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f^H r*\ IBBBa!^^ j^mEkBK^BBB^B& C,j Woof P^\ fVI vBSEf /ar^wHHIHiRciESBSSHHHBiS^&^BE&Bo^HBIiH hj* "*" r™r—i O^A JfIS^HL tMBjK $Mm mm Off tS^ /jL JBF £bS&S^ r^n MANUFACTURED BY ODAMS' MANURE AND CHEMICAL COMPANY, LIMITED, LONDON. ESTABLISHED HALF A CENTURY. FERTILISERS. IF you want to secure LARGE and PAYING CROPS use ODAMS' SPECIAL and COMPLETE MANURES. Upwards of FOURTEEN HUNDRED THOUSAND TONS already sold, with increasing demand. FLUID DIPr~FLUID DIP. NON-POISONOUS. "R F.T T 4 "RT V For the EXTERMINATION of all Inseot Pests, Parasites, DISEASE, and XVDLIADULi Gema| affecting stocki TTNTTTO R .VI lQ Q uali ty- Examined by a Resident Chemist before packing for Transits An ABSOUiUl'VliTi LTJTE GUARANTEE OF UNIFORM QUALITY is therefore given. PRICES. In 40 gallon Casks ... ... ... 5s 6d per gallon. In 5 and 10 gallon Drums... ... ... 6s per gallon. ODAMS' IMPROVED POWDER SHEEP DIP Is certain Death to Ticks and all other Sheep Pests, and wards off Fly. Growth and Quality of Wool Improved. PRICES. £2 10s per cwt (m kegs.) In 21b, packets, ls per packet. Full directions for use on every packet. AGENTS. JOHN HOLMES AND COMPANY, MARKET STREET, BLENHEIM | and | GREY STREET, WELLINGTON. Nelson College. A VOBDEBFDLMEDICIIE. NORWICH UNION T*nva> nnTTunt. T «, T ttt -^ FIRE OFFICE. BOYS' COLLEGE.— Pbinoipal : Mr J. W. V>| | • "■>* 1 1| Joynt, M.A. ; Acting Principal : Mr W. X AA/) fi 9HI 0 Pi 110 S. Littlejohn, M.A. ; Lady Matron: UCDvlitllli 5 i 1115 " Familiar m their mouths as Jiomehold Miss A. M. OUivier \ words". — Shakespeare (Henrj y.) , GIRLS' COLLEGE. 1 Lad, P^oipal : uni^^" cd i 0 *»£** — Mi3sß.E. Gibson, m.a. SrSTwSSft PREMIUM INCOME . 1879,300. T . . —fr „ A &?/' \SS. SifflffiSffe LOSSES PAID . . £10,500,000. The regular course of instruction includes //Y vJ".\ diness. Fulness and English Language, and Literature, History t¥ VArv}^^V^^£SA -^ TTDT^_ ~ T and Geography, Classics, Mathematics, lw| IT - 1 pa I Drowsiness, Cold T>USINESB NOW EXCEEDS Modern Languages, Science, and Drawing. itM Pi LLS. /§/ HeatSo"? Ap^! J3 Premium InAt the Girls' Cnllapn P,l aqa Rirninrr end %O^\ ■ >.— » /SOI lite. Shortness of . . t at me uina uouege übbb emging and \3\ /£/ Brekth, Costiveness, comes average an annuaUxie«i3Srof Needlework are also taught. V$V S^J Sourv y and ? lotch . es or OCUV'^ "^ In addition to priz9S, there are thirteen turbedSleep, n Friß^ -*""' scholarships for boys and six for girls ._^ fdl DtsSms, and ail LOWEST RATES OF PREMIUM. , , .. „ _. , .. -->-*--- — s- Nervous and TremTK s n t S do°se Sl wiii Loss fr ° m Gas and Lightning beiidei" Provincial, Tioline, and Sobool give relief m twenty minutes. Covered. Commissioners' Scholarships. Every sufferer is earnestly invited to try one box At the Boys' College there is a cricket of s P ' lls> and they wi " be acknowled s«d to be Claims settled m Nelson promftilj ground, an asphalt tennis court, a gym- WORTH A. ©"DINEA A BOX. &nd liberally. naflinm and n n^fit nnriw At (hn flirla l For Females of all ages these Pills are invaluable, naaium, ana a oaaet 00rp3. At tbe liirlg as a few doses of them carry off all humours, and College there are two asphalt tenniß Courts £ rin S. about all that is required. No female should Afffints for TClfinhAim anH Wnirnn— . . f! .„ , _ „ be without them. There is no Medicine to be found Agents tor Uiennejm ana VYBiraa— and a gymnasium; Drill and Indian equal to Beccham'sPills for removing any obstruction T Trrly - T __. T __ „ ,--.-- Club exercises are practised regularly. SJ'SHSSS %*n LITCHFIELD & bON. Musio and Dancing are tstras. Tuition [ce s '°re females of all ages to sound and robust MARKET PLACE BIENHEDI ... . •3ji_..i_'kti health. This has been proved by thousands who ID the former IS provided by the Nfclson have tried them, and lound the benefits which are Sobool of Music. r ' n T dhy s e 'ilT „ T . . n . . CANTON INSURANCE OFFIC* For a Weak Stomach, Impaired Digestion, and For fees and further particulars apply tO all Disorders of the Liver, they act like magic, and (Marine.) All Contributors of the Secretary, College Office, Nelßon, or to mo^im^nant organsTthehuman machfne" °They business participate m the proMr Littlejohn. The first terms begins on strengthen the whole muscular system, re-store the „ „ x „.„-,' . , „ , fa l° n S ost complexton, bring back the keen edge of fits annually Wl'o Tata, MONDAY, 4th February. appetite, and arouse into action with the rosebud of . hc;llth '!"; whole Physical energy of the human LITCHFIELD & SON. AGENTS "KTELSON SCHOOL OF MUSIC. SK StS S JJ\ best guarantees to the Nervous and Debilitated is, ~ — Ppi s cipal-HERR MICHAEL BALLING, M^MMiSJ^ h }^ lum M A. COOK for five years student m the Conserva" BEECHAM'S MAC IC COUCH PILLS toire of Wurzburg, Germany, and for .As a remedy fw c^ hs . r • (Late of the Criterion Stables), Six years SOlo viola player at the Wagner Bronchial Affections, Hoarseness, Shortness of Festivals, m Baysreuth. SSanJ'fiX^flSS&Slffl %J "OXPRESSMAN AND GENERAL Managing Trustees— J. H. Cock, C. Y. Fell, are best ever offered to the public, and will "^ CARRIER, F.G.Gibbs,J. Graham, M.H.R..J.W. STy rfbSaft^^ nfgh^ttS 11f * m , m , . Jovnt A Pitt P^'itof rest. Let any person give BEECHAM'S Allred Dtreet, Jtilenneim, ' ' ' COUGH PILLS a trial, and the most violent Couj>h — — ~ will m a short time be removed. ' The OOUrse of instruction comprises , Prepared only, and Sold Wholesale and Retail PARCELS AT MODERATE RATES. mi_ . »» • »». «. . ... „ by the Proprietor, ' Theory of Music, Piano, Singing, Violin, Thoma3 gt> lft — end Orohestral Instruments, wind or m Boxes, is. lid. (containing 68 Piiis), and at 2s 9d Special arrangements made for Stringed. (treble quantity). '" " r . ° Rudimentary as well as advanced instruc. p ca i!° s ld e^ y :L?. ruggists and Patent Medicine removing Furniture, etc. tion will be given. N.8.-JFull Directions are given with each Box On payment of the fee, £2 2s, a permit to "' — — attend the o'aeses can be obtained from the CANTON TEA MART ALEX, ROBERTSON Secretary, which entitles each student to SPRING CREEK. Beleot for one term any two of the foregoing ALLAN SMIT H, subjects. Examinations will be held annu- the Highland Laddie, ally and certificates awarded. Students ROCER & PROVISION MERCHANT /^KNERAL STOREKEEPER who complete a three years' course success- \JT Mannekb Sirbet, Wellington, \JT and fully will reoeive a diploma. D rawß the attention of thrifty wives and DEALER IN PRODUCE. For further particulars apply to the careful housekeepers to the following Secretary, T. Blake Huff am, Hardy street, prices:— Nelson Flour—" People's Choice" : 251 b, 2s ; 501 b, The 'next term will commence on 4th £ f d d . ; lTk S V\omT" '' G °°£ k/„ ?»»«* February, 1895. OatmeaUSlb, 2s 8d ' B °°j?' an( J General MerchanSugar— No. 1, 9s per bag; No. 2, 8s 6d dlße always on hand. Candles—" Pyramid," s|d; "National," Bd London Wax, ls ; British Sperm, 8d Fresh Salmon, 8d ; Sardines, 4d MATnYRfYRnTTfnT WT?T?T7TV NOW READY. Mullet, 6d ; Findon Haddock, 8d MAttLtfUlttJUllH WLMIII Morton's Golden Syrup, 21b net, 6Jd NEWS _ Jams, 4d ;" X " Jams, 5d ' Kerosene, "White Rose," 150 deg. tost, PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY. water white, 5s per tin ; 9s 6d p6r oase KIRKPATRICK'S Neave>B Fooa> lld ' Allen & Hanbury'a, A SUMMARY of the latest well-seleoted per tin ; Nestles, ls 8d jCX Provincial and General News of the Arrowroot, -Id ; Cornflour, 2d Week. Printed and Published at the office NEW SEASON'S GOLD MEDAL Scott>B Emulsion, 4a ; Salt Regal, 2s 6d of the Mablboeough Expkess. Price, SixMarupa, 2g 6d ; Clements' Tonic, 3a 3d pence ; 6s 6d per quarter, or £1 per year, KBay Rum, Is ; St. Jacob's Oil, 2s 4d payable m advance ; poßtaee extra. BRAND Seigel's Syrup, 2s 8d; Trioopherous, ls 2d jjpwsage extra. Perry Davis' Painkiller, 6d SEND HOME A COP If Dr Soulo's Hop Bitters, 3s 2d — -_ ' RED CURRANT JELLY Warner's Safe Cure, 4s 3d ; Irish Moss, lld S J, IUENESS Holloway'B, Cockle's, and Seigel's Pills', per PROPRIETOR ' (In lib nett weight stone jars.) _ box ,< If ** J Beeoham'H, ls Id per box ™ Ui KIET OR. 1 * ' Warner's Safe PiHs, ls — Steedman's Soothing Powder, ls 2d " — Keating's Insect Powder, 7d and lo 2d 'RT'W'nWP r T"ll7'T"\n? Bosisto's Euoalyptus, lOd and ls 6d JJxll MJShXX XVV 111 Jh, rr\Elß JELLY ia made from the FINEST XK P S0I » Salts, per doz, 4d X Liebig's 2oa. jar, per jar, Is 9d SUPPORT LOCAL INDUSTRY, t^orr T-DTtr-n ,„ ,oTm»t. a Kepler's Extract of Malt, 2s 9d xi^uoini, FEESH FRUIT and No. 1 SUGAR, and Bj & Mt of Malt and Cod Liver Oil, 2s 9d T^ARMRRS ft^T,fl, a , a i n * aatw *t a A Cod Liver Oil, Is and 2s; Baiss Bros.' quart X .fl^f? a °£ c ?, 1 ?' e Sr Bte i l retains the full flavour ot the frait bottle, 3a £- are informed that Mr W. B Magneaia— Bishop's, Is Dinneford'e fluid •tabker haf been appointed local is. Couttb' Aoetic Acid, ls 9d agent fov sale of the Renne4 ' ls ' H °P S ' P Br lb ' lB 4d - WAIHOPAI BINDER TWINE, IMPORTANT NOTICE. THE best house manufactured by J. D. iremonger, jun,, TENT, TAEPAULIN, AND HORSE a supply always on hand. T H BROWN O LE breederof^ HITBaDd CLOTH ESTABLISHMENT. p O er B S? g EGGa w oHAPLTSTßlenheim.i.the T ONE BOX OF CLARKE'S 841 PILLS the las throes I have proved V • right man to deal with, he U™^ n ni dth^SiSS haye m fak S eS Ok ifc *S b p ßt *? Blenh^ '&T l0" ™ d ° f g° ods hi g h « orlonstnuLna?f, n Gravel afdlaiKThe Hhnla ?! firS «X P°u. try Association Wißhes to intimate that he haa a Back. Guaranteed free from Mercury, seconds and I M? ' 7 krgo Btock of tents »" sizes S^ m Boxes, 4s Gd each, by all Chemi»ta seconds, ana d uirds. (own m , lke)j algo . rnvnwT and Patent Medicine Vendors tbroughont 1892— 1 first and special, 2 seoonds, and 1 Tarpaulins &o ho a the World. Proprietors : The Lincoln and third at Blenheim Show. the Bhorteßfc r?i'« ' Q On Mid^nd Counties \Dbug Company, Lin--1893-4 firsts, 2 eeconds, and 1 third at me suor " eßt nou< f^_ coin, England Blenheim Show ; 1 first and 1 third at m- ,-, TT ._^ _ _ . r . IJIII . Wellington Show. W. CHAPLIN, :=::^^^" :ri 1894—4 firsts and epecial, 3 eeconds and 1 Next F. O. Litchfield, Ironmonger ' ruE MARLBOB ooon Expbess has long been third at Blenheim Show ; 4 firsts (win- ra noted for the excellence of its job printing ning silver cup) at Nelson Show. p, nTJ R . T „ ■ New type is constantly being added, m *&. Youcg Stock always for sale, tea tf Uit foALl^- o»J« t hat the office may be kept abreast of . "~~ tne times ' and tne greatest care ia taken tn Address • /CUSTOM HOUSE FORMS and «J>onle all work m a manner thaS S give J. D. IREMONGER, Jc, J^ P^MTBBOBY NOTES m «££%s£* SSft^kK? Percy street, Blephejnj, stoojk and on BAip at Expbess Office, oial work, at Wellington prices, oommer -

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Marlborough Express, Volume XXXI, Issue 16, 22 January 1895, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Marlborough Express, Volume XXXI, Issue 16, 22 January 1895, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Marlborough Express, Volume XXXI, Issue 16, 22 January 1895, Page 4