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The-QmnkV" Rood' Bonrd notifies that Vorbivcli's Road, Renwiok, is closed to all traffic until further notice..

'At Dunedin tho jury again d's- . afijreed yesterday'in tlie ocise against Mairgaret Bsurker, ohali-ged with sly grois-selling. The Crown Prosecutor said- thiat he would decide to-diny whether he would proceed further with the case.

A Capetown cablegram reports the death of Mr Scannell, exPremier of Cape Colony.

A class in the principles of ;Agriculture and Agricultural Chemistry„ will be conducted at' the Marlborough High School during the Winter by Mr L; J: Wild, M.A. Intending pupils are requested to meet Mr Wild at the school on Tuesday, 28th inst. It is hoped, that young farmers will take advantage of these classes.

In to-moiTovv's issue will app<v»-r tlie first of a. series of stories by Will 'jjjiawson, Avith whose writing* our rehdera fu:e Jilreiidy f&miliar. .; series is ontitled "Right Away Stories)" smd <%eals with incidents in the lives of the m4n who spend moii of their time in tlie cubs of the mil way engines. There 'are six stories in all, which will be published en Saturdays.

Stone's Cjinterbr;ry, Nelson, Marlborough, and Westlwid Directory f;.r 1912 has no\y boen published. It easily maintains its reputation as on^ of the loading directories of New Zealand, and tlie information it contains is arranged' so as to b© easily acoossible to those who wish to consult it. There are it, number of articles nr geiieriil subjects in the volume, which is -altogether a vei-y complete work of ■■', reference.'

A statement of tiie receipts and expenditure of the Consolidated Fund ior fchp yoar ended March last has been issued in the Gazette. The receipts were -£11,843,844, and the expenditure £11,036,.'3(J9; of which £1,----019,048 was absorbed by the Education -Department, £2,451,717 by the Wr«rking Railways Department, £986,----52 Cby the Post and Telegraphs Department, and £2,666,339 to interest :«nd sinking fund.

'SSumm^ry*' aptly describes the prevailing weither during last night •md to-day. Tho tempeiatuie at 9 a.m. was distinctly redolent of sumirit*p, the thermometer eading being 60,' while the minimum temperature during the night was, 47. Rain was falling at Duuediu, Nuggets, Timaru, Beaiey, and Westpcrt. The sea was rough at Cape Campbell, Gray mouth ■md !F arewell Spit, \yhile strong winds W'-ro bcixig experienced in several localities.

A deputation waited on the Minister for Eduojiuion ?,t, Wellington its. terd'ay with the ro'ohitions. j>a,ssed nt the recent Libraa-ie;;. Conference, einphubising especially the needs of school and oounti-y librarievS, and advocating the appointment oi a Lib/irv Commission to spend1 the money an n-.iully vote:l by Parliament. TV Hon. Mr Ilaiiaai said that the prcseuj position was not satisfactory, c-0 couldl be improved. Primary 'ed" '«•• tinn v.-afN tho first necessity. Th \* aflst:red they world proceed further He would! go into the matter ao«i bring it before the Cabinet.

The Roslyn worsted and woollen mills (though the- largest in Australasia) are choked with orders f r several months ahead, so great is tho demand for Roslyn blankets, rug tweeds, worsteds, suits, flannels, pLaulings, and unshrinkable underwear lor men, women, ?nd children.—Advt. A very successful/ social in md .if the; funds of the Catholic Church was held in the Two Uarina Hall on Wed nesday. Dancing commenced at 3 p.m., a.nd was continued till a lat-c hour. The floor wrs taxed to itr uimost cj;p;icity with an eager <iml h.xppy throng of dancers. The duties of M.C. were carried out in_ an efficient and1 «ips,blo mrnner by Mojprs P. O'Dwyer and W. Tait. The' music, supplied by ( Miss I. Horgan, was a special feature of the evening. Extn? weio algo played by several of J'k» young ladies presont, and two songs were pleasingly sung by IVJr Tomlin. Oroa.t praiso is due to the ladies who provided the supper.

■It has been decided by the State bruarantee Advances Department; that in future no loans shall be granted to local bodies which either had a loan previously or have borrowed up to £5000. ■ Tho Department points out that already the amount of funds available is* not sufficient to-fulfil r«qn.irements, and in consequence the above course has to be adopted. The office, in still refusing to lend money for the purpose of paying; off debts, points out that Jhe local bodies in. New Zealand owe £16,000,000, apart from what they borrowed from the Government. If loans were granted by the Department for the purpose of discharging^ , thesse liabilities the amount -required would be gr<?atly in ■excess of the amount, the Department had to leiid annually. j

Tlie Otago'.Education Board has appointed Mr Mitchellj of Oamaru, and Mr Fleming, of Balclutha, delegates to the WeiTington Conference re the Local Government Bill. A resolution was passed viewing with apprehension, the proposals contained in the measure, as being retrograde and likely to operate detriniently upon education, and that the attempt to cast part of the cost of primary education on local rates is destructive to the* national character of the education system, and entails new burdens upon the,taxpayers* without proiriding any compensation or advantage. A somewhat, peculiar development followed-on the illness of a child at Queenstown and the mother of the child wr'o'&e to the Hospital Board on ■Thursday, pointing out that, :*s •> we was allowed T;O nurse the child during the time it was in the hospital, she should be compensated, and did not see why she should not recerve the regular pay of fever, nurses, namely, two guineas; The medical officer at Wakatipu .reported adversely on the suggestion, saying that the woman had herself been a patient, and stated that he had sent her a bill for treatment and maintenance of the child. The Board decided that they could not allow the payment claimed. A rather novel defence was set up by counsel in a case at the Chiistchureh Magistrate's.-Court, in which a man was charged with driving over a, railway crossing when a train was approaching. It was argued that the Act under which tit& information was laid had been passed passed in 1887, hut that previous to 1900 motor cycles were unknown. Consequently, the Act could not apply to motor cycles. "Indeed," said counsel, "it might evei] be held that bicycles do not come under the section. But I will not go into the history, of bicycles to find out." The plea, however, was without avail * the defendant being convicted;'■'<>■••'■.;-.?o-;', .-:... ■■•■;.

TKe latest use to which the now indispensable fei ro-eoncrete 'has been turned is the making of postal pillar boxes, says',the. Auckland Star. The; Bost and; TelegVaphj^epartnlent^e^; oently: placed* an. order^'fbi-;. fou?i>eerl' such boxes with' "the New Zealand Ferro-Coricrete Structural and? Engineering Company^ and ,! thirteen. of. them; which r are now in the coriij pany's Auckland yards, will shortly be placed at various points in the city and suburbs. \ The remaining box, 'which is double-size, has been sent . south for use at" Newtown. A series of tests With a heary hammer has shown the boxes to he infinitely stronger /than the old-fashioned .iron article, from which they, can hardly { be distiiiguished,wheri\ covered with a^ coat of red paint. Another -feature is the location of the dooi^ which is at the bottom, enabling the postman's bag .t-0 ,beKplaced underneath. ~; > /.-The.' official is iii this.Hvay /saved the ti-puble of taking out ;/the mail matter |by handy and the, correspondence' is^' in. no danger erf being dropped an : the mud or carried off by a,; frolic gust of wind. .;■■. '•.■■..-.. -'\ ,;■../ ■.;.-'■' :; '..:-}'■■■■,.':-

Mr D. G. Xiillie, biologist to Captain Scott's Antarctic expedition ship Terra Nova, who last year obtained, a good deal/of "information '-concern-, irig the. type of whole found' in /the noi^h;-.of','N?Vv-;.Zealan'd',.?h'ap--'ak*ept^d v an! invitation to join a party of whalers on board the NeW Zealand Whall--ing Company's > steamer' V Kakiura, >vhich is at present on her voyage out -fromvNorway to Westport, where she will call for timber and coal. Mr. gillie will join the/vessel at Westpoii; or. June .Bth, and from there proceed ; to Campbell .; Island. Abotit -two months wilhjbj* spent in this vicinity, and subsrquently a cjill will be made at the,.'whaling area, off the Bay of Lslfinds. /V.-hich will possibly be extpndpd toVNorfolk Island.. The Raknira: ' i«j : ii stoamer :of 5700 ■ton &,*" and has Tx-en fitted out: as a floating factory; for, the trying out 'of ; whale blubber. She will also bo' acepmpanitkl by two other wliaie-liuritiiiG: .«teamers; iAyii.h. a ' •sneed of ••■■:abotit- 13^ It pots per hour. The fetter .•will.yatet^'as-''ten > di.irs;'.-Tbhfe; llalviiira. The crniso aaill afford Mr i Liiiie }i'a exoellent b])portu}iifcy of linding out the species of. the whales in: thesG Arateis as compnrod ' Avith those in- the northern hemisphere.'

.Colds in the head, soi*e throat, a.n<l coughs are promptly relieved 'an-1 cured by "NAZOL." Inhaled through a Nazol Inhrtler andj tf/fen on lump sugar and ■■■ allowed>;to':-.«>lo\vly dissolve in the mouth, the^; fragrant/healing qualities penetrate; to tFe seat of:tb& trirablc: 60: dosesf,;'ls 6dir~Advt; / ;

A.- kitchen belonging to a London. firmin which says The: Times,:! all the;, heat is supplied by -.electricity, was opened for inspection on March 19th;. Tho kitchen, which is the1 first of its 7 kind in London on a comprehensive scale,- is employed solely for/ the pur- , poso of cooking luncheons for. /the | Tir'nvs employees. It; has ia capacity for 800 meals daily, and is at present, supplying 350 to 400, The plant;has been designed by the borough of St. Marylebone electric supply, who-have i also superintended its installation;] .•aid furnished the electric energy at fd a unit. The caterer pays for all the current consumed in the kitchen, and he'states that he is satisfied that oven at, Id a unit it would not be pos.siblo to Ayork at; a le'ss'/.'cost; by .-.ising cc^al or- gas, that there /,'.is a, j-avhif in the-inea't of about lib in j 121b, and that, in addition to other j advantages, the kitchen: is'" always clean. It ho.s now been in use for about seven- months, and is stated to hnve been quite, satisfactory in operation. .■■■'-■■■ .'■../• /

, A.niiin wkw; motheir-TJi-l«w -pn-'e .evkleiQCfi «}?jiin st;him at CWoodi .GrcH : Pbji.ce' Co'iifi,; decl;i™>.l!: uF<>r a downright nietldler jiive" noo, «•'■ inother-i'i-J.-iw. Look jtt her! T didn't marry her. T married her daughter, but 3 rc.v wouldn't think so.'"

No 'fewer than S6 boys and- girls .have appeared before the Children's Court a* Sydney during the last three weeks for offences ranging from breaking and entering, embezzlement, or assault., to riotous behaviour or cruelty to animals. One child actually appeared on 10 charges of stealing, while 15 other children were jined for minor offences. For a three weeks' category this record is little short of appalling, particularly when," it is rexnembered that, as the authorities are continually and vainly proclaiming, the fault lies almost enI tirely with the parents. It is easy !to repress a fault m a child when it 'is committed for, the first time, but when, owing to the culpable neglect of the father or the sentimentaljyeakness of the ■ mother,' the fault has beI come a habit, it is difficult, if not aci tually impossible .to'- repair the harm which has been effected both to the child and to society. Under the circumstances it is not surprising thair the labors of the VChildren's Court show no-signs of abating. Inventors Have strange idea>s soir.etimes. On© of them, according to Inventions, invented a railway cr«.rria t ge specially idiapted for Tise in.cllisions, with <a. roof so- attached hy. means of buttons that if the passe tiger were injured he merely lifted. »;flf the roof j>,n\l! got out. Another,' a misanthropic 'genius/ converted; tl'O seats into nice roomy coffins , so fchr.ib if you happened to get killed you J«.'L not have> to lie upon uncomfortable pieces of fencing for transportation.

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Bibliographic details

Marlborough Express, Volume XLVI, Issue 119, 17 May 1912, Page 4

Word Count

LOCAL GENERAL NEWS. Marlborough Express, Volume XLVI, Issue 119, 17 May 1912, Page 4

LOCAL GENERAL NEWS. Marlborough Express, Volume XLVI, Issue 119, 17 May 1912, Page 4