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Ti n I A V U r| II v L. M I «

A DSTEALIAN "ITOTUAI T>ROVIDENT OOCIETY. / Sow Zealand Branch : Head Office, CusSomhouaeQnßy, Wellington. Local Eoard of Directors The Hon. Morgan H. Grace, M.D., O.M.G^ M.L.C. (Chairman). ' ' The Hon. Charles J. Johnston, MJ/.C. (Deputy-Chairman). /' Alfred de Bathe Brandon, Esq. The Hon. Edward Kiahardson, U.M.Q M.L.G. John Duncan, Esq. THE OLDEST, WEALTHIEST, AND MOST PROSPEROUS Australian Life Office asd the LAEGEST IN THE BRITISH EMPIRE, The only Mutual Li'a Office which declares A BONUS EVEEY YEAR T_ha method cf Valuation adopted by this Society is of the rcoet Stringent Character and ensures a Larger Eeservs to msat liabilities than that held by any other oGks in the Australasian Colonies. ACCUMULATED FUND EXCEEDS £14,560,000 (FOURTEEN AND A-HALF MILLLION STERLING). ANNUAL INCOME EXCEEDS £2,000,000 V TWO MILLIONS) Steeling. Policiea in Force 134,484 Sum Assured .. .. £41,728,041 Cash Bonuse3 Divided .. £7,726,170 Cash Bonus ior one year, 1897, £449,268, Yielding Reversionary Bonuses aaiounting to £835,000. After making Spscial EeserTCs. Cash Bonuses declared for lass Five Yaarc over Two Millions, yielding Reversionary Bonuses exceeding Four Millions. j ASHUBE YOUB LIFE ( IK THE A.M.?. SOCIETY And Secure a BONUS EVEKY YEAB, Expenses of iV3 abasement: 81 PER CENT ON THE TOTAL IN--2 GOME. EDWABD W. LOWE, | Besidenfc Secretary. Branch Office— CUSTOMSOUBE QUAY, Wellington rp,o BE PUBLISHED IN AUGUST X 1900. STONE'S WELLINGTON, HAWKE'S BAY AND TAEANAKI Commercial, Municipal and General DIRECTORY AND NEW ZEALAND ANNUAL. TENTH YEAS—AT3GUST, 1900—OF PUBLICATION. Edited by John Stone. Demy Bvo. size, ?ontaining over 9GO pagss, together with maps of Wellimtfon and New Zealand, corrected to date, tbe whole handsomeiy bound in cloth, gili lettered. Price: If ordersd before publication, 10b 6d ; after publication, 12b 63. STONE, SON & CO., Printers and Publishers. Crawlord and Jetty Etreets, Dunedin and Wellingten. W It &CC©Ms£ta4BltiiSSß*SO£3*ee a««! Agent for Public Trustee Offtcd—Banßitikei-street. Bsii^ers aatl UndertaKers, MAIN STREET, Opposite the Court House). "T^JOTE.— The Undertaking Depart IS ment is a special feature of the firm's business. LETHABY &~(XX, UMBEELLA MAKEES, HAVE started bxisiness in Palmerstor North (nest door to Hosking and Son, Main-street). Glass and china rivettin^ a speciality. A repairs executed promptly, PALMERBTON NORTH VETEKIITAEY SHOEING FORG-E, Corner of ltat>sitikei and Cuba Sts. (Nest Clarendon Hotel). \ .», S "IT" ", 4 » f W, I. Vv oo d, PEOPEIETOH. A LL dsseriptions cf Gaseral BlackO- eraith's -s-ork dono, Agricultural Implements made and [ repaired. ( Shoeing doao with care and on an entirely new principle, under tbe pcrsoQilbuperfision of tho proprietor. All Work G-uarantoed. Charges Moderate, v LLEWELI^J .' I HE Only Genuine W^^^^ c made in PalmerstooJ^^^^^l aud no other name ex^^^^^^H should Be on tbe L^^^^^^^^M

! ! AMD SAVE MONEY! BY BUYING A GOOD Cooking Manga FBOM HUBKIN6 AND SON'S (OWN MAKE.) riIHEY are acknowledged the best and X cheapest and most durable Hanges in the market, ; Eundreds of our Ranges in use, sad sre giving every satiatection. < A large assortment of Verandah Brackets land Fringe and otae: Ornamernal Castings io choose from. Call end inspect the SEOWBOOM at the Jlianaw&tu Foundry. Iron and Brass Founders, Engineers, Kangemaiers & Blacksmiths, Illustrated Catalogue on application. ENCODINGS LOCAL INDUSTRY. %TiS"W ZISAJuaJMU JINSU&AMCE JLi COMPANY. Capital <.£S.O«>O,OOO Kesebves .€220,000 IHE PKEMIEE O?FIC3 OIT NE"W ZEALAND, Jfire and Marine Kisks ol every description accepted at LOWEST CUBRENT KATES. ? 1 Settlements Prompt and Liberal* CHAS. W. EWEN, >. 1 Manager^ Wellington. 0. E WALDSGSAVE, Agent for Palmerston North MSAWATU WOODWaR£_ FACTORY. . ItT D. SQUIRE, of tlie firm of ■J\jy # Squire & Co.. wishes to thank IfiifcS Wends and customers for their . Jimsxty support auriDg the last ten years s aact^feTntimate"rtkafc be has sold his busi^ss known as " Venn's," to Messrs Bennett and Sollitt, who will complete j all orders in hand, receiving payment for | same. They are thoroughly practical I men of v/ide experience and he asks for I them a continuance of the support so | long accorded to himself. In reference to the above Messrs Bennett & Stollitt hope that by strict attention to business, prompt execution of orders, combined with reasonable prices, to receive a share of the public patronage, and it will be found advantageous to deal with them. A. E. BENNETT. B. H. SOLLITT. j ;jA. E. Whitehead, i XXAVING enlarged his premises, is now i i Jul. in a b9tter position to cope with his ev^r increasing tra'le. ' OUR 1 Refreshment Room Is oca of the finest io the district. > ! Bread delivered to ail parts of the town. : ADDS2S3 — MAIN • STHEST KEAF. ! KiILV/AY STATION. | Telsphone No. 88. ! ?P|! sW| Ifis \W Al } f£ ! ill complete Irosa is sg. , ! ■O'YDP.AULIO Buffii', Tathe, fumts I OL eto., Fixed and Hepwred. i High-pressure Water Procured ; " in any psrS of We Glebe. . Borad by Steara from Three (3) Shillings i psr foot, Gos^d fiowa guaranteed, i y i.i i Sapport the men viho'tpoads ihe meney | iha Distn'ct. 25 Years', experience. ! OAIS'T B BBA 52,,' ■' EANG-ITIKBISTBEET, | PALMERSTON KCHTH. | Photography. ■ CABINET PHOTOS FBOM 12/- DOZ | ATTWOOD <& CO MAYING parchsseo pari of bankrupt stonk will give th 3 public the bfinofit ! ia CHEAP FEOTOS TILL FURTHES NOTICE. Having completely renovated end eu- | Isrged ibeir photo premises by improving ; itudio and building a new room for ? eacli- : in" Painting, &ci presided ..over by Mr AltI weed. Jaar. ' : We can guarantee \Vae worV dene—:6Q?B, PROiVII'T A^D CHE iP. %S \ Ebakes On Bsemises',?! AhS SQUARE, PA^^^^Btoj^'^ Facing Bail^^^^^^^^ftL OLD CURIOSIT^^^^^Bj M.6XN ST^^^^^^^^^^M

HOTELS. --^~ Royal Hotel, BTTNNYTJIOEPE. A. G. HAVILL Peopbietoh. FTIHE above has been renovated and reX furnished! Only the Best Brands of Liquors kept. Every comfort for visitors and travellers. RE-OPENING- ANNOUNCEMENT. A LONG FELI WANT SUPPLIED AN UP-TO-DATE WHOLESALE AND ' RETAIL SADDLEEY, HARNESS AND LEATHER WAREHOUSE FOB, PALiIEUSTON NORTH. JOHN COItILLE «~^ESIEES to intimate that he has reJLJ commenced business as above, with the largest and best selected stock of English, American and Colonial Saddlery, Harness and Leather of every description ever imported into the Manawatu District, which he is determined to dipose of at prices that are bound to effect a speedy clearance, lieing a CaSS BUYER and,.~ having made arrangements to receive, regular monthly shipments, I am in a v position to supply the trade and others . with every possible requirement atABSOLUTE WHOLESALE'PRICES. • The stock, which is quite new, is now t opened up and ina,rked off in plain figures,//* and anyone requiring Saddlery andHai'K'j ness would do well to call and inspect ' get quotations before purchasing elsewhere. Ladies' ana Gents' Saddles, Harness, &c, made to order at lowest possible prices, consistent with good TvorJananship and material. Repairing done with neatness and dcs- %.' patch. Horse hair, bees wax, second-hand saddles and harness bought in any quantity for cash. Good prices given. Note the Address— JOHN COLVILLE, Wholesale and Eetail Saddler, Harness Maker and Leather Merchant, The Square, Palmerston North. Premises next to Tingey's i "wTITwI ins," I Plumber, Unsmitfc. Gasfltter, &c. rpHE Manufacturing of Dairying ~i" Plant a specialty. Agent' for and Manufacturer of the latest _ improved Milk Coolers and Estimates: furnished for al 1 classes of »"7ork in fciia trade. Addbess — MAIN STESET (Next Commercial Hotel), ?AIirSSBTON NoEXH. Eobson & Cc Pork Butchers, Poulterers, and ft»--vision Dealers, Epping House. 165, Lambton Quay Wellington, A RE large buyers of Pigs and Poultry. -£L Highest cash price given for prime quality. We invite correspondence from farmers and dealers. Wholesale Sausage Makers. Storekeepers and the trade supplied. German Sausago a speciality, * |_|'AVING purchased che old estab.jLJL lished Butchery so successfully carried on by Mr IT. Bryant, nest to the Bank of Australasia, it will be my endeavor to follow his example by keepI ing nothing but the best quality of goods in BEEP MUTTON LAMB PORK SAUSAGES, Ac. W. REED*.■'■-■-. WHOLESALE -AID RETAIL BUTCHER THE SQUARE. PORK BUTCHERY. Jolin 0. Bender (NEXT TO THE U.F.C.&.) TB '.. ■'' ■ ■ : TTAS coramenced businelß as *ip% -d ' '■. '■■■'.-I -::>. :'■ ■■ .^^^^M Small goods of all aescriptSij^on^^^B Pork sausag9B and boiledHH^^^^l daily. -^^^^^^H Orders for poultry, sucking j^^^^^H sandwiches promptly attende^^^^^^H Only the best of dairy fed J^^^^^^H Mild cured bacon and han^^^^^^^^| DO YOU INTEND YOUB ROoJ^H^M SEND TO jjffpOE samples of hj|^^^^^^^^^^^^| pL han'gingsi^^^^^^^^^^^^^H trouble to youJ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^B address by^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^H

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Manawatu Standard, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 6701, 19 May 1900, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 Manawatu Standard, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 6701, 19 May 1900, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 Manawatu Standard, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 6701, 19 May 1900, Page 1