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WOBKiNG Men's Cmjb.— A epeoial general meeting of the members of this institute is convened foe Thursday next at 8 p.m. Auotioh.— Messrs Green and Co. will sell, to-morrow at 2 p.m., stook, agricultural implements, &o. Mbtkobolooical.— Captain Edwin wired at 12.50 p.m. bb follows :— " Indications for frost to-night." Fbozbn Meat.— Messrs Nelson Bros., London, report of Maroh 23rd states that the excessive arrivals of frozen mutton are making the state of the market most serious. Football. — The match to-morrow between the Marlborougbs and Awaruas shou'd be very interesting. Both olubs have good teams out, and, as both are very confident of winning, a good game should be the result. The Cheviot Estate.— The settlers on the Cheviot Estate are asking the colony to pay their next half-year's rent for them There are many other people m New Zea land (says the Wairarapa Daily) who would like their next half-year's rent provided for them m a similar manner. An Old Wabbiob.— • The Taranaki Herald of the 9th inst. says ,— lt is fifty yeara today (Wednesday) since Colonel Stapp, at the Bay of Islands, faoed the fire of the enemy. There are very few, if any, of the men who were m that engagement living at the present time. APbkoaxjtion — At an inquest m Christchurch touohing the death of a ohild whiob had died from the effects of soalds, Dr F. G. M. Brittin stated that a great many of these aooidents ooourred through people negleoting to put cold water m the bath before getting the hot water. Manyaooi« dents would be avoided if people took this precaution before bathing ohildren. Danobboub. — A family m Pioton nearly Buffered serious ill effeots the other > day from partaking of a dish of what wera^aupposed to be mushrooms. They had /every appearanoe of such, but when oooked \ were found not to be the real artiole though tbey co nearly resembled it as to deceive several persons who saw them. HoWever, no ill effeota eventuated, owing to the discovery after the artiole was cooked. Mentioning thia may be the means of preventing others from indulging m a diah they ate not sure of.— Press.

Obitoaby.— Mr Thomas Hill, senior, a very old and respooted settler, died at Wake* field on Tuesday. The deceased arrived m Nslson m tbe ship Thomas Harrison m the early forties, and passed away m his 90th year. He was well-known throughout the Waimeaß, and till within tbe laßt twelva months his genial faoe was often seen m town. Lwox. • Colonel Fox'a Inspection. — Lieut.-Oolonel Pitt states that be has received a letter from Colonel Fox to tbe offeot that that offioer intends inspeoting the Nelson volunteers during the second week m June. The inspootion of the Marlborough companies will probably take place about tbe same time. Post Card Novbltt.— A money order on a post-card is the latest novelty. Tbe Fronoh Minister of Posts and Telegraphs has brought m a Bill for the introduction of a systom of postal^order cards, payable at tho reaidenoe of the addressee. These oarda rvro (o 008 1 only a peony more than tbe ordinary postal orders, and it is expeoted that they will bo largely used by the publiOt PORT AND TBLKOBAPH DBPABTMSKT.— Holidays hours will be observed on the Quoon'o Birthday as follows:— The Post Oftloe will bo closed. Mails usually des. patobed on Friday, will olose on Thursday, 28rd, at 7 p.m. The Telegraph Offioe will opon from fl a.m. to 10 a.m., and from 7 to H p.m. The Telephone Exchange will remain opon aa usual, viz., 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mining Application.— At the Warden's Court this afternoon, Mr J. Allen, S.M., on tho Benoh, an application was made by Alexander Gray Hill for a protection ocr« tlfloate for one month, an tin worked river claim (10 men's ground), situate at the Wakamarina Gorge. Oooupation commonoed on April 10, and protection waß required pending application for authority to oreot dame and divert river. Mr Sinclair appeared for applicant. The application was granted. Football.— The following will represent the Awaruas m their matohes to-morrow :— Senior : O'Dwyer (4), Wooley (2), Maxted, Pugh (2), Swafford, Morrin (2), J. Heal, J. Parsons, Sohwaas; emergencies: Chapman, Haines and Ohaytor. Junior: Withey, O'Dwyer, MoOonway, Watson, Fuller, Keating, Curtis, MoNab, Corder, Obaytor, Neal, Stagg, Maddook, Western, Adams ; emergencies: Law, Wheeler, Thomas. As Mr G. Simßon is unable to referee at Spring Greek m the matob Awarua v. Waitohi tomorrow, Mr H. Horton will take his plaoe. A Bobpbiss Pabti.— Quite a mild seasation was created m Maxwell Road last evening by a caravan, laden with furniture, etc, wbioh was propelled by a stalwart individual who kept step to the strains of the ungreased barrow wheels, and followed by a mixed procession of about a dozen people bearing a misaellany of articles. At first it was thought Bomeone was doing a moonlight flit, or that the renowned "Bill Adams" had appeared on the Boene with bia boat of followers. But great relief was experienced by anxious observers, when it was ascertained that the turn-out was merely a surprise party, on the war path to troat a friend. A Bio Onion.— An onion of remarkable growth has been plaoed m our banda by Mr Moore, Stook Inspector, who brought it from Admiralty Bay, near the Freooh Pass. It weighs lib 13oz, and its quality is first class. It was brought to us as an instance of tbe prolifioneaa of the soil m wbioh it was raised. The grower is Mr W. Har« vey, who has cultivated a email plot of land, tbe yield from which was about two tons of Bach onions. The raising of onions and similar products under saoh oiroumtanoeß_ should pro vs-&-prufi table industry, Tor their exportation is a matter of unusual faoility, passing vessels being able to approach right alongside tbe beaob. A Musical Tbeat.— The conoert of Tuesday evening next, particulars of whioh appear m another column, will give tbe people of Blenheim an exceptional opportunity of hearing a musioian of European note. We quote the following from the Nelson Evening Mail:— Herr Balling bears a grand reputation as a teaoher of musioal theory and praotioe. His musioal environment has bsen formed m the oompany of men whom we have been accustomed to reverenoe at a distance— Bitter, Rubinstein, Kupfrer, Mottl, Paderewski and other mus* ioal masters ; he has taken prominent part m tbe leading and most exacting orohestra m tbe world, an orohestra m whioh the honour of membership U the suffioient and only remuneration. Reference is here made to the fact that Harr Balling was solo viola-alta player m Wagner's orobestra at Bayreuth while it waß still under the per« sonal supervision of tbe great maßter. Herr Balling is supported by a oompany iaoluding a pianiste of well-known taste and ability, and by two vaoalists who are rapidly rising to distinction m their art. Labbikisism. — The Auokland Herald giveß tbe following wholesome advioe to young men :— We believe that Auokland has not reached anything like the position of Sydney, and that there is not here the organisation of gangs whioh we hear about las existing there. But the danger has appeared. We make our appeal m the first place to all these young men to reflaot upon what may be tbe oonsequences of as3ooiat-« ing themselves with any street gang. They | ought not to be idle m the evenings, to begin with ; and they ought not to think that lounging about tha streets is a perfectly innocent amusement. When they join a gang they do not know what crime they may be made participators m. If our young men will not listen to representations suoh as these, then there only remains that they must be dealt with severely by the law. If they associate m gangs they may be oertain that sooner or later some of them will be arrested for a freak of perhaps osec* tlie gatig. I ven a rescue is attempted, and a young man who has no criminal instincts whatever is made an inmate of a gaol, and is degraded for life. Slipped Up.— Two months' imprisonment with hard labour was meted out by the Stipendiary Magistrate m Wellington, to a young fellow named Harry Poulson, who tiled to do a smart thing, but blundered. Poulson went into the shop of W. Piper, tobacconist, on Saturday night, and bought a paoket of cigarette?, tendering a halfsovereign m payment. After getting the ohange he asked Mr Piper to let him have the half sovereign back again, and then pushing tbo 19a 6d across the oounter, said "Now give ma £1." An attempt at the old trick of " ringing ths obaDgas" was recognised by Mr Piper, who ordered Poulson out of tha shop. He left, but before doing so expressed his feelings m language painful and free, on aaoount of wbiob he was arrested. Poulson's version was that he was the worse for liquor and did not remember anything about the ooourrence. Mebsbb Lovedat Bboihebß have opened a branob m Blenheim under the management of T. Smale. Mrs Smale takes oharge of the millinery department. Loveday Bros, being direct importers, are prepared to give tbe best value for cash. They invite inspeotion before purchasing elsewhere. Address— Wairau Store, opposite Maeomo Hotel, ,

Tbue Philosopht.— -It has been truly said that the more foroe of oharaoter, the more originality, the moro honesty of purpose and sino rity of oharaoter a man possesses, bo does the bitterness of his detraotora increase m force. A philosopher onoa remarked that the worth of a man should be measured by the V itterneas of his detraotors rather than by the numbsr of fl itterera he possessed. Ho it is with the Empire Tea Company's blended teas : they have acquired suoh a splendid reputation for their worth that attempted detraotion, from shier foroe of superiority, has beoome inevitable. The Empire Tea Company are perfeotly willing to put their professions to ths tost, bsoauso. they have reaohed Buoh a high standard of exoellenoe m tea blending that no amount of detraotion oan blast their reputation. The Empire Tea Company's sales are larger now than they ever were— beoause the publio, the only judges, realise the faot that they are buying an article whioh defies oompetition. Surely "m the multitude of counsellors there is wisdom " ? A Dangeb to Sooisxt. — The O?oar Wilde soandal is a delicate subjeot for a newspaper to comment upon, but the Otago Times hBB managed to do it neitly. Dealing with the subjeot of baeo vioes historically, it is shown that great wealth accumulations and the aggregation of wealthy people m oitie* has always tended to produce immorality. From consideration of the past and present this lesson is drawn for lha guidanoe of the future: "That the labour of life, the work and struggle, the anxiaty and the worry whioh men and women are so apt to dread, are, after all, the great toaios of mind and body that preserve the human being against a descent m the moral soale. So that the parent who works and struggles that his children may live m idleness and luxury may be at one and the same tima sowing the seeds of their destruction and aviating m the degeneration of the race." Divoboed by Mistake. — Bather an amusing misadventure is reported to have ooourred m the Paris Divorce Court the other day. A well-known advooate appeared as counsel m a case before a judge who is noted for the expeditious manner m whioh he disposes of the actions brought bsfore him. In his hurry the judge, unfortunately, pronounced a decree divoroing the lawyer instead of his client, having somehow transposed the names. The error was at onoe noticed, and both the judge and the lawyer joined m the merriment ooooasioned m the court when the mistake was ootioed. Bible Tbanslation. — A new language has just been added to the Bible Society's long list, bringing up the total number to over 320. This time, as m some other reoent instances, the new version is for Africa. It is a translation of the Gospel of St Matthew into Kisukuma, the language of the Kisukuma people, whose country lies immediately south of the Yiotoria Nyanza. A Deluge of Dbbss Stuffs. — The winter trade is over for the wholesale bouses, and sooner than bold over tilljnext winter a late shipment of Winter Dress Good 3 they have Baorifioed them to us at less than landed coat. 200 pieces of allwool, double-width Dress Good.', m F.enoh twills and foule, m myrtle, fawa, cardinal, maroon, assorted breams, navy and assorted greys, Is 61 yard, or 9a the full dre3s ; honestly worth 4-61 per yard— ohesper than you oan buy them m England. 250 dozen Ladies' Woollen Knitted Singlete, m cream, light blue and pink ; m all siza3 (small women's, medium aod out size woman's), at Is eaob. They are honestly worth 4i 6d.— R. Allan —Advt. Bead 1 Mask I Leabn —The Marlborough Express has by far the largest circulation of any paper m the Marlborough Provincial District, finding its way into almost every bouse m tho Wairau, and oiroulates largely m all the surrounding oountry. This being so, the paper should oommend itself to advertisers as the one most likely to meet their requirements. The value of an advertisement depends upon the circle of readers jt reaches, a fact whiob should be taken iuto aooount by .business men. The advertis ing rates are very moderate, and specially low prioes are oharged for standing advertisements. Or course you all know that the great question of the day ia, " What shall wa drink ?" Now there are drinkd and drinks. Some there are which by continued use, injure the nervous system. Tea has this effeot. Others create after swallowing a heavy irritatiDg sensation, whioh is the precursor of dyspepsia and other distressing Bymptoms. Coffee Essence is added with treaole, burnt sugar, liquorice, etc., belong to this olass. There is nothing that has done so muoh m the reoeot past to m jars the popular taste for good ooffae, as the multitude of mixtures sold under the name of Coffee Esßenoe. Therefore do not be put off with imitations but use a genuine artiole and see that you get Crease's Al Coffee, the beßt procurable. " Fob th* Blood is the Lira." -Clarke's World-famed Blood Mixture is warranted to oleanse the blood from all impurities from whatever causa arising. For Scrofula, Sourvy, Eoz*m», Bid Legs, Skin and Btood Diseases, Pimples, and Sores of all kinds, its effects are marvellous Thousands of wonderful cures have been effected by it. Sold everywhere at 2a 9d. Beware o' worthless imitations.

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Marlborough Express, Volume XXXI, Issue 123, 17 May 1895, Page 2

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LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS. Marlborough Express, Volume XXXI, Issue 123, 17 May 1895, Page 2

LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS. Marlborough Express, Volume XXXI, Issue 123, 17 May 1895, Page 2