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. j » (irabil OUROWN CbRREJiPtfSBENT.) . -- \ ;: ■.•-. , . : ; ?-.- w Br ;tjKci'f6N,*3uly 12 The sensation of the SeßEion ao far is undoubtedly the Report of the District , Railway b Committees, and scarcely anything else is spoken 'of. Judging fjom present appearances, it: is not at all unlikely that some unloosed for complication may resnlt from the debate. If the House should deliberately adopt the report of the Committee, a vote of censure will certainly be passed on the Colonial Treasurer, and consequently on the Government of whiohlid is auch a prominent member. In that case it ia pointed out that the only constitutional course open to the Government) would be that of resignation. It is already reported, however, that an amendment will be moved by a Government supporter to the effect that the evidence takfri does not justify the conclusions arrived at by the Comn-.ittee, and if they succeed m carrying this it will of course dispose of the whole affair so far as the Honse is concerned. On the other hand it will be an exliemely awkward thing for any member to propose, seeing that a Committee which is practically a jury, composed as m this instance, of men whoso names were submitted to Mr Sttward himself and nob objected to by him, have agreed on that report with remarkable unanimity ; the only dissenting member being Mr Cadman ; and he only dissented from a. portion of the. report. The evidence taken by the Committee has been circulated to day, and copies were v - applied;, rfoiw m all .directions, -so membeta will he fully cognisant of all ' details before the debate on Wednesday. Mr Steward's action, last session,' when • , the District Railways, Piuohasing Bill was before the House, js just now strongly rptnmented on. It may be as well to state that,' when this bill waa before the Public Accounts Committee laat year, the Committee struck out the Wainwte Hue from the schedule, the reason for this being that it was altogether nnremuneiative. They found that trains were upon the line twice a week and tbe'earhinga for lfi weeks were only £1 10,: whilst 'the expenses were CI2C. The House thereupon passed the bill \yitb thjs Waimate. line oreitted, but Mr ""Stirfiud liftiJaged to get lh& bill reoommitted at an early hour of the morning arid the line was inserted m the schedule, Before the vote was taken on ! tbat oocasion, 1 Captain 'Slitter said be believed that the recommittal would be carried, because the member for Waimate (Mr Steward) had been running, about buttonholing every member of the House. The Honse, I understand, then voted foj itnnnVr the impression that the wholr bill wonld hi thrown ont m tho Council. It waß linally carried m the Council hy a majority of one vote. The following paragraph from the evidence published to-day is somewhat intei eating. Mr * Steward had just given evidence that the Oommifsion he, received waa } per cent on the Waimate tale, and J per rent on the . Rotorua, and that the amount of commission on the whole was about £1,035. Mr Bruce then asked Mr Steward : " Have you f ver receive.!, directly or indirectly any remuneration for your services m connectioni with the pwaing of the Waimate measure through' the House not. Mr Garrick : You laboured energetically for the passing of the Bill ?— Not more than ©them That is not an answer to my queßtion.— l did my beßt for the passing of the Bill. That ia not an answer to the question, did you labour energetically to pass the Bill '? l -^-I did my * beat. 1 aaked you .whether you laboured 1 energetically 'for that meaßure.^Yeß, 1 did, and, for a good many more. You succeeded m getting the Waimate restored to the schedule after the, Honse had rejected Lit?— Yea'; I would do the same 1 thing tomorrow. Ami you did tbat m the small hours' of the morning?— Yea; I; would do i^ any hour m the moraine J only .want to know the fact. Yes; I am quite prepared to do bo for any measure that I think it my ■ duty to support." The evidence altogether, is very voloinnioufl, but, m justice to Mr Steward,' I append the following m •j reply;to Mr Fjilton:— " Had the .negotiation for the, Bale of the debentures taken * pTace between yon and the Waimate Company before the passing of the District Railways Purchasing Act ?— No, And did it include any transactions m nonnfcMon with that?— Certainly not; I havebtated that three years before there was a negotiation for the sale of the Duntroon delwntures. Did it occur at alt that your conduct was likely to be misunderstood inasmuch as you were a member of Parliament ?— lt (lid not strike me that a member of Parliament was not at liberty to sell property during the toopbs. !l had no idea of such a thing." It is understood that the Government have received from the Agent-General a reply to their cable meßsage relating to the application to the Imperial Government for H. M.S.- Miranda. The reply is not definite, but states that the matter - has been mentioned to the proper uuthori...tiea. i ... Lobby gossip baa it tonight that the Premier intends to make the report r>f the District Railways Committee a Government question, and that he intends taking a firm stand io the whole hiieineee.

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Marlborough Express, Volume XXII, Issue 163, 13 July 1886, Page 3

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PARLIAMENTARY NOTES. Marlborough Express, Volume XXII, Issue 163, 13 July 1886, Page 3

PARLIAMENTARY NOTES. Marlborough Express, Volume XXII, Issue 163, 13 July 1886, Page 3