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H Tub monthly meeting of the above ■ Board took place on Mondaj last. ■ Present : Tho Commissioner of Crown ■ Lands (in the chair), George Dodson, ■ and J. A. Lambert. ■ft Two telegrams were recoived from wßt Mr Collins, at Kaikoura, suggesting ■I tho postponement of the meeting to ■ enable him to be presont, and stating ■ that he would like to be present at the ■ discussion re the proposed village ■ settlement in the Awatere. ■ Protest was received from Mr John ■ O'Leary against the granting of a ■ license to James Robinson to cut flax ■ at Tua Marina. P Letters were read from Messrs O. ■f O'Sullivan and John O'Leary on the B subject. ! K. Mr J. T. Conolly addressed the ■^ Board on behalf of Mr O'Leary, and ■ Mr McNab on behalf of Mr James ■ Bobinson, the applicant. ■ Resclved that the Board, having re- ■ considered its resolution of last raeet- ■ ing, aeo no reason to depart from that I resolution. ■ A circular from the Department ■ directing attention to the ',' Homestead ■ System," which provides for the aet- ■ ing apart of land for disposal without I payment, was received, and the con- ■ sideration postponed till next month. I Another circular waa received, forI warding copy of the regulations for ■ granting assistance towards passages I of farmers and agriculturalists pos- ■ aessed of small capital, and asking I that every facility be offered to such I immigXuts, with a view to settlement. -■ A timber license, over 178 acres at the Kaituna was granted to Messrs W. J. and A. J. FarnalL The Commissioner reported 'that he had granted, since the last meeting, four timber licenses. A timber license, over 50 acres, \ Waitaria Bay, in favour of Walter Hamilton, waa cancelled at his request. Applications from Win. .Henderson land Jamea Malcolm for licenses over the same block. As it appeared that Mr Henderson's application was first in date, but that Mr Malcolm had been outting under Mr Hamilton's license, the Board .recommended that they should send • a, joint application, but that, if not, ra license should be granted to each for half the land. 'The Ranger waa instructed to proceed to the spot and arrange the matter. Letter from Mr Brownlee, asking for ajjjease for 14 years of section 3, Kaitinia Valley. Resolved, That on his giving up the present license a lease be recommended to be oSered at auction, at upset rent of £10 a year. The licenses for the two runs sold by auction on the 31st May were ap- • proved for signature. Letter from Messrs Rogers and Barleyman, asking that a sub -lease, J. A. Skevington (Kaikoura) to F. Suisted, be approved of by the Board. Resolved, That the Board declines to express any opinion until the deed Jias been laid before them. Messrs RatclifF and Armstrong applied to purchase 50 acres at Endeavour Inlet for the erection of a fishing station. Resolved, That the Board will facilitate the purchase, on the applicants applying for the same in accordance r-^wifch the' Survey Regulations and paym ing deposit for survey. H Section 4, block 4, Eaituna Valley, W 48a Or 22p, waa assessed at £54. | Deferred payment applications to capitalise from Alfred Bell and Wm. , Henderson were approved of. I ./Eneas McMillan wrote asking for a I blocl^of 50 aores in the Eaituna Valley, to be set apart on deferred payments, so that he might take it up under that system. Resolved That on the land being surveyed, it be recommended to be set apart accordingly. The report of the Sub-committee appointed to inspect land suitable for a village settlement in the Awatere was read. The consideration of it was held over to the next meeting. The Commissioner informed the Board, re the village settlement at Canvastown, that the Government had ordered the land to be laid out in (sections at once, and a Surveyor had been despatched to do so. The Board then adjourned. The following is the Report above alluded to :— Your Committee have the honor in 1^ accordance with the resolution passed by your Board on the 3rd of May last, TTo report as follows : — Your Committee went through to the Awatere on the 10th ult. and made arrangements to inspect the northern si.trtftfi the Awatere River next day. Your Committee traversed and carefully examined the land on the Dumgree and Vernon Runs on the westward and eastward of the proposed line of railway, and found light farming land of very fair quality and of about 800 acres in extent, near the entrance of the Dash wood Pass. Your Committee carefully examined the southern side of the Awatere River on the following day, and were pleased to find so large an area of arable land, said to contain several thousand acres, ' pituate on the Staeborough property (consisting of the Starborough and Marathon runs). The cereals grown on this side of tho liver are said to be of undoubted quality. Your Committee regard this locality •as being suitable for subdivision into moderate-sized farms. In view of the railway being continued to the Awatere district at no distant date, your Committee respectfully urge your Board to recommend -the Hon. the Minister of Lands to negotiate with the owners of Dumgreo — and Vernon runs, to acquire the seve- '" ral sections of land (lying contiguous, part being on the western side and part on the eastern side of the proposed line, as the same is more particularly delineated and described in the plan herewith annexed and colored red and green) in accordaace with section 168 of the Land Act, 1885, as being suitablo foi a village settlement. The land is easily accessible from a main road, though a portion of the present road in a trespass road. It is maintained by the District Road Board, the owners allowing it to be used on condition of the Board keeping it in repair. If your Committee's request be acceded to, an exchange of "^ roads would be desirable and neces- ■" sary. The surrounding stations afford a considerable amount of work for a portion of tho year, and that amount would be greatly augmented by open-

ing up the district in tho dircctiou indicated. ( Iu concl'isiou your Committoutoiidur their thanks to Messrs Watson and Hall, of Dumgree and Star borough, for their courtesy in showing their land and boundaries , and giving all necessary information. The plan annexed shews two blocks of 200 and 150 acres to tho oast of tho proposed railway line, and four blocks of a total of 430 acre3 two roods on tho western side. total land pioposed to be taken is 780 acres two roods.

" Rough on Rats" clears oat rats, mice, foaches, flies, ants, bed-bugs, beetles, insects, skunks, jack-rabbits, gophers. Druggists. N.Z. Drag Company, General Agents. 11 Buohu-Paiba."— Quick, complete cure, all annoying Kidney, Bladder and Urinary Diseases. Druggists. N.Z. Drug Company, General Agents That Husband of Mine is three times the man he was eEore he began using "Wells Health Renewer." Druggists. N.Z. Drug Company, General Agents. The Greatest Blbssino.— A simple, pure, harmless remedy that cures every time, and prevents disease by keeping the Mood pure, stomach regular, kidneys and liver active, is the greatest blessing ever conferred upon man. Hop Bitters is that remedy, and the American Co. the genuine manufacturers, are being blessed by thousands who have been cured by it. Tiyit. See., • Wicked fob Clkboymen. — " I believe it to be all wrong and even wicked for clergymen or other public men to be led into giving testimonials to quack doctors or vile stuffs oalled medicines, but when a really meritorious artiole is made up of common valuable remedies known to all, and that all physicians use and trust iu daily, we should freely commend it. I therefote cheerfully and heartily commend Hop Bitters for the good they have done me and my friends,, fitnily believing tbey have no equal for family use. I will not. be without them."— Rev. , Washington, D.C.U.S.A. The People Want Proof.— There is no medicine prescribed by physioians or sold by Druggists, that carries such evidence of its sucsess and superior, virtue as Boshee's German Syrup for severe Coughs, Colds settled on the breast, Consumption, or any other disease of the Throat and Lungs. Any person afflicted, can get a Sample Bottle for 6d. and try its snperior effeot before buying the regular size at 3s. Gd. Its wonderful ouresaie astonishing every one that uses it, Three doses will relieve any case. If you have a Cough or Gold that will not yield to other remedies try German Syrup and you will be surprised at the result. It has cared many oases of so-called Consumption whioh doctors had given np. It is sold by all Druggists in the Civilized World. . American Co'sJHop Bitters abb the Purest and Best Bitters Ever Made.— They are compounded from Hops, Malt, Buohu, Mandrake, and Dandelion,— the oldest, best, and most valuable medicines in the world and contain all the best and most curative properties of all other remedies, being the greatest Blood Parifier, Liver Kegalator, and Life and Health Restoring Agent on earth. No disease or ill health oan possibly long exist where they are used, so varied and perfect are their operations. They give new life and vigor to the aged and. infirm. To all whose employments cause irregularity of the bowels or urinary organs, or who. require an Appetizer, Tonic and mild Stimulant, American Co'a Hop Bitters are invaluable, being highly curative, tonic and stimulating, with intoxicating. No matter what your feelings orymptoms are, what the disease or ailment is, use Hop Bitters. Don't wait until you are sick, but if you only feel bad or miserable, use Hop Bitters at once. It may save your life. Hundreds have been Baved by so doing. £500 will be paid for a case they will not cure or help. Do not suffer or let your friends suffer, but use and urge them to use American Hop Bitters. Remembe?, American Hop Bitters is no vile, drugged, drunken nostrum, but the Purest and Best Medicine ever made. Try the Bitters to-day. Get at Chemists or Druggists. Beware of imitations. Genuine has Dr Soule's name blown in bottle.

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Marlborough Express, Volume XXII, Issue 136, 10 June 1886, Page 3

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MARLBOROUGH LAND BOARD. Marlborough Express, Volume XXII, Issue 136, 10 June 1886, Page 3

MARLBOROUGH LAND BOARD. Marlborough Express, Volume XXII, Issue 136, 10 June 1886, Page 3