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THE Marlborough Express. Published every evening. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 23, 1895. LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS.

Important. — The Bummer sale at London House (Messrs Smale and Hay) is Btill going on, and great reductions on milinery, dress material and other useful goods are announced.

The Levin Memobial.— The amount subBoribed for the Levin memorial fund is £732. The money will be devoted to the establishment of the Levin Home for friendless ohildren.

The iWEATHEB.— Fine weather, with a blue Bky, was reported as prevailing throughout the oolony this morning, with a somewhat lower temperature m the South Island. The highest thermometer reading was 74' at Thames, and the lowest 58* at Inveroargill. Blenheim registered 68*.

Final Arbanoembrts. — With this evening'B paper appears an inset of the programme of the forthcoming ooncert m aid of the Bowing Club's funds. It will be Been that it excels by far any that the Club have yet placed before the publio. With a view of making the entertainment a thorough Buooess, the Club have hired a piano (by Bord) which is now being used by Mr Mason and his company of ten performers, who are busy rehear ing the negro farce and drama, whioh will be played m one aot.

The Telegraphic Breakdown. — The looal Department supplies the following :— Adelaide advises : " Afraid there is little prospect of getting business through on the Port Darwin lines tonight. The latter line is still down at Peake Creek. The second line, between Warrina and Oonmadatti was set free to-day, but afterwards failed between William Greek and Warrina. Perth aevises us that the Boebuok line is still working badly, and no cable business oan be passed (hat way at present."

Conobbt.— ln view of the Bowing Club's oonoert, which takes plaoe on Friday evening, the Hibernian Band are now busily engaged practising the following pieoes : — " Jerusalem," a new popular maroh, by Godfrey Parker; and quiok steps, "Caller Herrin'" and " Wearin' o 1 the Green," by Bamforth ; the original by Major Tamworth. The wonderful improvement which has been Bhown m the performances of this band of late is spoken of on all sides as being due to the energy displayed by Bandmaster Curry m the combined praotioes. As the public are always ready to appreciate good music, we oan predict a treat on Friday night.

Pollabd's Lilifutian Opera Company. — This popular lyric combination, after s most successful season m Wellington and southern oities, are about to pay Blenheim a visit for a season of five nights, wbioh is rather a plucky venture for Mr Pollard m suoh times as tb.BBB. The opening attraction will be Audran's oelebrated comic opera" Olivette," which, according to orilic3, is one of the best pieceß ever yet attempted by the juveniles. Tuesday will see the first produotion of " La Fills Da Tambour Major" ; Wednesday, "Ermine," founded on the story of Robert Maoara ; Thursday, •• Forty Thieves," with dresses and appointments as used at the Prinoess Theatre, Melbourne ; and Friday, last but not least, " The Merry Gondoliers" will be shown. With suoh a programme as this the playgoing publio of Blenheim have a treat m store for next week. We trust that Mr Pollard'B venture will meet with its just reward.

Wedding- Bells.— We have muoh pleasure m recording a very außpioious event which took place yesterday afternoon— the marriage of our popular townsman Mr R. F. Friddle, son of the late Captain Friddle, to Miss Mary Anne Horton, second daughter of Mr William Horton. The hymeneal bonds were effected m a quiet manger at the residence of the bride's father, m Stephenßon Street, only members of the families and a few intimate friends being present at the ceremony. Arohdeaoon Grace officiated. Immediately at the oonolußion of proceedings the happy oouple left for Pioton whence they departed for the North on the honeymoon trip. They have our hearty wißhes, and will have those of ell who know them, for the best of welfare under the new ciroumßtances of life.

Quality.— That's the point, for it is a matter of supreme importance m our food, whatever may be the opinion ot other artioles of inferior nature when it oomeß to Coffee we all want the best, and the demand for Cbease's A.I. Coffee shows the popular as'te, cm it js the best obtainable.

Inset.— An inset " booming " the great sale of ironmongery, eio, to be held by Mr F. 0. Litobfield, oomraenoing on Saturday next, is issued with to-day's Expbe9b. Shooting. — The fifth competition among the Martini shots of the local rifle oorps takes place to-morrow at the usual time, the conditions being 10 shots at 600 yd&, Stock Sale. —To-morrow, commencing at 2 p.m., will be held, at the yards m Maxwell Boad, the Loan and Mercantile Company's etock sale. The particulars are advertised. Personal.— Mr Hogg, aocountant at the Bank of New South Wales, has received notice of removal from Blenheim. Mr Marriß has arrived from Nelson to take his plaoe. Mr Hogg has not yet been acquainted with his destination. Many friends m athletic and social oiroles will be sorry to bear of his ooming departure. Blenheim Rifles.— The usual weekly parades of this oompany will commence on Thursday week, 31st inst. A meeting of the Shooting Committee and first class shootists is to be held to-morrow evening, at 7.30 p.m., m the Orderly room, to fix dates for final competitions of seoond and third olasses, arrange for tropbieß, eto. Obituary. — Death haß claimed an old settler m the person of Mr James H. H, Qreig, farmer of Dillon's Point Boad. Mr Greig had been Buffering for some time past from oancer, and passed away yesterday at about noon. He has resided m the distriot for a number of years, during wbioh be waß engaged m farming oooupation ; and was widely known and respected. He bad attained the age of 66 years. He leaves a widow, and a large family whioh inolude a number of grown up sons well-known m the distriot:. The funeral takes plaoe to-mor-row afternoon, Accident.— Some commotion was caused m town yesterday afternoon by the ao'ion of a horee attaohed to a sulky. Mr Joseph Fitzgerald, the occupant of the trap lost the reins, near the Masonio hotel, he dismounted and when he tried to reoover them from under the horse's feet, there was an equinal performance. The young man was at one time placed m a very uncomfortable position under the horse's feet, and it was feared that he bad been Eeverely kioked; but nothing worse was experienced than a few bruißes, a bent axle and few other trap damages. A Missing Boat.— The Colonist states that a boat, oalled the Cambria, of between two and three tons measurement, and wbioh left the Nelaon harbor last Tuesday for Cable Bay, has not reaohed its destination. It seems that the boat went away with only two boys m it, one a lad named Bead, of about twelve years of age, and whose father is a fisherman, living on the Haven road, and the other boy, named Wett, is said to be but little older. Search parties are out. [Later news states that the boat was dis« oovered all safe at Wangamoa,] Affiliation Case.— At the Magistrate's Court this afternooD, F. Hammond waß charged with having disobeyed an order to pay £2 a month made m an affiliation oase with Clara Benge. On the last occasion of appearanoe m Court, defendant was allowed time to find sureties for tbe payment of the money due, amounting, on the 10th of Deoember to £21. He pleaded that be did not understand the Magistrate's decision about finding sureties ; and that he had endeavored but failed to find the money. His Worship said that he could not let the matter run on any longer and that he must make the order for imprr sonment. Defendant said that he had only that day placsd a debt of £100 due to him, m a solicitor's hands, and had otherwise tried to ensure payment. Mr Rogers, complainant's solicitor, said that he would have be6n satisfied with even part payment. Eventually, on the oonsent of Mr Bogers, Hia Worship withdrew his order for imprisonment, and adjourned the oase till Friday, at 2 o'olock, to enable defendant to obtain the sureties— one of £20, and a personal recognizance of £20.

Sunday Obsebvanob. — The Bible Eoho, the organ of the Seventh Day Adventista, hammers away at Sunday observance, and never misses a ohanoe of making a point. It gets m one rather cleverly m the follow* ing: — Twelve hotelkeepers were tried, and fined m all £30, at Collingwood, Viotoria, for selling liqnor on Sunday. The report states that two constables of the Melbourne police foroe had been Bpeoially direoted to Collingwood for the purpose of acting as informants and scouring their oonviotion. We are sorry the liquor traffio is carried on on any day ; but why it is any worse to sell or drink liquor on Sunday than on other days we have never been able to comprehend. If it be urged that there are more people idle on that day, and consequently liquor drinking is likely to ba greater then than on other days, we reply that this is only another argument against the further Sunday legislation whioh requires men to be Idle on that day,

The Captain's Doa.— Aooording to the Bulletin, Captain M'lntosh, of the ill-fated Wairarapa, owned a Sootoh terrier, which invariably aooompanied him on bis voyages. Prior to the laßt departure of the boat the Captain and his dog were staying with a Si Kilda friend, but when the time came for sailing the dog was missing, and the ship that never returned pursued her course to the Barrier Island without it. When she had been gone a day or two, however, Toby reappeared at St Kilda, and has been there ever sinoe.

Insane.— On Sunday morning about 11 o'olock, a former resident of Canterbury, but who has latterly been living at Takaka, was observed to be acting so strangely m Trafalgar street, Nelson, that the attention of the polios was oalled to his condition. The unfortunate man was taken to the Polioe Station, where he was examined by Dootors Cressey and Gibbs, and upon their certifioateß was forthwith committed to the Asylum by the Stipendiary Magistrate.

Half-Holidax. — The town is divided whether it shall be Saturday or Wednesday. Keeping with the movement, we are selling the following at half price :— 120 Bets of ladiea 1 oollars and cuffs 2d a set, worth Is. Ladies' leather handbags la eaoh, usual price 4s 6d. 16 washing print oostumes 3b lid eaoh, cheap at 10s 6d. 24 dozen ladies' white and colored blouses, new shapß, la 6d each, cheap at 33 6d, beautiful goods. 18 dozen ladies' wide hem-stitohed bordered handkerchiefs 3d eaoh, well worth 9d, at B. Allan's.

A Wobd to The Wise.— The Marlborough ExpßEsshas by far the largest circulation of any paper m the Marlborough Provinoial Distriot, finding its way into almost every bouße m the Wairau, and circulates largely m all the surrounding country. This being so, the paper should commend itself to advertisers as the one most likely to meet their requirements. The value of an advertisement depends upon the oirole of readers it reaohes, a faot which should be taken into aooount by business men. The advertis ing rates are very moderate, and specially low prices are charged fox standing advertisements.

" How IS IT THAT OIABKB'S BLOOD MlXture" has obtained such great popularity ?" is a question that has perplexed many. The answer is, that it is unquestionably the fine f-i, [ ood Purifi er that Boienoa and medical ™2i« ft 7 a i htoa & h l to 1! 8bt. Thousands of wonderfQl owes have been effected by it. For Ssrofala, Scurvy, Eczema, Skin and a d ?W M ;f Bad Le 8 8 ' Pimplea, and Sores of all kinds, its effecta are marvellous. Sold everywhere at 2a 9d per bottle. Bewaie of useless imitations and substitutes,

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Marlborough Express, Volume XXXI, Issue 17, 23 January 1895, Page 2

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THE Marlborough Express. Published every evening. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 23, 1895. LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS. Marlborough Express, Volume XXXI, Issue 17, 23 January 1895, Page 2

THE Marlborough Express. Published every evening. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 23, 1895. LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS. Marlborough Express, Volume XXXI, Issue 17, 23 January 1895, Page 2