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" For the Blood is tho life. WORLD FAMED THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER , AND RESTORER. Haa the Largest Sale of any Medicine m the World. Overwhelming testimony accompanies every bottle, proving tbia to be the Gbkatbst Medicine ever Discovered. FOR cleansing and clearing tho blood from nil impurities, it cannot be too highly recommended. For Scrofula, Scurvy, Skin and Blood Diseases, and Sores of all kinds, it is a never-failing and permanent cure. It Cures old sores. ; Cures Ulcerated Sores on the Neck. Cures Ulcerated Sore Legs. Cnres Blackheads, or Pimples on the •Face. Cures Sourvy Sores. Cnres Cancerous Ulcers. Cures Blood and Skin Diseases. Cures Glandular Swellings. -Clears the Blood from all Impure Matter (from whatever cause arising. As this mixture is pleasant to the taafr and warranted free from anything m jurtons to the moat delicate constitutor of either ,bex, the Proprietor eollcib sufferers to give it atrial to test its value " IN FIVE INFIRMARIES. " "North-street, Audenshaw (near Manchester). " It affords me great pleasure to adt my testimony to the wonderful fffecti of your Blood Mixture, which has cum me of a very bad ulcerated foot an ankle. I bad four wounds, wbich pre vedted me following ray occupation foi four years, dm ing which time I hac been m three different infirmaries and undtr fifteen different doctors. Iwa at last induced to try your Blood Mis ture, and after takiug -three smal bottles 1 waß able to go to work, ant by the time I bad taken nine or tei 101 l les I was completely cured. Mak< whatever use you like of tbis, tor th< btnetitof other sufferers.— I am, youri respectfnUy, -!■■■■..'.'. ■■** ■■''■■ ! ■■■ . " JoHN-AVILLIAMS." THOUSANDS OF TESTIMONIALS Sold, m liottles 2s yJeach, and m oases containing bvx: times the quantity, Hi each, sufficient to effect ;a permanent cun m the great n ajority of long standinj cases, BY ALL CHEMISTS and PATENI MEDIUINiJ VENDORS throughout tb( world. 'Proprietors, The Lincoln ani Midland Counties Druu Comity, Linopjrj, England. .-.. Trade Mark, " Blood Mixture.' One Bos of Clarke's 841 Fills IS Warranted to Cure all Dischagei from the Urinary Organß, m eithei sex (acquired . or constitutional) Gravel, and Pains m the Back. Sold m boxes 4b 6d each, by all chemists and patenl medicine vendors. New Zealand Agents : KEMPTHORNE, PROSSER, & Co., Whomebau Dbuqoibts, Export Agents t Bargoyne, Burbridges, is Co., Coleman' street London ; Newbnry k Sons, 37, Newgate-street, London ; Barclay & Sons, 95, Farringdon»Btree , London ; Sanger & Sons,: Oxford-street, London ; And all the London whokessle houses 'Sole Proprietors : ; THE LINCOLN AND MIDLAND COUNTIES' DRUG COMPANY LINCOLN. ENGLAND HEALTH AND LIFE TO THE SICK. TJOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT. ...:', ■.. PISEASES Of THE BKMT. ..*'*;■ Uuiveraal approbation has beou awarded to this famona Oiutmeut for its eflicieucy iv re> moviug (listMSfS of the ukiu. For surefuln, scurvy, .scale' heads, uutl ull eruiitious of tltc skiu,bot)i iv iufauuy laud iv uiuturei' years, uo remedy csiu be bo »p]>licil which so quickly euros as Holluway's Oiutuiout. Iv the mirsery it shoulil always be ut lmud to enic Uio mauy skiu affectiuus to which tiie majority of children iirc liable. Iv all heat uud tooth rushes thu Oiut•>eut is wonderfully soothiug aud cmnitive. To wldien;, sailors, miuers, aud travellers iv Ureign laiids it ib iuvaltmblc. ■ SOHUS, WOUNDS, CAD 111IEABTS, liAll LtGS. Iv tliis ulass of uialiidies iui iuiproveuieut .'v thu appenrauce of the disease of the imtieut follows the first dressiug with the Oiutiueut. It mutt uot only be suieiu'ed ou the wouu'l or sore, but be briefly rubbed for souiu luches .rouud about thu diseased, swollen or x'aiuful jiarts. It will iwuetrute to th» blood vessel.v, uervtx uud muscles, uud eveu to the boue, aud will #.<ercise most wliolesome heuliug and i>uriffi'->%- power over every tissue requisite for tiioroiigh respirii tion. ' - Tho elfect of thu Oiutmeut m increased by fomeiitiug with wiirni water before the Ointment is rubbed iv; but sores, wheu heuliug, should n<;ver be eleaused with spuuge or any thing olsy, us theyoiuig aud new. ildsh, , which appears like a cmiii, would be washed away. ; ULOOl) TO THK HEAI), ArOrLKSV. .' Nutbiiig gives so much ease m these >:oiu pliiints from which so "iiiuuy suifer, us Hi>'.'v>way's cooling hud healing' Oiutmuut. Wlii'ii rubbed unou the spiue it acts energetically iv drawiuj; surplus blood from Hi-; brain, eveu to cluldreu iv teething; this Oiutiueut )ms a niiniciitoiis elTec' iv preventing fits and convuiiiioUG, so often atteiidnijt on tootli-cuttiug. Tly Vills should be used ticcordiuu to the 'directions. BHEUSIATISSI, OOCT, STItT JOIiNIS. Kveryouo suffering from these painful alfectious, should two tbis purifying Ointment, us it lias rescued thousands from » life lorlure, after every other means had bt'en tried iv vniii. Tlie Ointment should lie well rubbed into the skin at l«ast twice n day, after it has been pmpwiy fomented with warm salt and water, aud dried. The inflammation soon yields, and the longer helpless, resumes his accustomed occujitiou. . ■ ... „. ...,..• OLANDULAR SWELUKUS, BKOKCHITIS, JIUMl'y, SOJtK THHOAT, AStU DII'XHtRIA. To combat these diseases ' with •success, a remedy is required which will linvot)iu ; wlii>lu absorbent system under its control. Such n remedy is Holloway's Ointment. Wheu rubbed ou the skiu it penetrates the, sUindy, and removes tiny obstruction oriinjinrify which may I>e impeding their healthy itution. . This Ointmout acts ou ithe- very mainsprlnj,' of life, for Miroii^h the glands pass all the lien- ma tier rei|iiired for the : body's- repitfiitiou ; m all the el»ss of cases the Ointment aud Pills, used conjoiutly, will not so seavcliiiiglyiirid certoiiily as to offec'. uuvei iv most deplomble cases. , KIrJTULAS AND TILES. Ail iuoiujiuiaticfu.sand ulcenitions of seuoitivo parts may lie presently relieved, mill ultimately t-iiretl, b.r the diligent use of tlti.s cooliu;,' and hcaliug Oiutiueut, aided twice daily by buthiuK Mi« parts m cold water. Immediate ease lirin^s from this treatment.; perseverauce is necessary to effect a perranueut cure. ASTHMA, SHORTNESS OK BKKATH. Iv these complaints the Ointment should be well rnbbed twice a day ou thu chest, aud between the shoulders, it' will penetrate to the lungs), stimulate them to renewed exertions, prevent stagnation of blood, moderate the pulsations of the heart, regulate tho current of air through the bronchial tubes, aud thus effect a pernuineut cure. ■ ; -.. .■ ■• liollt the.Ohdiiind ami Pills should be used m th.i - ■ fvlloKiugcasesir-*---ll\<\ Lew torus (Soft)' ' ! 'Rhcuuiatism Bad BnMdts L'aucer;} i ScuUU Burns ContiMcLedand Sore Niples B'.tniou . SUIT Jolurs . Swc-Uiroats Ui'.e of •>!.•> <i|iii~ illsp'.'-autusij Skin- diseases toes and S.iuii. i'htula? „ j S:'irv.v Fiiei. 1 '•■• •' ■ I Gb'ifc '• .''' '<$ ne-hc.ids 'Joco-b.iy i G-I.uidular | Tumours '.Chiogo-foot- /I. S'.vollinfts -Linocrs. .Chilblaius ! '!' t.'.jmb.i!jo ' ! Wo>uds ••JhappedHaudai Tile.i ;•■ •■•■' I l'awa > : . Sild ,at tlw v£ ;l!noKßsson lfob^O\yAV,s:j:j, Oxford Street, London ; nls«i l>y till 'rcsiicctabfe Drtij;sists and Dealers m due tliroicrhoub the^'ut tlie f( ]• lowing prices; J* J.Jd, i!s W, J*

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Marlborough Express, Volume XXII, Issue 162, 12 July 1886, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Marlborough Express, Volume XXII, Issue 162, 12 July 1886, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Marlborough Express, Volume XXII, Issue 162, 12 July 1886, Page 4