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|; - COMPOUND ■ i '. - <, ', Ij —.'■■' FOR THE CURE OF l ! l;idigesttoii~^'iver 'sViad m the Stomach ancl Bowels-^^e^pasi^eMity—^^. jtiif whale train of symptoms. iß^eed-^jH^il&y-^ Organs of Digestion; and Secretion. _>. SJ^PfflOMSfj-yttiit Flatulence, Heartburn, Pain m the refiion o^ ffijiliJr^y^l/jiJ^se/^il^rjii^s/Anfij J3|ppie*BiouS»ifter- l?JU.iß«,.^i» feetrn<r of LfUiguor Biri Depression valiovcil'by tiiKinic Foiri, a Purred Tongue. Weariness niiriau UtiwiUiiiuness to cxe;<fcisc Nlimlroy. stk><]v.,,-Ltt;y,ueKS *>f Spirits, Constii miou or Looseness of the iHo«vcß»W''srfmatiii ; ies : troth* toV.vßbfenJ alternately^ PcbtTrt 'Breath." IJHpleft«Wt'=Tiisr«\ ll'yj-qsis or Water-brash, Vnmiiinn. CoM Hands -art'il'Peei, ■ite'a.laMie, 1 VerHjo-or-J)izaine»», !l\i(njiAsj>(j3j^hbrfmp£rfeft fyc J>oU|,>U |Vsoii;/.2Joiscß u» Che ic.irs; Puliiitalioii* lrr(Ogutor ; Tulse, Hoeiuorrhoios i-r 'Piles, 'elfootinjr or Fi iced/. Pains. ;in the region of.tuallea.jt ot ; iuudor the Bho of Suffocation,-. Neryousneaa^ lrritability, of t T«sinper.,,:j ; Imaginary Vision, &c. " • j i ;; , •,,;..;..•( .■';■., A ■ . ',- ■, ..■:; ■{■■ .-.-..'.! Tli^tel^s&juiipr^ i^creasyag^.d^rnanii .for these. PiUs, and Uae.hrßli: euloaiunis exyresse-1 m Uielr behalf has far exceed d the most sanguine exyeptalibns'oj the Proprietor, ami hd-fsels more confidence tnau" ever. in'TecotntUflifKHiifpHftm, ,A Very" brief trial wili^pfqv^'tha^U^Jl^Kl': many of jtiic^JAck'No^riirJMs of the day, t'pretemt- 1 ins; to cure all diseases' and 'curing NONK) iJAxT>sk\n Cooipouud Qiinine Pills are of' Sterlidfc'worth;"'! .;.. i.-.'^ ;^ .■.■iWi ■>>,<, - r 'X : ; ' : '- : : ' : '' -- " ''" '"i ""•"'•' l '■■'■"> Their success is culiiely attributable to their : TOSiC : or Strengthening power. They assist Natnra.tOjdQ wbAt, th couch weakness Blle> caundt do unaided. Thcyi increase, theenergy of tiJ* "StonTaW ?nra "appetite, fflcilibate! digestion, ' thvis. r;roil«e.inK.(.hea,lth^., uufcrjtido oE-iJife hody^anrtinoalioripßjihojfiaitieufc co. prUtine.HE.UiT.Hai.iil liNKRGY, ,;.; Sold -in Boxes at 1 6dV atid 3s 6d Ealoh. ; Ba^^\^^jrteirygic .„ Face, Gout, Sciatica, and .Liimag&_, .1 ' J ucu'' „.,««• RPTABLR i TWS'JUMONIALS.,. - { ,-, -.., „.: , , ,/. The Rev J WITHmGTON. Rak-tenafalUwritei^l h»ye yecooonipnded yog? Pills to several sufferers from TIC-DOLOREUX, all of whom I-,bflifi!Q.^ayfi;bf!eii relieved. by them . In some ennea the cmiE : HAS Bern' iymkdiatb. , . The Rev B. OHEW, of Norwich, Write^i^hivtf "urn l ! Inert 'MARVELLOUS The Rer E. WATMOiQG^/'fiipley, writes^My' danghtor wW- from <if!eiwy I "nrWßiVd.^^MVr^HiieciKisfoJl ?r!ttesi-Mrß Ravspn.i.aa we(i as onyapn.aud ! -d*V B hl^ I^tlbeTOfii.frp^ ; ithe^.^Jl.ean.^^^ I who suffer from Neuralgic, affecfiQn.%-.^ {(! ,i ;,,,-- ;i , ; ■.,-.* ;•> - :. = ■ „;,.; Ji: i, W i,-. i Mr^f/ WN^JLllGia; i, WsingfcoUtreet, .Leqls, describes, be magic .gJw«M the Pms thus^MyVlfe suffered from Tic-Dolourepx; and; J^"oaa ,^%^ J^ m 6nttk :i! Tier4«¥eH«^%yre>distreßßing to all arouml ier." g^ririg of^4. JonderWl effects of your Pills upon others, I b-iajrht f>ox. ' Their actiori 'Wks MWcflOAt I: The FIKST PiirRELIEVBD, the T niED OtJRJJ^e'H, . ; :,;;" V'^' '' ... ' ''l^ MrT. KICHAKn?ON, Postmaster, Great" Ryburglii NarTolk,' 'wtites-^-We have ftad several bos<-s from your London agents, fot irtendsi^nd -^? «1 *WM*W areRKALLY what they profess to be! ar» ialtoo^ IMMEDIATE CUliB FO.Uj'ilV, TOOTH-ACHE &c. ] :!v;^-' : ' '' ,. v/< " l i i , l " l V ; ' :: , ! -' ; i. ' ; M^ 1 Full and explicit dircotions with VALo/juLKi BitESGiMffwoNS tcaatowmyimh bo*. o . Sold by all CliEJlWaa and PATENT! MIEOIGINiE 'VENDORS tn> boxes : la 6d:«»d 8a Gd each. Oj^^^^Mr 19 or 43 stamps bpthe 'Proprietor, Si BAXTER, Ghefluat Agent for'lalmeiston N^rth— R. LEARY, Cnemist».-.\- rt .M-.\'.j- : H ouoway OTtoflrt ! Is an infallible remedy for Bad LGg-ji^Bad .Bwasts, .OWiWqu^, Sores, andj ? "\TJrcars. ft ia- i &iii(H»f|-f | n^Q< ) utan4 -Rheumatiam-.-.- Poir.Bisorileißi of the; j GlantlulaixSiW^lyig!?, Skin |)£sefo»eii : it" ' ! hiM;'ii<i 'leq'iiVitj 1 " f6^'^on^rfi!ot^c) aniV stiff joints ( actfli^'e^^a chiii')^/''! 1 .' | ' !( > :^ I .' > '^'j j Manufactured only at THOM^-.HoL^pMr^'si^atjlishn^einfr*.' *„ i.' f 7arW€TR CgL F QS I >^ T^®5 < V^ te \S2a?®&M>RD EtiBtEiffIIU LONDON, « \JkJ a^y sdlcl kji/aJll VeiMtorH-tbrotighottttheiWorld I .^' -''i '^ J;^^T 00^ t 0 ' f-fe-Z'"'^ the Pots airidifro'xes. tytfie"ssfres, i b< •j'-.L-h'-nii ' [^r^'^^i-lOxj^^d'^of^i- London, tltei/ are spurious, I jj^j l^j : .. t ."vf-,'/ ; ;''.-.wi. ! ''.' t '.," -I'ir^"!-.;.. J..i i """^ !«I'i^t;.-!-»i -'-^ "hii^K-' i->i!Uj/! ,1- .»„.., , ...;. J .f.,n.!Wi.i, l |.-i l y j ; t - 1 — •'. —J! '. .'WF!"i ! _ J 'I'" 1 ? GRATE^tJL'— trbiiiPmTlNtSr.' '"TluVi-tZ 7^*F&^Z^r^ j ~kir ■'■'■■ \ '•)'-■ ! • <LU ? ' fl '^ ■'- ; '- i ; " :j o' i = !i i : T ::' -!<!1 !c | •IffAO 7/.(.lH«;iiM i,...i-:t..:> lii.i^.-,:/:' V ;• /i"o o-» •'.••'■■ i) n.':,; „; r )foi«VßyAjfooro^ .;.,',,: i; .. : ., v ; natural laws which govern the 'q]}qt&- ■jJLMi>sw.&aw!u€! i ;.;,•. ;>:.: ;,: ; .;■>.■■•£"/■ ; tion#of'"di^kio'B'Wa''>n\iite > rfion, and« ■■-■ii-J^ o.\i n: yjjgjfjarfg 1 '- 1 "-'' 1 ' ; ' r- ;; j by a careful application of the finja " ; " v ■'_$_- -.^.■.^■\<--^-><\ 4Epps has provided our Tjrdajcjist- 1 t-^nur ■. ,i -..; v .■! .. r-Vf ; f^^/ .^»^ff S'^f itAb.W'jwith, a, 'dfilioately flai^Sti&d'fJ:'. 1 ! : ;: " - i "'. ,7T~'"".v'- i!i; ;i^ °i 1 Ibeverage which' may save ustii#y ''«lSf;ltt; ! Freignt on i; iioCptmt'6f jheavy^bctors^ Bfls.^t is l[jr&iCM^ ! .•ihat a oon^j-itfjtp^rjfljiiy be <^ra|d|llH!lyE i riA^^N; :i CVlu.iub.flß;.i^ai'ted 1 ;w4 i tl| ibuilt up until strong enough§Bt V V lottea; .shi|»s :: to di'tjcov^r U^.or^endeucy_ia_dijseaae. llijn^r^si ho < . was, P";' i do» T n, aa h jUiadj ?f?^ n - J\}? t i^?w .^w- jpur.^hunvhl^ k- I,..t;hey;;l ,..t;hey ; ; aAvwl&fn.-j Spring . a .^eak r»oint. -We may escape nxany ; Mattresses for i.tlie ridiculous pi tee 'a TatsrWiaffe l^' mepin^^ur^erVas 'r^2s/.' '. VVhut a ruwlr4hey had whk well &itffi<^ijfj%.i(pur ( eriy®od and ja T "ifbecarule kribwib:' : AhSirtiis ! inquirie!; properly nourished frame." — Seje to see if they had any left ? Oh' yes ardifele rh th£ Oii&l SefoicfLGdiette. j ' h\indYt*d's of * them !if % rfeqUiir'ed,-' an<j Made simply with boiling water dr ']gfl««| ,we'are to he 'a^ile t« plafe'eCtlui mill:/" '-''"' IJ ' "1!'•:! "" ;i!l ' f I' ',^9^' : CQnifor^bip, ! .j idlt-anj labelled thus:— r ■!■' j , ,aIL ,' .. ; , .: .' ..' ..'.; .; , . , ....,", j TAMT7Q T?-px>g A TJ"n rini ;! No . slop wor/k, if the article. isiiio^ 'HOMGBOPATHIG OffEMISTS,! Oonie'early^and -"J bring the' length , ! «ndjhieadth ofiyonr.bedsteacis. ./ j 1 A * lOKVOW%Mhdkmf. r * ; ! pdst fatthfalFy aetenoled :.r.t.Mi^t.. t A j '' to". '"When "brtSerihg ' plfea^b; ''afentl : leugth between bodpostti and : breadth THE MERCANTILE and BANli', '^j^..* 11 ;.^" 1^.. 6 - , "" , ! E'EMii^D.- 1 i?1 " f " ar .3*.? n .S. 1 ?!? 0 .."^ ?^ : »t^P f r O9<fn^g t^i tie. ' I . i.A Riiropej. and rise ; in! Xi'eight f Vwatf rpHE Proprietor of the MERCA.N-: "'^ --*;•; , • ' ■, r • .Hi .• j L tilS APtßf iß'^KuuPircY Gazette- ' 11 : 1 . ;:,' r " T 1 : :: ' i:? ' ) ■ r T J i '^' ! of New Zealand has much pleasurE No .time.kke th 6 preseßt^.Horige>| in^n^unc%Hb J:i B%yc^ber^nd8 %yc^ber^nd ihfe;:^Pj.^ I fl^tW i ;.ott--^lapf ei^%'jMi^l^¥ cr M' : ; l& yW''"n:l.. ' ,.<__C, '■■',. ',', <!.;'-:! 1 hion to the Gazette will be roducea w -..;;,.-.. ■;■ ,/ ... *-■>.•".••, ' to TWO GUINEAS peranmim.asfro.iiMy o^^^^..^^ ! Ist of JanuaPj, 1884. He is emibleil _ y ,? lU> "appinexa to seal, •;; , j to make tfiif intimation m consf J « SfV^UW o^ , quence of t/ie| highly encouraging ij. ■^m t 1 m»-mj:mM*Sto)fr., S zi l crease inf»|i4^D. which colitSuJj -A^JJ^^oji.upf m v prpppr ffty^, m j touttendUeffifcfu^what has pro- your :^n» may. ba^,:: | vedto LeM mosr^able bi.siuJs A^,?^;.** 11 .^!^?. 1 " j publication and bec| af the econ- ;; :: - v ? P^ftKvOme^And^e.;,, { omica.l iefo V in.s inloduoed by thje" MTCHEIiL ; ;STUTf BBi "G'lmttela Amendment '•,'"• mxT _ r «^. TT . „-, ' : i Act 1883 t|p~ ■- ' '" ' THE SQUARE, | The GA^^^io^ entered it ■■..^rx^^r.^S;.?^^^' 1 j TENTH YEff&^ofceifPstence; and, eri- ; .,".. : ';. T .-. '■■'.<' . ' .'.', ■' '- '",■ ' ''„ .-.' ' ' , t f couraged by its past, success, the Prb- ' y; - ■ ; > pvietor begs to assure his numerous TSSisrf' 8 ' subscribers throughout the Colonj?, . ! ' ! JiSs I that neither labour nor expense wiU ,;',,:.. ■'. .', . ■ >^^^^SL< j "■ spared m sustaining its ■"present . .^r i . , •' 1 .deserved reputation as the most »"6- ; ' '^gJ^^BP^^F' : Tiab!e J du J cular^ifVi^ : kihU' in 1 r Ne«: ; ; ; ; ' ; , 4IP| .'■■ ■' ■■, ' ; r Tjie^alf^e i irly''tn(iex / will, iV""" INSPECT:; .;/ ! %c isixied '.'Jeparaie'ly; 'at a|i ■■>,-',-,. : . ■■..-, .. . j extra ch^^a^ $m Shillings vtirt.JTNOX' B Jfyesh' Commitment anuum. ;.>,»; , -.• ! ••■ - ■ : ' G.AZtiTTK is the 6nly Gazette poi« __ __^ ___ __ We CotoifV published 'm 'Ntw Zef £5 O O i S land. '• ' : "' : ; ■■'■""■• 'i-!:i;.:': •■-..: j /■;- | ''" ", ' ■'..'/'. . ; . .; V : V:Nom-r-Subscnption^i,; „ - ARRIVED .... ■ £2 7s; per annii.nv i iwilhpu^fe.ler,;£2. ;.j| eßt Ya i ae 'm the District 2s. Paa'ablb'-tn Adivange*^ „../ ! ; - ■:...■ ..• ■ : ..'■...; -Persons ilesTrpiis bi subscribing , . CHEAP .'.'AHD GOOI? the Gazette from iJ the Ist Jaiiiiary. . 1884, ...wi11, please send xtjieir,; u»m3s Qders for bespoke work carefully iiiigtou, and M*. local agents J'pi: the \W] J£^O^.V r v *• •••• «V • vV?* 0 ?^ 1 ??? 0^ ' vaiious 'UistrictSjjas well-as"' tp. tlie r V - y orTAni!! : r ,. T , , I' .-« 6cufford^t»;eet..Jt>yaedinV';' : ""/• } •'" ->" '(li«te -D rf -Clifford s.J | :■:.-• :./•'!. .:•.•■!■■.■•. .' ! • !,;._. .•.•.'! .-•■iiiv/i , , n-r^'fi !■?'•. l 'i I"i>1 "i> r. i : -. ■ v j ; .'1 I .■.;w/!,nifM W '1, ! ,,,;;! .i.^ui-.-J i- • ; t i.j:,-. . , •■ ; -. „:; . ;.. I i

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Manawatu Standard, Volume IX, Issue 146, 26 May 1885, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Manawatu Standard, Volume IX, Issue 146, 26 May 1885, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Manawatu Standard, Volume IX, Issue 146, 26 May 1885, Page 4