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"The^ew ( Zealand , flerald says that U»e- '(JuoStiod 1 lias : heciV rais ;d'prfvat'el\}V3 to.lhH responsibility ; of the €Hiveni- j iMftt/t^uicaa&vof loss . of life Jliroulj'ii'riil: w^'.nccidpiifs. In rnai^y quarters it i> iield that the conntinu law ennnot hu set nßi'fle m such cases by the 80-eall d j>ro-'---lection of a set of regulations fra ned bj' the New Zealand Government.

There are some persons whose names do not appear, and whose properties are not valued, on the Waipawa County rolls. The consequence is they are unable to pay rates ojfc exorcise -a vote. Neither can they omission he corrected, because there is apparently no provision in.thfl Aj?t which would enable the County Clerk or even the Council, to tajie euch ajsteifc r The- oouaequenoe „isi t ilssj^9i>n«? poorer through not beiug able to collect these rates, and a portion pf the community are robbed oXjßftitaiy, pnvtleges ! that '_,. are really due them.,. There is root£ tffc]?- 90. an)eudthent, iti pte 1 ; js|v|?al^c^B 'relating.. .to. the m^tter^ Invercargill has a sixpenny Clothing Club,,;. Th?, atoufcl , report shows that mi'icu J bene^ial'wbrS.;haß been accomplished. T|fe object of the club is to supply clothing and assistance to the poor of inVercargill and its neighbourhood, and this is effected by the visittation.of differeut districts on the part of each meuiber of the committee, wlib reportotojthe committee every case coming irndeY" notice.' The club supported by subscriptions of at .least sixponce a month from its members. Aid has been given to 33 women, whose families comprise 87 child rejir^^E tb»»% 10 Vere disabled f|om work by ijick^essl sovfeit w^idowsi' and four were "<le-t serjed I>y th% hUsbands ) . but; tl}jee£ "with the : aßßista"nce"of the society, have since juiiied their husbands. , -•Mt;J|alheßiiint9nde| gazetted] a mem- ! "bar of the. Licensing Committee for j Palmerstori^or^b.; i 1 ; TUb N^ier Telkgraph says: Accounts differ with^ regard to the value of pro•■hitfitiori ■•idi'Hhe p'reWeiitioT* of ' the iiqmif , itfade". I Matiy ; : contradictory ■Btiiiemonis | ;Come;£r<mi AqiCTJtJorfr V>w*-miljtiQlie BtOJX--Js received ,f i;uin jon£ •ovra^bush [districts' 1 wjiere. the^oipeTJfnp^i .has been, ttjcd., Wl 'accounts agree that more liquor is "consumed, no,w, m the .Norsowood lictjuaang^liatricttban -wWen licenses were granUd ip pu.bjic-houses. v ''^'frefoVe'Soij r 'a : nU * 'niah;' ' Eu^Tand ' .is '• changed : with'tHe diity 1 6f feststing Kds-" 'siao aggrefesion' npoti 'I'l'rdia^ th'ougli-ih' i .the effort she. pbniv o«t j lior blood = ami--tfeaß.nre.B m, rivfeiVM This, isl «&■-.. extract from a sermon deliyered by.tlie.Rev^A,; R. Fitchett. s It- ; is becqming ; ;ih.e ; ycps^o.m ; m Anierica to cowhide ' men who* amis 3 •theii; >yives, and pyery , t^nte, | a /»narri«.-d !womai\ utters ai shriek , her : husband grows nervous until he feels that hel\as satisfied the •crowd that it- was the ; sightiol a mousti that mado her yell. f ' ■' -'-•■■ liotli itrthb •pulpit ''and' oil j tlie plat*' -form--Archdencon farrar continues to wago- war against i.iutempei'aiice. In 'ai ;Bprin.ap,receDfelyi p.ttja.qhß : W,«btu»i»B--ter, he. said th^t -England must got rid of the! cjirse'; apdj , «rfme r ; or gradually perish of the paupers and criminals who '^nat^ralJlife. . A' gentleina^-'who' khONVs' Hastings, in| mpis vs t that ,* great ,doal-of Jhe : .ftioß--pißrity atfd;Vadyau^efr>ont which 1 hear f'of m 'co^ineGt/iqn that • tpwny arid ■ihitlv is -.supposed . to ekist, is , mere '^low,Vi: vH^iiS^s ( that _alsh;qugb,,.QUOi ,BoWo^lie«ira Biniil3rreuloaiuip,3,w,ith i rer, gar.dtoi Waipawa, stil), .he , conaiaers three times. .aa^ much businesjs is.done tliere' ttiah iti'tlastiugs'.^ fiifo BaiAe!argu-ine'it-applies of course to the other /,* roafec ■!' Itxt the Sbfith ]oi ukf. We .: refer to Woodville. Waipawa is little spoken about^ but it can afford totidke Itsi : bwiic«*rse, quietly and steadily growing; j(n^ doing good ibjuaiaees .al|; th(& Awhile. •~.Wiaipawa Mail. A Jofial; farmer informs , us (Taieri'4^ v6:ate)th&t he preserves his turnip seed from the small birds by spriukling a Binall quantity of ir«d lead upon tfye damped seed before sowing. When' the eeedha's been treated m tTiis i^ian'lser- it teems to have the effect iof ; giving, the birds aj3care, and the young braird, to a certain" extent escapes ttieir atteri liou"." 1 """ The.folowing is au exact copy of a letter received b^ a 7 military .Authority hot faraway '(saysa writ'oriin the Tarafjaki News) : "Deer sir, — i having served m the knrnea Against the, i VU'_Ue^iflrt,toi»^-noio_t/«i>,iO".ljf-«?^- J *:ifS?i\fQv & o.tffce of Capten : or:',;leftenent m •t^eiihilitia. 'i seen sdme-'fitmg m SFow •xealaun. and : bare woonds to this day. ai»d kopcide^ th i at,i l h i ay- ass mutch rite 'too bee.'acapVen ''jibs' 'lorn hoo havve n«yer handeld-o. g-uun, aun.i atn a^- matt !?pf yeers.* tlfe say kisiu goes'by f aver m |rew Zealand, .and .i ; beleeYe. sowj „ftwd hpppitigyu. dqo, beat, yure q|edi^i>t serventj ; — --r^-. v I have riot "■%'ard whether or not the application -has been forwarded to head-quarters. ';' All the' great nations 1 of the world Spfend intiriiiely more upon' war arid' preparations f or, war. ( ,than upon religion, philauthrophy, or educatiou." With regard to the latter item, the contrast is; the. greatest iij, Russia, whk-h spends . 10s 2d per head for war, and only lOd for education. Denmark occupies about the best position of any, spending 8s 8d •for war, and 4s 7<l-f or education. lir -the case of Great Britain, war absorbs 18s Gd: per head, and education 3s Id — exactly one-sixth. iThofi^rm of Sir W. G.Armstrong, M^rehell, Co., r«ceqtly. lauuclied from their shipbuilding.yard, at the Low Walker,dn the Tyne, a cruiser for the Japanese Government. Sim is the largest :of^the class that this firm has ever : b^ilf, aiid wjll be the most powerful wars.tiip m the navy of Japan, and one of th,e, fastest- going .ihips m the world. Whe^cpjnplete, she, wiH have on bo^r^l eigii^, Armstrong guns of the new type. Another ship of the aaine,cjass and for the samto Government was rapidly approaching completion. ' ' : Marshall de Mac Mahon is said to be engaged m writing his memoirs from the opening of his. military career to the period when he was relieved from the cares .Ojf political life. The product of the MarahiiU'B pen is to ba kept strictly privatq, not only during his lifetime, but eysn.after his death. Major Cautley is said to hare assured the people of Oamaru that if Russian eruisjois^isited the rort and took away Supplies; .a., roccipt should be asked fay taken, and the New Zealand uovermnent looked to to make the value of; «nfbtfped -purchases good. If this is all we have ta fear from Russian cruisers (says' an coal merchants will be found battling with the .waves m order to ace who can jfirst.reach the "cruiser to point out the >; val]i!te of Wait respect ive comtnoditiea.' : ;I!ha arr.angetnents for the laying of the foundation-stone of the Auckland ) Free' Library and Art Gallery are so far completed thattho event is fixed to take plac» m the first week of June. It is expected that. Sir George Grey will deliver the principal speech, and that Sir Frederick \Vhitakcr and Sir G. M. O'Rorke will also address the assemblage. Germany will not let Russia go to war. . Bismark's people are Russia's largest creditors, and the news of the Afg- , han affair knocked the price of Russian stock m Berlin down by 10 per cent. j The Rev Dr. Stuart, of Dunedin, wants, to know from the pr^ss," what fatality befalls husbands m (his cotintry that widows should be as thick as bla'ckberriss"? There are 158 on th^ b;oqks of the Dunedin Benevolent Institution. Business nien should be very chary takiijg advantage of the so-called convenience oft'fie letter boxes 6ti the traink, as wo are informed on very good authority that letters bo, posted often return m .tha.ho.x. to station ; at which ,lhey '. were origjnjftljy posted, to bo a'garri forwarded m the usual coursn of post. This will account for the delay m letters reaching their destination, which we often hear grumbled about.— Patea Mail.

. The Posi.h rather rough on local bod-^ i.-8, tind -tliiuks that the tfqvernmfent inafla a mistake' m remitting tho fine. ]rt| the Spurdle; caso, It says there isla great deal too much -jobbery.* m local ; ' bodh'es, Inrt thsV it will oot help fd<pu(* an end to it when it ia fotind that acinan can escape the coiiseqnenrJe»J)y-K«ftittga« a political friend to work tor him. r ('ltfteilarge amount) ofTmotie^r w^iipi^ Htjn'ecessArily leases the" colony every year for sauces, pickles and jams might, -with" donsidefaWe^profit and 1 ad Va'nfagV be kept m it, and he used to maintain aricKsupport a portion of bur struggling; -4<i>^hr4BtcliurcJi -4U-Jax^e-sauce and pickle manufactory has :beeu; 5 scarfed with objec^ land .jn- otnjeV placeS-jam iactorieu "■ ftfe*"Bpringirig J Opand flourishing. Iti Wangaiiiij, Mr Frederick WhitT&fcywWhas for 'a number of years made small stocks of sauces and pickles, for which he-has found an increasing demand, haa gone more extensively ipto. the .inisjn<}Bß, and <is -naw^ tunnaj^out qajiQes, piokl-'s, an-.! chutueya e^ual to the very beat iinfn>rted artiolo — rindeed we prefer some of tljemto tjvej Eii^lish-maTde dries of th<s same kfiid.; Ajß they Are ; 50 p«r cent, cheaper, we' hive>ho doubt. Mr ' Whitlock (as his ~g|>ods ! b.ecom*« bettor knowii) will be kept ■ hdey m supply m j? thainere*Bmg[demand ftir liia maniifactur<-s, which arojevident_ly| pure and fr-«" from deleterious adulter.- i &tum.r-f Herald. : . . . ;'•■ ? " (M^BBrs^uelsJti and CoJ announce the first fruit tree sale of the season for aext Saturday at 2 p.m. {Mr Gardes' fruitstiill yesterday at the iice.couVse-'waß'prbbably the finest "<lts- r pfay of fruit ever suen m the district. ■ It; waa admired by all r and tho stall was well patronised. - ; -J | t»'*JtiC: I ; Sauna, as starter at the races yestonlaj^jafirvßreTrttro-oatJofftotijßii^ -and discharirod the duties of that position moat efficiently. f Mtilß.' R. UfSeA, at Sfieneyi ; Ci-eek ■• ktf-5 vertises a ieward fortho recovery of a lost horse.. • ..... •> /Tha Jane Douglas sailed from Foxton for Wellington on Saturday ; at 3 p.m. ,Pjissenge,wA-M«a r st ISrown, M&fsra' Nols6n, Hick ford, Cole and Scott, „.1 Captain MowiettVjhaft? pneseuted the Wesleyau Church with a section of land at Bunnythorpe, and w© bisliev* it Ujitttijnded to erect a church there m a short tftne. \ c „ -, t The Y^eavy. rain of yesterday morning likd the-feffectjbf making the race course I•rather;heavy i A places t but on* the whole the! ground was by no* means m bad cpn^-; id(ijS|jf- •>;.. ;■■;;,, ■-■ X \i \ Th<? poU^for -the. ..Lougburn JEtdad wifl ibis taken at tho house . oIFMt Scales,, iiongburu Road on Thursday,, tho 4th qf E Jiuui};,-aj)(| |qr iTo. I Lifae,:Eair|iogja,|)ii | the i fbllowinV'a v ay : . ' ; ' r " .* jln Bronchitis^ a\ia.' 'AstlimW *' iaxMrW-Euilg Presgrvor" affords imtnediate.relief. ' • •

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Manawatu Standard, Volume IX, Issue 146, 26 May 1885, Page 2

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LOCAL AND GENERAL. Manawatu Standard, Volume IX, Issue 146, 26 May 1885, Page 2

LOCAL AND GENERAL. Manawatu Standard, Volume IX, Issue 146, 26 May 1885, Page 2