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"For the Blood is tlio l ite. WORLD FAMED THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER AND RESTORER. Has the Largest Sale of any Medicine m the World. Overwhelming testimony accompanies every bottle, proving this to be the Gkkatest Medicine ever Discovered. nOR cleansing and clearing tbo blood J) from all impurities, it cannot be too highly recommended. For Scrofula, Scurvy, Skin and Blood Diseases, and Sores of all kind?, it is a never-failing and permanent care. It Cores old sores. Cures Ulcerated Sores on the Neck. Cures Ulcerated Sore Legs. . Cares Blackheads, or Pimples on the Face. ! ■ Curea Scurvy Sores. Cures Cancerous Ulcers. Cures Blood and Skin Diseases. Cures Glandular dwellings. ; ■ ' Clears the < Blood from all Impure i • Matter (from whatever , cause arising. 'As this mixture is pleasant to the taste and warranted free from auy thing m jurions to the most delicate constitution of either, . the Troprietpr solicits soiTerera io give it atrial to test its. value. ""IN FIVE INFIRMARIES." „ /'North-street, .Audensluiw ! ' ' ■ • (near Manchester). ' : " It alfonla me great pleasure to add my testiinouy to the wonderful liFects of your BJppd. Mixture, .which has cored ' me of a very bad 'utarfratsd foot an ankle. I hacr four Wounds, which prevedtttl me following my occupation for four years, duiing which time I had been m thren dib^evnrit inlirmaries and . under fifteen • different, doctors. Iwa at last induced to try your Blood' Mixture; and after taking 'three small bottles 1 was able to go to work, aud by the time I had taken nine or ten Lotties I waa completely cured. M&ke' whatever use you, like of, this, for the bt ne'fit of other soffereiS;— I am, yburfi respectfully, ■' • ' ' ■■'•■. ■'■: ;.-.•■ , ''.John Wjluams,"' THOUSANDS OF TESTIMONIALS Solil m liottles 2s ( J J each, and m. eases containing six times lliti quantity, 11s .each, sufficient to ilFect a pirnianent.curo m the great uajority of long standing cases, BY ALLCH EMI^TS arid PAI'ENT MEDICINE 51 VENDORS throughout the world-' 'Proprietors,. The Lincoln! and Midland Counties Di^uo: Comi-any, Lt.qcoln, .England. . .. • , Trade Mark, "Blood -Mixture.' One Bos of Clarke's 841 Pills IS Warranted to Cure all Dischsges ■-■-from-' ; tho Urinary-Organs, 'ln either «exi(acquired or constitutional) Gravel,, and Pains m the Back. Sold m boxes 4s 6d each, by all chemißts and patent medicine vendors. New Zealand Agents ; KEMPTHOKKE, PROSSER, & Co., Wholksale DuvaoiSTS. • Export Agents : :: Burgoyne, Burbridges, A Co., Colemanstreet London ; Newbury & Sons, 37, Nnwgate-streot, London ; Barclay & Sons, 95, Farringdon-stree , London ; Sanger &_Sons, Oxford-street, London ; And $11 the London wholseealo houses Sole 'Proprietors : : ; \ THE LINCOLN AND MIDLAND COUNTIES' DRUG COMPANY ..IJNCOLN. ENGLAND HEALTH AND LIFE TO THE SICK. TJOLLOWAY'S OLNTMENT. ,: , ; DISEASES OV THE SKIS. **„ . Uuiversai approbation has IJeen awai-iloit to this famous Olntmout for its efficiency iv removing diseases of the skin. For gurofula, sciirvy, sculu heads, iiu4 nil enii>tious of the skiu.ljotli iv. iiifiuicy , and! iv mat^rcr years, uo remedy chii be 4o applied wliiuliisd fjuiukly cures us Holloway's Ointment. . Iv tliu nursery it slioulil iilways bout lmud to case tliu many akin ulfectious to which tiie uiujority of childrcu arc liable. Iv all heat aud tooth rashes the Oint""«nt is wonderfully soothing aud ciaiitive. To Mldiurs, sailoiy, miucrs, und h'avelleiy iv Ureigu luuds it is iuvaluablo. - soiiks, Wodnlis, bad. mi kastk, bad lkus. In tliis .cluss of nuiladics nu iinni'oveiiieuf, ,'v the iipiienriuiue of thudiseassu of the i«itieut l'ol'.ows the tirst.dressiii^ with the Oiutmeut.' It uitot not only be ijinuired ou the woiiu/1 or gore, but bo briefly rubbed for some inulies ronnd about the diseased, swolleu or paiuful parts. It will pouetrate to i\io blood vessels, uervee aujl luusules, and eveu to tho boue, und wilt ».iercise most wholesome healing and purl. fp.'-'a power over every tissue' requisite for tiibro'iigli Sfespiriifiiiu. '■ -Tlio effect' of itheOiiitnieut is increased .by fomentiug with warm water before the Ointment is rubbed m; but sores, wlteu lieiiliny, should nyver be vleaused with' gponge : or auy thing elxe, us the young ;cud new flesh*, which v creu'u, would bo vvnslied (tvvny. ' " '• ■. .-:.' .. • BLOOD TO TIIK HEAIi, APOI'JLEXT.i , -. , Mul.tiiug' fives so iiiucli ease m tlieso cum plaints from, wliieli so. many siuTer, as Ho 1 . 1 .) way's cooling und 'heuliug Oiutmeut. .AVli'su rubbed upon .the. spiue it auts energetically iv dmwinjf surplus' blood from the brain, even to children m tcetliiny ; thit Oiutiiient has a inirauuloiiri elleo'.iu preveufiui; tits und eunvnl 3ipns, ; 6Oofteu utceudnut on tvoth-enttiujt.- . Tl^ Villa should be used uccofdiu'<f to the direc-tioiii. JtHEDyATISM, OOUTJ 'sTIKF JOISTS. Bveryouo suffering from these paiuful alFec. tions, should use this imrifjliiK Oiiitinent, ns it has rescued thousuuds from n life lortiirt 1 , uftct every other nieftim Jiiul beun t)-ied m vaiu. » The Ointment should bt> well rubbed into tho skin at least twice n dny, after it has been properly foniouted with warm suit nud water, and dried. The iuuiinmiiitionsoou yields, and the patient, no longer helpless, resumes his iiecustonied'oceu-p-.ition. • . . . . . . ' CIANDHLUt SWEtXtNUS, BBO^'CKITIS, MCMI'M, SORK THROAT, ASU WI'THEKIA." To combat tlieso diseiises with siiu'ccss, n rumeily is required whicjiiwill liavctlie whole absorbent system under its control. Such a rcinedy is Holloway's Oi'utiiicut. "When nibbed on: the H.kni it penetratea the glimds, aud ik;nioyes any obstriictidn or impurity which may bo imjieiliDj.' tlicir healthy actions This Ointiiicut acts on the vovy niiiiu.sprlii},'of lift, 1 , for *bronj;h the (jliu'ids pass all the new matter re- - 11 Hired for tho boity'B reparation ;, m all, the cliißs of ciisosthe Oiiitiueut and Pills, used donjointly, will act H() ; soatcliiu«fly uud certainly -us to effect ciurea-iu most deplorable cases. fhITVLAS MUD rif-KS. AH iu(lii)nmatioii^uud ul_ccriitions.Q£,.st:iisitiv!> pirts miiybo'prc'scnbly relievefd, (lii'd nltiiuHtelx cured, )>.,- the diligent. uso of ihis cooliinr mid healiug Oiutmeut, aisled twice daily. by bathing v Jie ißirt's' iu ' cola water., ImmediatoT. ease .priugs -froiji this treatment; persevcraiice' is necessary to effect a perntiuieut' citre. * 1' • ' "ASTHMA, SHOBTXESS OF BnKATII. ' lii these eoniplßinta -thp, Ointment should he well rubbed- twico a day on the chest, and betweeu the 'shdnMers, it will jiouetrate to the Umg.-i, stimulate them to renewed exertions, prevcut stugiialiou of blood, moderate the pulsations of the heart, regulate tho current of air' through tho bronchial tubes, aud thus effect a permanent cure. „..,;' Sollt tin: Oiidmiml and l'ills should he usal m Hie ■'.. ' .fulloKiivj liases:— t , . .. Bad Lujth ' Corns (#Soft) ' r j lliiottiimtisiu Had )»i-Ciiyta C.inucr.'i ! Scalds Burns . CoiiliMi;lo,duiid i Sore Niplns B'.ir.inns.:, . ... . SUIV Joints ; | Sore-thruats Hituot 'M-»sejui-; Klephiuitiasis SUin-discases tD'j.ii' I''istu!ai j Scurvy l'lics. .^..jOo'.it i. ' S'li-clkwls IVjo-b.iy j Olnuil ii l ii r Tunionrs Uliiosf i-foots - iSwollinjfs | V^<-'" rti CiulUhiiLta ' I Twnihu-jb ' I Woiiuds ; yiiapped ILuida j I'llna ; . I. Yaws ;i _ v Sold ft. the lJHlablishui'.'iift. "f Pisoi- i:sson lfdM/JW-U-.t^:, Oxford Street f.oitflon yvivi by nil rc'.s|ie«itiiWl' DniswislH uud Dealer.-* m Modi. ciiia lliip«jrho(u!. Ilio.uiyilwßd tvurW, iit t\it t(U Jowiii'f i>fiws i Uii<i, 'ii 'ii, -iih .

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Marlborough Express, Volume XXII, Issue 164, 14 July 1886, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Marlborough Express, Volume XXII, Issue 164, 14 July 1886, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Marlborough Express, Volume XXII, Issue 164, 14 July 1886, Page 4