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The ordinary m .iithlv melting of tho Munioloto Comfy Council wan hold in the Council Chambers, Na*ui>v. on Wednesday, tltli of June. Present—Crs' [iv.lpi- (clmiim in), Kinney, J diustouo, Guftie, Nico,aon, Hal l , Logan, O'Ucgau and M'Atamuuy. MINUTKH. Tbe'mimite* of the last meeting were read, nnd ooutirmod on the motion of Cr Logan, seconded by Or O'Regan. 00RRK8P0NDKNCH. Schedules of outward nuJ inward correspondence were mad. OTA 00 LKAaIIK. Tho HcfTßt'ary of the o\;vjn League notfiod 1l)Ht the first, annual general meeting will bo hold in the Chamber of Commoroa Hall, on enday, Bth Juno, at 7,!I0 p,m. County members and other visitors woru cordially invited to ho present. Moved by Or Logan, and seconded by Or Gurfte That tho letter from tho Otago League bo received, and the chairman be appointed delegate from this council. Carried. OUTDOOR KKLIICF. In replying to a letter, the Secretary to tlio Benevolent Institution informed the tjounoil that if the countrymen of a Chinatrmn, who is at present in receipt of 8s a Vcek, and who is desirous of returning to 'Chinn, puys into the institution the sum of £7, t.lie trustees will provide him with a ticket for Hongkong —Received, ~'".' . "WRM)HHnTIUN. , airs T. O'Brien wrote complaining that Tio gravel had beon put on tho road adjoining her homestead for 25 years, and pointed xmt that the road required to be improved from her gato to Mr Glenn's corner. In its present state she was unable to cart her grain, Moved by Or loder, aad seconded by Cr Logan—That the letter from Mrs O'Brieu bo locoivod, and that the engineer be instructed to report to next meeting of council as to the probable cost of the work, Carried •unanimously. GOLD PUKCHA9KD. Declarations were lodged stating that the 'amounts of gold purchased within tbc county were as follows :—Kvom Kith February to 10th May, tflitfois, nnd for tho mouth of April •blQoz, respectively,-- Received. BKNIcVOLKNT INSTITUTION. The 43rd annual report of the Otago Benovolent Institution was laid on the tabic. *-Luid on the table, RETURNS. The Secretary to the Treasury forwarded topics of returns containing an account and Btatomont of the receipts and expenditure on all accounts, general and special, of the county. Returns to be furnished on or Wore ,tho 30th Juno,—Ordered to be furnished. IDA VALLEY. A petition was read and presented by Or Ofobnstonn, signed by seven residents in Ida Valley, complaining of the unsatisfactory nnd dangerous State of the road leading from Poolburn Goree to the Poolburn railway siding, and thence to Ida Valley railway Station. In view of the approaching winter it required attention at once. Petitioners «et most of their goods, besides coal, sent to Poolburn siding, and iinless repairs to the toad are effected they will be unable to get them. Moved by Cr Johnstone, and seconded by Cr Ouffie—That the petition of Mr M'Naughton and others be received, and that the engineer be instructed to see that the work Is required and if it can be done by the surfaceman. As an amendment, Cr Logan moved, and Or Hall seconded—That the petition of Mr J. M'Naughton and others be received, and they be informed that the road referred to is under tbe control of the Railway Departtalent, The amendment was put and carried, Crs duffle and Johnstone supported tbe motion. MX. IDA. \ A letter was read from Mr James Hore "I tasking for repairs to the road leading from tho Naseby-Hamilton road to tho road across tbe channel. The road as far as the channel was quite unfit for traffic. Several millOwners had refused to thresh his corn, tho road being so bad. He had had to face the same trouble every year since his settlement there, through tho impassablo state of the road,—Letter receivod ; tho engineer to be instructed to attend to tho work. WAIPIATA. Mt W, H, Tregonning wrote stating that tbe road from Waipiata leading to his residence and Mr Pearce's passed through a Small section once belonging to tho factory but now to Dr Martin, who bad given him notice that he is going to fence and requesting that this road be removed at once. A l)ifK> will be required and some filling to . ifffrmit traffic to pass Dr Martin's fence. He ' ■womld like to bo informed when the engineer will be in the locality.—Hold over for ' engineer's report. «Li.rjQHTBRISO LICENSE. Tbe council agreed to recommend the Torrowal of a slaughtering license to Esther Sobriok and James Beattie, Patearoa and Cambrian. EXTENSION Off TIMR, ',.11. Fenwessy, contractor, wrote applying lot an extension of time to complete his contract at Kyeburn, He was delayed by bad weather in carting in his crop, He bad also teen delayed when carrying out his Hills Creek contract, wliich was now finished, and blbo his contract at Patearoa ne had still the Kyeburn contract, No 791, on hand. He ftppliod that tho time for completion be extended for three weeks, as ho was icady to 'commence at once. Moved by Cr Johnstone, and seconded by Cr Guttle—That Mr Fennespy's letter be received, and bis request for extension of time to complete bis contract (three weekß) be granted. As an amendment, CrNicolson moved and Or M'Atamney seconded—That Mr KenBessy's letter asking for an extension of time to complete his contract be received, and that this council adhores to its former resolution regarding his other contract. On tbe amendment being put, there voted —Ayes, Crs Nicolsou, Logan, M'A.amney ;and Kinney ;. noes, Crs Ouffie, Junnstono, O'Regan, Hal! aud Inder. ~' Amendment lost; motion carried. HBALTH ACT, 1900. , The District Health Inspector wrote that I ftoftsoof infectious disease had been reported, nnd asking the council to cause tbe promisee). 'bedding, clothing &nd other things which bave been exposed to infection to be disinfected. Tuberculosis was the disease, and l Kweburn the locality. ! Moved by Cr Logan, and seconded by Cr Nicolson—-That the clerk bo instru rted to write to the person referred to requiring him ; to comply with the Districr. Health OlUjer'B requirements.—Carried unanimously. i TKNDERB. Tenders were dealt with as reported in last issue. KOTICB OF MOTION. Or Kinney mov«d the motion, notice of which was given at last meeting, vix. That tbis council is of opinion that iiftbe interests Of the ratepayers an Inspector bo appointed to look after the contracts and surfacing, ice ; that applications be invited f >r the position. And that the matter be brought up at next meeting.—Or Johnstone seconded the motion On the motion being put thitan tnsp ctor be appointed there voted :—Aye , Cis Inder, Logan, M'Atamney, Kinne.v, Johnstone and Ouffie; noes, Crs Hall, and NicolBon,—Motion carried. S[oved by Cr Kinney, and seconded by Cr ustone—That the wtlary of the Inspi ctor be Jt'2 10s per week, nnd actual traveling ' expenses, and that a horse be provided nnd maintained at his expense. As an amendment, Cr M'Atamney moved, *nd Or Nicolson seconded—That the Inspector's salary be £2 2s a week, and actual travelling expenses For tho amendment there voted :—Ayes, Crs S;'Atnmnoy, Nicolson, Hall and 0 Regan; noes, Orß Logan, Guffie, Inder, Johnstone And Kinney. Motion put and carried. 1 ' JTT (

Moved by Cr Johns'one, and seconded b Or M'Atanney—That tbe engineer's nssis tant be notified that his services will not b required after next moc ing, —Carried unani motisly. IIIMD POIBON The council agreed to order a supply o bird poison. NEXT MKRTINO. Next meeting vvai fixed for Wednesday July 4th. BERI'fINTINK. Moved by Cr M'Atamney, and secondei by Cr Nicolson—That tho engineer be an tho rised to have gravel spread on the Styx roft( by settlers there during the winter mouth: nt the estimated eo*t per yard to the exten of £f> per settler p-jr month.—Carried unani mously. MT IDA. Or Inder moved, and Cr Gufficseconded— That the engineer be instructed to call foi tenders for the supply of 400 yards of grave to bo spread on road fronting sections 12 and 13, block VH, Gimmerburn survey district, ai petitioned for by P. Devinney and other; some time a^o.—Carried unanimously. KYEBURN. Moved by Cr Logan, and seconded by Ct Inder—That tenders be called for 000 yards of gravel from Taieri Itiver to Ellison's, to be dealt *ith at next meeting.—Carried unanimously OUTSTANDING RATES, Movod by Cr Logan and secon led by Or Inder—That all outstanding rate* be sued for after 30th June inst, notice to be inserted in newspaper to thnt effect,—Caii.ied unanimously. WIIITR SOW VALLEY. Moved by Cr Guffi'j, and seconded by Cr Inder—That the engineer be instructed to prepare specifications and call for tenders for 800 yards of gravel oa White Sow Valley road, near Mr T Lindsay's, provided that satisfactory arrangements can be made with Mr Lindsay for the supply of eravel; the cost of tho work to be charged to Land Fund as far as possible, balance to money available for gravel.—Carried u laniroously. KNOINBEft'S KKPOIST. The Engineer reported : I have the honour to report that the following matters have been attended to since tho last meeting of the council. The following contracts have been completed : Contract 778, M. Fennessy, 1000 c yards of gravel, Hills Creek to St Bathans Contract 788, Messrs Gateley and Trotter, GOO c yards of gravol at Hyde Town. Contract 795, let April 4th. James Fennessy, 1000 c yards of gravel, Puketoi Riding. Contract 79!), let May 2nd, R. L. Francis, 400 c yards of gravel, Wedderburn-Maniototo road (Black Pinch). Contract 7'JO, let March 7tb, Wm. Ballard, 300 c yards of gravel at Cambrian, completed 29ili May. Contracts proceeding or not started : Contract 789, let March 7th, Wm. Hanger, TOO c yards of gravel at St Bathans. Up to June 4th, 450 ynrds done. Contract 791, let April 4tb, M. Fennessy. 1000 c yards of gravel, Kyeburn Riding. Not started, but ready now ; other contracts completed. Contract 7'J(i, let April 4, T. Gateley, 600 c yards of gravel, Hyde Riding. This work is being energetically pushed on, and should, weather permitting, be completed in about six or eight days from date. Contract 798, let May 2nd, M. Bradley, 1000 c yards of gravel, Idaburn Riding. Not yet started. Contract 801, let May 2nd, l J Toomey, 000 c yards of gravel, St Bathans Riding. Proceeding ; 200 yards done. Contract 802, let May 2nd R, M'Bride, sheep bridge, Puketoi Riding ; proceeding. Contract 787, M. Bradley, formation of road approaches, Romako bridge; proceeding. Survey and plans prepared for improvements authorised on Kyeburn Hundred rood near Mr Coyle's ; tenders due this date. Tbe gravel authorised to be done on the same road, at pinch after crossing ihe Swinburn, is being attended to. The authorised improvements near Mr Philpotts' and Naseby cemetery roa I, consisting of 173 c yards of gravel, have been effected, at a total cost of £lO 9s. Hyde Hiding.—The protective works on the Taieri river bantt, near Mr L. Mathewson's, have been partially done by tho surfaceman, with the assistance of dray and sledge and man ; but owing to the river being high during the month, it was not expedient to complete tbe groin in the river bed to the extent intended.—Tbis will be completed as soon as the river is lower. St Bathans Riding.—Tbc temporary footbridge erected over the St Bathans channel to give access to the recreation ground, etc., has been attended to ; cost for labour, 30s, material about £4. Muddy Creek Channel Bridge.—Last month I reported as follows : The bridge over tha channel on the main St BathansHills Creek road requires to be replanked at an early date. Before this is authorised I would suggest for your consideration the desirability of raising the walls and approaches of tbe bridge by at least five feet. I have sinco made an inspection and survey and prepared a plan of the work necessary to make a satisfactory improvement as suggested in my last report, and find that a very much more expensive structure than I had anticipated is required, and also that a temporary bridge and formation would be required.—To be left over until the spring. Government Grant, Highfield Runs, Ida Valley.—The formation asked for by Messrs ] Haig nnd other settlers has been done by the road grader. I have inspected th<» work done, and also a bad crossing of the creek. This place should be attended to as soon as possible. 1 also inspected the road formed 12 months ago, and consider that about 250 yards of gravol is required. After consulting on tho ground with Messrs Haig and Roberts, I offered to let the work to them, stating the price. Later I received a letter to the effect that not having suitable drays, etc, they were unable to undertake the work, and enclosed a letter from Mr R. Love, who appeared willing tj do the work, to whom I have wriHen, no reply having as yet reached me —Left in tho bands of °the engineer to attend to. Main Gully Tailing* at " Aimes'."—Sufficient scrub has now been cut at odd tiroes by tho surfacemen to form tbe proposed channel below the bri ige at " Aimes'." 1 propose getting it carted aud laid along the course of the channel, either by the load or hire of suitable drays Messrs Tregonning and Pearce.—The attached letter askiug that the surveyed road between Hamilton bridge road and their homes may be opened up, the road at present in use by them running through freehold land occupied by Dr Alartin. who is de- ; sirous of fencing bis section. I bave inspected the road line referred to. A large pipe culvert at the creek crossing and certain ' cuttings and fillings are necessary. We I have a suitable pipe at Komako. A few | days' labour und horse hire will make the creek passable. Grader returns were also included in the report —Received WAIPIATA. Moved by Cr Kinney and seconded by Cr Hall That the letter from Mr Tregonuing bo received and that the engineer be authorised to carry out the wor* as requested.— Carried unanimously, poundkkkper's p.kport, The Pnundneeper reported that since last meeting of council one hor-e bad been'inipounded, which was since released, turns collected were : Fees, Is : food, 5s ; driving, 4s ; total, 10s,—Received. PO(7ND INSPECTOK'S REPORT, The Pound Inspector reported that no complaints had been made with reference to the management of the pound. The repairs I to the poundkecper's residence had been atI tende.d to—.Received. FINANCE Accountß amounting to £023 9s 91 were pasbe I for payment. CUNTRAL OTAOO HOSPITALS. Th" county representatives gave a rrxume of the husiness transacted at the last meeting of ihe board, held at Clyde, which met with approval of the council. MAIN GtILLT. Moved by Cr Giidl: and seconded by Cr i Logan—l hat the erection of a footbridge over the tailing* near Indur's yards be letl in the hands of the chuirrnan and engineer with [lowerto make the be-'t arrangements liimsitili i'nrri---l r.e'i'Mino'ii-lv

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Mount Ida Chronicle, Volume 36, Issue 9528, 15 June 1906, Page 3

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MANIOTOTO COUNTY COUNCIL Mount Ida Chronicle, Volume 36, Issue 9528, 15 June 1906, Page 3

MANIOTOTO COUNTY COUNCIL Mount Ida Chronicle, Volume 36, Issue 9528, 15 June 1906, Page 3