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CANTON TEA MART A L h A N~~S M I T H, The Highland Laddie, /^ ROCER & PBOVISION MERCHANT VJT Manners Street, Wellington, Draws the attention of thrifty wivea and careful housekeepers to the following prices: — Flour— " Peoplo's Ohoioe": 251 b, 2a ; 501 b, 4a 3d; 1001 b, 8s Gd. "Atlas": 251 b 2a 4d ; 501 b, 4s 6d ; 1001 b, 9a Oatmeal, 251 b, 2s 8d Sugar— No. 1, 9s per bag; No. 2, 8s 6d Candleß—" Pyramid," sJd ; "National," Bd London Wax, Is; British Sperm, 8d Fresh Salmon, 8d ; Sardines, 4d Mullet, 6d ; Findon Haddock, 8d Morton's Qolden Syrup, 21b net, 6Jd Jams, 4d; "X" Jams, 5d Kerosene, " White Rose," 150 deg. teat, water white, 5a per tin ; 9a 6d per oaae Neave'e Food, lid ; Allen & Hanbury's, per tin ; NeEtle's, la 8d Arrowroot, 4d ; Cornflour, 2d Scott's Emulsion, 4s ; Salt Regal, 2s 6d Marupa, 2a 6d ; Clements' Tonio, 3b 3d Bay Rum, Is ; St. Jaoob'B Oil, 2s 4d Seigel's Syrup, 2a 8d ; Trioopherous, la 2d Perry Davis' Painkiller, 6d Dr Houle'e Hop Bitters, 3s 2d Warner's Safe Cure, 4« 3d ; Irish Moss, lid Holloway'a, Cockle'B, and Seigel'B Pills, per box, la 2d ; Beecham's, la Id per box Warner's Safe Pills, la dteedman's Soothing Powder, la 2d Beating's Insect Powder, 7d and 1b 2d Bosisto's Euoalyptus, lOd and Is 6d Epeom Salts, per doz, 4d Liebig's 2oz. jar, per jar, 1b 9d Kepler's Extraot of Malt, 2s 9d Extraot of Malt and Cod Liver Oil, 2s 9d Cod Liver Oil, Is and 2s; Baiss Bros.' quart bottle, 3s Magnesia— Bishop's, Is Dinneford'a fluid, Is." Coutte' Acetio Aoid, Is 9d Rennet, Is ; Hops, per lb, la 4d. THE BEST AND CHEAPEST HOUSE IN THE CITY.

NOW READY. jZ-IRKPATRIOK'S BRAND "J^ BRAND NEW SEASON'S RASPBERRY JAMS. ne weight. GLASS JARS. Made from FRESH FRUIT and best No. 1 white crystallized BUgsr. AND WE GUARANTEE IT ABSOLUTELY PURE. 8. KIRKPATRICK AND CO., Mandjaotdbebs, NELSON. BINDER TWINE. SUPPORT LOCAL INDUSTRY. FARMERS and others interested, are informed that Mr W. B, Paeeeb has been appointed local agent for the sale of the WAIHOPAI BINDER TWINE, a superior article manufactured by H. G. Bell. A SUPPLY ALWAYS ON HAND. liKALTH AND LIFE TO THJ? SICK. [lOLLOAVAY'S OINTMENT. -H. DISEASES OF THE SKIN. Universal ii]i|)rnbution has boeu awardod to this f uiiotis Ointment for its efficiency iv removing ilisyasus of the nkin. I'oi- scrofula, riiiiii-vy, sc;ile Jk;;i(l3, undf ull eruptioua of tho siuij.both iv infancy and m maturor years, no remedy i:;i:i be so applied which so quickly cures t:s HjK-r.vay's Ointmcut. In tho mirsovy it should ;iiw:iys bo ut liuud to ease tUe niauy- skin iillcctioiis to which the majority of cbildrcu nro hul.le. In ail heat nud tooth rashes the Oint■•>!ut is wonderfully soothiug aud curative. To .'v.idiovs, Hiiilors, miners, and travellers m Vvoi^u Juiuld it is invaluable. SORES, WOUNDS, BAD BREASTS, BAD I.KGS. lii this class of maladies au Improvement, 'r. Hie appearuuee of tho disease of tho patient fol'yws the first drussiug with tho Oiutmeut. It must not ouly be smeared ou the wouii'l or sore, but be briefly rubbed for some inches round ul>out the diseased, swolleu or painful p.irfs. It will penetrate to tho blood vessels, uurv(js iiud muscles, and oven to tho bone, nud wi)'. 9 zeroise most wholesome healiu},' and purifji:*Z power over every tissue requisite for (.iior.jugh < respira tiou. The effect of the Ointineut is increased by fomenting with warm w.i tor before the Oiutmeut is rubbed m; but si ires, when healing, should never bo cleansed with sponge or nuy thing else, ns the young and cew flesh, which api>eara like a crea«u, would bo washed away. BLOOD TO THE HEAD, ArOrLEXY. Nothing gives so much ease m theso coir, plaints from which so mauy suffer, us HoVoway's cooling aud healing Oiutmeut. rubbed upou the spine it nets energetically iv drawing surplus blood from th«> brain, even to children iv teething j this Ointment has a miraculous eirce' iv preventing fits and convulsions, so ofteu attendant ou tooth-cutting. Tly Vills should be used according to the directions. RHEUMATISM, GOUT, BTIFK JOINTS. Everyone nutfering from theso painful affections, should uso this purifying Ointment, ns it has rescued thousands from a life torture, after every other means had been tried m vain. The Oiutmeut should br- well rubbed into the skin at Hist twico a day, after it has been properly fomented with warm salt and water, nnd dried, ihe inflammation soon yields, and the patient, uo longer helpless, resumes his accustomed oeciCatiou. GLANDT7LAR SWELLINGS, BRONCHITIS, MTTIIPS, SOIIE THROAT, AKD DIPTHERIA. To conbat these diseases with success, a remedy is required which will havo the wholo alisorlieiit system nuder its control. Such n roineily is Holloway's Ointment. When rubbed on tho nkiu it penetrates the glands, and removes any obstruction or impurity which may be impeding their healthy action. This Ointment acts ou tho very mainspring of life, for ♦hro:igh tho glands pass all the new matter re-rjuii-el for tho body's reparation; m all the class of cases tho Ointment and Pills, used conj >ii;! , -, will act so searehingly aud certainly a» I vi cli'ec.'i cures m most deplorable cases. FISTULAS AND PILES. All inflammations and nlcerations of sensitive p. iris may be presently relieved, nud ultimately •ur-vl, by tho diligent uso of this cooling and !>e.iiin^ Oiutmeut, nided twice daily by bathing Ma; parts m cold water. Immediate ease liriiiss from this treatment; persoveracce is .iccesaury to effect a permanent cure. ASTHMA, SHORTNESS OP BREATn. In these complaints the Ointment should bo well rubbed twice a day ou the chest, nud boUvocn the sho.ulders, it will penetratn to tho lungs, stimulate them to renewc I exertions, prevent stagnation of blood, moderate the pul. sat ions of the heart, regulate the current of nir through the bronchial tubes, aud thus effect a permanent cure. Both tto Ointment and Pilh should he used iti the following cafes: — Had Logs Corns (Soft) Rheumatism Rid Breasts Cancers Scalds B-irns Contractedaud Sore Niplea Hmikms SUllJoiuts Sore-throats liite of Mosqui- Elephantiasis Skin-diseases toes uud Sand- Fistulas Scurvy Flins. Gout Sore-heads Loco-bay Qlnudular Tumours Chic-o.foot Swellings Ulcers Chilblains Lumbago Wounds Chapped Hands Piles Yaws Sold at the Establishment of Professor Koi.i.oway, 533, Oxford Street, London ; also by .ill respectable Druggists nnd Dealers m Medi. eino throughout the civilised world, at tbo ff-1-lowing prices : 1« lid, 2a 2d. 4." DEMP SE Y. " BLENHEIM AND RENWICKTOWN. THE best Saddler m the Province, and the cheapest, Repairing of every description.

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Marlborough Express, Volume XXX, Issue 80, 6 April 1894, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Marlborough Express, Volume XXX, Issue 80, 6 April 1894, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Marlborough Express, Volume XXX, Issue 80, 6 April 1894, Page 4