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P.N.—The Piilmerston North Rifles will parade foe company instruction in the Drill Hall this evening at 7.3D. Re-oi>enei>.—The Borough Council Chambers, legal and other offices reopened this morning for business after Ihe usual Christmas vacation.

AsiniuiisT.-On New Year's Day there were some four hundred people took advantage of the fine day, and picnicked in the Domain and on the banks of the Mauawatu River.

S.M. Cor itT. —At the Court this morning before Messrs .Tno. Muwlem and W. Montgomery, J's.P., a first offender, charged withbeingdrunk, wasdischar"ed on payment of 2s cab hire.

litoop Houses.—A start will be made about Thursday next, to send away (he troop horses purchased locally for the Eighth Contingent, They will" it is expected, be sent away in four shipments.

Cadets.—At a parade of the Cadel Corps held on Saturday night, a representative of the Wellington Woollen Company was in attendance and measured the 51. boys on parade for their uniforms, which will b 0 finished at the end of the month.

Diauiksvou 11)02.—All requiring these useful publications should purchase early at Park's Book Depot. Prize and urcscntiition books, new annuals, leather goods, toys, Japanese goods, cricket, tennis and croquet material, electroplate, wooden toys, &c. Park's Book Depot.—Advt.

Postal JJoxes.—ln reply to an inquiry, we have to slate the Post Ollice lobby where the private boxes are situate, is now open a quarter of an hour earlier in the morning than it used to be, viz., 0 a.m. instead of 0.15 a.m., and half an hour later in the evening, y'v/.., 11.30 p.m. instead of 11 p.m.

Accident.—A man named Duncan Martin_ fell from a loft at Foxton on New Year's night, and broke his leg. He was admitted to the hospital on Saturday night.—On making further enquiry to-day we learnt that Mr C. Haydon was still in an unconscious state, but his general condition was reassuring.

Angoras.—The sis Angora gouts which the Agricultural Department obtained from South Australia arc doing remarkably well on Somes Island. At an early date they will be transferred to some inland part of the North Island where the weather is not too bleak. The Department is endeavouring to obtain more of the same breed.

Education.—A special meeting of the Wanganui Education Board in connection with High School nutters will be held on Friday noxi, at which it is probable the new Rector of the Palmerston District High School, Mr Gray, will be present. On Thursday evening meetings of the Scholarships Committee, die Selection Committee and the Committees' Allowances Committee will be held

Salk.—"We understand the Tc Matni farm and homestead have been sold by Mrs Bannister to Mr Mason, late of the Hutt, at a considerable advance on the amount paid by tin; present occupier, iCIOOO in round numbers. Possession of the property will be given early in the presentycar. Several other properties in the Stoney Creek district arc also reported to have changed hands at prices well in accordance with ruling rates for dairying land.

Bowi.t.v<;.—Up to date fifteen clubs have signified their intention of sending teams to compete at the Northern Bowling Club's Champion Tournament, which will open in Wellington on tho 20th insr. The whole of the city greens will be used for the games.—At tlie Green on Saturday afternoon the Handicap Pairs match, Cottlo and Satchell (7) v. Palmer and -Bunting, resulted in a win for the former, tho scores being 21-19.

KiNniniG auten.—When Miss Withers first started her Kindergarten school (says tlio Foxton Herald) we ventured to prophesy it would .steadily grow in public estimation and we are glad to find experience has proved the truth of our be lief, as the school closed for the holidays with eleven on the roll, and with seventeen music pupils. We as hopefully look forward to the increase at the end of this year being still larger in proportion.

Nkw Lokus,—lt j8 slated tl]at sis names wore chosen by a joint meeting of members of the Gisbcrno Chamber ol Commerce and Borough Council for submission through the Hon. J. Cavroll to the Government, with tho view to the -appointment among their number cf at least two Legislative Councillors for that district. It was unanimously agreed that tho. name of Mi- J. Townloy, Mayor of Gisborne. should head the list, and tho other names eiibnjitterj were : Messrs 0. A. DoLau.tour, W. If. Rues, Jas. Jlacfarlane, W. Sievwright, and Captain Tucker.

A Sfiii:w Loosi;.—C'aplam Scott, of the exploring ship Discovery, h:is written to Mr F. Waymouth, chairman of the Lyttelton Harbour Board, :ind manager of the Canterbury Frozen Me;,'t Company, askiuu him to furnish to Si/- Clements Markham a list of all tanned and preserved provisions suitable fop the use of the relieving Khin which will, leave Lj'ttolton with supplies for the Discovery' next year. Captain Scott, says Hiat lie had great diiliculty in London io find oul. what could be procured in this colony. He feels sure that it will help Sir CJ'Mnents Markham considerably to get such paptieujars before the relicvin" ship is lilted out.

Kmjctoratks.—lt is expected that tli« Representation Commissioners will comnienctt ihu'w business shortly, and de-line the boundaries of the electoral districts of (be colony, as altered by the census returns. Tlie Commissioners are —North Island, the surveyor-General, Mr Richardson, of Napier, Dr Giles, S.M;, and the Commissioner of Crown Lands for Auckland and Tarauaki; Middle Island, the. Commissioners for Crown Lands for AVestland, Canterbury, and Otago, Dr .(lislop, of Duucdin, and Ml' T. S, Weslon, sqiiuitor; of Cliristchurc.b. The next House of Representatives will consist of 70 European members and four Maoris, instead of 70 European and four Maoris, so flint the Commissioners will have to provide for six new districts. Of the six additional European members, it is understood thai four will be allotted to the Norlh Island, which will give US members for each island.

A Oouiwtheu.—The Westralian correspondent of tho Christehurch Press writes :—II is a far cry from Hokiiikato Perth, but the capital of this State has just returned to tho local Parliament Mr \V. M. Purkiss, who came from Westlaud to Western Australia in IS9-1-, and claims to be " the political godfather of your Premier," Mr Seddon. According to the brief biography of Mr Purkiss published in the local newspapers lie was Crown Prosecutor and Grown solicitor for the Weslhind judicial district for many years. His claim to be considered the political godfather of Mr Seddon is based on the statement that in IS7S he came out as a candidate for Wcstland in conjunction with Messrs Seddon and R. C. Reid. To provont a split in the votes, with two other candidates in tho field, Mr Purkiss retired. Mr Seddon was re? turned and began that career which has made iiis name known in two hemispheres :is tho leader of New Zealand democracy.

Ar.^ Saints'. — Evensong at All I S.unts' Church last ni«ht was conducted by Canon Harper, of Chrislchurca.

Foxton—Mr W. Hunter, of the Foxton Family Hotel, has sold out his interiMs to Mr Lang, a publican at. present in .langatera.

Bowling. — Tha Match Committee have decided that the third round of the el:jl> rinit matches m-ist be plnyed [on Wednesday next, Bth inst.

Racing.—For the annual meeting of the Foxton Racing Club, to he held on Wednesday and Thursday, 22nd and 2ord instant, tha «mv of JL'SOO will be given in stakes.

Dkeh.—A red deer hind, shipped from iSelson, was brought to I'jlnu-rstun by train this morning and subsequently liberated by Messrs Hart and Lareomb in the Kahuterawa district with '.he deer previously liberated there.

More Mb.v.— Major Dunt received a letter to-day from the Defence Department, staling lluit ten more men were required for the Seventh Contingent, Tiinse will be taken from the list of those who enrolled for the Eighth Contingent.

Ti'.sri.Moxu;..— A movement is on foot among Government employees and others to present a testimonial to Mr Thomas Hauler, private secretary to the Promior. prior to his departure on a visit to England to spend bis well-earned holiday.

Dairyixc. Competition.—The special committee appointed by the A. & P. Association to draw up a scheme in connection with the dairying competition suggested by Mr J. T. Lang, mot on Saturday afternoon and arranged several details in connection with the matter.

A Halt.—The Masterton Star of Saturday says :—Sixteen members of the Eighth Contingent, from Palmerslon North, arrived iir Masterton by the late train last: night. They put up at Tucker's Prine: of Wales Hotel, and left this morning for the camp atTrentham. The men are a fine-looking lot.

Couijt Returns.—The following are the S.M. Court returns for Hie quarter ending December :tfst, ]<)01 :—Aggregate amount sued for .C2:!f!l V.h lOd, amount recovered £10015 Its, plaints entered 234, civil fees paid in stamps .t!35 ,js, licensing fees ,C 2 I!K\ criminal fees paid .£0 10s, total lines £15 12s (id.

Theft.—At the S.M. Court this morning, befcro Messrs W. Montgomery and John Mowlem, .Is.P., a "local youth,- was charged wi»h the theft of tobacconists' goods, v.-ihied at (is, and about £ii in money, the property of D. D. Hyde & Co. Evidence as to the alleged offence was given by F. Cavanagb, manager of the shop.'W. Davis, employed at the shop, and Constable Lander.

Bonoroit Council.—The ordinary meeting of the Borough Council will be held to-morrow evening. The following notices of motion in Cr Edwards' name appear on the Order Paper :—That a committee be set up io amend the present bychiws and to draw up additional byelaws inclusive of the following, (1) To regulate the speed at which bicycles may be ridden within the borough (sections 32 to BS, inclusive of the Wellington city liyelaws recommended for adoption) ; (2) Toi prevent-expectorating upon footpaths within the borough ; that the loose stones on North-street be broken and that the general repair of the street be improved ; that byekw No. 52 respecting improper loitering on footpaths be rigidly enforced.

Moke =Mcx Fosd. — The statement made by the Jfayor at the farewell to tho troopers at ihe Railway station on Saturday, that the balance of tho Mofo Men Fund in Palmorston was to be de-

voted to the purchase of a piano for the Eighth Contingent, was merely a suggestion thrown out by the Chairman of the Committee (Mr Haydon), of which Mr Wood is not even a member. The Committee comprise the following: Messrs H. Haydon, J. Haukins, Pringle, West, Guy.Preece, Lomas, Montgomery, Fred. Pirani. Melrose, Eevs. W. Thomson and Chisholm, and three gentleman who have since died, viz., Messrs R. Leary, G. Grant and J. U. Montague. A meeting of tho Committee has been convened for Thursday next, to consider what action will be taken in connection wi-h the balance of tho funds.

Oun Snow.—Captain A. W Pearse. who visited the Hawko's Bay and Munaw.itu A. and P. Shows, writing in the Australasian PastoralisU' Review, says : —"Thero is no doubt j n my mind that m somo things thcMfimnvatu Show was the best I have seen, but I cannot agree with the local newspapers and go "into ecstiicies over it. For a country like New Zealand there should have been ten times the number of exhibits, bv.t as long as there are so many little district shews so long will there be no representative gathering of stock to be seen. Uia Manawatu show should bp the Itoyal show of th,e North Island, one year, and Hawko's Bay "the following year, where r.]en could* compete for real honors against the very best from all parts, Then thtiro would bo some advantage in stud breeders winning prizes, as the advertisement would be great, and help them to sell their slock. lam not going to compare Palmersion and Ciiristchurch shows, because they aro both good shows, what was lacking in the one was made up. m the. b.tlio.r. But in one class they were both easjlv bpa.teri by the Havrke's B.ny <foa\\, viz., the' shorfhoi'iis, and also possibly in the dmifht entires.'1 ' " s

iHHATftE Royal.—Mr J. Sheridan and his company brought his season here to a close on Saturday night wilh an adaptation of Mrs Henry Wood's novel feast Lynne. The new version of tins work is one in which ample, scope is given for tho introduction o.f mncli mirth and merriment, and Mr Sheridan in the part of "Murty O/Flymi" mad,e the most of these opportunities, keeping the audience continually laui'lniv at his quaint sayings and aononsT In this he was well seconded by "Bill" (Mr Edmund DuggmiV The evil genius of tfio piece, •• Sir Francis Levison." alias " Captain Thorn," was in the capable hands ol 3!r Waller D.ilgleish, and how well he succeeded is best judged by the storm ol" hisses and gromu with which his appearance was greeted. 'Messrs Ashley and Crossley as -'Archibald uarlyle " and " Richard Hary " respectively filled their ehaKieior-s' "well, though tho latter showed a slight stiffness in his movements. Miss Maud Gwynnc 'as " Lady Isabel " and "iiladamc Vine" had a large share of the work, but she prowl quite' equal to what was required of her and her acting was repeatedly applauded loudly by the audience. Miss Plqrencp Failing as •' Cornelia Carlyle," ij spinster of uncertain age, was responsible fora good deal of fun, Tho other roles, «' Barbara Hare" and " Afy and .loyeo Halliiohn " vrcra taken by Miss Celia Moris, Miss Morrie Barns, and Miss Violet Montague,

We havo been lately informed by those who know that the stars are twenty billions of miles distant from our earth, and that they are inhabited. But we're not tuld that there are any photp«raphers there. Well! even should there be, we are suro there are none who can get better expressions ou the faces of children than Billons,—Advt.

Any individual that has ever successtully worked a camera, be it hand or stand, must admit that there is a fascination about amateur photography that is unequalled among the several hob.bics. Ihe diihcully in practising the'art in Palmerston Jay in tho uncertainty of procuring fresh reliable stocks of material at the ruling rates. Now, however, that, is all changed. Photo goods direct from the manufacturer, without the espouses of the city warehouse and \\\o middleman s profits tacked on, may now be had from the Photo Supply Stores Main street,—Adyt.

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Manawatu Standard, Volume XL, Issue 7189, 6 January 1902, Page 2

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Untitled Manawatu Standard, Volume XL, Issue 7189, 6 January 1902, Page 2

Untitled Manawatu Standard, Volume XL, Issue 7189, 6 January 1902, Page 2