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, Foubth 'Page—A quantity of inI teresting reading matter, including the results of the annual examination at College-street school, iwll be toand on I our fouith page. Tbajtsfebbed —Mus Piendcigast, at I present at the Campbell Stieet School, lias been appointed head leachei at Turakina Pehsonal —We aie pleased to heaion enquiry this morning that Mr and Mrs Canton, senr, who have been ill for some time, are now almost ti ell again, thanks to the care and skill of Dr. Stowe. Examination.—The annual examination of the Campbell stieet School was commenced by Dr. Smyth and Mr Milne to-day, and the lesults will be published in Fuday's issue The examineis leave for Wanganui by the evening tram,tomorrow. Coxgeegatioisal Chuech —Sundayscliool anmveisay services will be held in this Church, Sunday next, conducted morning, afternoon and evening by the pastor, Rev. Sidney J Baker, special hymns being sung by the children Ax Ikdustby—Mi A Clegg, foimerly of Canteibury, notifies that he is a cash buyer of fat, tallow and hides, Mr Clegg, whose picsenfc address is care of Tattersall's Stables, informs us that if he finds sufficient inducement he will shoitly bring a plant here to work the materials Reel Station—Recently application was made to the Government by the Palmerston N. File Bngade asking that the fornaei should erect a reel station at the Railway Station, the Bngade to supply the necessary appliances. A reply was received by the Brigade to the effectthat the application has been gianted. Daieting.—The obiects of the Dairy Farmers' Union of New South Wales have been determined to be " the protection, ad-» ancement, and de\ elopmeut of tho danying industry " The annual fee of membership was fixed at 2s. All agricultural societies in distucts interested in dairying ai c to be asked to foim branches of the union A Clock.—Last week we referred to the advisability of having a tuiret-clock m Palmeiston. In this connection we notice that Mr W. H Collins, Mayor of Asb.bui.ton, is making a general appeal to town and countiy lesidents to laise a sum of i 375 towaids providing a suit able clock for the towei of the new Post and Telegraph Office Buildings. The estimated ( total cost is £750, towaids which the Government will give a £ for £ subsidy. Legal.—Argument v as heard by Mr Justice Edwards m the Wellington Supreme Court yesterday m tho case of Fitf, and the Palmeiston North Borough Council Fitt bi ought an action for damages caused by a drain The action was heaid in the Dishict Court before a ]ury, and Fitt obtained judgment for £12 and costs Tho Council hoty appealed against the judgment Mr Dalziell appeared for the appellant Council, and Mr H D. Bell, with him Mr A R Atkinson, for the respondent. Judgment was reserved. A.O F—The meeting of Court Manawatu was held last night, there being a large attendance of membeis It was decided to take pait in a united church parade to be held in December A notification was received fiom the District Lodge that it was intended to take the case, Wilson v Osborne, in v.hich the local lodge was interested, to the Appeal Court One new member was initiated and one [joined by clearance At the conclusion of the business a number of members contributed songs and a social evening was spent.

Racixg Club —Members of the Manawatu Racing Club are reminded of the annual meeting to be held at the Royal Hotel to-moirow evening. Despite the comparatively small number of nominations leceived, the election of four stewards is aheady exciting some interest among members of the Club, and a very keen contest may be looked for to morrow night, selection being lendered somewhat difficult by the fact that all those nominated have had pievious experience.

Pugilistic—The Wau-aiapa Times says —A sensational occurience is re ported to have taken place on a section of the railway the other evening, near Palmerston. From the meagre particulars obtained it appeals that a driver and fireman had a tmevancc between one another, and when a fe^ miles from their destination .the duver threatened either to throw his mate off the engine, or dealt him blows At the nex.t stopping station the matter -n as reported to the guaid Consideiable delay was occasioned, as the fii email refused to return to his post Vanous testimonies differ as to the real nature of the trouble, some asseitmg they fought it out, while others deny these allegations, but anyhow something of a sensational character occurred. Of course these particulars aie unofficial, but are nevertheless believed to be true Both driver and fiieman have been suspended pending investigation

Death —The Auckland Herald says —" About 9 o'clock on Satuiday morning Ebenezer Robinson, builder, aged 165, a respected resident of "VVaihi, I dropped dead. Since a recent attack of influenza, Mr Robmson had frequently complained of pains in the chest, and soon after breakfast on Saturday morning, while m hiVgaiden, he was seized witb^ severe pains in his chest, and he was just preparing to lie down when he fell down dead. Mr Robinson was born m Auckland, but went to the Thames in the early days of the gold rush. Erom thence he lemoved to Tauianga, where he lived some 20 yea and took part in the Maori war During his five years' residence in Waihi he made many friends, and took a keen interest in all movements to further the progress of the district. He leaves a widow and grown-up family to mouin their loss Dr Potter has certified, that the cause of death was heart failuie .The body1 will be tfonvtfpgd to Tauranga foj interment on Tuesday nett " The dffceasefl was father* of 'Mr W Robinson, -of the" Stamued office. >

P.N. Band.—Tho Palmerston Band held its usual weekly practice last night There was a very good attendance of members Th o Baha* played over the selections fiom the opera "San' Toy" and also practised a Social —The Manawatu Brass Band hold their first annual social in the Foresters' Hall to-mght. Every preparation has been made hy the committee for the event and it will no doubt be a most successful one

Expensive.—Potatoes are now selling at^ Eketahuna at £7 10s per ton, aud storekeepers assert that they cannot procure them locally for love or money Growers are holding on in anticipation of a still further rise, which, they say, cannot be averted. •

Council.—At a meeting of the Public Works Committee yesterday afternoon the following tenders were accepted — Contract No 19, formation of footpaths in Shortt, Bourke and 'Waldegravestroets, G McCarty, £78 ss; No. 20, formation of footpaths in Lombard and David-streets with asphalt channelling and kerbmg, G. McCarty, £189 14s; No. 21, formation of footpaths in Campbell and Church-street 3, T. Gnggs, £86 7s Bd, No. 22, formation of a portion of Tramstreet, J. Mullans, £30 7s 6d. Several other tenders were received.

Lighting.—The members of the Lighting Committee drove round tho town yesterday inspecting the various places where it is proposed to place new lamps or increase the lighting power of those already erected. It was decided to carry out alterations in Bourke andFitzherbert streets, full details of which will be presented at the next meeting of the Borough Council. The improvements to be effected in Fitzherbert-street, will, it is confidently^anticipated, thoroughly commend themselves to those using the street, which, at present, is not conspiouous by its illuminations.

U.A.o.D;—There was a large attendance at the summoned meeting of the Oroua Lodge of Druids last night. P. A.'s Bros. G. Canton and O. S. Rush were elected delegates to represent the Lodge on the Friendly Sooieties' Exeoutiye. Bro. M. Robson was elected auditor, vice Bro. T. A. Hastings, resigned. Dr Graham was appointed one of the lodge surgeons. It was decided to send a letter to Dr Reed, regretting his departure from the distiict and thanking him for his valuable services as lodge surgeon m the past A vote of sympathy was passed to V A Bio. W. Robinson in his recent bereavement. Several other questions of importance were discussed, and the lodge closed in the usual way. Two candidatel! were proposed for membeiship.

FiEHEEs' Unio>, —A meeting of the Bub-oiganising committee of the Faimers' Union took place at the Longburn school, Mr J Wmgato being elected to the chair. A small but representative gathering listened attentively to the deputies, Messrs T R. Hodder and Monrad, who lucidly ex-, plained tho objects of the Union, and soon had tho meeting in thorough sympathy with them After Messrs Hodder and Monrad had addressed the meeting, questions were asked and a desultory discussion followed An organising committee was formed, consisting of Messrs Prouse, B. Sorensen, A Mathieson, J. Wmgate, and nearly all in the room who had not already joined were made members.

Literaei Society—The meeting of theLiteraiy Society last night resolved itself into a mock Parliament, and the members entering fully into the spirit of the affair, a most pleasant and amusing evening was passed. Mr J. Bell was elected Speaker, while Mr R. Leary.took the part of Premier, being suppoited by Messrs G Grant (Colonial Treasurer), Hirsch, and Ford. A vigoious Opposition comprising Messrs Fuberg, Quail and Fitzgerald, was led by Mr E Edwaids Bills having for then objects corapulsorv life insuiance, Hie acquisition of the Manavi atu Railway by the Goveinment, and the abolition of taxation, -ncre mtioduced by the Government, the first two being passed and the last lejected The House eventually adjourned consideration of several measures for a fortnight

Conceet.—The programme for the Collego-itreet sch 00l concert on Friday evening gives promise of a capital e^e^lng's entertainment The concert commences with a humorous cantata, the opening scene of which is "Mr Jarley's Waxworks" at midnight. At that "witching hour" a host of interesting " shades " take upon themselves good solid " mortality," and for an hour the fun " waxes" fast and furious as Julius Oassar and Henry VTTT go awoomg with Mary Queen of Scots and Boadicea Old King Cole and Red Riding Hood with numerous attendants add to the merriment and the beauty of the scene. Part two consists of a selection of items of great variety. The upper pupils of the school will sing one or two glees, there will be action songs in fancy costume, the boys will indulge in chusty mmstiel mirth and melody, and the school cadets will give an exhibition of physical drill The programme is a first-class one, and as the proceeds are for the school piano fund and for the cadet corps, we confidently look for a bumper house.

A Maetoniax Abeoad—The New Zealand Times says —Some excitement was caused m Adelaide load yesterday afternoon by thebehavicur of an elderly man, who threatened to take vengeance on various persons, but especially on the Government of New Zealand for the tieatment to which he had been subjected. He pointed a revolver at one man, and said he would shoot him The distuiber of the peace was ultimately arrested m the Prince of Wales Hotel by Constable Hammond. It was found that his revolver was loaded in each of its six chambers, and that he was also armed with a sheath knife and a long stiletto. A quantity of American paper money and two dishonoured cheques drawn at Marton were also discovered on him. From his papers his name would appear to be John M. Eiely His age is behoved to be 53 He has beenm Wellington for about three weeks, and his long hair, the cut of his beard, and his broadcloth suit attracted attention to him when he was about the streets. < When taken into custody he gave a good deal of trouble, and said that if he had known Constable Hammond to be an officer of the law the anest would not havo been made without an attempt on his part to do someone harm The man was subsequently committed to an asylum.

The leading attraction in Palmerston North on Thursday will be the sa,e of a laige purohase of Kaiapoi sample clothing at the UiF.C.A., when the enormous cash discount of 4/- will be returned to every purchaser of £1 worth of these goods, there is no doubt that few will negleot to avail themselves of an opportunity of this descuption.—Advt.

Newest .Books, (including "OldMarlbwough" by T. Lindsay Bmok) Magazines, Fancy Goods, Eleotroplate , Silver Goods, China and Glassware Leather Goods, Footballs, etc. Park's Stationery and Fancy Goods Warehouse, —Advt. Cash buyers of drapery and clothing are asked to look out for Bargains at The Bon Marche" to-monow and coming J^eek, when sundry clearing lines will be offered at nominal pricos —Advt. There ■« Jl be one more opportunity for careful buyers to pick up some rare bargains befoio the close of the drapery r^ich is still proceeding at the UF.C.A All remnants which include useful lengths of flanelette, prints, shirtings, calicos, sheetings, etc., and numberless odd nents have been maiked down to one-third of their yalue, so as to effectually clear the stock beforo the completion of stook-taking, in addition to which the cash discount of 4s in the £ on the Kaiapoi sample clothing will be continued for another 6 days Thursday, Friday, and Saturday of this week are positively theln Aree days of sale at The Bon Marchd. During these r three da.ys the balance of'winter stock, which it is determined to clear, I will bs offered a* nominal pricel!, and bargams will be the order of the time in capes, jaoketp, dress goods, afllmery, feerges, plffasingß, and many' ttSfefal lines of hxrasehbld drapery' Buyers snould not miss theso bargains.—Advfc

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Manawatu Standard, Volume XL, Issue 7092, 28 August 1901, Page 2

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Untitled Manawatu Standard, Volume XL, Issue 7092, 28 August 1901, Page 2

Untitled Manawatu Standard, Volume XL, Issue 7092, 28 August 1901, Page 2