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MOUNT IDA WATER RACE TRUST. The usual monthly meeting of the above body was held in the County Council Chambers, Naseby, on Thursday, April 26th, 1883. Present—Messrs Barron (Chairman), Anderson and Hjorring. MINUTES. The minutes of the previous meeting were read: and confirmed, on the motion of Mr Hjorring, seconded by Mr Anderson. SURPRISE WATER-RAGE. A letter was read from the Under-Secre-tary of Goidfields on the subject of the purchase of the Surprise water-race. The Chairman infor.ned the Trust of the result of the interview between the Committee appointed by the Trust and the Manager of the Surprise water-raee, acting on behalf of the shareholders of the Company. Moved by Mr Hjorring, and seconded by Mr Anderson—"That the Secretary be empowered to make an offer to purchase the Surprise water-race for the sum of £6OO, the Government having agreed—i£ the offer is accepted—to place this sum on the Estimates."—Carried unanimously. The Chairman 'informed the Trust that, with reference to the agreement he was authorised to make with the Surprise Water Race Company, he thought it would be advisable to delay entering into any arrangement in the meantime, until the matter of the offer of purchase of race was decided. manager's report. Tlie Manager's monthly report was read, a3 follows: " I have the honor to furnish you with my report, upon the works under my charge, for the month ending April 30. "The head-race has suffered considerable damage by floods. On the 3rd a very heavy flood washed away all the creeks, which had been newly made up. Although all the water at the creeks and the bye-< bad been turned off, yet sufficient water gathered on the sidelings to fill the race, and to cause breaks to happen at three different "places above the eastern branch of the river. Numerous slips have occurred between Naseby and Hill's Creek. The worst break took place on the 12th instant, at a place where the race was quite dry, caused by a landslip.- I employed four Chinamen to put it in repair. On the 14th another flood took place, causing greater damage, but only at the creeks. I expect to get the big creek mended by the 29th. The extra labor will cost about £3O. " During the month the weather has been very bad, preventing the Wedderbum limning being raised. As soon as the weather settles this work will be proceeded with at once. " Although the race has been broken and more difficult to handle ever since its construction, a good supply of water has been delivered. "Nearly the whole of the month the demand has been much as usual, Many of the claims are now preparing for washing-up before winter. "The channel has not sustained any damage to speak of. .A few small gaps here and there occurred, but they were soon put right again. It is working very well till below the main-road crossing, where it has filled up for about two miles, the stuff having shifted from above. It is, however, well under control, and it is expected it will be greatly reduced in another week. "I have been disappointed in not receiving several amounts of money promised. 4s the receipts for the month depended on these amounts being paid, the sum received amounts to £77 5s 6d. It is expected the receipts for next month will be largely increased. The water sold amounts to £l6O, and The report was received. TENDERS. .Two tenders for supply of scrub for channel was opened as under :—James Hore, at 12s 6d per load ; from Aimes' to M'Phee's, lsper load per mile extra. David Duncan, at 15s per load. Resolved—" That the tender of Mr James Hore be accepted." ADJOURNMENT. Mr Hjorring having to leave on urgent business, the Trust adjourned till the following evening at 7 p.m. RESUMPTION OB 1 BUSINESS. On Friday evening, at 7 p.m., the Trust resumed business. TREASURER'S STATEMENT. The Treasurer's statement was read as follows : —Cash at Bank on March 29th t £383 13s 8d; cash received to date, £77 53 6d ; total, £460 19s 2d. The disbursements for the same period were :—Payment of March accounts, £124 15s 8d ; cash at Bank, £336 3s 6d : total, £460 19s 2d. The Treasurer's statement was received, and accounts amounting to L 142 6s 4d were passed for payment. OUTSTANDING ACCOUNTS. Resolved instructed to notify the parties whose accounts are outstanding for a period of four months that unless they make arrangements to meet them proceedings will be taken forthwith." ALTERATION OF DAY OF MEETING. Moved by Mr Guffie, and seconded by Mr Anderson meetings of the Trust take place on Friday,. instead of Thursday evenings as at present." ■ —Carried unanimously. NOTICE 03? MOTION. Mr Barron gare notice that at next meeting he would move—"That clause 6 of. the Regulations be altered so ; as to read as follows : ' The charge for running water and tailings into the sludge-channel shall be 2s 6d per Hogburn head per week, payable in advance, and that the Manager be empowered to make special arrangements with private or public companies running in.' " MISCELLANEOUS. A discussion ensued .regarding allowing Mr Bovves a small sum for the use of his horse when required in shifting scrub and other work on the line of the channels—The Manager recommended that some allowance be made. ■ Moved by Mr Hjorring, and seconded by Mr Anderson—" That Mr Bowes be allowed £1 per month, commencing on Ist May prox."—Carriedfon the voices. Shis finished the business.

the.maniototo COUNT? COUNCIL. The lisual meeting of' s tlie Finance Commit! ee of jijhe. above tody met in the Council Chambers',' Naseby, on, Wednesday, May 2. Present:—Cr Laverty (Chairman), Guffie and Anderson. " / ' ■ •■-„-■•-■ .- KYEBXTBir COAL-PITS. '"~ Letter read from Mr M'Carthy, "solicitor (instructed by Messrs M ; Creadie andSfcewarfc, owners of coal-minea' at Kyeburn), stating that Mr C. Archer had applied for a tunnel to lands which he held under a prospecting license, and that tie tunnel (if constructed as laid off) would cause a subsidence of the road leading to their pits, and in-other ways materially interfere with the traffic thereon. It was asked that the County Engineer should be instructed to take such s!epa as might be necessary to preveut the construction of the tunnel as laid off. The road was a surveyed road. Resolved—"That the Engiueer be instructed to inspect the proposed tunnel, and to tako such steps as will prevent the road being injured, or traffic in any way interfered with," engineer's report. The Engineer reported on the various? contracts being carried on. Among, other matters he reported that work was.progressing very slowly on contract No. 3 (Annett and Boyd, contractors) ; on contract No 5, that no work had been done to date (Jas Cain, contractor); on contract No 7, that work was only commeuced on April 27 (Jas. Cain, contractor) ; on contract No 8, quarrying was commenced on April 13 —the contractor (J. M'Kay) staled that he had been prospecting for a quarry during the previous week ; on contract No 14, the work had not been commenced beyond clearing the tussocks in places (Giles Talfcy, contractor). The Engineer stited that in thus particularising the state of contracts under the Roads and Bridges Construction Act was to call attention to certain clauses in the conditions of contracts, to the effect that contractors were bound to commence work days, under the penalty of .the contract being cancelled, arid the deposit money forfeited. In the surfacing contracts, he.had occasion to write to Mr Toomey, the contractor for the maintenance of three sections of the main road, complaining of neglect. Upon subsequent inspection, he found the road in fair order. '-■• Messrs Fennessey and Gordon wero also written to. After considerable delay some small repairs were effected on their section. Resolved —"That the Engineer bo instructed to notify to all contractors that unless work is commenced within seven days after notification of acceptance of tender, and proceeded with at once, their contracts will be recommended for cancellation." contraci so. 5. A letter was read from Mr James Cain, contractor, informing the Committee that he had made a mistake in" tendering for the lower portion' of contract No 5 (nest to Lewis' contract), instead of the upper portion; that he had 'commenced work; and that be had lost in. time and wages about £8 before he found out his error. Ho aßked to be relieved of contract No 5, and at the same time to take into favorable consideration, the loss he had already sustained, and return his deposit "of Ll3, after deducting the expense the Council would be put to through his mistake. Resolved—"That Mr Cain's rrequest for cancellation of contract No 5 be-acceeded to, arid/that the be instructed-to-call forifresffitendets at once, to be dealt with at ■the next meeting of the Council." CONTRACT HO. 19L " A letter was read from Mr M. Prendergast, stating that he was unable to attend satisfactorily to the surfacing pf contract No 191, between Hyde and Taieri River crossing, and asking to be relieved of it. He had kept ..this section in an efficient state for the'last seven months. He asked that his deposit be' returned, and that he be allowed a certain amount for work perfotmsd. Resolved—'.'; That;',,Mr Prendergast's request to be relieved from .his surfacing contract No 191 be'/acceded to." contract 192. A letter was read from Messrs Gordon and Fennessey, contractors for ,the surfacing of the road Douglas to Naseby, asking the Council's permission to transfer the contract to M. Fennessey. Resolved—" That Messrs Gordon and Hennessey's request for the transfer of contract No. 192 to M. Fennessey be granted." hill's creek. Petition read, from Mi" W. M. Wade, Hill's Creek, on behalf of himself and others resident to' the north of the main road at Hill's Creek> stating that, through the fencing operations- of the new pastoral lessees, the petitioners were cut off from the use of the alternative road which had hitherto existed. The surveyed road was in a boggy state, and bade fair to soon become impassable. The peliticucis asked that the Council, after.inquiry, should take steps to improve the road; Resolved—"That the Engineer be instructed to visit the locality, and report on the matter at the next meeting of the Council," poitndkeeper's report. The Poundkeeper reported for the month of April that 70 head of large cattle were impounded, all being released. Driving expenses LlO 10s, Pound fees L 5 4s, keep L 4 7s, notice at Police Camp 2s 6d ; total, L2O 3s 6d.—Received. ADJOUBJS3IEK T. The Committee adjourned till Thursday, when business was resumed at 9 a.m. forester's report. The Forester in his report recommended that none of the pine tribes should be offered for, sale this season".' Next seasou he would be in a posiiioii to supply one year's seedlings and one year's transplanted trees. Pines be transplanted in open weather, provided the drainage was good, and gums of all sorts from about the first week in September next.—Referred to the Forest Reserve Committee for their consideration. TENDERS. The tenders were then dealt with, as under : Contract No IS4a. Surfacing of road, Kyeburn Crossing to Bridge at Aimes' (including ford), from May Ist to October 31st, 1883. Accepted—Wm Price ... ... £lB 0 0 Contract No ISsa.—Surfacing of road from B»idge at Aimes' to Eden Creek, from May Ist to October 31st, 1883. Accepted—Wm Price ... ... £24 0 0 Rejected—G. Murdoch... ... 45 0 0 Contracts No 2 and 3 (combined). — Formation; culverts and ditching, . from Peg 2 miles to Peg 4 miles. Accepted—P./Kinney ... ... £llO 0 Contracts No 5 and G (conibined). — Formation,/fillings and cuttings, culverts, creek crossings,' and " ditching; from Fog 4 miles 76 chains to Peg S miles 33 chains. No tenders were received for this work. Contract No 204—Formation, gravelling, etc., Maungacua Block, Hyde. Accepted—John Dowling ... £33 3 6 Rejected Kodert Boyd ... 39 9 0 E. OKvonnell ... 44 9 0 Contract No. 205.—Formation, gravelling, etc., on l road Naseby to Sowburn. Accepted—John Pottinger .:'"' £3O 12 0 P v ejected--P. M'Cluskey and G. Murdoch ... , 3,9 0 0

Contract No. 5a (under "The Roads and Bridges Construction Act, ISB2 ").—On Main Boad to Lauder, through, blocks VII and VIII, Maniototo, from Peg 65 to Peg 1 mile 53 chains, being about •68 chains of formation, gravelling, etc. Accepted—Weir and Smith ... £370 2 0 Eejectod— P. M'Cluskey and G. Murdoch ... 45S 4 0 Contract No. 7 a (under "The Roads and Bridges Construction Act, 18S2").—On Main Road Shag to Lauder, through blocks II and VI. Matriototo, from Peg 1 mile to Peg 1 mile 63 chains, being about 68 chains formation, gravelling, etc. Accepted—John Pottinger .. £252 14 0 Rejected—P. M'Cluskey and G. Murdoch ... 312 0 0 P. M'Caffcry ... 37S 12 0 Thos. Stephens ... 342 8 0 J. M'Kerin and W. Scoffern ... 346 12 0 James Cain... - ... 352 5 0 ASSISTANT TO ENGINEER. The Chairman stated that the Engineer had informed him that if the Council intended to make an application at the end of June for an additional grant under the Roads and Bridges Construction Act, it would be desirable to engage assistance, as he was unable, from the quantity of work on hand and under supervision, to devote much of his time in making the required surveys, etc. Eesolved—"That the required assistance be obtained." FINANCE. Accounts amounting to L 653 6s 4d were passed for payment BLOCKS 111 AND VII, MANIOTOTO. Memorial read, signed by three settlers on block 111 and VII, Maniototo, urging on the Council the urgent necessity of effecting repairs on. the road leading to their sections. Resolved —" That the Engineer be requested to effect the repairs asked for at a sum not exceeding £10." GHMMEBBr/EN BLOCK. Complaints were made on the state of the road in and leading to this block. Resolved instructed to make the improvements considered most urgent, at a cost not to exceed L 15."

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Mount Ida Chronicle, Volume XIII, Issue 708, 3 May 1883, Page 3

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THE REPORTER. Mount Ida Chronicle, Volume XIII, Issue 708, 3 May 1883, Page 3

THE REPORTER. Mount Ida Chronicle, Volume XIII, Issue 708, 3 May 1883, Page 3