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Postal.— On Monday next, the 2nd inst,, mails for Picton, Spring Creek, Tua Marina, and Koromiko, also for Nelson (usually dosing at 3. 15 p.m.), will close at 10.15 a.m.

Holiday Trains.— The Railway Manager has made apooial arrangements for holiday trains on Monday next, with liberal concessions for retnrn tickets. Full particulars will be found m another column, "

Agbncv. — Mr Canning, of Blenheim, has been appointed local agent tor the Marlborough Permanent Buildiag Society, the new Pioton affair, which is going well ahead, and is J ! kely to be profitable to Bhareholders. ■ ■

Run for Sale;— Messrs Jackson Bros. Robin Hood Bay property is for sale, Messrs Green and Nosworthy being the auctioneers. It is a fine rUu, with valuable improvements, Hud well known to rnpoy of onr readers.

Free and Open Churches.— There are now m the British Islands 1433 churches of the Anglican communion, which are always open far private prayer, and 1425 which are entirely free.

Sixpenny. Telhorims.— lt will be seen from Sir Julius Vogel's speech m another column that the Government are about to try sixpenny telegrams as an experiment. There is not the leant doubt of its suoMHs, if it has a fair chauee. '

Declined. — Mr George Kirton, one of the propiletars of the Fielding Star, and formerly Postmaster ia that town, was recently offered a Commission of the Peace. Mr Kirton is not ambitious to wiite J.P. after h't name, aud declined the honour.

Entertainment.— Owing to tbe '.inclemency of the weather on Saturday night, the entertainment at Havelook on behalf of G. Climo was postponed uatU Satprday tho 31at. Weather permitting, the Okaramio Ethic-pirns will appear then m the Town HeU, Havelook, aud it ti to be hoped will have a good house.

What's m a Name?— Mr C, Redwood who has lately had a colt by Leos added to his atud has determined, after spending a few hours m the Baziar yesterday, to name the youngster "Small change." As he justly renurka— nothing can go faster !

Depression.— Things are flat m the world of crime and litigation. Even neighbors' quarrels sbout'fowla and children are at a standstill. There are to be no summoned cases or other business m the Resident Magistrate's Court tomorrow.

1.0.Cr.T.— Our Temperance friends at Picton intend to wind up their pionic next Monday, by a ).uhlic meeting m the Assembly Hall, at which the Mayor will preside. Amongst the speakers will be advocates of the cause from Blenheim. All the temperance organisations m Picton should combine to make this a satisfactory demonstration of their strength.

As Ugly Mishap. — Luther Stuttard, a young man employed by Mr W. B. Parker, came to grief lait night while on horseback driving a bullock off the Grore Road. The horse fell, rolled over the rider, broke his arm, and caused him to fall with sink forco as to bring on concussion of the brain. This morning we are gal to hear the injured man is better, and that tho medical anticipation of concussion of the brain is not likely to be realised.

A Good Ipea.— The Committee of the Horticultnral Society decided last night to hold a aeries of monthly " M ntnal Improvement Meetings" for discussing horticultural matterp, hearing paperß read on tbab and kindred subjeotn, and exhibiting specimen dowering or foliage plants or notable varietios of fruit and vegetables to which any member of the Society might wish to give publicity. The meetings would be held m: a public room, probably the Institute, fid members and their friends would be invited. The idea is an excellent one, and has led to good results at Christchurch and elsewhere, and is very .commonly put into force m New Bouth Wales.,. With only two shows m a year it is evident that many things for which Blenheim gardens are becoming celebrated — notably chrysanthemums and spring bulbs— neyer get a chance to exhibit their charms m public. These monthly meetings or "talks" for the interchange of gardening information may perhaps ultimately lead to some smaller bliows during tho year— a result for which we are sure the public will be thankful. Meantime we hope the " Mutual Improvement Meetings" will be cordially supported. The first will come off on Wednesday, tho 18th November. Another result is mush to bo desired — an increase m the number of subscribers to the Society. The Secretary, Mr Gillespio, will be glad to enrol them.

HoimcuLTuiUL Society. — A meeting of the Horticultural Sooiety's Committee took place last night at the Club Hotel, Mr George Riley, President, m theohair. The Bub-committee brought up the schedule for the Spring Show, which was adopted. Me3sra John Hornby and G. G. Fitzgerald were appointed Judges for pot plants ; Messrs Heudarson and Turnbull fur cut llosvers, including bouquet? ; and Messrs Fryer and Skillon for fruit and vegetables. The President and Secretary were requested to arrange for music at the Show and for printing the schedules etc. It was determined to hold mutual improvement meetings monthly m connection with the Horticultural Society, the firat meeting to be held on the ISth of November. The Committee then adjourned.

Bantkbuptpt,— The>fiist me?!i;><T cf !Ei creditors H ?-. O. Lir'ner, of Have'.oc't, dtorokeeper, was called this morning. The sworn statement of asset? and liabilities is asfollow3:— Asset3 : Stock-in-traia£3G3, book debts .£SOO, cash m hand and at B ink £40, furniture £40, total £9W. The following is a list of the liabilities (all unsecured) ! —Wellington creditors— Tdrnbnll, Smitli and Co. £&3 125 8 1 W, and O . iitmbull !&A Co £M 2ls 8.1, Ssott Br O 3 £77 3-i 3.1, I It. Hannah and Co £25 7s Gd, B. \V. Mills 1 nnd Co £18 S3 8.1, E. Anderson £1? 17* 2;1, Wellington Tinware Cd. £± iis 6d ; Nelson— Kadueid (chemi3t) £3 ; Victoria — tiioo H. Parker £15, Van SUvern and Telling £1G; Blenheim -Earp Broa £65, Fell Bros £31, J. Scott £10, RedweoJ Bro3 £25, Earll and JlctConfile £?, fenhey and Hegraan £4. Blaymirea (railway porter) £50, R. W. Parker £40,. W. E. Parker £4 la lldi W. Pre^th £C j total liabilities £t157 lOs id. The only creditors present were Mr T. Horton and Mr W. Eatp, both of whom proved their claims. There not being sufficient creditors present to make a quorum, the meeting adjourned till 11 o'clock tomorrow morning*.

CRtesET.-»A hieeting of the United PelorUs Crioket Club was held at Fear'a Hotel Haveloek, on Wednesday, the 28th inst. to select a team and make general arrangements re the coming matches with the Wairau C.C. -esent : Capt. Gninness (m the ohair) Messrs Brownl ej W. Slader, H. Reader, Latflor, AcbitnSj Reynolds, and Hamjing. The minutes of the present meeting were read and confirnied^-It was proposed by Mr Wi Re'adcri seconded "by Mr Livfl'6r thai Measr-i Brownies, H. Reader, and Oainness, be a Match Committee to select a team. Mr Adams' tender for providing lunch was accepted. Wickets, will be pitched d*. 10 a.m. At the condition ol the meeting the Match Committee selected the following gentlemen to play :— Uuinesa (Captain),H.. M. Reader, W. Reader, Brownlee, Wratt, Hornby, Baigeant, Seymour, Dorsett, Parker and Hamling. " Emergencies : C, H. Mills. Hart,. VVheadou, Bmpaon and G. Smith ; Umpire, \V. Doreen j Scoror, J-. H. Reynolds;

.. I'he .Carbine Accident.— We under--stahd that etiqiliry is about to be made by the proper military authority into the oircumstances under which a boy was recently allot accidentally with a defective Government carbine. Meanwhile th' 6 matter is, as was to be expected, exciting ■attention m- other parts of tho Colony. '! Puff," m the Wellington Evening Press, Bays :— " I Beb the poor boy shot by his brother at Blenheim was sbot through a defective lock m a Government carbine ! Who's responsible ? Who inspected the enrbine and passed it as being m good ojrder? It would have been dreadful enough to know that the! poor lad's death was the result ol an accident, but to find the weapons placed m the hands of .children by the State are murderously unsafe is a hundred times worse! How many of these boy-traps are upon active aorvioe ? It's to be hoped future inspections will be sufficiently stringent to detest such a palpable fault aa a defective look I"

. Mistaking W3 Object.— A " Glee Club and Literary Society" in Wyoming has lynched sis men thus far this y&t for horse-stealing;.

Black Sheep.— Tha Southern negro won't eat a bHek sheep under any circumstances, and the Southern wool-grower is taking advantage of this superstition to raise none other.

Elopement.— A sensation (says the New Zealand Times) has been created m Dunedin through the elopomenl of a married|lady with a gentleman well known m the town, The parties occupied good social positions m Dnnedin. Much sympathy is felt for the husband.

Fast Sailing.— The threerrustel schooner Yolande, which arrived at Whangaioa on the 14th iasfc., accomplished the pan =aje from Sydney ia the splendid time of 4 days i.B hours, one of the fastest rum on record for a sailing vessel, and quite aa fast (says tbe Post) as the average runs of the Union Steamship Co.'s steamers.

Wanted to See Him.— We often hear (aaya the Herald) of seraphic children of tender ye us astonishing and delighting their parents by remarks of a deeply religious tioge ; but a 4-year-old Wanganui boy rose his Mater's hair the other day by a-diabolical remark to the effect that he'd like to be dead, " Why dear?" enquired his doting mother, thinking her darling was about to give utterance to some angelic wish. " So'ajl could see the Devil," replied young hopeful, grinning !

Cautiox to Pish Eatebs,— The Manawatu Di'ly Time 3 says that the Rev. O. OhristofforaoQ has forwarded to the office of the paper a bottlo containing a number of specimens of a dangerous looking worm which he found m a kawhai, purchased for consumption, He states that the liver of the fish was full of these, and that further examination disclosed hundreds of them m the flesh. He considers those who consume fish would do well to examine them before eating.

The Chorcu MniTAST.— An extraordinary/me™ has tiken place a,t Polski, m Croatia. Tlnro was an election m the town m connection with an ecclesiastic tl congress to be held at Agram, and Bishop Zioko had to rebuke ono of the priest candidates for an intemperate zeal as an agitator. After the election, this priest chased the bishop through the streets tr> his lodgings, and there beat him unmercifully till the bishop'a cries brought a orowd to his rescue.

The Premier ok the Depression. — Iq his Dunedin speech on the 23rd, Mr Stout made the following allusions to the existing daproaaion : — He wished to rofor to a mbject which had caused a great deal of discussion. Ia a newspaper the other dsy he noticed that there were yet twentytlree racing fixtures to bs held this siaion, and this was m a country of depression. He would undertake to say fiat not one of thoae meetings spent leas Han £2030 or £3000, and if the depression could rid the colony of those racing fixtures it would be a good thing. (Lmghter.) He admitted that there was a depression, and would state how it had arsen, but if the peopiu thought that the depression was now as bad m it was m 1569, they were mistaken. During the tut nine years our wool production had iooreased by 50 per cent m round num. tets. In 1875 we exported 54,000,000 pitinds of wool m against 81,000,000 pounds iv 183-1, yet the money obtained ia 1831 was less than the amount obtunod for the much smaller quantity m 1875. That wa3 to say, the wool fetched £0 per cent less last year than it did ia 875, and while wool had gone down rheat had gone down, frozen meat had gme down, — and with a falling off m tho price of all our staple products, it was rot surprising that the depression hid (feapened. But the depression hero was rot as bid as m other countries. Those vho remembared the hard times m ISGi) sight nob to badoproased becauso there «ere hard times now.

EuLii.iocs titoußEss.— The evanselioal creofls ssem to b 3 keeping up with the times. During the last twenty-five years sixty-five new Method'i3t chapels have been built m Lindon at a coatot £GOJ,OOO, aid the number of ministers has increased from 50 to liiO. The Morivians ( who are oaa of the smallest religious itonoininA,t'dn&, maintain oi] missiona r ies m various parts of the earth, and 1585 natives assistants, and now have abaiit Sl-,03(j adherents m n\ ; ss ; .oa-rl»ld*',

Check uatiko the Professor. — Rev. Dr Richie, of Edinburgh, though a very clever man, once mat his match. When examining a student as to the elaSsen I he attended, lie said:-"! understand that you attended the classes . for mathematics." "Yes.! 1 "Howminy sidca Has a circle..". "..Twoi" said tho student. '' indeed ! What are they '! " ■ What a Uu rh ia tho Court the student's answer produced when he promptly said: "Aniuside and outsida." The doctor next inquired : " And yoa attend the morJ philosophy olas3j al^o J'\ " Yes 1 " '^Well,. yia. (t.ictitlesa Heard lccturea nn vatiom subjects. Did yon ever hear one on ' caus i and eSeot ?' " 11 Yes." " Does an elfeot ever go before a cause? 1 ' "Yes." "Give ni9 an instance," " A barrow ivheole Jby a man." The doctor hastily sat down aud proposed no more questions.

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Marlborough Express, Volume XXI, Issue 239, 29 October 1885, Page 2

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THE Marlborugh Express. PUBLISHED EVERY EVENING THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1885. LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS. Marlborough Express, Volume XXI, Issue 239, 29 October 1885, Page 2

THE Marlborugh Express. PUBLISHED EVERY EVENING THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1885. LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS. Marlborough Express, Volume XXI, Issue 239, 29 October 1885, Page 2