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Patron: John Duncan, Esq., M.P. President: Mr S. J. Fui-ness. VicePresidents: Messrs H, D. Vavasour, J. Conolly, G. H. Bott, W. Carr, , S. Tapp, senr., and H. R. Bagge. ■Judge: Mr R. F. Priddle. Assistant Judges: Messrs H. 11. Bagge and J. •L. Lord. Handicapped (for running •and cycling -events): Mr A. RThomson. Treasurer: Mr J. A. Bottrell. Time-keepers: Messrs 1. -C. Ferry, S. Tap.p, j-unr., and G. T•Gheesinan. Starter: Mr G. Wareham. Assistant Starter: Ma- A. Sowman. General Committee: Messrs R. P. Fairness, W. Miller, H. Jordan, F. W. Dodson, A. Sowman, E. S. Hylton, Jas. Brown, A. R. Thomson and G. L. Lane. Protest Committee: Messrs R. Wanden, T. A. Kirby and R. P. Furness. Secretary: Mr A. J. Fisher. Assistant Secretary: Mr Roy Me Artney.

Bettor weather than that which existed for the annual sports meeting of the Blenheim Branch of St. George's Society, held on the Wairau Cricket Club's ground yesterday could not have been desired, and it was only natural, therefore that the public assembled at the ground in large numbers. The attendance ot the fair sex was particularly large, and the many pretty and dainty costumes worn, against the excellent back-ground afforded by the hedge which surrounds the grounds, formed a pleasing and attractive picture, lne various shades and hues of the dresses blended beautifully, and presented v canopy of colours delightful to gaze upon. The tracks were in fine order, and were on the fast side, thereby eivino- evidence of the vast amount or work "that the officials of the Society had«flone in order to meet the demands of pedestrians and cyclists alike, which was greatly appreciated. The competition in the various events was very interesting, and some close finishes were witnessed. Terr ill was in great form, and annexed the ■Conolly Half-mile Handicap, the President's and Vavasour Handicaps, and in addition to those ran into places in the St. George's and Forced Handicaps. He was virtually scratch in every race in which he competed, but his fine physique, stamina and pace enabled him to concede good starts to all his opponents in the races he won. Terr ill was accorded a o-reat ovation on breasting the tape m the Half-mile and 440 yards Handicaps, and it is doubtful if any victories on the ground were more Popular than his. A .regrettable incident occurred in connection with the second heat of St. George's Handicap. Parker, one of the competitors, entered a protest against Stevens, the winner of the heat, for alleged running inside a flag, but the Committee prudently allowed Stevens and Parker both to start in the final, and no decision was eiven as to what would be done.-re-garding the protest, until last night, when the Secretary stated that Stevens would get the stakes, as he won the final in good style, and also that there was no conclusive evidence that Stevens had run inside a flag. ■The most amusing event on the programme was the musical chairs, which was won by Tapp, after a set-to^ with Miller, the only two remaining in at the finish. It was laughable to see the entrants scrambling off their bicycles, when the music ceased from time to time," and doing their utmost to secure a chair, which after each bout ended in one of the competitors having to retire from the contest. The cycling was good, Thomson, although re-handicapped, winning the one and two mile races, and Williams, ■who was fined five shillings for being late in arriving at the post, annexed the half-mile race after a close finish ■with Jordan. ' The children were all well catered for, in the way of races and scrambles, and they thoroughly enjoyed themselves. There were two surprises m store for the public in the sprinting events. J. Jackson, a maiden runner, came out and won the maiden race in fine style and G. Paul, whose entry in the Footballers' and 75yds Handicap was regarded as a huge joke, won both events in a most simple fashion. The various officials worked exceptionally well, and contributed in no small way to the success of the gathering. Those who are deserving of special mention are the Secretary, liandicapper and starter. Mr Fisher carried out his duties in a most successful manner, and the handicaps declared by Mr Thomson demonstrate j his excellent judgment of pedestrian and cycling events and competitors generally. Mr G. Wareham, who acted as starter, was in great form with the gun, and his dispatches were a feature of the sports, each event being evenly started, no one gaining any undue advantage. Following are the results:— Maiden Race, of £1 10s, 120 yds. — J. Jackson 1, W. Donaldson 2, A. Murdoch 3. Also started: L. Reader, P. J. Orchard and F. O'Dwyer. Mr Miller effected a splendid start, the field getting -away on even tennis. Shortly after the start O'Dwyer showed out in front, Donaldson being next. When the leaders were within twenityfive yards of the tape Jackson put in his claim, and quickly settling the opposition won easily by five or six yards in 13, sec. President's Handicap, of £8, 120 yards. First heat: J. Strickland (10yds) 1, J. S. Taylor (7yds) 2, W. Donaldson (11yds) 3. Also ran: J. Butler <3yds), W. Hughes (9yds), R. Johnson (10yds), D. Thomson (13yds), J. Casey (12yds). Strickland hopped out as the pistol went off, and soon had the race in keeping, eventually winning by three yards in 12secs. Second heat: F. Parker (11yds) 1, W. Terrill (Byds) 2, M. Stevens (10 yds) 3. Also ran: H. Mears (9yds), J. Whelan (11yds), P. Burke (11yds), R. McKay (12yds), D. Boyce (12yds), W. H. Armstrong (13yds). The field ran together to the half-distance post, where Parker asserted himself, and gaining a slight advantage, maintained it to the finish, eventually winning by a yard from Terrill, a. similar distance separating second and third competitors. Time, 12sec.

Final: TV. Terrill (Byds) 1, Stevens <10yds) 2, Parker (11yds) 3. Also ran: J. Strickland (10yds), W. Donaldson (11yds), and. J. S. Taylor (7 yds). This was a great race, the field beinrr bunched until within a few yards of the tapes, when Terrill gained a slight advantage, and won by a foot from Stevens, a similar distance separating second and third runners. Time, 12sec.

Boys' Raco for trophies, one lap : Mill-, (7yds) 1, Hears (scr) 2, Crooke il/yds) 3. Two others competed.

Mills went to the front early in the tace, and eventually won easily by five yards in 59sec. Bicycle Race, of £3 10s; one mile. First heat: H. S. Thomson (115 ydsi 1. T. Williams (110 yds) 2, A. Nees (90yds) 3. Also started: Rollinshaw (90yds). Thomson led throughout, and won easily. Rollinshaw dropped out alter the third lap had been traversed. Time, 2min <38i sec. . ._,.,_ Second heat; J. N. Jordan (x2o yds) 1, A. Toombs (115 yds) 2, A. Patcluvtb (ltttfyus) 3. Also started: McCarthy (UO.vda), C. O'Brian (110 yds), 1«\. O'Dwyev (140 yds). .A. Pu cliett led until the last lap, when ho was overhauled by Jordan awd Toombs. The former of the last-men-tioned pair won easily from Toombs by a. length, about four lengths between second and third riders, lime, 2min 45sec. Final- H. S. Thomson (115 yds) 1, A. Nees' (90yds) 2, T. Williams (110 yds) 3. Also started: A. Patciiett (190 yds), A. Toombs (115 yds), J. I\. Jordan (125 yds). Thomson led throughout after the first lap, when ho passed Patchett. In the final iap Nees put in a great run, and the race finished in a close contest between those riders, Thomson winning by a wheel. Time, 2mm 35scc. Footballers' Race, of £3 3s, 150 yds. —First heat: G. Paul (7yds) 1 Butler (scr) 2, J. Jackson (3yds) 3. Second heat: McArtaey (3yds) 1, Mears. Amd Boyce (sor), dead heat, 2. Final : G. Paul (7yds) 1, Butler (sor) 2 Jackson 3 Thirteen competed. Won easily by five yards. Time, 10 4-ssec. Small Boys' Race, 75yds.— Herd 1, Reese 2, O'Leairy 3. Ten started. Time, lOsec. ! Vavasour Handicap, of £9 lus, 440vds—W. Terrill (7yds) 1, J. Strickland (30yds) 2, R. McKay (30yds) 3. Also started: J. S. Taylor (20yds), W. Harris (24yds), W. Hughes 24yds , F. Parker (26yds), J. Casey (28yds), L. Ewart (30yds), J. Whelan (30yds), U. Burke (30yds), T. McFarkaid (35 yds). Taylor .soon got-up to the limit men, and at the turn for home looked to have the race in his keepung, but'Strickland put in--his ol*"n an« looked all over a winner, when lerrall came with a well-timed run and worn with a little (to spaa-©. Time, 51sec. Physical Drill Competition, for cup presented by Mr W. Caw, to be won twice in (succession or three tunes at intervals.—Sergt. Mitchell' squad, 30 poin,ts ; 1; Sergt. White's squad, 20 points, 2. . .„ Half-mile Bicycle Race, of £3. — First heat: J. N. Jordan (65yds) 1, A. Toombs (55yds) 2, C. O'Bnan (55 yds) 3. Also started:-McCarthy (per). Jordan led ail the way and won easily by a length. Time, lmin 17sec. Second heat: H. S. Thomson (40yds) 1, A. Nees (50yds) 2, T. Williams (65 yds) 3. Also started: A. Patchett (95yds), J. McCarthy (35yds). Soon after the start Patchett came to grief through the fork of his machine breaking, and he took no further pairt in the race. Nees went to the front and led to the home turn, where Thomson improved his position, and coming through won by a_ length fa-orn Nees, who was a- similar distance away third. Time, lmin 15sec. Final: T. Williams (65yds) 1, J. N. Jordan (65yds) 2, H. S. Thomson (40yds) 3. Also started: C. O'Brian (55yds), A. Toombs (55yds), A. Nees (50yds). Jordan led all the way until the straight was readied, when Williams put in his' claim, and Thomson closed up. A brilliant race ensued over the last 100 yards, and resulted in favor of Williams by a wheel. Time, lmin 14Jsec. Musical Chairs.—Tapp 1, Miller 2. There were seven competitors. St. George's Handicap, of £14, 220 yds.—First heat: M. Stevens (14yds) 1, W. Tern-ill (7yds) 2, T. McFarlaaid 18yds) 3. Also started: F. Parker 15yds), P. Burke (16yds), J. Casey 16yds), R. McKay (16yds), D. J. Thomson (18yds). McFarrlaaid led into the straight^ when he was displaced by Stevens, who won from Tern-ill somewhat easily in 22 3-ssec. Second heat: J. Strickland (14yds) 1, J. Butler (13yds) 2, D. Boyce (17yds) 3. Also ran: J. S. Taylor (10yds), W. Hughes (13yds), R. Johnsoni (14yds), W. Donaldson (15yds), J. Whelan (16yds). Strickland took the lead from the half distance mark, and finished easily in front of Butler. Time, 23 l-ssec. Final: M. Stevens (14yds) 1, J. Strickland (14yds) 2, W. Terrill (7yds) 3. Also started: T. McFarland (18yds), F. Parker (15yds), J. Butler (13yds), D. Boyce/. (17yds). Parker held a slight lead at the tu-m into the straight, the remainder of the field being bunched close together. On entering the .straight Stevens I forged ahead, and establishing <a slight lead won by two yards '• from Strickland, Ten-ill being close up third. Time, 23sec. Two Mile Bicycle Race, of £4 10s.— H. S. Thomson (160 yds) 1, A .Toombs (170 yds) 2, A. Nees (130 yds) 3. Also started: D. McCarthy (20yds), J. McCarthy (50yds), T. A. Williams (160 yds), 'J. 'N. Jordan (200 yds), F. O'Dwyer (225 yds), A. Patchett (300 yds). D. McCarthy, A. Patchett and O'Dwyer pulled out after the second lap had been traversed. Thomson then led all the way, and won by 50 yards. Time, smin 35sec.

Half-mile Conollv Handicap, of £7 10s.—W. Terrill (scr) 1, R. McKay (43yds) 2, W. Harris (40yds) 3. Also

ram.: F. Parker (35yds) H. Ewart (40yds), E. Wanden (55yds). Harris led for two laps, when up ■and assumed command, winning easiy by 10 yao-ds from McKay, who was 20 yards in front of Harris, those being the only competitors to finish. Time, 2min 3sec. Stepping Competition, or £1 Is.—b. Tapp and W. Pask tied, 437 yds each. The actual distance was 430.2yd5. Bobally Handicap, of £7 10s, 100yds.—First heat: J. S. Taylor (6yds) 1, J. Butler (6yds) 2, W. Donaldson (9yds) 3. Also .started: D. Thomson (10yds). Taylor caught the limit men before half the distance was covered, and then went on and won easily. Time, 10 3-ssec. Second ■heat": J. Strickland (Byds) 1, J. Jackeon (10yds) 2, F. Parker (Byds) 3. Also started: M. Stevens (6yds), R. Johnson (Byds), J. Whelaai (9yds), D. Boyce (9yds), J. Casey (9yds). A good a-ace ensued between Jackson and Strickland, the latter winning on the tapes in 10 2-ssec. Final: J. S. Taylor (6yds) 1, J. Strickland (Byds) 2, J. Jackson (I.oyds) 3. Also stairted: Parker (Byds), Butler (6yds), and Donaldson (93'ds). Taylor ran through the field after fifteen yards had been traverised, and won by three yards. Time, lOsec. Amateur Race, trophies, 100 yds. — O'Donoghue (4yds) 1, Je-nnyn (sor) 2, Thomson (4yds) 3. There were- five starters. O'Donoghue won easily. Time, 11 2-ssec. 75yds Handicap, of £5 10s.—Gr. Paul (syds) 1, Meaa-s (3yds) 2, J. Strickland (3yds) 3. Also ran: Jackson (syds), McFarland (6yds), McKay (syds), Hainris (syds), Parker (3yds), Orchard (syds). From a, splendid staa-t Paul was soon in. front of McFarland, and going on won by two yards from Mears, who just beat Strickland for second place. Time, Ssec.

Forced Handicap, of £2 lQs, 220 yards.—Butler (Byds) 1, Hariris (12yds) 2, Ten-ill (scr) 3. Aso ran: Taylor (4yds), Jackson (13yds), McFairlaud (13yds). Butler beat the pistol, a.nd getting a break on the1 field won easily from Harris. Time, 24 2-ssec.

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Marlborough Express, Volume XLIII, Issue 97, 22 April 1909, Page 2

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ST. GEORGE'S SOCIETY. Marlborough Express, Volume XLIII, Issue 97, 22 April 1909, Page 2

ST. GEORGE'S SOCIETY. Marlborough Express, Volume XLIII, Issue 97, 22 April 1909, Page 2