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The Marlborough Express. Published Every Evening. FRIDAY, APRIL 6, 1804. LOCAL AND GBNERAL NEWS.

4— Meteorological.— Captain Edwin wired at 12.15 p.m. :— " Strong northeast to north and west winds, and glass falling." Meeting. — The Marlborough Licensed Victuallers hold a meeting to-night at the Criterion Hotel at 7.30 o'clock. H A C.B.S. — A summonfd meeting of this Society is called for Tuesday next at 7.30 p.m. Road Forming.— Good horses and a driver are required by the Awatere Road Board to work tho road^forrniDg machine near Flax« bourne. Finrd.— At tho race meeting yostarday two jockeys were fined £1 each at the starting post, — Ward the rider of Leo m First Hack Flat Handicap, and Connoa, tin rider ef Chatterb»x m the Biverlinds Handioap. Buhinkß3. —Mr T. Ball, hairdros3or, announces a re-opening, m premises next to Mta Penney's to-morrow. Chargss for haircutting etc. will be reduced, and the ÜBUal goofis pertaining to a tobacconists business will bo sold at low prices. Arrest. — A man giving the name of Thompson has been arrested at Westport for stealing a horse, Baddls and bridlo at Pelorug Valley. Ho had sold the property to a settler for £3 10a. Tho arredt was made on a descriptive telegram from tho Nelson police. The Sidney Markets.— The latest Sydney quotations are : — Whsat, chiok, 2j 2d to 2i 3d ; flour, best roller, £7 10a to £8 , oota, quiet, bright heavy feeding, 2a 3d ; belt seed, 2a 8d ; maize, prime, 2s ; barley, Cape, 23 lid to 3a; bran, 7£d ; pollard, 7d ; potatoes, looal grown, £2 loa to £3 ; circular heads, £3 15s to £4; onioaa, £5 10s; butter, dairy made, 5d to 7d ; factory, 7d to 8d ; cheese, prime, 3£d; bacon, best, 6Jd. Horsk Sale. — At the conclusion of Che race meeting at Rivorlands yeitarday, Lao and Abe, two of the horns that had contested during the meeting, were offered for Bale by Mr J. B. Green, but failed to produca a bid at the reserve prioes. F. Ward's Lao (Leos-Heather Bell), the wion«r of the Second Hack Flat (Handicap of the first day was withdrawn at £29, and the three-year-old, Abe, (Gapsize-Ides) did Hot produoe an offer. Lawn Tennis. — Blenheim v. Pioton. Ths return mstch between these olubs was played m delightful weather last Wednesday en Nelson Square, and attr&oted numerous Bpeotators m the afternoon, more especially towards the time when afternoon tea was bounteously provided for the visitors. Our plajers were m better form than on the last occasion — more especially the ladies. Timo did net suffice to nearly finish the matches— too late a start being mada. Hub Hay defeated Miss B. Farmar; Miss S. Philpotts Miss Farmar ; and Misi M. Seymour Miss Paisley. Several of tho gentlamen'B sets and tho doubles were very clote, but the looal plnyera were m each iastauoo defeated, though by no means diegracsd. — Press. Whit is a Lodger. — In the Dunedin Banco Court, William Knott, hotelkeepar, of Mofgiol, appealed against a decision of Mr Care ?, R M., fining him for supplying drink on Sunday. The appellant maintained that the Magistrate was wrong m finding that the person supplied was not a bona iide lodger, The person referred to had engigad a room for a week, and after two days left the hotel and slept elsewhere, leaving bis clothes at the hotel The appellant maintained that hiring a room constituted lodgership, irrespective of aotual domicile. In the agreement it appeared that there were no cases under the New Zealand statutes defining a lodger. The Judge intimated that he was not prepared to support appellant's view, but would look into the matter further. * Obituaby.— We(WanganuiChroniole) are /sorry to recard the death of Mrs F. Field, the third daughter (Clara) of the late MrD Kitchen. Mrs Field had been m a weak state of health for many months past, and succumbed at last to a general break up of the system at mid-day yesterday. Mrs Field, who was better known perhaps as Miss Clara Kitchen, was not many years ago a prominent figure m our musical ciroles, and her services m this direction for charities and other local objects will not be readily forgotten. We may say that her services bq a songstress of no mean order were, m the days of her health, available all up and down the coast from Palnserston to New Plymouth, and the pleasure given to her audiences will doubtless be thecaus9 of her memory being ever green amongst us. I Deceased was well-known m Blenheim, where the family at one timo resided ] Wbathbb Observations.— The following is a summary of the weather experienced during the month of March, the observations being taken at 9 a.m. daily: — Barometer: The highest readings reoorded were 30*38 on the Ist, xnd 3039 on the 13th ; the lowest were 29 07 on the lTth (the glass falling steadily each day from 30-39 on the 13th) and 29 66 on the 30th. Thermometer : The maximum temperature registered was 70' on the lGthand 27th, and 69 on the 6th; the minimum reading was 54- on the 31et, the ooly occasion on which the temperature fell below 59* during the month. Rain fell on eight days, heavy rain falling on the lGth and 17th. Thb general direction of the wind was S.W. to N.W , but the month was remarkably free from heavy wind*, excepting a W.N.W. moderate gale on the sth, and a S.E. gale on the 17th. Calms were recorded upon 18 morningß. Compared with the correspond ing month for 1893, there was a more even range of temperature last month. In March, 1893, the highest reading recorded wa« 72- on the 22nd, and tha lowest 50' on the 14th, 26th, and 27th, and 55' on five morniDgrf; wheroas for last month the thermometer only fell below 60 1 on two occasions, viz., 54' on the 3lßt and 59' on the r.Hb. f A Serious Charge.— At the Police Court this afternoon at 2 o'clock before Mr J. Allen SM. An information waalaid by the Police against Francis J. Costello, licensee of thn Commercial Hotel m that he did on the 19ih day of February, 1891, atßlenheim, unlawfully and mblicioutly wound his son, Francis Costello, about 11 years of age, by beating him with a rope with intent to do him grievous bodily harm. SergtMajor Scanlan conducted the prosecution, and Mr Rogers appeared for accused. Mr Rogers asked for an adjournment for half an hour to procure fre>h evidence, which was granted. On resuming fit half-past two, Mr Rogers informed Hia Worship that he had gone to visit accused at the hotel, to request bis presence at Court. He found him m bed, suffering from tbo *■'? c!;: of drink, p.nd m a totally unfit stale 1 ; appear. He had nothing to do but leave thn oasie m the handfl rf H«« Worship. Serßt.-Major Scanlan s*H tint ho thought accused had been drinking rather heavily Rinon liin treatment of the child. His WorBhip eoid that under tho new Criminal Code Aot it was not necessary that accused should be proscnt, but he thought it advisable to adjourn the case. If accused was not present on Monday at 10 30 a.m. he would grant a warrant for hie arrest m order that ho might rfceive curative treatment to render him fit to appear. A Grave Bomjbct.— "Bohemian," m tho Chris'chutch Press, aaya that the latest phase of tho photograph fiend is the man who hunts up the names of all tho widowers m the place aad then take pictures of their deoeased wives' graves, whioh he offers for sale at the back door. Where the bereaved one has consoled himself with a " second" this leads to painful domestic embarrassments. In a northern town, whero tho cemetery commands a view of the harbor, the fiend has discovered an ingenious way ef commending his pictures. " Buy a photo of your deceased wife's grave nir?" "No, thank you." " Beautiful picture, pir ; foliage of the cypresses perfect ; evory detail on the inscription oomes uut quite plain ; do you notice it — ' Ereoted by a sorrowing husband.' All complete, sir; only eighteenpenoe." " No, I tell you." " But ju-jt look at the pioture — lovely bit of sea m the background ; (juito u'tistio." " No, confound you !" "If you like to give me sin order I'll tike it again— and if I waited I might perhaps get a ship into the background," At this eUf?e the " sorrowing husband" generally begins to kick. Betthr to be Sorb Than Sorry.— To prevent mould spots, ifco , on your buttnr and packages for export, paint your boxes or kegs with a solution of Salsalino. A chilling pooket makoa one gallon. Odourless and harmlesa ; sold every where.— Advt. ,

Cookery Sciiooij —An announcement of considerable importance to all housekeepers, Rnd m Bhort to eveiy member of the female box who is concerned m the welfare of the kitchen and table, ia made by Miaa Ada Wardrop, diplomos of Marshall's Schoal of Cookery Lesson, London. A free demonstration oookint; lesson will be given to-morrow, m Ewart's Hall, commenoing at 3 o'olock. Dishea will be cooked before tho audience, and such a novelty should attract a large attendance. Money. — The punedin Star'a London correppondent writer : — An advertisement, more or less directed to tho children of John Dunkerly," who ia supposed to havo died about 18G0, and who was a brother of William Dunkerley, late of MacGlesfiMd, who died m December, 1863, appeare m thi " perßonal" column of Tho Times p/lvortisements to-day, (Friday, Fobruiry 9). Some of these children are supposed to bo resident m New Z3aland, and are apparently entitled to money undei the will of Mr William Dunkerloy, CiTit, Casks.— At the Civil Court this morning, before Mr J. Allen 8.M., the fellowiug bminesa vras transacted :— S. J. KHrness v. Profeanor Uobt. White, phrenologist and physiognomist, £3 2i Gi, claim for advertising rates m the Marlb .rnouaii Exprkbs. The case had baen ad j turned from last week to allow time for the arrial of the evideace of defendant at Nelson. Defendant objected to the charge per inch and wished to be charged the ordinary local rates. He aI3T objected to being oharg*d wiik regard to the number of insertions, the space oocupied, and for a supply of sepera<e printing matter, maintaining that it was supplied gratis with the advertising. He submitted a contra account of 10 j. Judgment was given for plaintiff with fu costs ; the contra account was allowed, on the consent of plaintiff, who eaid that hn had submitted to what was understood to be a free delineation of character, m order to relieve himeelf of the importunity of the professor. Win. Crai* v. Wm Sutherland ; adjourned. J. Whitling v. Mrs W. B. P, OloHston, £1. Mr Conolly appeared for defendant. Plaintiff, sworn, eaid that an arrangement had been made that he shouW sink a well at the defendant's house, and if he obtained wator hs was to be presented with a pair of boots, and if he failed ho was to give a pair of boots, priae n#t to exesed £1. He obtained the water and the boots, and defendant did not wish to pay. Crossexamined, he said that the matter had not arisen out of a joko m which an " everyday " expression of a feet wia used. If Mr Clouston had not proceeded against him m the Court come time ago for the sum of 10a 6d he would net havo taken any action, but ha did not like being " had." The caee was adjourned for a week to allow of fresh evidence being procured. New and Beoond hand Furniture for pale, cheap ; also several lines of Drapery and Clothing. Sewing Machines from 10s each on sale or hire. One Tip Dray for sale or exchange, Washing Machines, Meat Safes, Chiffonier?!, 2 Chests of Drawers, 2 Stoves, 1 Range, 3 Guns, Books and Fancy Gooda. M. Shale, Wairau Store.

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Marlborough Express, Volume XXX, Issue 80, 6 April 1894, Page 2

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The Marlborough Express. Published Every Evening. FRIDAY, APRIL 6, 1804. LOCAL AND GBNERAL NEWS. Marlborough Express, Volume XXX, Issue 80, 6 April 1894, Page 2

The Marlborough Express. Published Every Evening. FRIDAY, APRIL 6, 1804. LOCAL AND GBNERAL NEWS. Marlborough Express, Volume XXX, Issue 80, 6 April 1894, Page 2