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' ' # —■■' ■ {THERE'S REAL COMFORT.:.'-. * Jill SiHl Our new stocks are now showing, and we invite you to ' jj||! 11l an see the latest H.B. styles in footwear. Winter is rather too'fond of springing little sur- 11 11 here are two specjaj. lines: prises on to unsMspecting people,'but every year I|| j Ladies'GiaceDerby /Afciftri*^!! ■ such folks are harder and harder to find. There s I Msil Shoes ■• wisdom in being prepared, and there's comfort &*qf** | . &Yf3oml ' ' with raised toes, welted j jm^Emrmmm v \ . and safety in . . -,;,..,- ■ s^^' JmjjS^ \ GIRLIItGS' WOOLLEN UNDERWEAR. | at 17/6 <^^^^^^ | With this next your skin you may defy the most biting breeze that blows, or the j , Ladies' Patent \ most insidious draught. And'tis really dependable too . - . . woven to give plenty j Derby Shoes 1 of body movement, and capable of plenty of wear where the wear is hardest. 1 MM^W^&P&f ' ■-..'. 'I /W^K^Kf with dull kid uppers, welted VESTS! SPENCERS! COMBINATIONS I jmßßt .We've every size in stock, and can tit mothers ana m£§3s^^^ maids and even tiny children. / , THE COME AND SEE WHAT WE HAVE I THE VALUE IS UNSURPASSED ! NEW ZEALAND CLOTHING FACTORY, • ' ~ ' ■ Market Square, Blenheim. We pride ourselves on THE VALUE WE ARE1 GIVING m m>>[l ' '.' ' " ■ , "^ UNDERWEAR. Every line is thoroughly reliable and IVIASOPiS©' HOTELa guaranteed to give splendid wear. h. <J. kirkwood - - - Propriety It is ?dvisab"e to come while the range is complete. Otherwise there's the BOttlO StOPO PfJO© US"L possibility of our , e:ng out of your size. A SINGLE BOTTLE AT champagnes. __ '~ : WHOLESALE PRIGE, ■ Mo -le ... .... ... jjj£ * 7 f Marquis de Lousao . 14/- 7/» W '9t'm.'T*~* *~^ &*% V "'a 1 BRANDIES, WINES. WHS Hr Ifti ■ liyf •IXIV W■■ rf\ I Yfl HennesayV" 9/- Hardy's Old, Tawny Port 5/HA ,i OF COMMERCE • •■ p*f™*«"~ :" :»•": i &££%£?s£&) ::. ::. % l\r\.l*r%~t KJL V*Wl r*I rA.E»«VVAE»» MarteU's" ... 6/9 Hardy's Cbnstintia TT. 4/Bisqmt Dubouche* W- Hardy's Prontigiiao 4/Picton, BlenHeim.- ■ HavelocK. " Rura . 3|S y :; = zzt ■ Navy Rum ... 5/6 Freeth's Wines 2/8- —— ZTZTZT^ ~~ ~ . Navy Rum (draught) 4/6 FLASKS. ; , REIVftOVAL NOTICE. QIN&. Quaranteod First-class. * — , , - "' . — S GUbey's Gin 5/6 .. , Jrge Small \ W H Humphreys & CO. . . ... . _ __■ ■■ - Gilbey's Old Tom ... 5/6 J^sky , 26 16, ■ * % • Something Quite New (S4°MeGin)::: l',l Brandy m - Agents N.Z. Express Company, Ltd. 801 l and Dunlop's 5/- ■ - Q ts> p tiu BEG to advise their numerous AT WHSSKSE©. Bull Dog Ale ... ... :.. 1/6 1/clients and the public generally . Portmore ... 5/6 Bass's Pale Ale ... 1/6 1/that on and after FRfDAY, Ist May, '--. - MADT IN ' S SSSKT... Z!" ... ". '•• rfe' Guinness's1 Stout .:. ... 1/6 1/., their business will be earned on m yy m v |f| HII I I H «** Dawson's : ' 5/6 OOLQNiAL ALE© and STOUT, i premises lately occupied by the Duncan Gow's 4/6 •.. . '-,< Qts Pta - au?c ' ? n3Sin2r paliyf / • THE Fading jeweller. v Bigg's V ... - 5/6 s ignt , s ...- '$**<&; al ML^or^an>rni,.ure re- . ' *$£&!. ;» ;;; Z Z Z gj gjgf- '.JJJ ™;^v^n^™™^£ ■ a parcel of newest designs in - ™X\ oi-b J" ::: :" ::: "I f gfe s ::: ::: ::: ;-: }jg 'i ■ tention. ( • ' DBIA/T'Er E9IA/AS7P ' Crawford's 5/6 »«.■■#■ nninares The Stable will be run as usual for PEWTtKWAKEi Robertson's / 5/6 BULK PRWEB, those requiring stands and feeds, but PEWTEB Fruit Dishes, Cake Dishes, Hot Water Jugs, Crumb Dumrfll&'s 5/B Whisky, per gal 27/-. +>ia livery Dortion of the business will . lU"l'^ " _ * _ ,__ ~, t> t»-v« o King's Laqueur 5/6 Brandy, per gal ... /!//-, , bedScoSiS Scoops and Trays, Card Trays, Bon Bon Dishes, White Horse ..,5/6 Rum, per gal! 25/- . W H i HUMPHREYS, ■ Sugars and Creams, Etc., Etc., Usher's Green Stripe 5/6 Port, per gal 18/- - MUTUAL ' ~^: rJtt^^^ : / "■ PftOYIDENT SOCIETY. buying DRAPERY, AoTH- . . . . ■ .; . y?u G'car?b™ny^tog"£°&* jSTS CALL AND INSPECT OUR STOCK AND PRICES THE . LARGEST MUTUAL OFFICE i'lN THE / WHOLESALE PRICES from ~. before going elsewhsre. BRITISH EMPIRE. ■ C. H« JAIVSESj _ ■ mmtmm — mmm^m^ammmmm , ' ! No. 1 Sample Boom, Wynen Street. -».-■«.■«»%. tttqtp I^TVTm SATISFACTION GUARANTEED RESULTS from SIXTY-FIFTH ANNUAL REPORT Ladies* NeW Felt Shapes, in all At W> J. Wl ART I W Oj . latest colors, at 4s'lid. -~ Box 2. Tel. IC3. THE LEADING JEWELLER. ACCUMULATED FUNDS, over ... "... £31,580,000 New Feather Mounts maU shades - " " '■ ■' '■ '' . -.-■•• ANNUAL INCOME, nearly ..." ... ... LadiS' Rainproof Coats,, new colors, ■ ' , NSW BUSritESS, 1913 (ordinary), exceeds ... . £7,000,000 21s each. , - . ■ , / NEW BUSINESS, 1913 (rndustrial)\ exceeds... . £1,125,000 Cream Radienfca, 42-inch (all wool), ' , - ■ ' — _ Is 6d and Is lid yard. _. ■ ■ POLICIE 5! IN FORCE (Ordinary Department), 288,337; assuring nearly ' ' ,Blannelette B1OU&. £97,000,000 (including Bonus Additions , . • . ' . Cream and White Flannelettes, ' ' .., - ■ ; POLICIES IN FORCE (Industrial Department), i 08,545; assuring .£3,745,530 3s lid, 4s lid, 7s 6d dozen. # , mdL>*ww* TQTAL CISH PEOFITS DIVIDED, £18,765,954 ""t^^ti, Flim: MOTORS OM THE .MOVE- VS^™*?^™?!?™^-*^'^™* . Dress Materials, and thousands , l KEVEESIONAET ADDITIONS of . , . ' of other lines. - hjj v j^ j ju^.ggsgggggg«»ggwg» , , i ALL AT WHOLESALE PRICM'i The Society now issues EVERY DESIEABLE FOSM OF POLICY—OEDINAEY . IZSZT O»r. b«s Sn ess increasing warrants us,in .^^^^j-j^-^j.a . ■ ** O IAIMBBTCt • r©ITIOVing tO large!" premiSeS. Hon> aj/ Johnston, M.L.C, Chairman;' A. de B. Brandon, Esq., Daputy%jfn-■ no W«l?!ESj| - , sj<i Chairman j John Duncan, Ebq., Joseph Joseph, Esq., and H. Boaucbanip, Esq. ■ No. 1 Sample Room, Wynen Street , ; ■ "" Zealand Branch— ' . EDWAED W. LOWE,' Next Benning's Sitore. ■ lin —r\ w^ATSEf %Af#%DM!'QU'OiDQt ' Customhouse Quay, Wellington. Resident Secretary. " ■'____ ■___ %Jfr m i \Jl mlwn I X Wvni^wnVrw ' s , ' Telephone no. 187. . ' and SKILLED MECHANIbg. . v . , fin Ltd . ' ■ • f" & J WALTON ■•■•.•"■■:- ■■' '•' ■ ■ • ■ A. W. Buxtori! suiscsßg y^e Oontral >StoresINVITE CUSTOMERS TO INSPECT : ■_. ' ' OHRISTOHUROH, | - THEIR STOCK of Note PSeW ACiCireSS : . LANDSCAPE GARDENERS,, ! rpHB Cheapest in Maa-lborougb for:.iadiW and Children's Next to, IWarlborci.erh Expr—, "^^^ SSgSSL ■ Winter Wear. ___-_-____-_ , spM,MH», flobist». % amis, tones'* shems.. winter ■ Adams's Motor-Cycle Depot. ™^ v^7ofS iT &-^«^j;»;^^ • Ladies' and Children's Comfortable ' M. SCOiSaifCS, SV3aiia^er ß G4RL^f PLANTS in Dominion. . •""IT' ur-derciothing. , , . t&&,m®& Bennßßi|f ß ■•■'■■■ New grounds laid out, old ones re- nWrppAr TA'TTn^T^T*"" FUR SETS for little girls, from 3s 9d ■ , _____ modelled. GENERAL I_PORTER. . . ' — —~ ~ '■■■, — Gardens kept in order, and fruit Market Pface " " Blenheim. , And other warm garments to combat ~,C T lAASn EID MARLBOROUGH.EWGINEERIWQ , trees prune d and sprayed by contract Jack Frost. JU^T UAWWK.w COMPANY, LTD., or otherwise. AGENCIES: ~— Direct from Home. CONSULTING, MECHANICAL GEO. SAGE, x Spratt's Dog Biscuits E. & J. WALTON, —-" , MARINE, MOTOR, . Representative.. l ft t fl ,' f™l p a ,.i .* ™ Market St. South. £&%«&& "* ' 'iSS^'SSS 8-' ' " " — ~~~~~ 10 Tons Clarence Galvanised Fenc- tJLhm,« 149 ' ~ ~~ ~~"— AtNASR^'S ■ s |?ns WHsßarbWir e . ■ HAVEFOR SALE: | T 18 NCT IDLE BOAST : ROBERTSOIM & MILLB. Motor-Oycle and. Oycl© lgo Boxeg price3g Lond on Candles. 7>h.p. Fowler Steam Traction Engine. T tha.t all work executed at the GENERAL SOX)REKEEPEIiS, Depot, Charles Street. IQQ Cageg Coopor ' s Sheep Dip. two hauler' waggons, and sb* xo Street factory of SPRING 'CHEEK. E NISd D ®£$ g £r MniSss 102 SSS SSfiSSS^nS*-1- it^gi- Procter 8^ Mdi. KIRBY BROS-, EPSfflftSW "^ ESST SttaT' SLfjSl ■•ftM-<J_7" 8-b.rKai «^.,B—«^ne. OOACHBUIM^AND; BLACK- ~yMm.BE weights; Hobart, Jap, and Veloce ■■n«««o Both in first-claaa order. „ ( ,■•.„''/, , , OIL STAOTr-roviVwa «+„ sSmey-Archer 3-speeds. 2fo Horse and Cow.Covers. N reasonable offer refus^. is characterised by first-class work- "iL > COM.RS, etc. F.R.vS. Lamps, 1000 ft. beam; 10 Cases ToxaJßabbit Poison. AGENTS for . manship, and, above all, ¥ done at A]go ~ fa d< Lucas's Motor-cycle Lamps; P. and ns before pur- Bolinder Crude Oil Engines, portable, mP d,f^ te P" Ce.^ r n , -..„„! FENCING POSTS, ' WIRE, H Motor-cycle^ Lamps 8 qualities j m We T im p Ort direct. stationary, and caarine, 3-b.h.p. All Coachbmldmg, Coach-painting, . WIRE-NETTING. ' and Mnler Motor-cycle Lamps anf B Xch 6 aper than £rm in to 500-b.h.p. .„ x and Blacksmithing carried out on the At Lowest Current Rates. Motor-cycle Coders and Tubes- o"eaper U Crypt's Electrical Lighting Plant*, premises. AGENTS for: English Dunlop ; Michelin, Hutchin- Marlborough. „-, c PMotor», etc. MOTOR-CAR PAINTING A Northern Assurance Company, son and Pallentme. .FULLER BROS. F. H. ANDREWS?. SPECIALTY. CVopcr'a Rd'ablo iic^. « Motor-cycle Horns, varied assort- jmpojrtebS - SEDDON. i&Lwiftg**, 'PJioae *85. • * Alla-LavaJ Separators. •-;

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Marlborough Express, Volume XLVIII, Issue 112, 14 May 1914, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 2 Marlborough Express, Volume XLVIII, Issue 112, 14 May 1914, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 2 Marlborough Express, Volume XLVIII, Issue 112, 14 May 1914, Page 7