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Hospital Trustees. The council agreed to nppoint trustees at the present meeting, and on the motion of Cr Hull, seconded by Cr JO'Regan, Crs Guffie and M'Atamncy, and Messrs Hilton, J R Smith, F. W. Inder and John Ryan were appointed members of the Maniototo District Hospital Trust,.—Carried unanimously, liorc'w Claim for Compensation^ The Borough Clerk wrote with 'respect to the oiaim for damage for alleged destruction of fence and fruit trees caused by the inroad of tailings into the freehold property of Mr •John J-loro, that the borough would contribute the half of tbo amount to be offered by the County Council in full settlement of all past and prospective damage to thepropeity. Moved by Cr Nieolson. and seconded by Cr Inder—That, the letter from the Naseby liorongh Council agreeing to contribute the sum of £G ">s towards the settlement of Mr J Ilorc's claim be received, and that this council agrees to Mr Hore's oiler to accept £l2 10s to relieve this council and the Naseby Borough Council from all present and future damages to the property in question. —Carried. Tenders. Tenders were dealt with as reported in last, week's issue. Appointment of Surfaceman. Seven applications were received. A ballot was taken, John Fennessy being successful. Ranger. Four applications were received.—James F O'Malley was appointed ranger for three months. Dog Collars. The tender of G. Bell, Ranfnrly, was accepted—viz ,8d per collar and lsd each for relabelling. Dog Registration. Moved by Or M'Atamney, and seconded by Cr Inder—That tho following persons be appointed Registrars of Dogs for the year 1908 : Mount Ida and Kyeburn Ridings, John Lory ; St Batbans, H. Excell ; Idahurn M. Wade; Puketoi and Serpentine, Robt. ' M'Skimming ; the Hyde appointment to be left in the bands of the chairman.—Carried. Dog Tax. Moved by Cr Nieolson and seconded by Cr O'Kegnn—That the dog tax for the eusuing year be 6s for each dog other than shepherds' or drovers'—Carried, Cr Johnstone dissenting, Finance Committee, Moved by Cr Inder and seconded by Cr Johnstone—That the chairman be appointed treasurer, and with Crs Nieolson and M'Atamney form the Finance Committee for the ensuing year.—Carried. Mining Valuations. The inspector was instructed to make and submit a valuation of all miuing property in the county to next meeting of the council. I Next Meeting. Tho council agreed to hold the next meeting of the council on the Bth of January next. Pound Inspector. Moved by Cr Johnstone and seconded by Cr GufEe That the Road Inspector, H. Browne, be appointed Pound Inspector.— Carried unanimously. Poundkeepers' Report. The Poundkeepcr reported that since last meeting three head of cattle were impounded All were released. Fees. Is Cd ; driving expenses, 4s , total, 5s 6d.—Received. Inspector's Report. The Rt ad Inspector reported thatNew Works. [The above were reported in last issue.] Contracts Completed. Mr R L Francis has completed hia gravel ling contract No 842 near Hamilton Bridge in a satisfactory manner, the drays being well tilled and the gravel the best procurable in that locality and as specified. Contracts Proceeding. Contract No 841—Mr W Johnston started work at his contract on Friday 22nd Novem ber, and he will probably finish by Novem ber 30th. The Grader The grader has started work on the Kye burn Station road The reason for starting there instead ot on the St Batbans roads was on account of ttie delay in receiving word re the Estimates for the ensuing year The grader will proceed to St Batbans Riding as soon as the Kyeburn road is completed, and as soon as the authorities to expend the Go vernmont grants arrive tho grader will be put on 1o the new runs. , Scott's lload—Kyeburn Hundreds The improvements asked for by Mr Scott, on this road are neceisary On inspection I find that two hollows require tilling and Tin pipes put in The fillings can be done for £1 and the, pipes will cost £4 The cutting mentioned by Mr Suot.t requires to be cur. I down about three fejt, tho titling or embank ment requires widening three feet, and the culvert laagtheae 1 sis feat This hill in wee weather is, sad a vehicle is liable to slip over the side The probable coi»t of | improving the hill would be about £l2 ; th.s culvert, being of stouework with timber top | will coat about £Z to length m. Gravel at'tlyde. Ihe2t)yird3 of gravelling authorised to be put on the rou,d near the hotel at Hyde has been do no . Da nstan Creek Track. Surfaceman Thurlow, with the assistance of two men, i s carrying out the work on this track He ex pccts to finish by the 30th of Novainbor

Believing Surfaceman I beg to point out that it will be necessary to appoint a surfaceman to takcSurfaceman Fennessy's place while be is on the grader Lauder Bridge. The bridge over the Lauder Ceeek on the road between Becks and Lauder Railway Station is in need of repair, some of the planking requiring renewing. It will be necessary to communicate with the engineer of the Vincent County on the matter, as the expense will have to be borne by them 88 well as this county. Bridge near Mr Hamilton's, Lauder One of (be planks of this bridge is broken, and it will be necessary to make it good. I bave a piece of plankinp on hand that will be suitable and 1 will instruct the surfaceman to put it in as soon as possible. Styx Bridge. The Digtri«t lnprineer, Mr Treseder, paid a visit of i»«pection to the Styx bridtre during the*i«nth and was satisfied with the way the work has been carried out up to the present stajfe. All the beams are in position and everything ready for the plonking, which has not arrived yet. Serpentine Roads. The improvements authorised to be done on the road between Serpentine township and German Jacks have been carried out by the surfaceman and another workman. Public Works Estimates. Grants amounting to £1125 have been placed on the Supplementary Estimates for the ensuing year, and I intend writing im mediately for the required authorities sanctioned and forwarded to you for signature ; and to obtain permission from the District Engineer to proceed with the works at once Contract No 843, Lauder, which is to be dealt with by you to day, can now come under the heading ot a Government g'ant, provided the District Engineer will allow the county to proceed with the work before the authority is issued. I propose submitting a plan and specification of this work to him and ask permission to charge it to the grant available for that district; the grant is for £IOO, part of which will he used for grading and the balance for gravel. With regard to the other grants, works will belaid off for them to the best advantage in forming, grading and gravelling. Kyeburn Hundreds. Moved by Cr Hall (in the absence of Cr Logan) and seconded by .Cr Hall That tenders be called, to be dealt with at next meeting, for road improvements on Mr Scott's road, Kyeburn Hundreds, as recommended by the Road Inspector.—Carried. Lauder. Moved by Cr Nicolson, and seconded by Cr O'negan—That the Inspector be instructed to write to the Vincent County Council pointing out the state of the Lauder Creek bridge, and requesting them tc make the necessary repairs in replanking the bridge and that this council will contribute the half of the cost—Ciirried unanimously Dunedin Show Moved by Cr Inder. and seconded by Cr Nicolson —That the chairman be requested to write to the President of the Otago A and P Association with a view of getting the dates of future shows altered so that they do not clash with the statutory meetings of County Councils, thus preventing members of those bodies from attending the show— Carried unanimously Finance Accounts amounting to £3OO 15s 2J were passed for payment

ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting of the Maniototo County Council was held in the Council Chambers, Naseby, on Wednesday, 27th November, 1907. A quorum not being present at noon, the clerk postponed the meeting until 2'30, when there were present—Crs Johnstone (chairman), M'Atamney, Logan, Hall, Inder, Kinney, O'Rcgan, Guffie enxd Nicolson, The County Clerk presided. Business—Election of Chairman. Ors Johnstone and Guffie were nominated for the ohair hut both declined. Moved by Or Logan, and seconded by Or Johnstone—That C< P Kinney be elected chairman. Or P. Kinney was declared elected. This finished the business of the annual meeting. ORDINARY MEETING. Th<) ordinary meeting was held on conclusion of the annual meeting. Minutes. The minutes of last meeting were read, and confirmed on the motion of Cr Inder, seconded by Cr Logan. Gold Purchased. The Collector of Customs forwarded a declaration that the gold purchased during the month of September amounted to 215 ounces lOdwts 6grs. —deceived. Benevolent Institution. The weekly statements of persons admitted to receive outdoor relief for , the period ended 19th November was laid on the table. Public Health Act. The medical attendant notified a case of infectious disease at Hyde.— Received. A letter was read notifying that the precautionary measures of fumigation had been complied with in a recent case at Ranfurly —Received. Lauderdale Coalpit. The Secretary to the Land Board, replying to a letter of the Bth ult., for warding a petition from settlers at St Bathans and Cambrian asking that a road be opened through small grazing run 22Gb, stated that the Land Board had decided in the mean time to defer consideration of the matter —the question to be again brought up when the coal mine referred to has been more fully developed Cr Nicolson stated that a load was absolutely necessary and was much required by the residents, and failed to understand tin; attitude of the Land Board in delaying action. Moved by Or Inder, and seconded by Cr O'Regan—That the chairman take the necessary steps to have a road opened up leading to the coalpit on s.g.r. 226b.—Carried. Return of Number of Ratepayers. The Colonial Secretary asked for a return showing the total number of ratepayers in the county, also the number who have respectively one vote each, two votes and three votes. — Return sent.

Ranfurly John. Glenn, Ranfurly, wrote asking permission to cross the road through James sections to convey water in pipes. Moved by Or Quffie, .md seconded by Or Inder—That .tie permission lie granted under usual condition.—Carried, Maniototo Hospital and Charitable Aid Bill. Mr Macpherson, M.H.R., forwarded a copy of the bill as reported from the Local Bills Committee, also telegrams subsequently that it had passed both Houses. The bill gives the control of the charitable aid distribution into the hands of the council and becomes operative on Ist April next. Moved by Or Logan, and seconded by Or Johnstone—That this council place on record its appreciation of the services of Mr J. A. Mncpherson, M.H.R, in having the Maniototo Charitable Aid Act passed in such a satisfactory manner.—Carried, County Fund Account. The Manager Bank of New South Wales, Naseby, wrote stating thar, it would bo necessary to renew the resolution respecting the legal borrowing powers of the council, passed at a meeting held in April last.

A Hucokhskui. ttTIUKK Against lung troubles can be engi neered by Dr i-Un-ldon's New Discovery for Coughs, Colds and Consumption. Prico is Gel and 3s. Obtainable at W. Ginsberg's, agent, Naseby.

Moved by Cr Logan, aud seconded by Cr Johnstone—That the resolution submitted respecting tin; legal obligations between the Bank of New South Wales, Muse by, and the Maniototo County Council regarding the borrowing limit be agreed to by the council, and that the chairman and Cr John stone be authorised to sign the same.— Carried unanimously. Accident Insurance. The Acting District Manager in formed the council that this policy would expire on the 23rd December next, and would renew at cut rent rates Moved by Cr Logan, and seconded by Cr Guflie—That the clerk be autho rised to renew fcho Accident Insurance policy when it falls due.—Carried unanimously. Government Appropriations. Mr Macpherson, M.H.R., wired that he had posted a copy of the Public Works Estimates. It would be seen that no fresh appropriations had been made this year. The position whs ex traordinary after the promises given. He intended waiting upon the Minister of Public Works first chance available. He asked the council to wire the votes absolutely necessary The Chairman stated that he had wired the required information and confined the " absolutely necessary" expenditure to the large blocks recently opened for settlement at BUckstone Hill, Home Hills and Lauder, amounting to 140,000 acres No provision for the roading of these blocks had been made.—Since these telegrams had been sent councillors would have no ticed that small grants had been made for roading in the blocks referred to A telegram from Mr Macpherson drawing attention to the sums placed on the Supplementary Estimates was read

Adjournment Charitable Aid Board

The council adjourned at 4 p u for the purpose of electing a member on (lie United District of Central Otago, Tuapeka and Otago Charitable Aid Board. Cr Kinney represented the County Council and Cr Mitchell the Borough of Naseby The clerk presided The County Council was entitled to exercise four votes and the borough one vote The Chairman (Cr Kinney) was elected the representative of the grouped district The council resumed at, 4 15 p in Benevolent Institution The Secretary notified that the annual meeting of representatives for the purpose of electing trustees will be held at the Town Hall buildings, Dunedin, on Monday, 2nd December prox The council was requested to appoint a delegate to attend the meeting and exercise the vote The amount contributed by local authorities to the institution was ,£7200, voluntary contributions jGISI 6s 8d Moved by Cr Logan, and seconded by Cr O'Regan—That the chairman be appointed delegate from this council to represent this council at the meeting of representatives of local bodies for the purpose of electing Benevolent Institution trustees—Carried Maniototo District Hospital Board The Clerk to the Board stated that five members would constitute the board for the ensuing year—four to be elected by the council and one by the borough of Naseby The number of trustees to be elected would be nine—six by the county, one by the borough and two by the contributors Moved by Cr O'Regan, and seconded by Cr M'Atamney—That the Chair man, Crs Nicolson, Logan and Inder be appointed trustees of the M aniototo Hospital Board—Carried unanimously

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Mount Ida Chronicle, Volume 37, Issue 9613, 6 December 1907, Page 4

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MANIOTOTO COUNTY COUNCIL Mount Ida Chronicle, Volume 37, Issue 9613, 6 December 1907, Page 4

MANIOTOTO COUNTY COUNCIL Mount Ida Chronicle, Volume 37, Issue 9613, 6 December 1907, Page 4