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THE; MNA^^tel^AiMNa^Muß ' President, I !** J)$L iltabartimr, &.Br.ll •^vice-presi-dents, Me33r3;i>p. McNeil: and Jaihes Linton; Stewards, : Mesjfs J* JB. Foster^ fratt, Of. E. Watson, W. Akers, A. R. ?letel^r>Jolins^oii, B. J; H. Leigh, W. Q. Robtn'aoiij aiirf 8. :.%' Abraham ; 'Judge, Mr Thomas Kuight ;<st:u*cr,.&r J. C. Nathan ; Handir -. capper*- tile Cbp^ii(!tee T ;'}Tin lekeeper^1 ekeeper^ Haybittle ; ClerkUf 'Course, &r J. Lane; .CJerk of Scale's,' Mr .A. S.;^eiitley ; TrcMorer, Wr< J. C. HuniuU ' " > ■'";■ ••■■■-• < ' ' „ • .vvThg : fiticing t s<3l«b^lielA.its Wint^pieeti l ng <l yesterday,and considering tne l of 'th^^atbisr, as' iar jw sport was" concerned, was fairly successful. The" .attendance was' not , so large, as f 'Syas v " ei^t^^Ttei various booths were vn?fl jjawom^eaihow- \ ever, and the luri^on ; preMred by host ; Walkley. was'iaU thaft 'coirol 1 be desired. ' The band under Mr Cureen's > able r ba£oh rendered jdn#ngj i-the i Jdaj; &k) M»Jfent ; programme b£uvely and popular music, . v and the legal games underlie charge of ' i Mr Hopkins were iuso. much-sought after.. No accident^ alierious tfaturtfothvjr than. <ti»a>inevittb!^throWn jockey, andioncthe.whole.eVerything passed o& pleisantiy:,:,and-.that : wnßaitteen*nid isieivanjta i ar^> to be Qpngratulated ob» Jtiie^suc- ■ ceasfiil resultiatteadihg their utttted-^ .; ; .Distance,v3 miles, ojer... 8 i flight* pf .taadlA^Wt'; •Won easily Mr^ Di ! Otfefu ; | also ran. .; Skylarktfed off at the stall and ' for the first. roiifldilWpbaheaU^ShaTriViJck ■: caught) up the '-',«ecoack -tivasi' "rottrli''aittd ; these ■ two kept w«lt tog^her. till'cbWing ■ inatthi straight when Skylark- 'ftJi'g^a .. ah(Bad-aud ,_smi-Jit^r^^' $Ntitf'rty the first rouocii £59.; Divi- j dendY-£2issi; :sa?ime;»4iaiflsf36^eds. The ! winner, w^irkideni by Braiifc I'aliaeh J. Hack iHurui^ rc«icK,lo-idY* >io ijfiart ;iit 1U45 . ajn. ,£pst «iti;iiy;ttf 1,30 v. .Weight. jlab loft- *' „ tKaii 10 stonf ' Oppif to'hor^ps.fhat^ay^utrer . tinoe,oqca-ioiuMl the ■Jock£y^'tb"Ti&fe ;.'; inoolprs^j r;>t ,! f vu"->arii':*' !1 i»'" .'•«>•'• i» ■. ■ For : thi**e Vent ' -the folldwntg ] Started: 'Mri Mwrphy'* tttrfjr I !BBK*' J ift > j Buick's Kairaugii, Mr DaVison'<6 Ji! UngjS, j Mr Wairafapa, Mr Collins Patent |j Safety 5 .'- No 'v&'r'y 1 great- ''exejfewent"; oc- 1 citfrtd :! o^er r thi8 s r n ace. ! - Tire' J horses* 1 all j got «way'W€ill ( together, but when three-! -quartdreof tb»4»ay«rtrfld RMnt^Sa&sty 1 "came: tb^eaVthJ ;On^o^iifatoe;aiatels» -after } eotthele'Sd^njlM^orfeaKly: ' T,dMs%)f,j fe Diviaen^£3t a t)l %riie7|i^s^ • "'."Bntwice/ 1 * r We tfht ,ffff age.^. Open, to • • "'hones Eliat hdv"s' rtev'er^-ttb'n rfilVilvdrMsfed-ftifrc! v :i ipriwtodatejateutßy.^iaJataiioa, r^faiiteu^.tu j Mr D. Ciin>pfon's ! g;m <Dn»p\i, 'tigedy^ l ; Bstlßlb ... ... „ ... :. r ... ;J 1. -Mr J.°Kfn^'B r>MSof« ! Sblip;^yT^ 8s? *, . f Mr^.H.-siF/ DdwdMfii's eh m beauty . ho •• i«,«B.right,-! aged, 8sUl3lb^««.; " : j* r oS : . &| ii= -Before' the Ihoraea m this rju# • sWrtddj iTan* i&'Shtfaterl bolted'^with^his ' jofekfi)'} Jgettiaff twiee^uhll tfete icoursebefiSi-^ 'fiej ■^jiild °be, febMd^^lfelff itf^M^hef^yl 'j; Buick^a^plja^e, J& 0 'J^pdspn^ Beauty Bhglli, Ml.^- King's Soft SbapJ and Mr Cp^giqii'l Qnepii^viThe horses! ttj^e : r9dna; 3 yoj(taii-fi ;ran, ftflt ; Hift vcbu^^^^aVpiiijbh^n.g^'iJEirai;'. and keptiha jead,' j ii>jyidendj 3niins loseXis^ 'i-LADraS 1 I^i^4^oWr, wtth^a^weeps^aie.oiE ? -ire sov.te-'gotb t,he'secoM-^ioi»e; i ttt'Btart'at'T.lS - i- p.w<-.i?or,|Hck* ttiat.Jiiavesbeßiiitha^teai'atfldd r.,.,Proje iioJmemJjew/Ofjlhp^Mftuawatu J^.hig | """"-Clnb-forrone'fmO'Mtt "P.not.W^tie.of.rjwj,^ l^ ! ; iJii'Stoiie'npi'-'Ceb'ileiiien -risers. Distance lnulel y ;*:]■•«•• :j yti: • ii;i£>'-»u ;:i li Uv»i.-; -;^i>::7? no j vMr l.;,C. ( o»b»a's bruiGallan^ ; j.a..30 1 ti-Mr^T' Ej Eulton'a ib .^-il wtf - fiiM* DnPrinffleVilb *tt IMv 'Napie^^.i'^ 2 m 'Soapv^Mtf^Rdbiiison^ s'ditett^rt^watff 1 eWride-a-: 6^r tfife 6i Soft .Soajf uVw^gl^ed Rl WSßftd v tW^ i fi*Bt v fift^fßyv (InangdV Vli« k«pt the lead tlU J half way roimi whea wo kept together tul/Coming m at th« straight where got,, the. jnsidc ruiirirag, ! fltnd ;j ftiV ' twjtf*catQe m nearly 4 'dead^'Heaf , u> Gallants wlnriiiig'onijr bjf ;|)i^nd ''ffi^^fS* Ji^^^H' ' fsv&Bsfff soyer^gniijrM^.iJc^s^fp^ ife^ 3 ? v ',i»(?au^elj:^ after," .ijjje^^inpe^awho^iwa^ - v lpuc(tyt making .■; « Buifcablevjre^ Bponse. . - . „VKi:--^ni._ 5. BIRTHDAY HANDrCAY; pOTB. ; to stait t »t 5.3( ) ..'RmOliirpnanjitlDPiil •ojr.if.acdSptatiiW;* soY Mr D. Scott's b o Ahju^^yri^S^u} 1 ; :: ;. :i .,'.j!2lb-jJ-7.:.:!.«l-riiJ*V« > . ; V. -iirfi<'''ot:rt. I Mr ; A! B; Gox'b b im Qennaiiißj'Sy^s/^ i ■•.. f ,1-886-710,7 !Hy,«ur; f ;^.:.!i»'.^iuvU..'i 5 Mr J^ftnilWttiii Bitt'Glitthc*, i 6yr«,' 1 . t jj ". iMrtTcttApsitt 1 * Ptttftko afid-Mi- i>. J Gthi j«ou ) t«tiW<te alftp al»'!:tedi i;X Potriltb"le( round, after ppSijTt^hlo, ,. winning "posi . through tb* *«ddle?.girth 1 giving way Abut: and GerfuajiiftiMd then the rac^ botwfieu them,. wAMpt w^lV^ogethef up tb tlVd fwitanfng posVthe nrait winning by about a leagjth. ;^he jpulm^ pf^G^rl hiaine entered a protest agaMisTthe wiuf nor for having r crowied r .Min,; settled m ' favQUt ; tof Totrklisatoi', £232 f Dividend^S 13s. Time 3 inins 30|. > t^ffi^DidA^HAftt SACK; r l9 Ays. ; W*i£hi*l 3.1« p.m. Nomination, 10«; acceptance, 10s. Tor hones that have hot won on a'lrertised race {or six month* prior to date of nominations 6wck « I C^rioe^x&pted).: Jfoinlaationfi iduifc Be! iifithe hafidsof the Secretary at 2 p.m. on race day. j Weights potted at .Secretary* Office at 2.30 p.rc(. Acceptances hoi later tlian 2.45 p.m. Distance, once round the course. Jockeys to ride incolori ; For this race four horses Started, viz. 1 , Mr Htrrigou'a iHagtr, Mr Brown's, ,Tpuch-ana:G©, . Mr, BarotVs ; Flora, M r Jackmao's .Jiell* Hagar, with topweigljf . led from the start* and wen. easily by > '-about 2o <> lengths* ; Touch-and-Go^ndl . Totalisato^ £131 ; "Mvidendf £i 12i i Time 1 mm. 55 secir: x wi y j j iX 'f. 'v6ji.t,^oK, i io'»Qrifi r )io start 4'p.iqi' Post En- '""-■> tnhce, 1 'sot.' Weights- not leis than. 18 stone. -- .• ; ;Fdr;horßes that "h»ir© ne*«r"won »nadTeTrt,ißed mce<hii<;kr<u»i;exQepted)i . - v :T»*ce;J«i-;beconu. *e. propertyi9J ;W* S^ard^, • u i^to r oesord'hafeediately after thd race. 1 Any ■'- otUerhowe'lu-tfle race Bihy 'be claimed for ths , itnmiof-fiSOrsaid-Uom tojbe paid,totlieoivne*, - : - - and any further sum ipmlised ito go to the ftuids : "'"" of'tKeClub. Distance once; round the course. . -•-■•■• "jockeys to rlde'in2'doJo»r . jh. . . .- ; : "■'.'!]MfM. l 'startfedf' nai^elyi, Mfi Clii^pra's .'/ Nil Mr B. S-. Marr •". tin'si'Mjihdj^^M* F> ; E. ; Watson's; Syl^ vie, Mr G. McCarthy's Jack. Jones, Mr . J.S Dev.lle's Restive, Mr F, W* Harrison's Journal, Mr Baker's Whipper-iri, i; and (Mr^Lum*lefl*s Comet. A very goo^ start was made t with this race all the horses getting away m • buncli. About a way round Restiviß and JouVija,! pfck'ed out ;' : aiiH_ kept /^ajieaej^.-tiie.'.,' latter coming ii{ (lirs^, R^'y^ t^ 0 » a "^ Desperamiiim 3rdV Tofalisator, £1?|, . ...divideud r J83... Bs. . tt !Tiiufi,--2.uiiiu_2Bi:c. ; Journal was sold itntnediately after the ; .i-jrwe-.-j i -A lJ :i:. : ;-?-•;.;- 'f»;.-,%'-U!-A ? |. i"

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Bibliographic details

Manawatu Standard, Volume IX, Issue 146, 26 May 1885, Page 3

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SPORTING NEWS. Manawatu Standard, Volume IX, Issue 146, 26 May 1885, Page 3

SPORTING NEWS. Manawatu Standard, Volume IX, Issue 146, 26 May 1885, Page 3