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CANTON TEA MART ALLAN~SMITH, The Highland Labdib, f^i ROCER & PROVISION MERCHANT VT MANNEBS SIBEET, WELLINGTON, Draws the attention of thrifty wives and careful housekeepers to the following prioes :— Flour—" People'B Choice" : 251b, 2s ; 501b, 4s 3d; 1001b, 8s 6d. "Atlas": 251b 2s 4d; 501b, 4s 6d; 1001b, 9s Oatmeal, 251b, 2s 8d Sugar— No. 1, 9s per bag ; No. 2, 8s Gd Candles— "Pyramid," sJd; "National," 8d London Wax, Is ; British Sperm, 8d Fresh Salmon, 8d ; Bardines, 4d Mullet, 6d ; Findon Haddock, 8d Morton's Golden Syrup, 21b net, 6Jd Jams, 4d; "K" Jams, 5d Kerosene, "White Bose," 150 deg. teßt, water white, 5s per tin ; 9s 6d per oaße Neave's Food, lid ; Allen & Hanbury's, per tin ; Nettle's, Is 8d Arrowroot, 4d ; Cornflour, 2d Soott'e Emulsion, 4s ; Salt Begal, 2i 6d Marupa, 2s 6d ; Clements' Tonic, 3s 3d Bay Bum, Is ; St. Jacob's Oil, 2s 4d Seigel's Syrup, 2a 8d; Trioopberous, Is 2d Perry Davis' Painkiller, 6d Dr^Soule'B Hop Bitters, 3s 2d Warner's Safe Cure, 4s 3d ; Irish Moss, lid Holloway's, Cookie's, and Seigel's Pills, per box, Is 2d ; Beecham's, Is Id per box Warner's Safe Pills, la Steedman's Soothing Powder, Is 2d Eeating's Inseot Powder, 7d and Is 2d Bosisto's Euoalyptuß, lOd and Is 6d Epsom Salts, per dsz, 4d Liebig's 2oz. jar, per jar, 1b 9d Kepler's Extract of Malt, 2s 9d Extract of Malt and God Liver Oil, 3s 9d Cod Liver Oil, Is and 2s; Baiss Bros.' quart bottle, 3s Magnesia— Bishop's, Is Dinneford'B fluid, Is. Coutts' Aoetio Aoid, Is 9d Rennet, 1b ; Hops, per lb, Is 4d. THE BEST AND CHEAPEST HOUSE IN THE CITY. NOW BEADY. ITIRKPATRIOK'S BRAND JT BRAND NEW SEASON'S RASPBERRY JAMS. ne weight. GLASS JABS. Made from FBESH FRUIT and best No. 1 white oryatallized eager. AND WE aUABANTKE IX ABSOLUTELY PUBE. S. KIRKPATRICK AND CO., Manutaotubebs, NELSON. BINDER TWINE. SUPPORT LOCAL INDUSTRY. T7ARMERB and others interested, _T are informed that Mr W. B, Pabeeb has been appointed local agent for the sale of the WAIHOPAI BINDER TWINE, a Bupevior article manufactured by H. G. Bull. A SUPPLY ALWAYS ON HAND. li K.VLTII AND LUTE TO THE SICK. jSJOLLO WAY'S OINTMENT. DISEASES OF THE SKIX. Univci'otil ni)|)i'obatiou Ims been awarded to this famous Oiiitmont for ita oilicieuuy iu re moviujf diseases of tlio Ekiu. I'or scrofula, scurry, Kcalo fiends, nnd ail eruptioua of tlio skin, both in infancy jiud iu maturor yeur.s, uo romedy cm Ijo bo tipplicd which so quickly cures ps lljlloway'B Ointineut. Iu tho mir-xry it slio'ild always bo at hand to ease tke l.'/.inj' skiu aii'cctious to which tha majority of children aro liable. In all he;itnu«l tooth rashes the Oint•••jiit is wonderfully soothing aud ciiratiTO. Td .Hjtdiors, suilors, miner*, aud truvelJers in '<>veii;u lauds it is invaluable. SOItES, WODND6, BiD BREASTS, BAJ) LEGS. Iu this class of maladies au liiiproToincnt/r, the appearauco of tho disease of tho patieut fol-'on-s thu first drcssiny with the Oiutineut. It must not only bo smeared on the wour.l or tore, but bo briefly rubbed for some inches round about tho diseased, swollen or piiinlul parts. It will penetrate to tho blood tosscls, uervpt and muscles, imdeveuto the bone, and wi)'. t nereis© most wliolesomo healing and piirifj.'Ug power over every tissue requisite for Miorottfjli rospira tion. Tho eirect of the O'jitnuKifc is iucroased by fomoutiug wilh Wiirm ■iviifor beforo tho Ointineut is rubbed in; Imt sores, wheu licaliuy, should never bo cleansed •vir-ii. sjiougo or auytliing else, as the j'oung :!iid few flesh, which ajipeai-s like a crca>u, would be mished uway. BLOOD TO THE MEAD, APOPLEXY. Nolhiufj give3 so much caso in these con: pluiiits from which so many surfer, as llol'o. way's cooling aud healing Oiutineut. Wh<iu rubbed upon the spiue it nets ouer^ctically iu drawing surplus blood from tho brain, even to children iu teething; thij Ointment lias a Miraculous eilee- iu preventing fits and convul. sious, so often atceudaut on tooth-cutting. Tlv" 'Sills should be used according to the direcb'oui, BHEUMATISJI, OOUT, STIFF JOIHTB. Everyone suffering from theso painful afffic tions, slioult* uso this puiifjlng Oiutnieut, as it hi-.s reacuod thousands from a life torture, after every other means had heen tried In Taiii. The Ointment should be well rubbed into the skiu at Kut twice a day, after it has been properly fomented with warm salt and water, aud dried. Tho inflammation soon yields, and the patient, no louder helpless, resiunos his accustomed occination. GLANDULAR SWELLINGS, BRONCHITIS, HUMPS, SOISE THROAT, AKD DIITHEKIA. To combat these diseases with success, a remedy is required which will havo the wliolo absorbent system tinder its control. Such n romedy is Holloway's Ointment. When rubbed ou tho skiu it penetrates tho glands, and ro. moves auy obstruction or impurity which may bo impeding their healthy action. This Ointment acts on tho very mainspring of life, for Mironjfh tho glands pass all the new matter re. quired fov tho body's reparation ; in all tlio class of cases tho Ointment aud Pills, used conjointly, will act so soarchingly aud certainly an . to eU.'oc. L . cures iu most deplorable cases. ITSTULA3 AND PILES. All inflammations and ulcerations of sensitive pnrts may be presently relieved, aud ultimately Hired, by the diligent use of this cooling nud liculins Ointment, aided twico daily by bathnig Mio p:irfcs iu cold water. Immcdiato easu pi'iugs from this treatment j perseverauco is accessary to effect a permanent cure. ASTHMA, SHORTNESS Or BREATII. Iu these complaints the Ointment should bo well rubbed twico a day on the chest, aud be-tn-ecn tho shoulders, it will penetrate to tho lungs, stimulate them to reuowel cixrtious, preveut stagnation of blood, moderate the pul. siitious of tho heart, regulate the current of air through tho bronchial tubes, and thus eifecfc n permanent cure. BoJ7» Ili9 Oinlment and Pills should he used in the following cases:— Bad Logs Corns (Soft) Rheumatism U:id lireasta Cancers Scalds Burns Contractedand Sore Niples Umiiong SLiil Joints Soro-throats Bitoof Mosqui- Elephantiasis Skin-diseases toes aud Saud- Fistulas Scurvy Flics. Gout Sore-heads Uoco-bay Glandular Tumourd Chio.TO-foofc Swellings Ulcers Chilblains Lumbago ■ Wounds Uhappod Hands Piles Yaws Sold at tho Esrablisinnent of Puofessor Holloway, 533, Oxford Street, London ; also by .ill respectable Druggists and Dealers in Modi, cine throughout tho civilised world, at tbo frl. lowing prices : It lid, 2s 2d, 4r D E M P S E Y. BLENHEIM AND EENWICKTOWN. THE best Saddler in tho Province, and tke obeapeat, Repairing of every description.

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Marlborough Express, Volume XXX, Issue 81, 7 April 1894, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Marlborough Express, Volume XXX, Issue 81, 7 April 1894, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Marlborough Express, Volume XXX, Issue 81, 7 April 1894, Page 4