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■ ! ' BaiJkruptoy.— Messrs Callafcl and Gitr;BoHj"6f the Boulderbank, have filed a? da.clarationof their inability to meet .their engagements with "their creditors. TJife first meeting of creditors will 1 take 1 place on Thursday, 6th April. ■ •;.'. '■■■> •'■' : | Maintenance.— ln the R:M. ! Court 'this morning, Mrs Harriet Mcßay. requested an order under.'.' Married iWomenB 1 ProtcetionAot" as regards her|earoings against her husband, John McKay . ' Mr Mclntire 'appeared for. the -supplicant, 'and Mr'MqNab represented the husband, no evidencp was taken; and: the, order was granted, both sides agreeing to the same. > Litchfield'sFeeeShow.— The Market Place last night was the centre of'attraotion to a great many of the fair sex 6i Blenheim. Messrs Litchfield and Son made their opening display of new goods for the'coining" winter seajson'.r They are to be congratulated on the success which crowned their efforts, it being one of the largest and best displays that has been witnessed m the district. A new feature jwas f the;door and centre of, the shop, i where 1 was set ..oat : a i fine = variety/ . of woollen goods. The windows contained a beautiful assortment of millinery and dress materials, which could not fail to sendia thrill of delighti through the hearts of the many 'fair admirers who' 'were congregated there. How England is Supplied with Gbain. — As showing how Great Britain may be supplied with 'grain, except rfromXAinerica, Australia,' and New Zealand, 'we make the following extraot from the "Pall Mall Budget" of the 10th February last :— " The trade and navigation returns for 'January, issued yesterday, were confirmatory^! the hopefnl views that trade reports from day to day encourage the public to ; take of the trade of the country.- Both exports and imports show large increases over the previous January. There is an increase of about £800,000 m the value of the wheat imported ; but it is partially neutralised by a decrease of over i 400,000. m the value of imported flour, In regard to this branch of trade, it is very noticeable how thoroughly other nations are abje, to make 'good the deficiency of !' the \United States. Operators there are still intent upon ' cornering ' the grain market, and the result thus far has been a great benefit to India, whioh sent us £420,000 worth of' wheat last month than m the corresponding month of 1881 ; to Eassia, whioh pent, us, £400,000 worth more, and to other! countries. Our home, millers are 'also, without doubt, reaping a considerable advantage. Wheat, it may be noticed, appears to come as freely from California as ever." ; Havelock K.M. Court.— Our Havelock correspondent writes :— The Resident Magistrate's Court was crowded all day on Thursday, great interest being taken m the charge of larceny against Edward Adams, for stealing £6 from Charles Pickering. That defendant shuuld be committed for trial was a surprise to a great many. The only other case causing excitement was Levein v. Pike and others, or familiarly called the "bone" case, iue evidence, notwithstanding the cry of ' order," drew forth much laughter. The juvenile offenders: Were relieved of 7s each, and reprimanded, the plaintiff ThT 1 "! a U - deserved admonition, lne evidence elicited the fact that Levein junior was wheeling home a barrowload of bones, when he was met by four or more boya, bent on mischief, the result

boing that tho bonca d'd not remain long inKthe barrow, and the language used wa? not exr«tly par'i-^pntary, but no bone? were broken, ( v ; Buribd Alive.— Another case of being bured aliveis reported by an American paper, the ■ "Elmira Gazette," which says :— "Miss Mosely, ; a .'domestic m a family m West Middlosex, Perm., was supposed to have died suddenly a few weeks ago. Her family had moved to Missouri previous to her death, and Miss Mosely was given a respectable burial by her employer. A. few days after some friends arrived there from the Missouri' to remove ?her remains. iWeat,, and on opening the coffin it was 1 discovered the young lady had been buried alive while iv a trance, and' had awakened m the grave, a=d turned over on her Bide. She was lying face downwards, he: hands clsnched m her hair, and her distorted features plainly showing the intensity of suffering she had undergone. It was apparent that m the short interval which must have ensued between return to consciousness and death by suffocation she had comprehended her condition,., and tarning.npon,hor face,, had endeavoured tdijiliro w off 'the lid; of "the coffin by pushing Against it with her back." The LiST Freak of Fashion.— The Qaeeu of Italy's late visit to Vienna has produced a Eresh freak of fashion— that of teaching the ladies to wear uniform toileltts^lbji^iii is ajfresik which promises. tifJtKoointe'' fashionably. The Viennese' lame's,' wishing to J pay' a delicate compli.' ment to their illustrious visitor, appeared at the ball m her; honor, allrin white, or relieved, where it iw^ 'rfilifeygil atfaT) Jby' the daisy or Marguerite, and Her Majesty was so pleased with the compliment that on her return she reproduced the idea m Rome, and with such splendid success that it iSjSajd next season there .will be a sen 4s *Qf dahefb, | Sbirttidfty dances, whten.the. colour <Jf tbe' Hostess, with her crest or favorite flowe"-, is to be the unifoim of the whole party. It is a pretty idea, but it is an idea that implies a good deal of fresh extravagance, because it will be next to impossible to wear the dress a second time. St. Petebsbuho. — The extraordinary warmth of this winter season m StJ?eters{ burg and district is calling serious attention ( to the probable poreaae of epidemic diieagesjdUring next' iaw. monjhi, as. th'e usual cbld, dry weather oi winter is of immense importance m counteracting the unhealthy situation and condition of the locality. In the census which ' has just been taken, the growth and mortality of the population show the eanie remarkable peculiarities as they have done for many; years past. From 1869 to 1881 the populatipn of the city haa increased ; by 192,613, the' number now being nearly 900,000, but during the same period the deaths, have been 20,150 more than the births, so that if the .same excess of were .to con-, tinue for anomet 44 years, St'Petersburgfwouldbe' entirely depopulated"; while, on the other hand, if the above proportion of lAcre'a'se of inhiibitaiitfvi presumedly froni w;ithput, were to be maintained until 1891, •there 1 would tie over 1 ,624 ! ,6fe0 souls. While there wirier to- speak of ip StPetersr, burg, the Transcaspian, where tho winter is usually very mild, is this season' visited by, severe^ld.andj snow,. ; . ., . , ; ■ . , ; So miorqscoyic^lly perfect is the watchmaking machinery now m use that screws are cut withneirly COO threads to the inch, —though the finest used m the .watch has 250. ■' These ■thVeaaa are 'invisible' to- the naked eye, and, ; it .takes 141,000, of the. screws to weigh a pound! their value being six pounds of pure gold. . .

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Marlborough Express, Volume XVII, Issue 76, 1 April 1882, Page 2

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LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS. Marlborough Express, Volume XVII, Issue 76, 1 April 1882, Page 2

LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS. Marlborough Express, Volume XVII, Issue 76, 1 April 1882, Page 2