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TF YOU WANT TO SEE PALMERSTON NORTH GO A-HEAD THEN 11 Y°U SUPPORT LOCAL INDUSTRY BY BUYING YOUR ts- FOOT W..E A R''^ PROM THE MANUFACTUREiI IN YOUR TOWN. Second to None in "thT Tradj^for Wear and Comfort. HOUSEHOLD WORD is PAYNirS\foi* BOOT 3 ami SHOES. We have nothing to do with Jack of all Trades and Master of None but master ,o_ om*} own Itrade and afraid of none, so roll up and purchase your Boots and Shoes at P A YNE ' S'_ Remember his staff of Workmen live in your houses and spend their money in your town not in America or ,n the Continent, but in Palmerston. Ladies can find Walking Shoes at all Prices from 3s Gd to 3s lid to the Top Prices ol all Gents' from 7s Cd, Children's Slippeis from 6d, Ladies' Slippers from Is also Gents from lsr^hildren's, Strong Boots from 3s Gd, Shoes from 3s, Ladies' Evening Shoes from Is 9d, Gents' 5s 6d. v PAYNE'S ACME' SHOE STOEE, THE SQUARE, PALMEBSTON MORTH. BRAND OF CLOTHING. ■-J_te____--_--_IB§_MTO---E_--_-_l Each Garment is Cut Separately. Sewn with the Best Brands of Thread & Silk. *a^^_^^^_l^^__a^t-S4<%l "With Each Suit you will receive enough of tho - ffljffi;^JSJ Same Material to repair the Whole Suit. • v . , Hg^^aSSa Most Up-to-date Clothing | f"/ ■ t^t^mm^^m in New Zealand. 1 *_l,fi_W_i_ll^ They are Made-'°-Measure Goods read for {; When You have got this BRAHDTf "cLOTHIHG You have got " • THE BEST MONEY CAN BUY. If You. STOREKEEPER does not keep that Brand, write to the ROUGH RIDER CLOTHING CO., 5 Strand Arcade, Auckland, and they will send you a list of Storekeepers in your district who keep this clothing. WE CANftOT DEAL DIRECT WITH YOU.

WANTED. MRS J. H. InIDERSON. RELIABLE REGISTRY OFFICE. TERRACE END. Agent . oa— CANTERBURY PRESP, AND HAROLD'S HAIR RESTORER WANTED — Cooks, housekeepers, laundresses, waitresses, housemaids for hotels, generals, cooks and girls to assist, nurse girls for boarding- < houses, nurse and cook for gentleman's family, cook for station 20-, housekeeper for station 15s ibachelor,, housekeeper for working man (widower), ' several lady helps for town and couc- \ try (good wagesl, 25s ; generals, 8s to '■ 17s Od; married couple, man as gardener, wife cook for three men, cottage ' found, good wages. Also, married I couple for station (bachelor's), married ' couple for Hawke's Bay, £90 per year. - Milkers and hotel hands. Wanted: An experienced fencer. 7 Wanted : Feeder for flaxmill. ' Wanted : A nurse for elderly lady, . good wages. / Wanted : Employment for two new chums, good workers, small salary. WANTED. W r ANTED—Three good carpenters. Apply, Guy & Dickc), Club i Hotel. TX. rA_\TED —A general servant, wages »' I'll. Apply Mrs A. S. Aldrich, jar... B-.mnythorpe. [ "*0 V ANTED — Threo good draught '/V horses. Apply Manawatu Stables. WANTED -A smart, boy for office. Apply Mellsop, Eliott & Co. WANTED— A lady help in small family, close to town. Apply ' Box 113, Palnierston N. WANTED— A youth fo assist in front shop nnd ollice; references. , O'CoNxou & Ty'-Kjian, Jewellers. , \&; ANTED.—Dairy farms, at once, V?._ in any part of iho Manawatu ; or Pohangina districts for Canterbury customers. Owners kindly send all particulars and terms lo Bos '101, Cbristchurch. [' Y\J ANTED — Success awails you! VV Learn to hypnotize. You cau charm every person you meet; win undying friendships ; conquer pain, or cure diseases and bad habits. Send two stamps for an intensely in'cresting Free Book. Puof. WiM, Box 357, P. 0., Auckland. WT ANTED KNOWN —That the VV DINING CAR will be used m future on the Manawatu morning train from Palmerston to Wellington and tho 4 p.m. ti am from Wellington to Palmerston, under WALTER FREEMAN'S supervision. '. "WANTED KNOWN—That P * ' Scheidt, of Bunuylhorpe, has been appointed sole agent for Baillie's Cattle Drenches, the best and cheapest in ihe market. Numerous testimonials available. PIGS. BACON PIGS. WDIMOCK & CO. are Buyers of • firFt quality Bacon Pigs, maiden sows or barrows in any quantity, weights from 110 to 150 lbs.; price, fourpence per lb., Cash on delivery. In addition to above prico we will give a bonus of one penny per lb. on all pigs over 35 points delivered before 31st October, 1002. Full particulars to ba had 4_om Messrs W. Port, Ashhurst; L. J. Verry, R. ngitikei Line; A. J. Arnold, Wereroa, Levin ; or, Wellington Bacon Factory. COME and sco our nice little Dayton Road Racer, fitted with Hollow Jointless Rims, Morse Roller Cham, Brooks' Saddle and many other good things. G. H. Scott, Dayton Cycle Agency. Telephone, 161. Box, 86. WANTED —Buyers for good, serviceable, Second-hand Bicycles, from £4 each. Call and inspect. J. B. Ciaeksox, nest Firebcllj Coleman Place. Veterinary Shoeing RJ. SEDDON aod A. MoKENZIE, • lato of W. T. Wood's blacksmith _hop, beg to announce to tbo people of Palmerston and surrounding district thaS thc7 have started businoss in tho promises latoly occupied by Mr D. Kennedy, formerly carried on by (ho late Mr . Poad, in Rangitikei-street, aad hope by strict attention to business to merit a fair share of public patronogs. All classes of shoeing and general black--1 smithing work dono under tho personal supervision of tho proprietors. R. J. SEDDON, A. McKENZIE. "WILLOW BANK BOARDING HOUSE. MR. H. P. LITTLEWOOD (late of Wellington) desires to announce. ' that 1.0 has purchased tho well-known" Willow Bank Boarding Houso, Ch-rab. ', street. Patrons may rely on rec.iving every attention. First-dais ciiifinejj | Meals at all hours. Moderate t iriff. 1 Telegraphic address -Willow Bark. Telcphonc—l-S.

TO _____ AND FOR BALE. LOST— Col'.ie pup, yellow, with black muzzle. Reward on returning to C. S. Rush, Rangitikei-street. An*, one detaining samo after this date will be prosecuted. STRAYED— Since Sunday morniDp, black marc, wliite star on forehead, cover on, one shoe off Reward on returning to D. Macpherson, the Square, Palmerston N. FOR SAl.E—Encyclopedia Britanniciii with or without case. Apply, P.O. Box 7, Ashhurst. -^BEAD THIS." FOR SALE (10 days only)— 110 acres in*grass, divided G paddocks, sheep yards and stables, well sheltered, permanent water, fences all new, house 7 rooms amd bath, water laid on from tanks to home, will winter 3 sheep the acre, situated in Turakiuo "Valley, 7 miles from Marton. Best bargain in the island. Only £5 7s an acre, £875 cash, balance at 4J- per cent. Apply sharp to Leigh & Cox, Main-street, near the Railway Station. DAIRY FARMS. FOR ihe pick of the Wanganui district, apply to C. F. MiLLWARD, Land Agent, Taupo Quay, Wanganui. P.S.—Clients arc driven lo the various farms free of all cost. ' FOR SALIi. A.OOD doiry farm of 130 acres close to Palmerston. Cash wanted down £200. Apply to MELROSE BROS., Solo Agent?. 5 Rooms, bath, range, copper, ct_. corner section, footpaths, etc., three minufes wnlk from the Square. Price £350, cash say £25, or will let to {*ood tenant for 12s 6rl per week. BROPHY AND. CO. _ OR SALE (Cheap)—l-uildiiig sites, poultry farm., etc., just outside the Borough boundary. Splendid soil. Can be had in any area to suit purchasers, very easy terms. Apply at once. G. A. Preece & Co., Agents. FOR SALE—Sittings of Black Minorca and White Leghorns, frjm winning strains, full guarantee, price on application; can supply full sittings of Minorca eggs laid on the one day. A. J. Cobb. Cook-street. EOR SALE—General store, sound little business, Palmerston, owner retiring. Apply sharp MELROSE BROS,, Agents. POR SALE or TO-LET—7 acres with a 5-roomed houso. Apply this offico. POR SALE—Settings of eggs from purebred Minorcas, 10s 6d and 15s per dozen. J. D. Cos, Amesbury-stieet CHEAP LANDS. QOA Acres, all in grass except shelter o__iV/ bush, fenced, dividod 7 paddocks, 200 acres flat, balance hills, now 8-roomed house, cowshed, 10 bails, trapshed, barn, stables, dairy, man's bedroom, workshop, 1 acre orchard and ! garden, situated 10 miles from township, 4 from railway Etation, school, post office and creamery all within easy distance. Price, £7 12s per acre, terrr s arranged. Apply at once G, A. Peebcb & Co. LEASEHOLD DAIRY FARMS. NO GOODWILL. PROM 100 acres upwards, level land, rich soil, well watered, all ploughable, with purchasing clause. Price, £10 to £15 per acre. Rentals, 5 per cent. Apply, Geo. M. Mason, Land Agent. ' , RARE CHANCE. ' ( I can n- ir offer on exceptionally easy terms and sia low figureriland in areas from 5 to ! acres adjacent to borough, of rich s t j], suitable for residences, poultry tarms, gardens, etc. Apply Geo. M Mason, Land Agent. BUILDING SECTIONS FOR SALE. FOR SALE—Good building sites in "STaldegrave-street. For particulars opply to C. E. WALDEGRAVE, Th 9 Squaro. FOR SALE. "1 "1 /_T ACRES, suitablo for dairying, JL JL 0 in Pohangina, 40 acres ploughable, balauco undulating hills, well watered oy running streams and subdivided into several paddocks, less than half a mile from creamery and school, seven miles from Ashhurst, six-roomed house built of heart of totara, one of the best in district, and. all necessary outbuildings. Price, £11 5s per aero easy terms. Apply to M. V. KNIGHT, Awahou, Pohangina. FOR SALE—Clover honey and bees wax in any quantity, delivered to any part of the towu.- Apply W. B. -Hansford & Son, Vectis Apiary, corcer Boundary Road and Fritz-street, Palmerston North. WANTED— The present opportunity of getting. really first-class Drapery at Bole prioea taken alyanlage of.—Mes O. J. Hansen the Squ-we, Pal i me-tfoß North.

DANCING. MISS WITHERS receives pupils for dancing lessons, private or in classes. Intending pupils please send in names. Next Bank of' Australasia, , TEA. ' FINEST! BROKEN ORANGE PEKOE 2s per lb. GOLD TIPPED FANNING'S A strong full-flavoredjTea, ls_6d -pr lb. Bemember from _ \ CRETANS, THE CASH GROCER. Sam-lcs upon pplication, " PIANO TUNING. MR HUNTER BROWN is'prepared to undertake tbo tuning of pianos by yearly contract or single tuning. Also repairs of any description. Orders;___y be addressed to Thb Manawatu Tba Rooms. Or IThb Deesdbn Piano Co ■ Tiie Wellington Meat Export to, lid., MANURE MANUFACTURERS. o_eioks...Waterloo Quay, Wemngton Man-he Wobks '. Noahaokanga Important to Fanner.. CHEAP MANURES! NETT CASH ONTRUCkS AT NGA HAUBANGA, in 2cwt SACKS. For lewt. bags, 2/6 per ton extra ib oharged. M MANURE— £4, 10s PER TON. j Gnaranteod Analysis :— Tricaloio Pbosphato 26 por con Ammoniac ... per con BONE DUST—£S 6s PER TON. Guaranteed Analysis .-■*- Tricaloio Phosphate 43 percent. Ammonia 4 per coat. IMPORTED SUPERPHOSPHATE£S 5s PER TON. Guaranteed Analysis:— 85 to 37 por cent, soluble Phosphate. NO. 1 MIXTURE—£S 5s PER TON Guaranteed Analysis :— One-half imported SUPERPHOSPHATE,, 35 to 37 per cent, soluble Phosphate One-half BONE DUST, as above. NO. 3 MIXTURE—£4 17s Cd PER TON. One-half imported BT7PEBPHOSPHATE, One half" M*' MANURE, as above. SPECIAL POTATO MANURE—£S PER TON. (Copied from the report of the New Tork Agncultura Experimental Station, at Geneva, N.Y.), Guaranteed Analysis:— Five twenty-thirds DRIED BLOOD, 15 per cant. Ammonia. Ten twenty-thirds BONE DUST, as abovo. Eight twenty-thirds KAINIT, 13 per cent. Potash, KAINIT 1 The addition of a small proportion of Kainit to any of the Mixtures i_ an advantage, and will be made without extra oharge if specified by the purchaser when giving the order. . MIXING 1 The Manures are not mixed until the orders are sent out, and purchasers at their option can have the original Manures sent to them ia the makers' bags and make ths mixtures themselves. SPECIAL MIXTURES can be mado at any time to suit farmers. THB OOMPA-TS EKCBIVES STOCK FOE FKEEZING upon owner's account at the following rates: TO INOLUDK S___.OH-EB__:a,/FBBE_I-a .Shipfino, Wbappbb, and Fbeiokt. * • FORBHIPMENTS inthbMONTHS OF JUNE TO NOVEMBER, inolusive- " MUTTON, Jd per lb (three farthings) BEEF,' 9rlod per lb (rune-tenths of penny) LAMB,' 9-lOd per lb (niue-tenths of a penny THB WELLINGTON MEAT EXPORT CO___P_U_T, _-n>. DUNOT SLADDEN, Secretary. Wellington, May 81st, 1993. G. H. BTCEOFT AND CO., THE SQJJARE, PALMERSTON N, BUILDERS OF THE ABAB BICYCLES, HAVE scoured tho agency for this distriot for the well-known BAMBLEE BICYCLES. These machines need no comment, their past career speaks for them. ■'-'•■ Ohainless, cushion frames, and any up-to-date model suppliod. Free wheels almost any make fitted. G, H, 'BYCBOFT & CO.

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Manawatu Standard, Volume XL, Issue 7413, 1 October 1902, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 7 Manawatu Standard, Volume XL, Issue 7413, 1 October 1902, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 7 Manawatu Standard, Volume XL, Issue 7413, 1 October 1902, Page 1