Henrv Hughes, Ltd., Patents Agents, 157 Featherston street, Wellington—Advt, 157 DRESS SUITS. _ The season's social have ali "J Ta vour suit right with fashion"? If not, let Do Luen and Co., ?T qmi»re, Palmerston North, make you 'ffflXe ' Thoj haro the right idea, 'or thes® garments— Advt. T VTEST IN MOTOR CYCLES. Motor cyclists should call at, Adams fiarasre. opposite _ Working Men s Club, .p.,ln"street and inspect the new B.S.A. Motor Cydc manufactured by Ihe amn g Small Arms Co., England, 'which 'is a guarantee that the workmanship and material used in its manufuc- .? ' js of the finest obtainable. Ihe U A has manv improvements, one ol ui'iieh is an alluniiriium dust am waterproof magneto cover, .ensunne a rood Lark under all conditions, The B.S.A. - an exceptionally quick running engine and c'imU the worst lulls with plenty of ■power to spare.—Advt.

| Tho ordinary meeting of the Pohan- ! gina County Council will bo held on Saturday next. Or. Armstrong last night asked for full details of the finances of tho Opera House and tho Mayor promised that they would be supplied to them.

The boy Looncy, who was bIioH; in the liver by a pea-rifle pellet'on Sunday week is progressing favourably at the Napier Hoapital. The flour nulls owned J. Moffat and Son. Hazeldeiui road, Christchurch. woro damaged by lire last night, Tho top storey where the grain and flour is stored was gulfed. The mill was insured in the London and Lancashire for £SOO, and the contents for £ISOO in the same' ollice.Piess Association Mcinbers_of the Congregation Band of Hope met- in ihe school room last evening and held another of their social evenings. The programme was full of variety, and proved very entertaining. Tho promoters, Misses Brown (2), and Mrs Attwood, were responsible for tho success of the performance, and a motion to that effect was carried unanimously, Manawatu and Rangitikei County Co.uiiciljprs do not agree as to tho advifiabilltv of abolishing the name "Manawatu ' from the list of electorates, for, at yesterday's meeting of tho first-named Council, on C'r. R, J}. McKenzie's motion,, it was decided to protest against the motion passed by'the Rangitikei County, Council favouring the alteration of the ] name of the Manawatu electorate to' "Rangitikei." j Last Friday week night an unknown person knocked at the door of Mr David i Morgan's house at Te Aroha. Mr Mor-! gan's wifo answered the summons, when a 1 bundle wa6 thrust into'her arms, and the visitor immediately vanished into tho night. The bundle, on examination, revealed an infant recently born, with a £1 note attached to its clothing. The police were informed, and detectives set to work, with the result that a woman hailing j from Wanganui has been arrested on suspicion of child desertion. Some discussion took place at tho Manawatu County Council meeting yesterday, in reference to a request from Major-Gen-eral Godley. re obtaining public buildings for military training purposes. The general feeling was of doing whatever was in the power of the Council to facilitate tho operations of tho Defence Department, Cr. R. B. McKenzie said there was a hall at Carnarvon, which, he believed, could bo obtained for the purpose referred to. Tho Chairman stated that ho understood Mr Levin was making arrangements about the Sanson Hall

Still another case is reported of "waiting at. the church," this time in a suburb of Christcluirch. The bridegroom-elect was a young' man who, until a few days ago, was a highly-respected employee of a local firm .so much so, in fact, that when the news of his approaching marriage was noised abroad re received a substantial cash preseri from his followworlcers as a tangible token of their esteem and affection for him. The waiting bride was an employee of another Christchurch business firm, and sho_ was tho recipient of a monster wedding cake, made specially for her and pre-intcd to her by the management. The day for tho ceremony was fixed, and elaborate preparations had been made by the bride's parents to ensure her being well "sent olf." Tlio eventful hour arrived, bringing with it a coterie of well-wishers and gossipers. but. after waiting some two hours, it was decided to postpone tho ceremony until .such time u s the bridegroom should think lit ro appear. The disconsolate would-bo bride philosophically remarked that it would be all right. Probably her man had got drunk, and was sleeping it olf somewhere." But there are thoso who say that a worried-looking man set sail on the following evening for Australia.

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Manawatu Standard, Volume XLI, Issue 9608, 6 September 1911, Page 4

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Untitled Manawatu Standard, Volume XLI, Issue 9608, 6 September 1911, Page 4

Untitled Manawatu Standard, Volume XLI, Issue 9608, 6 September 1911, Page 4