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Th© musical competitions commencedat Christchurch .yesterday.; Coni^ peiitors from all parts" of the Dominion have entered..

At' Punejdiri the bailiffs are still in charge, of .the steamer Wairoa, . the w'Ht by and Cook being still unsa^fieci. .■ .

At MoFia'r'lahe's—-Two long; £1, m&idii'.-ian'i women's.—Advt. The 'Mksterton, County Council has, by special order, declared foxglove to be a, noxious weed, notification of v^hich is inserted in the last issue of the

No less than twenty-six schools ,un- ! der £he Nf'i'th Canterbury Board ' of > t . 'Educatibri'i, control failed to elect; committees li'stmcmth. At- , four' other places the returns were mcum-.j piete, and from'two-oilier j tests have been received by the Board^j

On the motion of Mr J. \ seconded by Mr A. McCallum, the Land. Board yesterday passed a resolution expressing its appreciation of the good work done by Mr A. D. ; Burns and his staff in the _ reduction ; of arrears of rent due to the Crown j during the year. !

At the January wool shlcs in London Mr Freeborn Parsons' Ben Mo;o wool reached 13d per pound. Hie average price was lid

. As sufficient names have not beeci given in to warrant the commencement of the Blenheim Technical Classes, it has been decided to continue to receive names of intending students, but to. hold over the commencement of the classes until further notice. ...

The attention of land buyers is directed to an advertisement by Dalgety and Coy., Ltd., in this issue, of a. small grazing run of ISB4 acres in tho Flaxbourne district, which they have for sale as a going concern.- It Avill /be noted x that this run is most conveniently situated, and is recommended 1 by the. agents as one of the best runs on Flaxbourne.,

Mr R. Heaton Rhodes, who intrvduced a deputation whicli waited ( i the' Hon. H. G...E11 in Cha-istchm-ch last week in conection with longdista.nce telepho # nf.a, complained .of the lrck of privacy of up-counb"y telephones. He instanced the ease of an old lady in a. country farmhouse, upon whom he culled one day "Aren't you ever lonely here?" be inquired. "Oh, no," was the reply. "If ever I commence to feel lonely I jnst .take the receiver off the teta, phone and listen to the conversations."

The passengers of a Wellington tramcar.. were recently thrown into chaos and conh.sion by the- sud'ltn application of the emergency brakes. The passengers were all shot down to one end of the. car, and the women were nervous and hysterical. The ln.signiiicant cause was a small ingdog that had apparently chosen a speedy mea-ns of suicide in front of the car. . While passengers, moiormari,. guard, and the Usual inquiring crowd were looking for its mangled remains, the pug calmly and deliberately strolled out at tho other cud of the cai\ .-■' . ..'.■■

■"/■■■A , reporter, visiting . H.M.S. Pipneer at . Auckland, ascertained spija'e interesting facts about the opportunities for New Zealand• ,I'ads on that vessel. New^ealaiideTS are received on the Piprieer when vacancies pbcur, and' can leave [at e<iid of •five yesirs,, ..when, under ( the system of deferred".payments. a young man at the age of 23 cbuld leave.; with a sum of to his c^-edit in. th©, savings bank. It is understood'that vacancies exist for sea men, boys and stokers, from 10 to 22 years of age,'; but '"every trade is retmesented on board,; a modern maa-of-war. ,x

-A Dannevirke deputation : which waited on the Prime Minister in re-gard-to giving road access to a, scenic reserve which had been gazettied, were rather disappointed' at their reception. The Mayor said that'as-the reserve was surrounded by! private properties'a road was needed, but the Prime Minister said that the policy of-'the Department was not to give access to reserves. Tlie deputation .then asked of what value was a_ reserve if inaccessible. The Prime Minister replied: "You can >take; it from; me that you will not get a road, as, if people were given; access to a reservej they would destroy it.

.•...••.The'" importance of industries in Mcfilbprough i^ patent /to all, who are in any way conversant with the supply and demand of bacon pigs at.the-vu-esent time. Some "twelve months^ hge Mr J. Bary became enthusiastic :in the •establi.shiiient of Va bacon-eair-ing woi'ks sit Spring Creek, :knd r yi-e--, iiilriiceci'-by Jiis faith in tlie 'future pivisperity of the sehemie,' work Straight; away. Like' all pro',f:ct«>, .the-proposal was met by a little i 'scepticisiu on "the purt of some of the | ■future suppliers, and the first = season j proved exactly! what Mr Bary expect- j ed, : ilamcsly,: a loss on -the . .year's | ■transactions. This year, hew ever, 'tht> business presents a most', encourag-: ing phase.' Already over six hundred j pieces, have been turned out in a j highly;- satisfactory-, rafl-nner, and the .iVrospect^ are bright indeed.. Mr.Bary i & tales tiiat yesterday over £100. worth j of ibacon was\ shipped;-from t Spring j CJreek, }Vhich,-m addition to that sold i;pclally, must already .total a sußstautial sum. .The, business certainly de- j serves the hearty co-oporation of the farming community, .which..-innst. take .'the form of a plentiful supply of baconers. With the'rapid'.growth'of the dairying industry throughout the 'lmu'th and breadth of Marlborpugh to back up the bacon-curing, there should- certainly, bo a good future -tor Mr Bavy's entei prise.

One degree of frost was recorded in Blenheim last night.

A slight shock of earthquake was experienced locally about 11.40-.this morning. . , ; -The Dunlin Fire Board are importing a second first-aid motor engine, costing £1000, from Dennis Bros., of Guilford.

The fine weather experienced locally to-day proved the exception as regards the Dominion. Rain was falling at Farewell Spit "and AVestport, while the outlook .in several localities was indicative of rain.

For a breach of the School Attendance Act in respect to a. child on ihi roll oi the Convent School, Michael Casey w.vs this morning', fined- by ?.<.r R. SS. Florancc, S.M., 2s, with f.s costs. • . .

AYe have received from the Superintendent of the Eastern Extension Cable Co., Ltd., Cable Bay, a very interesting map of the world, showing the various cable routes, in which the Eastern and Associated Companies' system bulks largely.

AVork on the Lake Coleridge, hydroelectric scheme is proceeding steadily.. The tunnel is in 200 feet, 60 feet from the main ventilating shaft, which is new down 64 lyet. The water supply is well forward, . and excavation jfor the reservoir ,is proceeding.

Mr A.\ McLauchlan- waited on the Lbud Board yesterday in reference to the iti.provements effected in pastoral run No. 194 (Cape .Jackson): it was resolved to recommend ; the Department to grant' a subsidy of £1 for £1 up. to £30, for ; the erection of a patent slip.

A\ rben a charge of indecency «;is called on in the Magistrate's Court to-di-iy, Mr Conolly, for the accused,' stated, that the in-osecutor had writio'n- to- the police asking that the m-joi-mation be Avithdrawn. The accused, who WoS, when not drinking, a respectable man, had expressed ii:s regret for the act, wliiclr w-t-s mot a wilful one. Sergeant- Hamson agtveing, the chcj-ge was. fitruct-out-...

The Hon.. R. MeJKenzie, who has remained in AVellingtori since "the Ministerial changes, is > about to visit his constituency. , When a^kect -if Jhe was likely to take part in the Hon. J. A. Millar's plans, he replied that at present he: has no statement to make.. . I would not lie surprised, however (says the Wellingtpii correspondent of the Nelson Colonlst)df Mr McKenzie enlightens his constituents as to liis attitude at arirearly date.:

The annual meeting 'of the Athletic Football Club was held last, night, wjien the following officers were elected*:—President, Mr J. J. Corry; vicepresidents, Messrs W. D. Draper, J. Beirne, H. J, Kir,kwoody J.. Scott, M. Scollard, arid Dr Walker; delegates, Messrs' Malloy and A. Dunckley; secretary and treasurer, Mr A. Martin; selection committee. Messrs '"Ei Radd, F. Barry, and A. Martin. A captain and vice-captain are yet to be appomted'. It was.decided to emter one team in'.'tlie'.., Wednesday afternoon competition.

Mr G. Hall, of Wakapauka, on"Saturday ' brought to the- Nelson Mail portions of apple trees which had r&-: reived the attention of opossums: The, opossum has become a terrible pest in the district, and orchardists are, suffering great losses through their de!p»edations.. At jn-esent v they are protected, but steps ai'e being taken to have -the protection removed, and representations are to be made to Mr Harry Atmore, M^P.;. on the matter, in the hdp-e that the Government mayije induced to take action, Judging by what was seen on Saturday it is not only tho fruit that is eaten, but the wood is also attacked, asnd this must eventually lead to the death of the trees.

Gourlcillor Sampson had a. word to J say at the last of the Nelson j City Council with, reference to the establishment of a tram service in the city (says the Mail). 'He thought j that either a proposal should be put! before the ratepayers-or tliat priyaiJe j enterprise should be 'allowed' to carry out a scheme. He. was opposed, to private enterprise, but .he knew of-, private people who were willing to do so if 'the Council would not. Th^re were two schemes which might be placed before the ratepayers—a motor x tram service and an electric service. He did aot think the, latter scheme would- be suitable for Nelson. A suitable service, he thought, could be insfalled for £15,000, and he moved that a committee be set up to obtain data on the question and report to the Council. The motion was carried. . ... . ..' ".

.'■ A conference- held in Wiiangarei of local bo lies delegates to choose a represeiitativ-V -E6 - attend the Local Government' Bill Co'nferorite in \Velim>^tcm 'out-voted by a lnrge ina.ior.ity.' every proposal .in i,bo Bill stria tim two. ■u'udnhriims ■• opnosition was expi'^ssd to tße Provincial Council .sehoine. IMessrs .'Hobaon and Siade, oi' the County Council, \vere apijointod bo represent the Marsden-Kaipara di.strict.

Avhen good or bad luck comes apac* we say, "It never rains but it pours/ but the sort that pours out "of-* Martell bottle is always welcome. -- Advt.' ■ ;•:■■■ ' ■ A delightful concept, all too poorly patronised, was given in the TownHall last night, when Mr Philip Newbury and Madame Emily Spada, assisted1 by the solo-piu.niste, MissGladys AVatkinsy, made their second appearance on the occasion of thv-4.-----current visit to Blenheim. The artisU met with an enthusiastic reception,' which reached its height when Mr Nc^bury's splendid tenor r.nd Madame's ever-pieasing soprano y/et-a heard in the popular "Mfeerere* duet. Mr Newbury" gave evspeeiai pleasiuTe, too, in his singing of "TinMessage," "Take a-pair of Sparkling Eyes, " and lil made so sure of thee "

In a letter to .-the Captain Cor-k Memorial Committee, react-sit' last mgjits meeting, the Commissioner «.f Orown Lands stated that the right to erect a. monument on Motuara island liiid already l.een provided for, by i cJaiise-m the leass of the island. The .request that the island be proclaimed a public domain and vested >n trustees representative .of the Committee had been forwarded to tlie Minister for Lands. The idea, of earmjirking the revenue derived - from •the rents for Cook scholai-sHpa or /kindred purposes was not considered with favor. -.Special legislation won 11 be required to-.bring tins arrangement about. The. lent payable at present w<?« £-3o per r-nnum, and, if the island: were made a. public domain, this revenue could,be used for the upkeep and improvement, of the property" probably including the monument^ .Should the land .be handed over to trustees, as. suggested, ■ the question as to who was to tmake.good the vaiuo pt the improvements! would nave in »e'Considered. The;Committee.direo tied, that tliis communication h** <-j.--warded to Mr. II,: JVJeGallym, M]» . who is-urging that the island be »' verted into .a public .domain.

• Respite thtifapt that some two or jtnreo, tiiousahd .young people passed > Civil Service examination last yeary there appears %o be a-con-siderable diffidence pn;the\pai-t of thi* baeoessi'ii!- candidates to accept offersot employment in the vai ions departments :, (says the Wellington Post) ii&i.number of cadetships to be -filled • every 3'ear is considerable, arid-1 even at the early, stage some eight hundred 01 the successful examinees, taken in Order of merit, have been offered em■■pidyment; and yet a. sufiacient number has nob been procured. Some of those avlio have lofused the oSer have no desire to enter the service; others from the country, who have been offer- . ed cadetships away horn their homes -ire averse to leaving the parental roof; and others, again, "arc'"desirous of continuing their education; ■■■■>■■ ■ It is not suggested that the position is ' soriouK, but it is significant that of tlte eight hundred or s© whose names appear first on the list sufficient caiinot be found- to* fill all the vacancies.

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Marlborough Express, Volume XLVI, Issue 117, 15 May 1912, Page 4

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LOCAL & GENERAL NEWS. Marlborough Express, Volume XLVI, Issue 117, 15 May 1912, Page 4

LOCAL & GENERAL NEWS. Marlborough Express, Volume XLVI, Issue 117, 15 May 1912, Page 4