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•TF YOU WANT TO SIB PALMERSTON NORTH GO A-HEAD TPIE^ SUPPORT LOCAL INDUSTRY BY BUYING YOUR . is- f OCITWIIR..S! IMtOM TUB MANUFACTURER IN YOUR TOWN. Second to None in the Trade for Wear and Jomfori HOUSEHOLD WORD is PAYNE'S for BOOTS and SHOES. Wo have nothing to do with Jack of all Trades and Master of None but master oE our own trade and afraid of none, so roll up and purchase your ' Boots and Shoes at I Remember hia staff of Workmen live in your houses and spend their money in ) yoni1 town nofc in America or on the Continent, but in Palmerston. Ladies can • find Walking Shoes at all Prices from 3s 6d to 3s lid to the Top Prices of all. [ Gents' from 7s 6d, Children's SHppeis from 6d, Ladies' Slippers from Is, also Gents' r from Is, Children's Strong Boots from 33 Gd, Shoes from 3s, Ladies' Evening ' Shoes from Is 9d, Gents' 5s Cd. ; PAVWF/8 aTTmW^SHOE STORE THE SQUARE, PALMERSTON NORTH.

Arab Bicycles G, H.~Bjcroft AND CO., 1 MANUFACTUBEES THE SQUARE, PALMEBBTON AGENTS FOB EOYE.R BICYCLES. T7IVERY Cycle Agent swearß Hi goods are the best, consequent, that goes for yory little. For TESTI MONIALS as to the quality of AEAB BICYCLES . Go to ANY riders of these machines. Thoy arotho only make which ALWAYS give satisfaction. Ladies' and Gents' machines in stock. BICYCLE SUNDBIES, /I descriptions at lowest trade prices. Also, we make a speciality of repairs and guarantee satisfaction. DON'T QUAEEEL! THE TIP TOP TEAS AEE AL"WAYS NICE AND FRESH. WHY drink thin tasteless Tea when you C6.n a'ways have TIP TOP. TURNER & TUCKER'S TIP TOP TEAS Stand for h, very pinaele o excellence i Call at the am Tip Top shop in the ' Sqnt.we, (nexfe Anstee's.) Other Branches—Cuba-street, Welling, ton, Masterton, Carterton, Wanganui. j A. E. BUJttSON, MANUFACTURER OF f m Wicker Fnrnilure AND fieaeral Basfeei-ware. T>ANGITIKEI QTBEET [ Palhebston Nobth. I J. H. VINCENT, LAND, INSURANCE, AND GENEBAL COMMISSION AGENT, ! ABHHUBST. BogUtrarj;of Births, Deaths, and * Marriages. A GENCIES— The National Mutual XX iifa Association of Australasia The New Zealand Fire and Marine Insurance Company. Properties For Sale and To-Let. PHOTOGEAPHY. TT7 ANTED KNOWN 12 Beautifully Enamelled Cabinets for [ 10s, or 12 Cabinets and one Enlargement for lGs. Call and see specimens on view in vestibule at E. J. HALFOBD'S, Photographer, Manners-st., Wellington. W. A. JBEOWNING-, COHCHBUILDEE, EXCELSIOR STEAM OAERIAQE AND WAGGON WORKS, Main Street, near the Railway Station, PALHERSTON NORTH. EVEBY description of Vehioles built to order by a competent staff of ' workmen. All kinds of repairing work done in connection with the business on fair and reasonable terms. I have also extended my business to shoeing and genoral smith's work in all its branshes. W. A. BBOWNING, W. EAWLHS, PLUMBER, TINSMITH, GASFIT TEB, &o. mHE manufacturing of Dairying Plant X a speciality. Agent for and manufacturer of the ' latest improved Milk Coolers, b Estlmat ;. 'urnishea for all olaßsos ol work , tho . Aeoeess—MAlN STBEET (Nest the t Commercial Hotel). ' PALMEKSTON NOETH FOUNDEY. T.R. Martin, Engineer, HlUiiright, Iron and Brass Founder.. /COMPETENT Staff kept for erection . \J and repairs. . t Castings of every description made on tho shortest notice. ■> Shafting, Pulleys, eltings, Steam Fittings, etc. Agent fob— , CBOSSLEY'S GAS AND 01 * ENGINES. (Over;4C,ooo inJJse.) T. R. Martiia, I PALMEBSTON NOBTH. h — : . o ft/TABTIN T UUJ2IB, " BARRISTER AND OLICITOR, ' PATENTifAGENT, c 44, Lambton Qwat, Wklmsotok. Money to Lend in any sums os Freehold Booorit} (town and country properties* it owert rates (■H per oent.) . a*°Jr^> 'ji'.)) j*ol<B7.

.WANTED. mesXlSTanderson', RELIABLE REGISTRY OFFIOE, TERRACE END. Aqeni; for — CANTSEBUR? PEESS, AND HAROLD'S HAIR RESTORER WANTED— Cooks, waitresses, housemaids, girl assist in bar, Traitress assist in bar, parourmaids, housemaid (gentleman's family), generals JGs, several generals 10s to los, cook ami housemaid for station, girls to assist. Wanted: An experienced gardener. Wanted: Milkers 255, 3 hotel hands. Wanted : Lady helps. Farmers' Lalior Exchange. WANTED— Boys for milking, 12/6 and 15s. Wanted : Purchaser for snug little bakery business, only £50 cash required, "Waiting engagement : Farm and station handa, ploughmen, etc. W. HMTEE, . RANGITIREI STREET. ~MRS~:ESSEX~ LICENSED REGISTRY OFFICE, Oppoßito the Palmenston R&ilway Statio l Wanted : A good paddocker for 11 mill. Wanted: A lady help, must be d - mestieated; good wages. Wanted: A. general servant for Ka - gitikei. ■ Wanted * A general servant for Wei 1 lington, wages 14s. Wanted: A nurse-needlewoman, one child, must aavo references, wages 15a. Wanted: Fir.™ - class laundress £lor town hotel, must bo good ironer, 25 g WANTED. WANTED. WANTED —To purchase, stationary engine and boiler, from 10 horse power up to 15. Also largo planer. Apply with full particulars to this office. TO BUSINESS MEN. WANTED— By ycung lady, situation in a commoroiai office, good typist, shorthand writer (80 words per ininuto), thorough knowledgo of book-keeping. Good references. For address apply at this office. . WAITED KNOWN —Miss HumI'Hreys, Dressmaker, has removed to Featherston-street, back of Showgrounds WANTED.—Boarders for private ** house, bath, piano, and every convenience. Terms 14s per week. Apply Standard Office. WANTED —A regular supply of poultry and fresh eggs. Apply, Royal Hotel, Palmerston North. WANTED KNOWN — That J Collingwood, the Cash Butcher corner of Main and Princess-streets, has received delivery of an up-to-date- caah register, which registers all discounts. Liberal discount to all cash purchasers. Best quality of meat at lowest possiblr prices. . WANTED— Customers to visit Man. Chester Houtio during the present Salo of Winter Stock whioh is now going on.—Mrs C. J. Hansbn, Duaper, the Square. WANTED KNOWN—Firewood, sound and dry, in lft stovo lengths for 13s pot loud, at It. McMurray's yard, Main-street. Telephono Np. 132. WANTED— To rent or lease, from December, gentleman's residence with paddocks attached, or small grazing farm with good house. Eeferences. Apply " Betited," P. 0., Auckland. WANTED KNOWN—That W. H. Dallison, of Pohangina, while thanking fcho general public for past favours, bogs to announce the prices of shooing as follows :—Hacks 5/-, hoavy plain Bhoes 6/-, heelu 7/-, tooi ana heeh 8/- - WANTED— Ladies to know that alter attending Miss Forbes' School of Dress, above London Dental Institute rooms, for a short time, they are enabled to cut and make drosnes with tho greatest of oase, without tho U3ual trouble of fitting on.V Numerous local references can bo had on application. • Entrance next Public Library. WANTED— Laakis to beautify their homos with tho new ait "Daisy Wool Work '' now all tho rago. Easily learnt. TAUGHT FBEE. Machines for doing the samo 2s 6d each. Also artistic oil painting taught perfeotly by a new inothod in throe lessons, colour j mixing included. At Fancy Art Shop I next Club Hotel, Church-street. WAN TJED KNOWN—Highest price for empty bottles In Palmereton ils obtained at Gattsche'e Eagle I Brewery, BanglUkel-atrect. WANTED UNOWN—lhavealargo ' ' quantity of one-year-old macrocarpa trees for sale in quantities to suit purchasers. N. C. Hansen, Stonoy Creek,." TIT ANTED KNOWN —I. .Gelhor, W wholesale and retail Confectioner, has comtnonced business in Main-street, opposite tho railway platform. Lollie made every day and the largest assortment to choose from. Bulgarian Rock a speciality. Prices low. Inspection invited. - __. WANTED — Gentlemen boarders Raugitikoi-ati:eet, five minuter from Square j bathroom and every convonieuco, good table, quiot home. Mrs J. Knox, Merryvalo. WANTED— To loi; 1500 acres mixed grass and bush (good cattle feed) at Miitanmu, near railway station. Apply Gamman&Co.,, Palmerston North. WANTED— The )>resont opportunity of getting really first-class Drapery at sale priens taken adyantago of.—Mrs C. J. HANSEMj.the Square, Pal' merston North. PIGS. PIGS. PIGS. WANTED — PIGS — W. Dimook & Co are buyors of first quality bacon pigs in any quantity; weights from 110 to IGOlbs, 4<l per lb ; heavier or lighter weights at slightly reduced prices* Prize is Btill Id per lb extra each week for beat lot of pigs sent. W ojenre pigs for suppliS at lowest ra'ca.: Full particulars at Wellington Brcon JFftoto:?

TO LET AND FOB SALE. S~~TRAYED— One steel grey horse and one black mare with whito star en forehead. Both with covers on. Reward on returning to D. Macpherson, the Square, Palmerston N. LOST— In Longburn, on Monday, 14th, one brown coloured slut with white chest, about twelve months' old, answers to the name of " Lassie" ; lons hair; No. on collar, 508, M.C.C., 1002. Anyone giving information/leading to her recovery will be rewarded. W. Hopping, Glen Oroua. mO-LET—Good groziing. Apply to X Mrs Bowers, Bobert's Line, Bunnythorpe" m O LET —Six-roomed house in MainX street. For particular;!, apply R. & E. Tixoet, Broad-street. . rpO-LET —An 8-iocmed house in X Broad-street, hot and cold water, and patent w.c, wash tubs fixed to Bower. Apply C. E. Waldegrave. niO-LET— Shop and;[office, ground X floor, cornor of Rangitikei and Cuba-streets. Apply J. and H. M. Copeland, land agents. nnO-LET—Three large offieeslin AbraX bam & Williams' buildings, Rangi-likci-street. For particulars apply Abraham & Williams, Limited. TO LEASE—I2OO acres, 500 down and 800 in grass, lease's years at £130 per annum, p.c. at JE2 8s an acre. Apply Molrose Brcs. FOR SALE—First-class dairy farm, 170 acres, superior house and large orchard, 1J- miles from creaijjery, 5 Ashhurst station; very easy terms, immediate possession. ' Wm Bit am ley, Raumai. FOB SALE--18 acres on the Terrace, j Best sites in Palmerston. Apply Captain Mowlem. BARGAIN. —New 5 roomed cottage in Pitt-stbket, near Willowbank. £250. Terms to suit. Inquire, Sens, Willow-bank. FOR SALE—Black and buff orpingtons v silver and gold vryandottes, brown jan<£ white leghorns, houdans, langshans, Plymouth rocks, all guaranted, bred from the Government stock, 103 each. >pply R- Dorset, Whakaronga, Poultry farm. FOR SALE—One piano by Broadwood and Sons, in good order, very cheap. Also some music. Apply Mre Bowers jnr,, Bunuytuorpe. FOR SALE—Two dairy cows, third calf, to calve in middle of Soptember, guaranteed sound. Apply Mr J. Bowers, jnr., Bunnythorpe. FOE BALE—IS to 20 tons of good clover and rye hay. Apply, •C. Hawkins, Vogel-atrcet. FOB SALE.—Cheap.' Ten tons of hay (pressed). Apply to Alex, McCulloek, Bangitikei Lino. FOR SALE OR TO LET—House of six rooms, with land, in Featherston street. Apply to Mns A. C. Wilson. Featherstoh-street East. FOR SALE—One 4 and 5-roomed cottage in Main-street; ono 4 and 6 roomed cottage in Broad-street; ono 4 roomed cottage in Domain-street; three sections* in Broad-street. Apply Standard Office. "" FOOR SALE CHEAP. '' 9 ACRES of freehold land (level), 3 miles from Wsnganui; pood sixrootnad house, all conveniences, orchard. Suitable for poultry farm. Easy terms. Purchaser may have use of five acres adjoining by paying rates. Apply A. H. BUEGESS, St. Johns, Wanganui. _ FOB SALE — Wellington, luncheon and tea rooms, Lambton-quay, 2 minutes from G.P.0., first-class trade, 250 daily, luncheon-takings JE4O a week. Price £350, cash £200. MELROSE BROS., Sole Agents. Also, — T EASEHOLD Hotels in town and I 1 country, and dairy farms. Apply at once to MELROSE BEOS.. Agents. WANTED— Properly woll fed bacon pigs from 140 to ICOlbs, at 4d per lb, under or over these weights of good quality 3Jd perlb, cash on delivery. Wm. Frew, Rangitikoi-street, Palmerston North. JOSEPH MAYO AND SON, ■■ NURSERYMEN, Etc., KAIRANGA ROAD, PALMERSTON NORTH. HAVE FOR SALE— APPLE, J?ear, Cherry, Plum and all other fruit treeß. Gooaeborry, Black and Red Currants. Wattle, Macrocarpa, Pinus Insignus, Blue and Bed Gum. Hedge and Shelter plants in great variety. We have the largest stock of the above on the coast. Catalogues on application. ALF.ItAYO, LESBEE. PALMERSTON NORTH j VETERINARY SHOEING FORGE ■ Corner of ii&ngitikei and Cuba Sts. (Nest Olarendon Hotel). , W, T. Wood, i PBOPSIETOB. ALL descriptions of General Blacksmith'e work done, Agricultural Implements ra&do.tnd repaired. Shoeing done with care and on an entirely new principle, tinder the pcrionsß sups rvisionof the proprietor. AH Work Guarateed Obargoa Moderate J/[RS g PENCE R, V LADIES' NUBSB, , F nZHBBBBJST BIBBBT . PibVSSSTON N

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Manawatu Standard, Volume XL, Issue 7353, 22 July 1902, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Manawatu Standard, Volume XL, Issue 7353, 22 July 1902, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Manawatu Standard, Volume XL, Issue 7353, 22 July 1902, Page 1