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Painttno a Bridoe. -, The Public W«»lc8 Entirnatea onntain L 250 for painting the Wairan Bridge

Gas. — Monday is the last chance of! paying gas bills, so as to have the benefit of the discount. The office will be opeu that night as usual. AH accounts against the Gas Works ate to be sent m to-day. Frosts.— Tn England there is an old country saving, " three white frosts and then rain." Here, however, we have had thirteen white frosts m succession, and the skies look more like snow than rain. It is quite evident that m the W& ; rau we have a soul above old English notions. An old resident tells us that 25 yeara ego there were 20 white frosts run. ning m the Wsimea m the month of Jnly, and that some of the creeks were so frozen that people were able to skate on them. TfTE Cas Movkiubnt — His Worship the Mayor, who returned from Wellington thfs morning, ha? called a special meeting of the liorongh Conncil to consider the Wairau Gas Company's, Rill m Parliament. The Council hul already determined to meet that night m Committee to decide whether to take over the gasworks themselve?. We learn to-day that an aotive canvas far shares m tlia new Wairan (las Company k going on m Wellington. A WEr.T.-FrtPNDRn Complaint.— We are glad to see that the Evening Post an.l | other leading journals are complaining bitterly of the partisan bias and politic >l feeling which linge the Home telegram? sent out by both Renter's Agency and the Press Association. The agents who compile— and compilo very bally— theaß cable messages are anti-Oladstonites of the most bitter kind. SoLosfl.— The Engineer-in-Chief stale?, m his Annual Report annexed to the Public Works Statement, that the Dashwood contract m March last was only half done, aud that it is calculated it will take at lßfist fifteen months yet to finish it. Tho Contrac'or, Mr Blair add?, had been urged to expedita the. work. According tn tills, it will he Jure 1887 before the contract is finished. FnciTßiLt,.— We learn by telegram from Nhlhoii that the Mirlhnrongh football team arrived at tU>. port at 2 a.m. yesterday, and were drive i to town m a coach and four, arriving thn-a at 7 "HO a.m. They wtra located m difTarput lintel*. Tli4 weather today (SaturJay). is dull, but there is no rain. The following are the ntmes of the team to play against the Nelson Town Club this afternoon :— Empaon, Poole, Panliiit', K. Nt'lvpr, Pasley, Hathaway, Anowsmith, Thompson, F. Dodaon, Seymour, Bsillie, Pathevie.k, C. M'lver. Mowatt, and Harris. A NIvflTEKTniTs Fund.— Dnring tha debate m Committee of Supply, m the vote for the Post OHices, etc., Sir Julina Vngel .said there wa-) no room fur cutting down salaries m that very ill-paid department, Honorable members woul I be astonished if they knew the number of oases m which he had been able to save young men from absolnternin by assistance from a fund under his control. Tenders.— At the meeting of the Omaka Road BoarJ, held this morning, the following tenders were received :— Metalling 56 chains Murphy's Cross Road : Wm, Gosling 203 per chain, D. Cameron 28s (51, Angus McColl 22* 6d, David Norris 22a (no deposit), John Bnrton 22s i>J, Peter Connell lfis til, and Robinson an I Andrill 2-U lid ; Mr Connell's tender was aooepted. Forming 20 chains Beatson's Road ; Ales Dingwall and Co. 18b pe.r chain. Michael Dowling 93 lid, George Chandler, U«, au;l Dorset and Wilson lla C 1 ; Mr Dowling's tender was accepted. Clearing Cii-operative drain for two years : Witt and Hodsou £180, James Maher £20 (no deposit), Walahe anJ Co £13,> (do deposit), anil Robert Ham £00 ; Mr flam's ten lei- was acoapted. PfiTmcm— On Wednesday hsfc Mr Dodson presented petitions from the Corporations of Blenheim aud Pioton m favor of the Tophonaa line. Mr (Jjno)ly presented four petitions m favo» of the Rai Valley Hup, The firs'-- was aigned by Gl inhabitants of Mabikipawa and Pelorus Sound, the aeondby 11 inhabitants of Wakaouaka, the third by 2.) inhabitants of Kelson, and the fourth by 137 inhabitan'B of Nelson. Hmrj Al'Tnoßrrv. — A negro insisted that his race was mentioned m the Hi hie. He said he heard the preacher read about how "Nigger Damns" wanted to he horn again. Hfavt Wgt.- -Among the many reoent strikes was one m Chicago by the employe? of the Chicago brewars. Thoy demand among other things free beer. Their demand was tin illy moilififl somewhat, and the brewers limited the amount for each employe to jlj'tteii r/1/i ■mi : ,i_ dnj. The hours were fixed at C, 9, U, 2, and I, with if limit nfilnve uhissi't I'lvn/ tims ! If fifteen glasses a day be ivgird'ed .id a moderate, limited qnntiiy, suitabla 1 1 compromise upon, it would bd intereslin-^ lo know how luucli these striking baermen would con»id<>r a geuerotn and libaral supply ! It is quite certain (hat jife insurancs oampiaies woul I not hail t hem as deairabl ) rifika. — N.itioml Ternpwance Advocate for June.

Our annual Cash Clewing Sale, prior to stock-taking, commences Satctroiy, July ?>, and will be continued during the present month. Great reiluotiona m Millinery, Jackets, Dolmans, Ladies' and Children's Ulsters, Wool Goods, Dress Materials, &a. On all other goods not specially marked a discount of 3s m the £ will he allowed for nash, A lot of remnants and samples at very large redactions. An early inspection solicited. Swat.r & Hay, London House. I TTOM,OWAY'fI OiNTMRMT ANT) Pt[J,S.— Rheumatism and Rhennutio gout are the most dreadel of all diseases, beoaußo their victims know that they are safo at no season, and at no at,n seoure. Holloway's Ointment, after forrnenfcation of the painful parts creator relief than any other application ; hub it must he diligently used to obtain this desirable result. It has been highly commended by rhonniitio BU*iJ3ctH of all ages and of both sexes, for rendering their attaoka loss frequent and less vigorous, and for repressing the spur perspirations and soothing the nerves. In many cases, Holloway'a Ointment and Pills have proved the greatest blessings m removing rlieutna iain and rheumatio gout which has assailed persons previously and At the prime of life.

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Marlborough Express, Volume XXII, Issue 161, 10 July 1886, Page 2

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LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS Marlborough Express, Volume XXII, Issue 161, 10 July 1886, Page 2

LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS Marlborough Express, Volume XXII, Issue 161, 10 July 1886, Page 2