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♦ Pbopebxx. — Tenders are invited for the purchase of a oottage and land m the township of Wairau Valley. Danob — A plain and fanoy dress maßquerade ball will be held m the Oddfellows' Hal), Renwick, on Tuesday the 22nd inst. A, and P. Association,— A speoial general meeting of the MarlborougU Agricultural and Pastoral Association is oonvened for the 19th Jane at the Club Hotel. Old Soldiers.— lt is understood that Mr J. C. 'MoKerrow will have to investigate about 2000 olaims under the Naval and Military Settlerß and Volunteers Lands Aot. Volunteer Officers. — Offioers commanding volunteer corps have reoeived a oiroular from the Defenoe Department urging them to prooure copies of the latest edition of " Trumpet and Bugle OallB." Belief Fund,— The total amount received m aid of the Hawke'a Bay Belief Fund iB £10,483 15s lOd. The disbursements up to date amount to £983 5i 6<3, leaving a balance of £9,500 10a 4d.

Bund Eivitr. — A camion agiinat treepasßing on section No 9, Blind Hive', appears m our advertising columns. AcKNowLEroMBST. — The reoeipt o! the twelfth annual report of the Wellington Acclimatisation Sooitty is acknowledged. Bankrupt.— Dugald Maoleay, laborer, of Blind River, has filed a declaration of insolvency. The first meeting of creditors will take plaoe at the Court House on Thursday the 17th instant, at 11 a.m. \ Onamaloiu.— A publio meeting of rate* payers 4 of the Wairau Road Board m the Onamalu'u distriofc, will be held at noon on the 24th instant, to take into consideration the proposed stoppage of certain roada. Tattbrballs.— A man named Mitchell, of the Bank of New Zealand, Port Chalmers, wins the third prize of £414 m Tattersall's sweep on the Ellesmere Stakes, run at Kandwick. A Crack Shot.— Mr Donald Mackintosh, the Victorian oraok pigeon sho', has won another oonteßt m England, having gained a challenge cap valued at £165 at the Wormwood Sorub Meeting. He scored 28 sucoeasive kills. Criminal Befobh,— If there is the smallest hope of a criminal reforming, says Judse Edwardß, be is always favorable to taking a lenient view m fixing the penalty, but habitual erimicala he intends punishing with severity. Jurymen.— -It is perhaps a faot worth knowing that jurymen who have served at a oriminal session are not compelled to serve again for a period of 12 months. A common jurjman was excused on this ground m Wellington. Steamebb. — Passengers for Wellington are reminded that this being 'Frisoo mail week the Takapuna will not call at Pioton. to-morrow. The s.b. Mawhera to~nigbt and the s.b. Wainui en Sunday are the next two steamers. Football.— The following will represent the Awarua Juniors against the Albion Club at Spring Creek on Saturday next :— Wett, O'Dwyer, Moßride, Ecoles, Hathaway, Mattbewp, F. Neal, Barclay, J. Bobinßon, Morrison, 0. Neal, Woolley, Gledhill, MoNabb, Haines. Emergencies : Blackie, W. Bobinson, Cameron, T. Neal, Botham. Bomnbyb.— Mr J. B. Mackenzie, of Momahaka, writing to the Christchuroh Press m defence of Romney ,Bheep eaya the Romney as an all round and profitable Bheep most' come to the top, and if more extensively used we would not hear to much about the heavy death rate of boggefs m the North Island as we do. The Lincoln may Bhear more wool than a Bomney, but he will take an immense amount more food to enable him to do so, and then wiil be behind m oaroase, Parsons and GongbegaTion.— At a meeting of the Veetry of St. Matthew's Church, Masterton, the parishioners' churchwarden moved that the attention cf the Biehop'a Commissary be drawn to the recent utteranoe of the Bey. A. C. Yorke, and that the Vestry be consulted if Mr Yorke desires to withdraw his resignation. Mr Yorke, who was ohairman of the meeting, ruled the motion to be ultra vires. In doing so he said he had no intention of withdrawing bis resignation as Vicar. The Tbiad.— We have received the June number of the Triad, and are pleased to see this journal maintains its high standard of excellence, both as regards the reading matter, whioh is of a moat varied nature, and also with regard to illustration?, whioh m the number before us are uumerous and well executed, — particularly so a portrait of the late Johannes Brahms. Several prize competitions are announced, as also the result of the reoent map competition just closed. Particulars of these competitions may be found m another column. We wish our interesting contemporary continued suocess. Wkaiheb Fobkoa&t. — Captain TSdwin wired as follows :— " Wind between f?. and E. and N.E. at all places north of East Cape, Taupo, and New Plymouth, and between N. and W. and B.W. at all other places during next 11 hours, changing to between N.E. and N. and W. after that time; barometer, very little movement northward of Napier and New Plymouth, bnt fall at all other places ; eea inoreaßing on weetern coast southward of New Plymouth ; tides generally moderate, but increasing on both ooastß south of Napier and New Plymouth ; stiong northerly winds after from 12 to 20 hours southward from Napier and New Plymouth," Bible Society. — The annual meeting of the Blenheim Auxiliary Branoh of the British and Foreign Bible Society, was held last night m the Churoh of the Nativity Schoolroom ; Archdeacon Grace, the President, m the ohair. There was a fair attendance, and much interest was manifested m tha proceedings. After the reading of Scripture, and prayer, the Chairman spoke of the great claims of tbe Sooiety on the sympathy and support of all Christiana The Treasurer read tbe balance sheet, and m the absence of the Secretary, Mr W. 0. Bobb, made a short verbal report. On the motion of Mr J. Moore, seoonded by Mr W. Cooke, the balanoe sheet, whioh showed total receipts for the year, £18 16s 7d, and balanoe m band £22 6s Bd, wbb adopted. Tbe Bey Mr Keall spoke imprcsßively, baßing his remarks chiefly on the portion of Soripture read, and Bey Mr Niven gave a very inter« eating sketch of the history of the English Bible. On the motion of Mr Keall, seoonded by Mr Niven, Mr It. A. Jenkins was reelected Treasurer, and Seoretary pro tern, and tbe following gentlemen were elected a Committee of Management for tbe ensuing year, viz.:— Revs E, Enaor, N'evin, Keall » and Heteraka Warihi, Messrs 0. Davies, W, Oooke, J. M. Hutobeson, J. Hay, J, Moore, E. B, Mabin, and John Hutoheson, with power to add to their number. The meeting dosed with the Benediction. Ladieb' and Girls' black and oolored Felt Hats arrived to-day and will be cleared at Id each,— R. Allan's Sale. New Zealand Wattle Babk.— The Department of Agrioulture is much pleaßed with the degree of cuooeßS whioh has attended itß efforts to cultivate the wattle m New Zealand. About six years ago a reserve of 1000 aores at Wairangi, m tbe Waikato, was placed under its control, and the whole of it was planted with wattles, wbiob have thriven wonderfully. The process of stripping tbe bark for sale to tbe tanneries baa been commenced, and already several tons have been collected. The bark is said to be of good quality, and it is anticipated that no difficulty will be experienced m finding a ready sale for it at £6 per ton. The Department has given instructions for the erection of a small crushing plant, and it is probable that an early date arrangements will be made for extracting the tannin, so as to. avoid the necessity of sending the bark away to the tanyards. In 1892 Mr A. L. Goldwater, who owns three retail drug stores m New York City, having learned of the great value of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for oolde, oroup, and whooping cough, ordered a Bupply for bis customers. It met with bo much favor that he soon found it necessary to order more, and during the winter sold over two grosß of the remedy. He says it gives tbe best satisfaction of any cough cure he has ever handled. For sale by F. Shaw, ohemiet, Medical Hall, Blenheim.J

Death of a Wakam\rina Pettler — Another of Marlborough's earliest settlers (sa}B the Guardian) passed away at W»kainarin:i on Friday after noon l«st, m the p rson of Mr Michael Leaby. Mr Loaby, who was a native of Cutty Kerry, Ire'and, arrived m New Zealand, from Australia, over 30 years ago, and settled m the Wakatnarina, where he ha?, with the excep tiou of a visit to the West Coast, since resided, following the combined vocations of farmer and miner. Throughout bis career, and the vicissitudes to which the eatly settlers were subj°cted, the deceased gentleman ever displajed the genial, waim-bear!ei hc'spitality and native wit for wMch the lau'l Ibat churned him is so deservedly noted, and his death will be mourned by many old settlera who were cheered and enoouruged by him m combit'ing tie rrany hardships by which their path of progress was b-set m the <aily '- sixties." On all oociaions he displayed a dotnioaut spirit of pi mci pie, &n\ it will be remembered, on one occasion he suffered a penal'y tather than forsnke those tenets that ho maintained bore the true spirit of manhood. The funeral ceremonies were performed by the Rev. Father Goggan at the Catholic Chapel and' grave, on Sunday last, the rev, Father making an impressive appeal to the large congregation that filled (he sacred edifice. The deceased gentleman leaves* a wife and family to mourn their loss, and we extend our sympathy to them m their sad bereavement. Land Sales.— At the Land Board offices this morning Mr Greenfield, acting m the absence cf Mr Adams, Chief Surveyor, die poßed of the following lands by public auotion. Ferniehurst Bun, 9,400 acres, was sold to John Tinline for £4,700; and seotion 400, Town of Eaikoura, 3 acres 2 roods 5 perohep, to J. W. Goodall, for £70 123 6d. The following paßtoral lioenses were sold:— Ban No. 9, 250 acres, annual rent £2, to W. Davenport, Bun No, 15, 296 aorep, and Jordan Accommodation House, to J. W. Cumming?, for £5 per annum, Ban No. 20, 550 acres, to S. M. Neville, for £7 10s per year. Nun No. 5, 180 aores, to A. W. Barnett, for £2 per annum, Bun No. 132, 50 aores, to A. and J. Barnett, for £1 per year. Bun No. 133, 70 aores, to J. Healy, for £5 10? per annum. Reserve seotion 1, Block IT, Heringa Burvt y District, 50 aores, to William WHbod, for £8 15s per annum. Pastoral run No. 11 was paesed m, as no bid was offered fcr it, Come and see this miraculous line of Ladies' and Girlb' black and brown Felt Hats, arrived to-day, at Id eaob.— B. Allans Sale. Rugby Union.— A general meeting of the Rugby Union was held last night bt the Großvenor Hotel. A reply was received 'from the Nelson Rugby Union to the effeofc that they were unable to send their Senior " Beps " down to play here during the celebration week, but would send them later m the season. They would, however, give half the gross takings at the gate if the Marlborough junior reps played m Nelson on the 22ad inst. It was decided to endeavor to send the -team away for that date, and that the Junior Seleotion Committee meet on Saturday evening to pick the team ; secretaries of clubs to eend m the names of players who oould make th<j trip. Ladies', don't faint when you see tbe price only Id each for Ladies' and Girh' blaok Straw Hats.— R. Ally's Sale. A Mighty Shipmbnt,— As an illustration of th 9 tremendous revolution worked m our export trade by tbe refrigerator, the lists of exports by the steamers Buteshire and Waikato (say b the Ohristoburch Prepare well worth perusing. The latter vessel, especially, is practically solid with tbe flesh Bnd other portions of animals. There is soaroaly. another export m all the enormous holds of the steamer. The oaroasep, wool, bair, hide?, fat, etc., are done up m Boms form or another and shipped off to feed and clothe the millions of Eng. land, with not a sack of grain m tbe entire vessel. The Waikato's' totals show 88,048 carcases of mutton and lamb, 1309 oases preserved meats, 2198 boxes and crateß rabbits, with wool, tallow, skins, kidneys, and oasings, The Bute?hire,*among other tbiogp, took over 300 tons of rabbits. Warwick Perfkction Bicycles are without exoeption the highest grade machines now on sale. Every maker m the world, to produce an up-to-date machine, has to oopy the Warwick. Its diamond frame, dust-proof bearings, barrel hubs, pedalp, crank-fastenings, and adjustable handlebars are deoidedly the strongest, simplest, oheapest, and best m use.— T. Bmalk, Sole Agent for Blenheim. When most needed it s not unusual Lt your family physician to be away from home. Buoh was the experience of Mr J. V, Sohenok, editor of the Caddo, Ind. Ten, Banner, when his little girl, two years of age, was threatened with a Bevere attack of croup. He says : "My wife ineisted that I should go for the doctor, but as our famiiy pbysioian was out of town I purchased a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, whioh relieved her immediately. I will not be without it m the future." For sale by F. Shaw, ohemist, Medical Hall, Blenheim.

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Marlborough Express, Volume XXXII, Issue 123, 9 June 1897, Page 2

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LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS. Marlborough Express, Volume XXXII, Issue 123, 9 June 1897, Page 2

LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS. Marlborough Express, Volume XXXII, Issue 123, 9 June 1897, Page 2