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To night's Danc«.— The Friendly Societies Kan 1 will hold one of their popular dances to-nicht at the Odd Fellows' Hall, to begin at 8 o'clock. Pouni)Kßepbb.— .At last night's meeting of the I'.cbou Borough Council .the on y tender received for the office of Borough Itnpouuder and Inspector. of nuisances was that of Mr S. itabone, (the former holder) v hicb was. accepted. Nkw Sukd.— Messrs Smith and Co., the contractors for the filled On the Pictnn wharf, have commenced oparations and are fast pushing on the work. The structure will be large aud roomy and of great use to the shipping fraternity. Tub Pictox Seat.— We have it upon good authority thot Mr J. A. R. Greeni.ill is to be a candidate for Pioton at the next elections for members of the New Zealand Parliament. A Coming Citizen.— At the last meet- ! ing of the Wellington Benevolent Association (we quote from the Post) an application for assistance was made on behalf of a destitute ropemaker who desired to proceed to Blenheim m the hope ' of finding employment, but no action was ' taken. . . ! Show of Meat,— Mr F. Adams intends i to have a special winter show of meat at his shop m Market Place to-night. The . shop will bo kept open 1-tt'e especially for j the occasion, and we have no donbt \fr Adams will have meat on view, the appear- < ance of which will lie a«i fascinating as the , flavor will be toothsome. j Hunt Club. —An adjourned meeting of ' the membfiis of the Wairau Hnnt Club < took place last night at the Clnb Hotel, i Mr H. 11. Dodson m the chair. A reply 1 from the Ashburton Hunt Club was I received, stating they did not intend to i dispose of their pack of dogs. A telegram ' was received stating that the Nelson Hunt J Club, who were disposed to sell their bar- < riers, did not meet until the following i (Wednesday) evening. Under these oir- i cumatances the meeting further adjourned i until Friday night. . ' '

Steamku for KninEßLßY.— The Union Steamship Company announce m another < 'olumn that the Tekapo will leave Welling,on on or about the 27th for Cambridge julf, via Sydney. The steerage fare from Piclon will be £15 I")?, and horses £1-j las. Br-ns Bmnos Meetiko.— The first mesting of the newly formed' Picton Blue Ribbon Union will be held to-night at 7.30 o'clock. Addresses will' be delivered by several well known advocates of the Ternpnrance cause, and a number of musical 'elections will be given. A Young Artist.— There was on view last night, m Mr F. Adams' butchers' shop a painting of a group of cattle, the artist being Mr Adama' son Frank. The work showed signs of considerable-pro-mise, and reflected credit on the youthful artist and his instructor, Mr Ogilvie. A Suggestion Adopted.— On several occasions we have suggested that the fair mode of assessing contributions for Hospital and Charitable Aid purposes m Marlborough would be midway between the rating and population basis. It will be seen that the Awatere Board m their appeal ease to-day put forward that suggestion as a reasonable way of settling the question. Our only doubt has been whether the Act allows any other basis but a rateable one to be adopted. Tows Board.— The Havelock Town Board met on Weduesday. Present Messrs Smith (Chairman) Morison, Perry, Price and Scott. The minutes of the laat meeting were read and CDmfmned. Resolved thai; the necessary repairs and gravelling be done. Accounts amounting to £72 11s 8d were presented and passed for payment. The Board then adj mrned. School Entertaisment.— Great preparations have been madehy the Borough School children aad their master, Mr J. P. Lucas, for the entertainment to lie given to-morrow night at Ewart'a Hall. The Cantata " Dick Whittington," will be the centre of atti action, and rumour bath it that some of the cleverest children will be seen and heart at their best. There will also be drill competitions, and miscellaneous musical aeUclione. IMnighfc there will be a •• dress reheat sal." Vmtos Entertainment.— On Tuesday evening, the loth inst, the 12th Penny Reading was held m the Picton schoolroom, The following was the programmer—Organ solo, '"Leg Adienx" (Beethoven), Miss Harris ; choir, " Sweet and Low" ; reading, " Conscript," Mr Harris ; song, " Breathe ant of Parting," Miss Allen ; reading, "Irish Story," Mr Henn; glee, "Ye Shepherdg Tell Me" ; reading, " Monkeys," Mr A. Seymour ; song, " The Barring of the Door," Mr Galloway ; recitations, ; " Th? Mummy" and " Bill Backß'ay," Mr Waddy j song, "Snnwflakes," Mies Duncan ; reading, •' Fairy Tale," Mr Harris; choir, "The Plougbboy." The Strike.— The dispute between the contractors and men at the Dasbwood Pass contract upon the subject of the " tucker " arrangements, againat which 40 of the hands went out on strike, is not yet adjusted. Both parties referred the questions at issue to Capt. Limbert and' Mr R. Winter, aa arbitrators. . The whole matter was investigated at great length last night, aud the arbitrators drew up an award which has been accepted by the 1 contractors and by a portion of the men. It is hoped that work will be resumed at once, and that employes and men will get od more pleasantly for the future, but the greater number of the men were paid off to-day. . ; Whaling.— We reßret to learn that oee day last week Mr W. Keenan's crew, at Tory Channel, made fast to one of the largest whaks yet seen m the Sound, but unfortunately the harpoon broke and the fish escaped. There were two- whales together, and had Mr Keenan's iron held, Jackson's crew would have secured the other whale, Both were of extraordinary size, and are stated to have been worth at least £200. The crews were chasing whales on Tuesday from daybreak till dark, but were not successful m capturing any. . Up to the present Keenan's crew have taken one, and Jackson and Norton's crews have .secured two whales. .There are plenty about, and we hope to hear of further captures. It is quite possible that the whale washed ashore at Sinclair's Head, and taken, possession of ;by; Mr Turner of Island Bay, As sjsatel. In Monday's New Zealand Times, is the one made fast to and wounded by Keenan'3 crew m Tory Channel some few days ago.- ._..,. ..„,... R..M. Codrjt, Picton. this Court on- Wednesday, hetore\ J.fAlleu,? Esq. £ R.M., George Miljer was; charged, on tho information of Isaac Landall. with ste»' ; ing one sheep, value lat Bs. Mr J. Conolly appeared for the defence, and Kergfc.- Scanlan conducteJ the pro;ecntion. After hearing the evidence, the defendant was remanded until Saturday next, His Worship intimating that the technical point" raised by Mr, Conolly re the registration of the brand required coneidti'ition. The prisoner was admitted to bail -himself iv £50 aud one surety of a like amount. Several civil cases were disposed of, and the Court adjourned. Nklsom Sqitare.— At the meeting of the' Piston Horough Council, held last night, it w*s; unanimously resolved that, iv future, no football shall be allowed to be played Nelson Square. It is a well-known heb that the two games (cricket and football) cannot be played oa the same ground. Tt is also wellknown that, until the. last season, Picton cricketers' ha^ve produced, a "pitch" secoud to none m New Zealand. We understand that the Picton Cricket Club intends, as soon as the weather settles, to set to work and 'place their ground m such order as will, bear comparison to ' any iii Marlhqro.ugh._.L ..'".„;_ Institute Estbrtiinmrn't.— Theß?a'l- j iug Boom at the Institute waa crowded last night on the occasion of the opening entertainment of the series to be given m aid of the funds of ihe institution. Large numbers .con Id obtain only standing room, and several could not procure admission at all. His Worship the Mayor presided, and briefly prefaoed the following programme :— Piano solo, " Minuet and trio from Mozart's symphony m E flat," Mr Cheek; song, "Jessie's Dream." Miss Wemyas ; recitation, "Henry Fifth to Wb Soldiers," Mr T. Wataon -, Orpheus glee, "Banish, Oh Maiden," Messrs J. B. Green, Or. Robinson, J. P. Lnoas, and Cheek ; violin and piano duet, " Mon Reve" (Golterman), Mr T. Crump and Miss Crump ; song, ' ' Romany Lacs " (Adams), Mr J. B. Green ; Scotoh reading, ••The Hotel Bed," Mr F. Nairn ; Interval of ten minutes. Piano solo, *' Fantasia on Martha" (Sydney Smith), Mrs J. B. Green ; ttio, " Memory " (Leslie), MissM. Rose, Miss Crump, and Mr J. Crump; song, " Molly Asthore," Mrs Mullens ; reading, "Simon'd Short Son Samuel," Mr Ferguson ; soiig, " \fy name is John Wellington Wells" (from the Sorcerer"), Mr John Crump ; Scofoh reading; ; lt . F«»xea' Tails," Mr l f . Nairn ; duet," Sweet is the drean? of youth's fond hours," Mr and Mrß J. P. Lttcas ; God Save the Qaeen. The pi. mo was kindly lent by Messrs Green and Nosworthy, and the accompaniments were played by Mrs Lnoas, Miss Rose, and Mr Cheek. The programme throughout was creditably and pleasantly rendered, and the musical selections were worthy of a more important occasion. lf the same standard is kept up throughout the Reason, the Institute entertainments will attract crowded houses. The next one will be held on the lltli of August, and the Committee might find it necessary to migrate to a larger room.

UsErut. — The proceeds of last night's f entertainment amounted, less trifling ex- - penses, to £3 12a, and have been paid into tbe Institute banking account* The thanks of everybody connected with the Institute are due to all who took part m the affair. Enterprise, — Mr Walter Litchfield has had his new store and his private . residence m the Maxwell Road connected by telephone, the wires being laid by the; Government along the telegraph line. The instruments will be fixed m a day or two. This piece of business enterprise on Mr Litch field's part will probably lead to a te'ephone exchange being established m Blenheim, especially if the Government terms are reduced. ;* /. - v . • Sander and Sons' Eucalypti Extract. Cnre of Skin Diseases, Invercargill, N.Z. 3rd of July, 1880. Messrs Sander and Sons, Sandhurst '.—Gentlemen,— Haying suffered from eczema (a skin disease which is very prevalent' in this colony) for about nine years, I had consulted numerous medioal men here and m Australia, and had taken arsenic, strychnine, iodide of potassium, etc., internally, and had used preparations of zinc and lead externally. In fact, I had tried all the remedies known to the faculty and what between travelling, doctors' and druggists' bills, had spent a small fortune, almost, if not wholly, without resnlts, except to injure my constitution. During a recent visit to Hokitika I was recommended to try your Extract Eucalyptus Olobulus oya brother who had experienced great benefit from it m alleviating a very severe cold, and no less to ray surprise than satisfaction, I found the disease which troubled me so long conquered, and the skin resumed its normal condition. This was effected by the external me of leas than two twoounce bo'.tles. You are welcome to make any use you please of this letter, and I subscribe myself.— Yours, etc, Signed John H. Kerr, Manager Union Bank of Australia, Limited.— (Advt.) Onr. annual Cash Clearing Sale, prior to stock- taking, oominejces Saturday, Jnly 3, and will he continued during the present month. Great reductions m Millinery, Jackets, Dolmans, Ladies' and Children's Ulsters, Wool Goods, Dress Materials, &c. On all other goods not specially marked a discount of 33 m the £ will be allowed for cash. A lot of remnants and samples at very large reductions. An early inspeotiop solicited, j Smalk'A Hat, London House. Owing to the depression m trade, I will offer at less than half wholesale prices, some special lines I have been enabled to secure. I beg to append a few quotations, About 800 felt anl straw hats, trimmed and untrimmed, very cheap. Felt hats from Is Gd each, usual prioe 7s &1. Straw hats from Gd each. About 300 dozen of the latest shades and designs m lace from lid per yard. A large and varied stock of dress, goods from <i\i per yard. Ladies' ulsters, dolmans, and jackets m great variety. Tinsel lace for evening wear. Dressmaking on the premises, under efficient management. A large stock nf Singer's Sewing Machines always on hand, Inspection invited and a trial solioited.— T. SjfAi/E, Wairan Store. Ho'tLowAv'a Ointment and Pilm.— Rheumatism and Rheumatic gout are the most dreariest of all diseases, because their victims know that they are safe at no season, and at no age secure. Holloway's.Ointment, after formentatioa of the painful parts gives greater relief than any other application.

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Marlborough Express, Volume XXII, Issue 165, 15 July 1886, Page 2

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LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS. Marlborough Express, Volume XXII, Issue 165, 15 July 1886, Page 2

LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS. Marlborough Express, Volume XXII, Issue 165, 15 July 1886, Page 2