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♦ Educational. — About 400 candidates have entered for the November examinations of the New Zqal.xnd University for degrees, honours, Senior and Tinline Soholarships, and for admission to the legal profession. Chobal Societi. — The usual practice of the Choral Sooiety will be held to-morrow evening (Thursday), when it is to be hoped all members will attend, as the oonoert will take plaoe on the following Thursday. Footb.vll Social.— At a meeting of the Committee last evening, the aooounts m oonneo-ion with the recant football sooial were passed for payment, and a credit balance of 233 was shown. / A Whale — A whale About ten foot m length stranded on the White's Bay side of the Boulder Bank was found by Mr H. Rose and other natives yeßterday. Tbnsebs.— Tenders for ropaira to the shops of Messrs H. L. Jaokson and F. Mullen, damaged by fire yesterday, will be received until 4 o'olook to-morrow. Specifications are to be scon at Mr Douglas' office. Ibon Sans.— ln the House yesterday Mr Buiok presented a petition from Mr E Purser, of Blenheim, praying that a sum of money be put on the supplementary estimates to be given for a competitive examination for the best process for making a commercial suooess of our vast deposits of iron sand. The Weather.— Mild northerly weather was experienced throughout tbe colony this morning, rain falling at Nelson, Greymouth and Hokitika. The highest thermometer readings wore 63' Thamc3 and Buasell, and the lowest 43' at Bealy. The Blenheim record waß 60-. Flax.— A satisfactory trial of the flaxdressing machine invented by Mr B. Orr, of the Lower Hutt, haß been made at Cable & Co/s foundry m Wellington. Several ex*>' perts were present, and the manner m whioh the maohine did its work was rauoli admired. The White Ant.— Captain Broun, the Auokland entomologist has traced the white ant to puriri, and advised that this wood should not be used for piles. Kerosene will not kill the inseot, but the fumes of prussio acid and alcohol will. Wife Desertios.— At the Christchuroh . B.M. Court, the man Franoi3 Eden, (who it , will be remembered recently appeared be- . fore Mr Allen), was oharged with deseiting , his wife. Mr Cresswoll appeared for do- [ fendant, who denied tho charge. After ; hearing the evidence of the complainant, - the Magistrate dismissed the case. 5 Alleged Desertion. —At the Magistrate's p Court this morning, before Mr Allen, S.M., } a oase m whioh Margaret Sandiford, of North Bank accused her husband, John [ Sandiford, of unlawful desertion of herself [ and three children without leaving adequate i means of support, was called up. There 5 was no appearanoe of either party, and the [ oase was struck out. i Cruelty to Animals.— A singular case of ' oruelty is reported from South Makara, [ (Wellington.) Last Saturday a dairyman named William Trotter discovered that Baveral of his cows had been shot at with , wooden arrows, eaoh of which had a wire 1 nail at its end. One cow had no loss than i five arrows Btuok into it. The polioe have ; laid informations against two boys who are ■ supposed to have been the perpetrators of i the outrage.

Catholic Social.— The sooial which takes place this evening m Ewart'a Hall being the last of this season's series has been regarded as a special oooasion, and the promoters have made arrangements, accordingly, to carry out the proceedings with appropriate 6olat. Speoial attention is being bestowed upon the floor of the ball. We have no hesitation m predioting a very large attendance. Has.— A sensational affidavit has been sworn by a labourer m Melbourne named M'Mahon. He states that a well-kDown member of Parliament asked him to eign a paper whioh he afterwards discovered was a transfer of 36,800 shares m the Australian City and Suburban Investment Banking Company, now m liquidation. M'Mahon now finds himself liable for over 40,000, and seeks to have his name removed from the list of contributors. Fiokpoceets. — The Empire City seems to be the happy hunting ground of the pickpockets, and they evidently thrive m their profession, as persons are oontinually bsiog relieved of valuables, even m broad daylight. Jast before the Mararoa left the Wellington wharf for Auokland the other day, two ladies, who were leaning over the bulwarks wishing their friends good bye, had their purses taken from their pockets, one containing over £7 and the other £2. These are favorable opportunities for the thief, and travellers should bewaro. Funeral.— There was a large attendance at the funeral of Mr W. W. Compton, late Custodian of the Government Buildings, whioh took place this afternoon, About 40 members of the Loyal Marlborough Lodge of Oddfellows oomposed the oortoge. Corresponding Secretary Fowler aoted as Marshall, and P.P.G.M.'s Gilleßpie (Soorotory), H. Silvius, Jo3eph Taylor, E. Rabbits, R. D. Nosworthy and Bro. G. Moroom were the bearera of the coffin. P.P.G.M. Seoretary Gillespie read the funeral service at the grave. At the meeting of the Lodgs this afternoon, a vote ef thanks was passed to Miss Gillespis for tha presentation, m the name of the Oddfellows, of a handsome wreath of flowers. PHOTaQBAFHT.—Mr Danton who spent the winter months hare on a visit to Mr A. J. Litohfleld sent some of his work to the Photograph Exhibition held at the beginning of this month at Christohuroh, and his many looal friends will read with interest tha following oritioism clipped from the Lyttlaton Times of the 11th inst :— " The Wellington exhibits, whioh number nearly sixty, are, as a whole about the best m tbe Exhibition. The work is very high clbbb, both artistically and teohnioally. . . . Mr Frank J. Denton's are noteworthy for the excellent atmospherio effeots and pleasing tone. He aho sends ona of the prettiest little studies m the Exhibition— A child standing under an apple tree. A group is efleotive, aad altogether Mr Denton shows some of the best work m the seotion." We understand that Mr Denton while hore took " shots" at many of oar looal beauty spots. Football.— A meeting of the General Management Committee of the Bugby Union was held last evening at the Criterion Hotel. The secretary was instructed to acknowledge the receipt of a Utter from the New Zealand Union saying that tha Manawatu Union had sent m a notification that a visit would be paid to Wellington, Marlborough, and Nelson next season; and another letter regretting that the arrangements of the New South Wains tour could not be altered for Marlborough's benefit. It was resolved to work up an art union, and a committee oonßißtiog of Messrs Horton, Dunn (2), Priddlo, Pasley, Dodson, Carmine, Crawshaw, nnd L. Griffiths was appointed to make arrangements. Mr Griffiths' (manager and captain) report of the northern tour was read and adopted, and the Union expressed to Mr Griffiths their indebtedness for the able manner m which he had conduoted the tour. Messrs Pasley and Priddle were appointed auditors for the northern tour balance-sheet. Forious Driving.— At the Police Court this Imorning, Messrs G. Bedwood and A. MoLauchlan J.P.s on the Benoh, T. Storey was charged with having on the 19th of September driven a horse andoart at « other than a walking paoo" round the oruer of High and Market Streets. Aooused pleaded guilty. Bergt.-Major ScanUo explained that he could not overlook tha oaae as there were Beveral traps and paople about at the time of the ooourrenoe. and the paoe was very dangerous. Mr C. Bedwood said he had seen the ooourrenoe himself, and considered it unwarranted. The Benoh inflicted a fine of da with costs 7s. Accused protested that tha Police had no right to Eummona him under the ciroumstaanonp. Sergt. -Major Soanlan maintained that he had a perfect right to enforce the bye-laws; and be was determined to do so. The Benoh said that enforcement of such laws was part of the duties of the polios. Aooused paid tbe fine saying that he had bean legally advised that the police could not summons him for a breaoh of the bye-laws, and that he would further teat the oase. Borne Ppomibino Secdbities.— There was an amusing discussion on Monday night (says tbe PoBt) on the nature of securities upon which advances should be made. Captain Russell was objeoting to advances being made on town property. Other members, inoluding Mr Montgonmy, oontended that the advances should be on land only and to farmers, whereupon Sir Robert Stout suggested that if advances were to be made to farmers why should they not be made to manufacturers? They were m need of advanoes often. Captain Russell here Blyly suggested that there were other classes of security upon whioh it was difficult to get advanoes. Tako, for instance, raoehorses. It was often difficult to get loans on racehorses. Tet a racehorse was an improving security. Amidst general laughter Mr Thomson queried how would the 36 years' . term affect the valua of the security ? Captain RubboH smilingly responded that that was a mere detail. But look at all the men supported by raoehorsea, and how much they could assist the struggling racehorseowner by oheap money. Mr Ewnshaw urged, for the bonefit of struggling townsfolk, advanoes on clothing. The discussion on the clause lasted several hour?, and then progress was reported. Hollowat's Pills — Weary of Life.— Derangement of the liver is one of the most effioient causes of dangerous diseases and the most pro'ifio of these melanoholy forebodings whioh are worse thnn death itself. A few doses of those noted Pills act mngici ally m dispelling low spirits and repelling the covert attacks made on the nerves by excessive heat, impure atmosphere, overexhausting excitements. The moßt shattered constitution may derive benefit from Holloway's Pills, whioh will regulate disordered action, braoo the nervas, inoreaathe energy of the intellectual faculties, ane revive the failing memory. By attentiveld studying the instructions for taking theey Pillß, and obediently putting them m praoe tioe, the moßt despondent will soon fee-1 confident of a perfeot recovery. Worth* or Attention. — A pin pointing upwards from an easy chair often oauses more attention than it deserves, but does not reoeive an enoore. So people who have used other Coffees and had no satisfaction, are not likely to purchase them again, but after buying Ghhash'b A.I. Coffbe they will always, see they get it, foe it is the best

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Marlborough Express, Volume XXX, Issue 225, 26 September 1894, Page 2

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LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS. Marlborough Express, Volume XXX, Issue 225, 26 September 1894, Page 2

LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS. Marlborough Express, Volume XXX, Issue 225, 26 September 1894, Page 2