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For the lUooil is tlio lite. WORLD FAMED E THE GREAT BLOOD PUMWEK AND -RESTORER. tathe Largest Sale of any Medicine m the World. Overwhelming testimony accompauies every bottle, proving this to be the Irkatkst Medicink evek Discovered. 7IOR cleansing and clearing the bloo.l P from all impurities, it cannot be too ighly recommended. For Scrofula, Scurvy, Skin and Blood Maeaees, and Sores of all kinds, it is a ipver-failing and permanent cure. It Cures old sorea. Cnrea Ulcerated Sores on the Neck. Cure? Ulcerated Sore Legs. Cnres Blackheads, or Pimples on the :"' Face. ; . Cores Scurvy Sores. Cures Cancerous Ulcers. Cures Blood and Skin Diseases. Cnres Glandular Swellings. Clean the Blood from all Impure Matter (from whatever cause arising. '. ':'!.■■ ■ ■ ■ — — As this mixture is pleasant to tlio taste incF warranted free from anything m jprions to the most delicate constitution >f ; either Bex, the Proprietor tolicits iufferers to give it atrial to test its value. " IN FIVE INFIRMARIES." !i:i ' 'North street, Audenshaw (near Manchester). "It alfords me great pleasure to add my testimony to the wonderful «ffects . of your Blood Mixture, which has cured me of a very bad ulearat-id foot an auklo. I had four wounds, which prevcdteil ine'foliowing'roy occupation for four year?, duiing which time I had been m three different infirmaries and ; under, fifteen different doutoiß. Iwa •at last induced to try your Blood Mixture, and after taking three small bottles 1 was able to go to work, and by the' time I bad taken nine or ten Lotties I was completely cured. Make : ; whateverflsevy 011 .like ot. this, for the bepetit of other .sufferers.— lain, yours respectfully, 1 ■ i: -- ■ ■'■ * •■-•: ; "JbiiNVVjttUMS." THOUSANDS OF TESTIMONIALS ■'Sold' in/I/ottles '28 9jt each, and m cases Containroj; six times the quantity, 11s each, sufficient to' effect' a permanent euro m the reat aajqritj? of longs tanding cases, BY ALL/JHEMISTS and PA.TENT MEDICfNE.yENDORS throughout the \vVrM. Proprietors, The Likooln and Mjuland Counties DittG Company, Liucolni England/ ; . . ■ , Trade Mark, " Blood Mixture.' One Box of Clarke's 841 Fills IS Warranted to Cure all Dischsges from ' the Urinary Organ*, m either 'sex (acquired or constitutional) Gravel, and Pamß m the Back. Sold m boxes 4b 6d each, by all chemists and patent medicine vendors. „ New Zealand Agents : . KEMPTHORNE, PROSSER, & Co., Wholesale Dbuooibts, Export Agents : Snrgoyno, Burbridges, He Co., Coleman • street London ; Newbury & Sons, 37, Newgate-street, London ; Barclay k Sons, 95, Farriugdon-stree , London ;, , . -„ SangerjX»Spnß, Oxford-street, London ; And all the London . wnblsessle houses ■ t ; ' ;i- ■• -' i •: • ' i , !'■ '/ :' * Sole Proprietors : I THE LINCOLN' AND MIDLAND COUNTIES' DRUG COMPANY 1 LIiNCOLN; ENGLAND' ! HEALTH AjS'D LIFE TO THE SICK. TTOLLOWAY-'S OINTMENT. il i.s ':* .Diseases or the 'skik. ■■■'■'* - ; ■■ Uuivevgal ; u)>j)riibiitiou liua bteu awarded to this luinoiis Oin'tmeiii,' fur its eHicieucy m rcmoviug «» of tlie skin. Vov sui-ot'iila, HCiirvy, scalu headHf.iUnl aU er.iiitkms of the akiu,lK)tJi iii'iJifuucy -iiiul iv inutuLor years, no remedy eiui be so lijiiiliud wliioli cures 'as Holloway'ii Ointment. In the nursery it sliould always be at )mml to eusu tlm niilnjf skill atleetious to uliicktiie majority of cbildren aro liable. In all heat aud tooth rashes the Oiiit- - \"itib is wonderfully soothing Hiid curative. To Mldier*, sailors, miners, uud truvellers iv ' kveisjn lauds it is iuvuluablo. SOKKS, WOVSIJS, ll.\l) BKKASTii, HAD LKUS. Iv this class of maladies an Improvement, .'ti the uppaaralict! of .tlie disease of the patient fol- ' '.ows the Jirst dressing wfth the Ointment. ,;It uuift not only be smeared on tlie wouud or BOie, but be briefly rublied for some inches '•toliud' alwifc the diseased, swollen or imiiiful parts. It will penetrate to ihe blood vessels, uervw nud muscles, und even to the boiie, and wiJ! #.-ereise most wholusome healing aud imri,fyiu% liower .ovur .every tissiiu , reijuisitp' for thoroiigli respira'tioii: The"effect oftheO'iitnient'iaiucreased'by fomeiitiug with v.arm water before the Ointment is rubhud iv; but' sores, wheu Ueul^ug, should. U'sver be cleansed 'witU' 'siWlige'ov'aiiythiiijjelse,- hs thu yuuhj; and )>ew llesh,' >vhjch uppews like v. cruu'u, wpiild be washed away 1 . ' "''"/' "' ~~ '' ' ■ BtOOb'-'ro'-THK 1 IIKAl;, AI'OPI.KXT' ' Nothing gives so- much ease iv theise com plaints from which so . lunjiy siilfer, as Hol'j way's codliu^ and healing 'Oiufciiieut. 1 ' AVh-m tublied niton the spine it acts euei-(eticnlly m dr.iwin;,' surplus blood from ilohmin, oven to children iv teethiu;.'; thi<) Ointment has a iiiir.icuroiis elfev' iii-iiroventiug lits und couvul■flioni>, so'o'ftetfaUeudontKjii tooth-iAitliugi. Tlv Vills shoiild be used aecordiiiK to the directioue, RHKUJIATISM, OODT, STIFF JOINTS. Kveryoue airiferiujj from tbesu painful alfeetions, should use this )>urifyhi^ Oiutiheut, as it • luis reseued^thousuuds from a life lortnrei after every) oth6r menus'eu tried iv vain. The Oiutmbut slibuhl ibowell'ruW.ed intoithe siiH :it , least; ,twice v fhiy, after it has been properly . fomented with wurin gulf and wuter, und dried. The inflauimatiou soou yields, aud the patient, no longer helpless, resumes his accustomed occuRation. ■<..■•■■;■ .•••■■• . ■• ■ HLANDULAIt HWEI.LINUS.'nnONCHITIS, MOMFS, , SpEK THKOAT, 4KI> I)II*THEKIA. To coiiibut these diseases with success, a 1 renifidy is required iVliiclt will have the whole iibsorbeijt aystein under its .control. , Such a 'remedy is Holloway's Ointment. "Wliou rubbed i 'oir tlio skin it penetrates, the gliiid*, mid removes aiiy obati'uctipu oriuiimrity wliijih may be iinpedfug'tlidir liealtiiy; uutioii. This Ointment uots ou. the very jiihiusprJjur of life, for Mirougli the glands puss all the new mutter re<]iiircd for tlie -body's' repu'rittioir; iu'Ull the class of cu«es the Oint.un.'ut and Fills, uwd conjointly, will 'act so 'seiirchiugly uud certainly us to (•ffec'i cures' iv most deplorable fuses. Fi.mir.A3 asu rims. All iuflnupiiat(ow>au'.l ulcevutibii| of sen.silivr parts limy bu presently rolieviid, uud ultimately i-iired, b.r the dilijjuiit use of vhis uooliujr mid : healing bintuieut, aided Iwice dully by. batliiiiK Mie parl.s iv cold watur. liiiiiiu<!Utt^c case firings' from 1 lhis ! > trwitmeut j persevemucu is necessary to^Uectapernmiient cure. ASTHMA, SHOItTKKSS Of BIIKATH. Tv these compluiiits (lie Oiulmeut shouM be well rubbed twico a day oil the chest, and between the, shoulders, it will penetrate to the lungs, stimulate/ tliem to renewed exertions, pvevenlj pttfeuuliou uf hlood, moderate the nul. actions of tlio heart, regulate the current of air through the brouchial. tubes, uud thus elect a ncrmuueut cure.' :;''•' . ''. BoJ/. Wie< Ciiidnoii'. m/'i I'ills should ha-uccd m tin ' tilfo'xiii'jeruive-.-jl •.- : B.Yd Tii;-.« ' 'Corns {htii) I Kliyniuatisio Ureu.-its Cimjers ( Sc;ild:i Burns -, CuntiMctpdaiKl H jre Niplts is'mion's' 'S'-iJt' Joints' ■ Sore-l.hrout'i Uiteof M'.iiipi- Elopli.mtiasi.i • S^ in- diseases tOii.-iuiidSjud-SV^tnLri -.- : j Ssurvy Viiiy-t. j i*J->:it '' ' I Kjrc-hcud.? '..'ov'-J.'.iy ' Oi:iud nl;< r j Tiiuioiii'o Chic^o-fc«.'b m:■ Swellings 1 r • tflctTs '-. Uliilh'.iiu:; ■ ; T,iiml.M!fo ,! Wonpdf 'Jtmppod'H.-iiiils; -Piles ' ' ; ! l'awij • S-j|il' I ft!.-''(li(Y Tj-tliiblifihim.-tit' of PliOfK-S'son J(oi.).'i\vay, .W, Osfni'dSireef, lioihloii ; nl.siiby all rt«l)'-:t;! l 'lu Wrnstriwls nud JKmlvp.s in 'Mv<li. I'fnetliriiuihout the ciVilisftd woWil, at tliufi J. lowhii,' ju'icw. l»V i il,'ii l i<.[,itt'

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Marlborough Express, Volume XXII, Issue 163, 13 July 1886, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Marlborough Express, Volume XXII, Issue 163, 13 July 1886, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Marlborough Express, Volume XXII, Issue 163, 13 July 1886, Page 4