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Tjje monthly meeting h<±lcl on Tuesday was attendee! by the Conmiiasionor of Crown Lands and Messrs Seymour, Redwood and Reader.

The Oraaka Road Board notified that it did not intend to take any action in the matter of J. Bojce's application for a piece of land adjoining the township of Renwicktown.

The Coniiuissioner reported that at the land sale held on tho 7th iust. the lease of reserve section 9a, Block xn., Arapawa (775 acres), was purchased by F. Daken at the upset rental ©f £10 per annum. —Approved.

S. Watson applied to lease 100 acres near Nuggefey Creek, surrounding his present holding in the Wakamarina Val'ey, for pastoral purposes.—The matter was deferred for a report from Mr Buckhurst.

B. Thompson applied to purchase section 151, Block vx, Linkwater, for £10.—Ranger to report.

D. H. Godsiff applied for an O.R.P. license over 165 acres of laud in Waitaria Bay, in order to extend his present holding. CorresponrJenea in support of the application was received from the Hon. C. H. Mills.—The Commissioner reported that he was in communication with the Surveyor-" General on the matter.

R. Trueman applied to lease the gravel reserve, sec. B,B!ockxn, Clifford Bay, which adjoins his present holding io Blind River Estate. W. F. Wood aiso applied to lease this section, and offered a rental of £6 per annum for the same.—A transfer to Mr Trueman was sanctioned.

An application from T. S. Grace, under section 115 of '* The Land Act, 1892" for an alteration of the boundary of Clover ton Run, Linkwater, at pre sent leased by him, in order to get a better fencing line, was recommended to the approval of the Minister. .

T. S. Grace applied for about 1\ acres in Block yin, Wakamarina, under section 117 of the Act. —Resolved that the Minister be requested to grant the land to Archdeacon Grace at an as sessment of £5 per acre.

An application from the Spring Creek River Baard to have a piece of land (about 2| acres) in Block si, Cloudy Bay, vested in the Board for river protective purposes was granted subject to the approval of the Minister.

F. Daken applied for permission to fell and burn scrub and light bush on seotion 9a, block xn, Arapawa, and sow t'e laud in grass; also that an' assurance be given that; the land will be weighted with the improvements executed by him at the termination of his lease, if again re-offered.—Permis-sion was granted to cafe scrub, light bush, and fern; and it was decided to weight the land with improvements at the expiration of the lease, all improvements to be sanctioned by the Board in writing. The following applications were approved :—Thos. White, section 5, block IV, Town of Seddon ; A. B. White, seotion 4, block IV, Seddon ; H. J. Fraser, section 9, block xiv, Seddon; G. W. Henderson, section 11, block xiv, Seddon; B. O. O'Donoghue and X O'Donoghue, section 17, block xiv, Blind River Estate. An application by R. Hay for a temporary occupation license over section 6, block xn, Seddon, at a rental of 10s per annum, was granted, under section 116 of " The Land Act, 1892.?' The Clerk to the Kaikoura County Council forwardsd a resolution protesting against any departure by the Land Board from its resolution of April 16th, 1901, to have the land between the Kowhai and Kahuiara, front i»£ the Elms, vested in the Council as speedily as possible. Mr Bullen wrote asking for an occupation license of the abovo land, in order that he may plant it, to p event the encroachment of the sand on his freehold. Mr Rennor wired from Wellington asking that the consideration of the matter be postponed. Mr Reader explained that he con sidored it would be unwise to postpone the matter for another month, as the planting season would then be over, and the chances of planting the land would probably bo loit. Mr Bulien interviewed the Board, and said that he had all the troo3 waiting, and he would start work at oace if granted a licsnso. Mr Reader proposed that the resolution of April 10th. 1901, recommending the Minister to vest the above Crown land in the Kaikoura Council be re scinded.—Mr Redwood seconded the motion, which was carried. Mr Reader then moved that a temporary occur ation license be granted to G. F.'Bullen from year to year during the pleasure of the Board, under secfcfoQ 116 of the Act of 1892; Mr Bullen to have the right to remove the feucing or receive valuation for it in the event of the land being required for other purposes,'and also to have the right to any trees that may require to be removed off the railway line, the reDt to be Is per annum if demanded.— Mr Redwood seconded the motion, which was eirrieu.

G. F. Bullen applied to purchase section 14, block xv, Greenburn district, containing 6 acres, for a fencing boundary.—Granted, the land to bo assessed at £1 per acre.

11. W. Horton interview©! the Board re his lea3e of s.g. n.n IGI, homestead site of 40 acres, near Lifctle Bolton Run.—Resolved that the Board weight the homestead site with valuation of improvements at thf expiration of the term of s g. run 1(31. —Mr Horton was granted an extension of time to reside on the homestead site for six months from date

The Ranger reported on W. L. Laugesen's application to have section 4a and 5, block xv., Kaitarau district, opened fer selection, and also furnished assessment of land and improvements thereon. The assessments were agreed to; value o? land £451 ss, improve meats £591.

O. White's application for permission to cut a few trees on pastoral run 146 was approved, the usual royalty to be paid.

C. Reeves applied for permission to cut from 20 to 30 cords of manuka fire wood at 2s Od per cord from the Crown land adjoining Mr Matthews's property in the Wairau riverbed.—The application was declined, as the Board considerd tbafc all timber should be kept intact for flood protective purposes.

The Surveyor-General wote suggesting that the Wondaide Run be subdivided into umall grazing runs and offered by ballot to the public, at the tei-n mat.ion of the present lease in Mai'ch next —It was resolved to ad" here to the previous resolution, and offer the laud in two pastoral runs by auction

Mr W. Adams, Langley Dale, wrote asking the members of the Board to sign a petition to the Government re-ciuest-ine: that the Onamalutu Kaituna road be properly constructed, as the present road was in a very dangerous condition.—Tfc was agreed to recommend the Government to prosecnte this work.

An application from F. S. Reston to purchase the freehold of his O R P section 12, block m. t Cloudy Bay under section 132 o f» the Act was granted.

The Hanger having reported favourably on J. A. Lambert's application to complete the purchase of section 3, block xii. i Onamalutu, it was resolved to issue a title a

T. Duffy was granted a twelve months' residence exemption in respect; to L.I.P. section 5, block i,, Taylor Pass, Omaka Estate, The Ranger reported the growth of gora? on a seotion at Mt» FyHfo, and

one at Kaikoura Subm-ban. —It way resolved to notify the leaseos that the gorso must bo eradicated. Tbo Ohristchuroh Meat Company (P jet-on) applied to lease tho Torea Neck Hcscrvo, and offered a rental of £6 per annum.—lt was resolved to offer a lease at 10s per month, to be terminable at any time on a month's notice, and tho lessee to keep down the weed kcown as " St. John's Wort."

Tho valuation of exchange, Crown wifch W. Pollard, under section 3 of the Public Reaerroa Act Amendment Act 1889 was amended and approved.

J. Fulton wrote asking that road access be provided to his L.I.P. sec tions 12 and )3, block ix., Linkwator. The Commissioner stated that he would assist Mr Fulton to obtain access.

N. A. 11. Ols.'^n applied fu-r an ex tension of present lease, from year to year, of sect-ions 121 to 127 and 129 to 139, town of Kaikoura, at a rental of £9 per annum ; also, that the sections be weighted with improvements effected by him if re offered by auction for 14 years. —It was resolved to •weight the sections with valuations for improvements, and offer the lease of sama for 14 years by public auction

J. R. Stokes applied to lease section 266, Kaikoura Suburban, now held under miscellaneous lease 21 by C. Smith. The latter signified his willingness to transfer to H. Rolfe, pro vided compensation was allowed for fencing should the land bo again offered to the public—lt was resolved to offer the land by auction for 14 ynars, weighted with valuation for improvements. (Present lease expires June 30, 1904.)

T. White was granted a temporary occupations license over reserve section No. 1, block IV., Seddon, at a rental of £110s per annum.

The following transfers were approved:—l. N. Harvey, part of L.T.P. section 2, block xni., Orieri, and section 3, block iv., Gore, to Pelorus Re? frigerating Fisheries and Supply Cooipony; A. T. Main, L.T,P., section 3, block xvin., Hundalee, to J. Gilbert; H. W. Harris, L.I.P, section 32, block xii., Gore, to S. Harris ; Registrar of Supreme Court, section S, block xiv., Seddon, to J. EL Hutfc; E. James, L T.P., section 1, block xiv., Seddon, to Anne Tow; J. D. Iremonger, L.1.P., section 10, block in., Sedrlon, to H. Boyce; J. K. Hart, section 29, block x., L.1.P., Wakv marina, to M. Lammas, and V.H.S. lease of section 30, block x., Wakamarina, to M. Lammas; M. W. Tapp, S.G. run 25, to F. B. Joseph. The ap plication of H. E. Barnes to have a license issued for the transferred sections J3 and 14, block xi., Clifford Bay, was approved. iB. Brifcton wrote complaining that tho Stag and Spey road leading to her section, No. 2, block xn., Hundalee, was impassable, except for heavy wheeled traffic, and requesting that better access be provided,—The ap plicant was referred to the Kaikonra County Council. The following assessment of sections, in the Rainford settlement, wasagteed to:—Sections 1, 2, 8 and 10, 28s per acre ; section 9, 29s ; sections G and 7, 26s ; sections 4 and 5, 24s ; section 3. 22a.

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Marlborough Express, Volume XXXVII, Issue 168, 17 July 1903, Page 4

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MARLBOROUGH LAND BOARD. Marlborough Express, Volume XXXVII, Issue 168, 17 July 1903, Page 4

MARLBOROUGH LAND BOARD. Marlborough Express, Volume XXXVII, Issue 168, 17 July 1903, Page 4