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THE Marlborough Express Published Every Evening. FRIDAY, JULY 9, 1880. LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS

—-—+ ■ . •• Football.—Our Marlborough men will only play two matches m the Nelson district, the contest with the Alberts fixed for to-day having gonn oIT. They play the Town team on S »tur>l »y, anl the $tai'H ou Monday. Spring Creek Rifles.—Owing to the departure from the district of Mr S, 7. Mayhew there will, we presume, bo a vacancy m the Captaincy of the Spring Creek Rifles. N Spbipo Ciibrk Rivang Bo.uin.— The Board met on Wednesday lmt at 11 a.m. Present: Messrs G. Dodson (Chairman), J. H. Redwood, and C. O'Dwyer. There waa no 1 business before the Board, beyond discussing the vnnoua protective works, the Board ararngiug to visit the rivera as goon as practicable,

Postal Quid::.— We have to thank the Postal authority for sending us a copy of llie Olfiuial Cuiile f.>r July, which ia as useful a publication aa ever. Hunt Club. —There will bo a special meeting of member j 'of the Hunt Club to-moirow night, at 8" o'clock, at the Club Hotel. The business is to consider a proposal from the Nehon Club reapectiug a pack of hounds. ..Road Board. -The usual monthly meeting of the Omaka Road Board will take place to-morrow morning at half past 10 o'clock. Several tenders for works will be received not later than that hour. Postponed. —Owing to the absence of the Secretary of the Pelorus Road Board (who has gone to Wellington) the monthly meeting of that body whioh should have been held oh Wednesday last Btands adjourned until Wednesday July 14th, 1886. Weekly Express.— The weekly edition of the Express is published to day, price sixpence.' It contains, as usual, a well-compiled and useful collection of local and general news, especially suitable for mailing to frienjs at a distance. The Neptune.— Thursday's New Zealand Times says :— The Bteamer Neptnne may he expected from Auckland m a day or two. Captain Eckford, formerly of the Mohaka, who recently purchased the veisel, has proceeded to Auckland to fetch her down. Tbe Neptune will be employed m the trade between Blonheim and this port. Startling Proposal. —In another column will bo found an official notice that a Bill is to be introduced into Parliament authorising the " Wairau Gas Company, Limited " to exeroise certain powers m the Borough, apparently over the heads of the Corporation. It would, m fact, give the Gas Company a perpetual concession and monopoly. We presume the Borough Council will have something to say about it, To-morrow's Auctions. — Mr C. J. W. Griffiths, by order of ilia mortgagees, will auction to-morrow, at 1/30 p.m., tha Pelorus Hotel, an I the »2 acres of land attached to it. Messrs Green and Nosworbhy, at 2 o'clock, will selj fat sheep, ows, and heifers, and also miscellaneous goods. At the aame hour, Messrs Watson and McKenztc will ofler a very line collection of young trees from Mr Hood's nursery, Nelson. Reduced FKEiams.— We understand that owing to the efforts of Mr Holmes, of the firm of Holmes and Bell, Mr Maxwell, General Manager of railways, has agreed to reduce the freights on the Picton-Blenheim line as follows :— Grain from 69 0 1 to 'is 6d per ton ; wool Is 0 1 to Is per bale ; wool, double-lumped, 2s 01 to Is 9d per bale ; chaff;£l to 153 per truck ; flax and tow 9s 61 to 5s per tan ; and general merchandise 7s 6.1 to 5s per ton. These reductions will largely encourage, shipping from Pictou m preferonce from Blenheim. Borough ScnooLS.— Mr S. F. Mayhew, late second master of the Blenheim Borough Schools, left the district last night rather suddenly. He is thought to be on his way to New Plymouth, where he was to take aa appointment m the Central Schools at the end of the present month, or the beginning of next. The Borough Schools are now m the position which we predicted for them. Mr Mayhew has unfortunately left before- the termination of his notice to the Board, aud no pievious intimation was given to the School Committee so that they could make arrangements tosupply the vacancy. Mr McC'allum, tho third master, left tt week ago, and the Boys' .School is now minus two masters, and must, we presume, be carried ou by a pupil teacher and a spare female teacher. AltiKcj ' d Assault .— kt tbe R. XT. Court this affcfruoon, hi- fore Mr Allen R.M., James Murphy and Alex. Da'zlel, both Tua Matina residents, were charged with assaulting Manihera, a Maori, on the Wairau bridge on Tuesday nifjht last. Mr John Conolly appeared for the prosecution, and Mr McNab for the defence. The Maori appeared m Court with a black eye which he said Dataiel gave to him, aad he aided that the other di-fen dant kicked him. The llev T. S. Grace olfiaiat d a3 interpreter. The caso for the defence waa that the defendants were going peacefully home from Hathaway'a Hotel, and' Manihera who was drunk, overtook them. He interfered with and pushed against the two men, whereupon Dalziel knocked him do vu and a Bfiuflle took plana, tl.e consequencas of which he brought on hims If Manihera informed the Court that he hai nothing to drink that night, but defendant Dalziel swore that he himself halsevarp l drinks with him. Dal/Vl also said that Manihera was far from being a peaceable man, as within the pist month he had had three fights at hotels. His Worship said that while it was evident the Maori was not telling tho truth when he siil ttmt he had Iwl nothing to drink, there W: 1 also doubt at to the statements of the ol'.er parties. He should not dismiss the case on its merits, but simply bec-wse there was not sufficient proof. Mr McNab asked for costs. Pis Wor3bip must certainly decline to grant them. Proposed Town Board.— Tli3 petition to the Governor praying that 1 Jen wick may be converted into a Town District has received 46 signatures. The Town Districts Act requires that two third* of the honseholdera m the proposed area shall sign. There are, we believe, 5G householders m Renwick, so that more thau the required proportion has been obtained. The petitioners propose that the township of Renwick shall include Bcctions8 c ctions IGO, 161, 162. and 163 Omaka, and sections 31 and 36 of Block 1 Waihopai, the total area being 1190 acres, or less than two square miles. Tho petition will be sent over by the next mail to Mr Dodson for presentation, and we trust that* the aspirations of our Ken wick fellow settlers m the direction of local self-government will be gratified. Upon the Town district being proclaimed the Act makes due provision for. the eleotion of a Town Board, and for theapportionment of assets and liabilities between such naw 1 body and the Omaka Road Board. No difficulty on that head need be apprehended. The Conversazione.— Particulars of the Institute Conversazione to be held m E wart's Hall on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday; the 21st, 22 ad, and 23rd instant, will be advertised m a few days' time. Tbe Subcommittee have met with such support and encouragement that they hope to make the affair the most successful ever held m Marlborough. The picture gallery will alone be worth a visit, and the choice collection of curios will repay inspection. Mr Rogers has kindly agreed to exhibit eaoh night, by means of the oxy-hydrogon light, some dissolving views never shown before m the province. Music will be provided, and arrangements have been made with Mr Marple for the supply of tea and onffoG and light refreshments at reasonable rates. Theie will be telephones, microscopes,' steroscopes, graphoscopes, photographs, ancient coins, illustrated books, and other attractions too nnmerous to ba detailed. The curios belonging to the Institute, which have never seen the light for years paflt, will also be exhibited. The Conversazioue will be open each afternoon from 2 till it and each evening from 7 till 10. Ladieß and gentlemen who have promised the loan of article 3 will kindly let the SubOommittee have them not later than Tuesday the 20tli, on which day an express wilt he sent round for them.

New Channel-.— The Waihi got iv and oat yesterday ou the new channel which the river baß floured, through the Boulder B ink. There was six feet six inches of water. The old channel is reported to have silted up, so as to be almost uselass. Havelock Church Mbetiso.— The Annual Parish Meeting of St. Peter's Church was held m the church, Havelock, on Tuesday eveuing, July 6th, Rev. W. A. Whyte m the chair. The meeting opened m tbe usual way. The , minutes of the previous : meeting were rsadand confirmed. The bahnce sheet and report were both read and adopted. MrM. B. Adaim was nominated minister's warden, and Mr G. A. Empson was unanimously elected people's warden. The following were electnl vestrymen j— Messrs Guianesa, Venuimore, Price, Mills, Clarke, Drury, Jonea, Rutherford, Reynold?, C. Smith, aud Kreie. Vote 3 of thanks were recorded to Dr Dtnvy, for his services as lay reader; Mrs Drury as organist, and Mr H. L. N. "Chrke a3 choir master, and also to the superintendent and teachers of the Sunday. Sohool. Proposed by Dr Drury, seconded by the Rev. W. A. Whyte, that a cordial vote of thanks bs given to the retiring churchwardens, MeasiM Vennimore and Guinness. Carried. It was resolved that" the registration book ha adopted, and Mr M. B. Adams was aekel to take an early opportunity of visiting the outlying districts. Propised by Mr Einpson, seconded by Mr M. B. Adams, That a cordial vote of thanks be given to Mr Vennimore for the appropriate texts of scripture he has placed m the church. Carried. Before closing the meeting the Rev. W. A. Whyte expresße.l his satisfaction at the increased attendance m the church, and at Okiramio, and the general interest shewn m chnr:h matters. Ho also spoke of the advisability of having a church erected mth j Kiituna Valley. A vote of thanks to the chair mui and the Rene diction terminated the proceedings. Worth Knowing. —A case of some importance to newspaper subscribers has been recently tricl m Qutanbeyan. Mr Gale, proprietor of tbe Age, sued a subscriber as a test case, under the following conditions :— The party m question ordered his paper to be stopped, but did not pay up. The paper wag continued, and the full amount snel for. The defendant urged that on notice of discontinuance, an aooount ought to have been rendered to the end of the current quarter, but bia Honour ruled that it was the subscriber's duty to pay up at the time of the countermand to relieve himself of liability, and gave a verdict for the amount claimed, Gkttino Ai.oko.— Mr Samuel Johnson's many Marlborough friends will be pleased to read the following item which we take from the Waipawa Mail :— " Mr Frank Johnson, son of Samuel Johnson, E&q., J.P., who made many friends when he resided m this district, has worked his way steadily along during the past two 3 ears, m the Postal Department, and has now been promoted to an appointment' in Napier, where he will m future reside " Ovraa to the depression m trade, I will offer at leaG than half wholesale prices, some special lines I have been enabled to seoure. I beg to append a few quotation?, About 800 felt anl straw hats, trimmed and untrimmed, v<ry cheap. Felt hats from Is Cd each, usual price 7s Cd. Straw hats from fi J each. About 500 dozen of the latest shades and designs m lace from I .Wl per yard. A large and varied stock of 'Areas' goods from -IJd par yard. Ladies' ulsters, dolmans, and jackets m great variety. Tinsel lace for evening wear. Dressmaking 011 the premises, under efficient management. A large ntock of Singer's Sewing Machines always on hand. Inspection invited aud a. trial solicited.— T. Smaliß, Wairau Store.

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Marlborough Express, Volume XXII, Issue 160, 9 July 1886, Page 2

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THE Marlborough Express Published Every Evening. FRIDAY, JULY 9, 1880. LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS Marlborough Express, Volume XXII, Issue 160, 9 July 1886, Page 2

THE Marlborough Express Published Every Evening. FRIDAY, JULY 9, 1880. LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS Marlborough Express, Volume XXII, Issue 160, 9 July 1886, Page 2