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The Men Kctuni to Work (Per Press Association—Copyright) .MKUJOUKXI-:. l.ixsi night.. Tin- (Ji.'lxtto htm reached a Carnival j sia;,'.\ Dr. .Mnlotiry. iwinlutr lor \Vi;;it, .Mi'lbourm-, is conducting a .Hlom-Wiill. Jli- qiiou-ij from Chuu- i ivr anti I'Xti/n.sivH.y from A point, of oviUv a^aiiihL tliu quotation from Ur.-tfLslm-w wan knocked out. on tin- ground that it was a most .suiuihU- work to laki- extracts Irom in dealing with railways. ('(> to breakfast the .seemed to haw forgotten about. (.Ik- crisb. doini-C its best i.o K ,. t , fj X , ~K I. ,t amusement possible out. of the <!<-- bat.-, A :».:iLli."-mfiit of the strike wu;; .■irran^rd at. a conference hcU! at. Tin liamt'Jit Building;* between the Premier, the Minister of Unthvays, and tiio leaders of tho Opposition ami I,ubour party, Messrs Dully and -Madden, and the pn-.Hident and secret ary of tits' Kr.^iue. Pavers' Association. Jt. was sitrmm-d thai, lite conference was in regard to tho strike, but the strictest secrecy was observed -,v;-; to the nuturu of thy i>ro-ci'i-djiip,. The conference broke uj> at 12.:!') when it was understood tllut it i would meet ai;ain. j .Soon after .'! p.m. it ua«i reportmi that, the .strike was over. \ 'file first ni'\'.:i wa.s n.'eehed with incredulity. Authorilativi- new.s came from the Premier, who, at 1 o'clock, made a .stuieimnt in the Legislative Assembly. Wi.shin/.,' to Kpcak he was greeted with loud cheers and said :•• It was extremely stratifying to me to be piaced in the position of beintc able to announce that the unfortunate strike has coi::i.> to an vnd. I received tin* morning, through favour of the Leader of tho Opposition and other £e:it lemon, tile following letters : — j ,<)(.'(iMortv k K\r, i x k-\ >i;i v v usANl> KIKKMK.V* ASSOCIATION, May 15th j SIH.—On behalf of the members of the above Association, now on strike, we desire to intimate to you that wi- h:u-<! declared the strike oiT. and that the Association as a body is prepared to return to work in full coniideuee that we will receive justice at. Your hands. <Ch..vr.,). (Signed) •/. Hart. President. A. Storer, General secretary. <"i>:iTin:iinf:. Mr Irvine said, "hi a matter of this .sort it seemed to ' the Goveinui.-iii thai, then- should be left no possible room for luisunderstnridiiifi {lii to their j.ositiou. Tiierefon; f thought it necessary, after consultation with my colleagues, to make provision for the Government to put the position beyond the shadow of a doubt, and accordingly I wrote the- following letter : locomotiyk' and FIHiIMION "S ASSOCIATION, IV-ar Sirs,—l 'nave to acknowledge your letter, in which, on behalf of the members of your Association, now on KU-ik.-, you intimate that you -.have declared the strike oil. Recognising that this is intended as a compliance with the order of the Commissioners to withdraw your nlliliation with t is.- Trades liall Council, the Government has taken your 1.-tter into consideration, and have had ihe of the Kentletnen who conveyed your letter to me that they fully explained to you the intentions of the Government as publicly expressed in the enclosed .statement, in addition to matters specially referred to in thai statement, and' in order to prevent misunderstanding. I have to state that any members of I the Association who will be permit- i ted to resume duty will be so permitted only on the understanding that the Government shall be left with unfettered discretion to allow, or disallow, wholly or partially, nil pensions or compensation rights winch have already accrued or arc accruintr according to merit of individual cases. 1 shall be glad to have your continuation of these points. Signed, IUYIXK, Premier. He went on to say that he had received a reply to the elTect that the Association fully understood and accepted the terms the Government imposed. MKUiOPRNK, I'riday. f'isavowitig all fee-ling (J f ex'ultati'Ui. the Premier went on to say he wished to be understood. As previously stated, and explained in the statement he had forwarded to tin.. President and .secretary of Rnginedrivrrs' Association, the' men could not come buck in a hodv. a_s the men recently on gaged must have consideration, and only a certain proportion of !he strikers could be taken back. The men who had taken a leading part in the strike, or eoininot ted acts of intimidation or leit their engines at the points were not to be. taken back. The u;e!t who had reluctantly joined the strike simply through being cajoled or out of a feeling of loyalty to comrades would 1>... treated magnanimously as regarded pensions and other rights. 1,, a ll probability many of those engaged hi th« strike will have to suffer. These v.horn we can admit into the Serv-' u-e we will admit with full regard to the interests u f the people, but •subject to that we shall Certainly endeavour lo temper jnstice wilh mercy and exercise absolute impartial, ty, admitting u u . i mck s ,. rvk ., ')! tnosv who participated in the unhappy conflict. Su- A. Peacock, in response Lo repeated calls and amidst cheers anil congratulated the country <»> tthullwwl been done. Ih: and I!1:™ ll!Ul '•"•» *■•»•*«"»: iii the •mk hat 1 1.-v- had ,„.,.„ ~f ~se "';• Imd to express ihe greatest ad-'""•^"M..ror-u. u representatives of lh" ".en win,,,, they |,a,l had to -icul with. O ,her members expressed congratulations, and there „as s^irs. 11^11' 111-I' 15-''-^'' T»,n-o <-hee,s having been given i»: Ui" 1 renuer , ul(i , Sf| . A , 'iS'd-u lI<MISt' at^'""-'u- <l »-iv I!,-Vond the Premier', Ma.en.ent \"!.s hvtle ,s so fur available ... f" r:!" X VIV IU1«llt' slLi»»« «lud, led lo tin- settlement. A PurliiuuenUny Coinmiti.e cou"slius ot.Tir.-A A rcucocli-audiS,

urn 1 nifty, Cameron und Bromli-y };ot togi-thi-r last.ntKht. and aettnj; without (-•'ovornnient s»anction, thir, morning had a long interview with the .strike k-adcr.s and ur^cd them to «'ye way, insi'itin^ at tho same time on tho necessity of completu Kurrernlitr. Meanwhile tho Committee had consulted the Premier ami .MinistiM- of Kuilwny.s. , About tnidday the Premier was cal I<-<1 out (tf thu Hotmu aurl a eonferenco was held. The question of t'-ruu! of .swrrender wa.s raise<! anrj Sir A Peacock's commilti.-u handed in t-'i" men's hater declaring th.j Slriko o(T. j It was th.-n three- o'clock; Th«> niat.l-.-r went, t,, Cabinet, and after consideration the. .Pirmier .sent his letter. The reply of the men to this N'tter wji.s .submitted to n ni(;«:tinj; <»f th<- men nt the Trade* Hall' and tin. decision to declare the strik.t oi( ua.s contirmed. fmiin-ijiatcly afterward;; the JY«-: niit-r marl.; the statement in Uio ■ I^-Kislal.iv.. Assembly. 'riie news spn-ad through«'-»ty like wild.'h-e. The neK'>tiations w,-ri> kept, ho secret, and so firm a ironf. was maintained ri^ht up to the time of surn-ndcr by the striko lcadi-t-.s that it came a.s' v «lad .yurprise. 'J lie e.ity in in a state of f-xcite-wnt and jubilation which continued till j ut ,. t.o-night. Pri'jKiratious were- at once comniencfd to ivstore the train s-rvic-'•s. which are expected to be, ly improvvil to-morrow. Throughout th" (.'ommoi;\v.>alth then' is tfn.-ut relief nnd n-joicint? <lnit. the disastrous struggle has hojtpily (filled. LOXIIOX, Yesterday. Th<« Financial News .suys that Anstraliitu .statesmen, by pandering Id labour agitators have rr.-ated serious ]>roblems, which, unless faced, would cause the prosperity of tin* <'oiniiion'.vi-alih to vanish permanently.

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Manawatu Standard, Volume XL, Issue 7543, 16 May 1903, Page 2

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RAILWAY STRIKE. Manawatu Standard, Volume XL, Issue 7543, 16 May 1903, Page 2

RAILWAY STRIKE. Manawatu Standard, Volume XL, Issue 7543, 16 May 1903, Page 2