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" for Mie IBlooil is the life. WORLD FAMED THE TIHEAT P.LOOD PURIFIER AND RESTORER. Has the Largest Sale of any Medicine m the World. " Overwhelming testimony accompanies every bottle, proving this to be the OrKATKST MKDTfTSK EVER DISCOVARHn. FOR cleansing and clearing the blood from all impurities, it cannot be too highly recommended. For Scrofula, Scurvy, Skin and Blood Diseases, and Sores of all kinds, it is. a never-failing and permanent cure. - It Cures old sores. Cures Ulcerated Sores on the Neck. Cures Ulcerated Sore Legs. ' C'ires Blackheads, or Pimples on the Face. Cures Scurvy Sores. Cures Cancerous Ulcers. Cures Blood and Skin Diseases. Cures Glandular Swellings. Clears the Blood from all Impure Matter (from whatever cause arising. As this mixture is pleasant to the taste and warranted free from anything m jnrioiiß to the most delicate constitution of either sex, the Proprietor solicits sutrerere to give it atrial to test its value. " IN FIVE INFIRMARIES." "North-sfreet, Andenshatv (near Manchester). " It affords me great pleasure to add my testimony to the wonderful effects of your Blood Mixture, which has cured me of a vary In I ulc^ratsrt foot an ankle. I had four wounds, which prcvedted rue following my occupation for four years, dining which time I had been m three diffe'-^nt infirmaries and undo- fifteen different doctors. Iwa at If "t induced to tiy yonr Blood Mixture, pnil after taking three small I :>t* '< 3 1 waß able to go to work, and by "'» time I bad taken irnc or ten rq" I■■ < I was completely cured. Make whatever use you like of this, for the benefit of other sufferers. — I »m, yours respectfir'y, ''.Tons Williams." THOUSANDS OF TESTIMONIALS Sold m I ottlcs 2a !)d each, and m cases contaii ing six times the qurntity, 11s each, suffie'ent to eff zt a permanent cure m the great n.ajority of long standing cases, BY ALL CH KMIBTS and PATENT MEDICINE \ EN DORS throughout the world. Proprietors, Thk Lincoln and Mhu^no Counties Dnncs Company, Lincoln, England. Trade Mark, " Blood Mixture/ One Box of Clarke's, 841 Pills IS Warranted to Cnre all Dischsges from the Urinary Organs, m either sex (acquired or constitutional) Gravel, and Pains m the Back. Sold m boxes 4s 6d each, by all chemists and patent •nedisine vendors. New Zealand Agents : KEMPTHORNE, PROSSER, & Co* Wholesale Dbuqgibts. . Export Agents : Burgoyne, Burbridges, A Co., Coleman* street London ; Newbury k Sons, 37, Newgate-street, London ; Barclay & Sons, 95, Farringdon-stree , London ; Sanger & Sons, Oxford-street, London ; And all the London wholesale houses Sole Proprietors : THE LINCOLN AND MIDLAND COUNTIES' DRUG COMPANY: LINCOLN. ENGLAND HEALTH ASJ) LIFE TO THE SICK. TTO M,OW AY'S OINTMENT. . DISEASES OP TME.SKIK; '.. r ' Universal sipproiiation Ims Veen awarded to this' famous Uiiitineut for. its elHoieuo.v'in renioviuij- diseases ot the skin. >.For Scrufula, . «"'.uvy, scale hauls, iiml nil eruptions of t lit* - sliiii.lmtli iv iiifiuu-y iiml m nuitiuw .rears, tio resiiclyciiii I>i'soapi>lieil which so quickly onros ms H •lloyray'xiOiiituidiit.. .'ln t,hi imr.-tT.v it slio i!.l iilumvs i.«iil. h:iinl (o«ki»>i! the many skin iilfti .'Kions )o wliU'li 1 he jiiajiiihtylof fliildrmi are ii.i'ile. In all heat ami loo!h r.isho.s tlie Dinl•!iil. is woinlerfiilly s'kM hii-jc :iml nmilTvu-' To .-.:il. : i'iv, siilci's, miiiors, iiml lr;ivitl>rs m ' .ivi^ti ijiinls it is iiiva!u;sl>'i!. soisi's, worxns, n.\n ki:t:asts, say i.v«s. In Miis class of iMalailk'san lui]>ri>vti)ient ' i I liv a]>]'(> of tin; ilisuase of the Jiativut £01. 'j.vs l lie iirst dressing with llic Ointim>i\K It iniirr n<it only )>e siiiearitil on tin 1 wonii'l or •ore, hit ho hrielly ruhl oil for sonm. lnr.hrs ronml afcont the ilisOiiseil, or" ]>iiiiiful |iar(s. It will pcnvlnili! to ihoh'oo:! x>.s><els, nerves ami inuych's-, iiuil.uvcu Io IJ.ii 1 lioim;, ami. wll'.r .v.vuHemosl wholesome healing- iiml : pm*i. fjj'-.x im>»v«i' over every, tissue rei|iiisile for :itor.>iijrlt resi>ir.i'tion. " The «ltw:t of tlie O'ntmuiit is inrre:i>-eil hy fojiientinf; with v<arin w.i (or licfoiv ili« Ointment: .is ruhhert m; hut soivij, wlnsn- hoaliiifi.sho'.ihl Jjiwr lie cleanscil ■vitir snimse <>r aiiytiiiuiro'se, as Hie yoiinjur ami, '•uw, whieli !ijii>ear.s like a cro;i'li, woqlil lie .vushe.l.l \\:\\: ' ' . ? : lir.OOli TO TUX HEAI', APOn.KST." * ! ' ' Niiiliiutr dives so iiiuvli case m these con. plaints from whii'h so many sutler, as Ho.i way's <;o liini; ami healing Ouitmeut. Wli'ii' ruhlieil iiimii the .suine it acts eiifrtelically m • ilrawinsf sn'i'ilus hlomf from (Ir; hniiu, even to (■hiMroii iv to«?t liin-r; thii Oiutineiit has a iiiiiMciiroiiH uftuc iv iirovi'iniiisr fits ami couvnl. sions, so uftdii til fondant on tootli-(;nt.tinjj. Tiy 1 V'lls should I* used nciywlinifto- tlie<lire<!tion», JtHEUMATISjr, (JOPT, JQINTS: , , .; i . Kveryone sullerin.^ from these ]>ainful alTce(in:is, should use this jiurif^ 1115; Ointment,' as it has rescued thousands from a iife torture, after •■wry other means had I>eeii Iried iv vuiu. -The Oilitiuoiit should 1«> well rnhhed into theskin at : l-\ist iwice a day, after it. has heen properly foniß'.ited with vrarin salt and water, ami drieil. Tlie iiillaiinii-itiousoiiu yields, and the patient, no. I'MUT' 1 !' lu:lp]i;ss, resumes .his aeoiistoined oocuyition. . . i; . . f!T.*NI»nr.«R SWKM.INOS, BRONCHITIS, MUUr.S, SOltt! THHOAT, AMI PirTHKWA. To romliat, Iheso diseases with BUM-ess, a romtiily is reijulred whieli .will lmvc the whole silisorhent. system Viiider its (totatrbl. Sneh a reuiody is Hiolloway's Oiutmeiit. When mhWd on the skin it. ]ieuu(rates the glands, and iviihiros :my ohstrurl ion or impurity which may lm impeding their healthy aotiou. This pint-' incut acts. on the vcrviiimiiisiirlnjto.f lifo, for Mtro!i!;h the i.'laml.s pass all the iiew r matter iv•iiiired for Ihe hody's reparation; m nil the class of rases the Ointment, and Tills, used eon, jointly, will act so >'earehin<,'ly and certainly; as •oeffee"; curest m most deplomhle canes. i ■ r.MTTi.Xs axi> m.m.. ■ H Ail iiiflanimatioiisaud ulccratioiiK Of SQtiMtiv< parts may he presently relieved, niiil ultimately cure.l, l«.r the diligent use of This , oooliujr. ami helling Ointment, aiiled twice daily hy Imthitii; Mie jnrt-s 111 e.)ld : water. ' 'Immediate ohf< I - prints from (his treatment;- peyseverai'ce i:< .ipccssary to effect; a permanent nuro. ASTHMA, SHORTXV.SS OK HREATH. In these complaints the Oiiitmeut- should ,m> well rnhbml twice a day on the chest, and heWveen the shoulders, if, will penetrate to th# limits, stimulate them to renewed exertions, j'lvvent sta.^na) ion of hlood, moderate thp pulsations of the heart, regulate tliecilrrent of air thronujh the hronchial tuhes, nuil thus effect a .permanent cure. IMI, Ihe ntnhnriil nmt PilU shomAhe »w«l 111 thffnlUiirinijciuw': — (ful T.o-^s Corns (Soft) j Kliemnatisin It id Hi-iM.tfR Canoew I Scalds )l ims Co'itnietedand, Sore Niples It iiiions -Stilt Joints,, l Spre-throats l?ite of Mosaiui-: Klephniitiiisis" f Skiu.iliseaifes loesaiidSind.; VisUihis Scurvy Fiie«. G v.if ' Sove-heads Uneo-liav fSlaiuliilnt Tumours Cliic'o-foit-. SwelliiiKs /■Ldfleers Chilhlains T<iiiiilmi;o ('Wounds ■:ii.i]i|.pil Hands; Piles ' 'I Yaws ~ S >!■! ni the EsUiMishmeut, of Pkofrssoii lfoi.i.ow.vv, XJ.!, Oxford Street, Loudou ; nlso hy all iv*|>ect:il>lc Drujfßistß 'and Dealorii iuMedi. i-iiie I lirou.shont the civili<t>d world, at life fi Ilt>wii»ff ]'ii- « « ; is ijd, 2» 2-t, -U. •-.-_•;

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Marlborough Express, Volume XXII, Issue 161, 10 July 1886, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 Marlborough Express, Volume XXII, Issue 161, 10 July 1886, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 Marlborough Express, Volume XXII, Issue 161, 10 July 1886, Page 3