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The Commercial Hotel, J BLENHEIM. | H. Pbitchabd Proprietor The New Commercial Hotel ia replete with all modern conveniences for j visitors to the neighborhood, travellers, and boarders. The Wines, Spirits, Ales, &c, will be found to be of the Best Quality. Good Stabling and Paduock. H. PRITOHARD. 258 Liverpool & London & Globt, Insurance Company. Capital £2,000,00 C. Income £1,700,000. ALL Classes of Fire Riski,, m Town or Country, taken at currant rates. Claims settled without reference ant where. Batesof prrraiuui c.i luvery otnJi information to be Lud at the Office of tht undersigned. WILLIAM EVANS, j Agent, Blenheim, GRATEFUL-COMFORTING. EPPS'S "COCOA. BREAKFAST. ""DY a thorougn knowledge of the £j natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition, and by careful application of th 6 fine properties ot well-selected cocoa, Mr Epps has provided onr breakfast tables with a delicately flavoured beverage which may save us many heavy doctors' bills. It is by the judicious use of such articles of diet that the constitution may be gradually built up until strong enough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well foritfied with pure blood and a properly nourished frame." —See article m the Civil Service Qazelte. Made simply with boiling water or milk. Sold only m Packets and tins Jit- and lib labelled:— JAMES EPPS & CO HoMfflPATHic Chbmi&ts, London. Aho— EPPS'S CHOCOLATE ESSENCE, for Afternoon use. " HEALTH AND LIFE TO THE SICK. rjOLLOWAT'S OINTMENT DIBBASBB OP THE BKIN. Universal approbation has been awarded to this famous Ointment for its efficiency i n removing diseases of the skin. For scrofula, scurvy, scale heads, and all eruptions of thi skin, both m infancy and matnrer years, nc remedy can be' so applied which so quicklj cures as Holloway's Ointment. In the nnraerj it should always be at hand to east the many skin affections to which the majority of children are liable. In all heat and tooth rashes the Ointment ib wouderfullv cooling and curative To soldiers, sailors, miners, and travellers m foreign lands it is Invaluable. SOBES, WOUNDS, BAD BHEABTB, BAD LBU3 In this class of maladies an improvement ia tin. 1 appearance of tbe disease of tbe patient follows the nrst dressing with the Ointment, It must not onlybe smeared ou the wound. O. sore, but be briskly rubbed for some Inches rount about the deceased swollen or painful parts. It will penetrate to the blood vessels, nerves, and muscles, and even to the bone, and will exercise mostwholesomehealingand purifying powerovsr every tissue requisite for thorough reparation. The offect of the Ointment is increased by fomenting with warm water bofore the Oint■i fi,t is rubbed m ; bnt cores, when healing, should i. ever be cleaused with sponge or any thing elso, as the young and new flesh, which appears like a cream would be washed away BLOOD TO THK HBAD, APOPLEXY. Nothing giveb se much ease m these coo plaints Irom which so many suflor, as Hollo way's cooling and healing ointment. When rubbed upon the spine it acts energetically m drawing surplus blood from the brain even to children m teething ; this Ointment has a miraculous effect m preventing fits, and convulsions, so often attendant on tooth cutting The ' Pills should be used according to the directions. BHEDMATISM, fIOUT, BTIPP JOINTS. Every one suffering from these painful affections should use this purifying Ointment, as it bus rescued thousand from a life of torture, after every other means bad been tried m vain. The Oiutmeut should be well rubbed Into (lie i-kin nt least twice a day, after it baa Oolu proporly fomenti-il with warm salt and vuter, and dried. The iuflaination soon yields, I and the patient, no lon^-nr helpless, resume* his accustomed occupation, GLANDULAR BWKLLINBB, BRONCHITIS HUMPS, 8088 THROAT, AND DIFTHBBIA To combat these deseauos with success, a remedy is required which will have the whole Bbßorbont «ystnn under its control. Such a rrmedy it- I :ol>l- * uy's Ointment, when rubbed oi. U.e Bbiu, it fieuetiftw. the glands, and re Uiuvds any obstruci'cp oi impurity .viu'cb muj u« ■mpeding then healthy action. This Ointm- iv Jtcts oa tbe very mainspring of life, for through the glands pass all new matter required for tbe body's reparation ; m all tbe class of cases the Ointment and Pills, used conjointly, vuil let so searchiogly and certainly as to effect cures iv the most deplorable cases. FIBTDLAB, AMD PILBS. All inflammations and ulceratious of sensitive parts may be presently relieved, aud ultimately cured, by tbe diligent use of this cooliug aud healing Ointment, aided twice daily by bathing the parts m cold water. Immediate ease springs from this treatment ; perseverance is necessary to effect a pormanom cure. ASTHMA, SHORTNESS OP BREATH. In then- «jmplaints the Ointment should be well rubbed twice a day upon the chest, ana between the shoulders, it will penetrate to thf lungs, stimulate them to reuewed exertions, prevent stagnation ol blood, moderate tYv pulsations of the heart, regulate the currei' of aii through the bronchial tubes, andtbus tffec' permanent cure Both the Ointment and Pills shoul the following cases: — Bad Leg* Corns (Soft) Rheumatism Bad Breasts Canceia Scalds Burnt Coutraoted and SoreN.plea Bunions BtilTJoin:s. Sore-throats Bite of Moache- Elephantiasis Skin- disease! toes and Basd- Fistulas Scurvy Files. Uout Sore-heads Coco-bay Glandular Birel- Tumoun Chiego-foot Ungs Ulcers Chilblains Lumbago Wounds Chapped Hands Files Yuws Sold at tho Establishment ofl'ROFEssoP Hollow at 533, Oxford Street, London; ulso by ail respectable Druggists aud Deal] ers m Medicine throughout the civilised world, at tbe following prices: — Is. \{d., 2s. 2d., 4a, 6d., Us., 22s.,und 335., each Pot. *.* There is a considerable saving by takng tbe larger sizes. N.B. — Directions for the guidance of patients iv ':w v • ; i> tier ar aflUed tv each box.

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Marlborough Express, Volume XVI, Issue 179, 3 August 1881, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Marlborough Express, Volume XVI, Issue 179, 3 August 1881, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Marlborough Express, Volume XVI, Issue 179, 3 August 1881, Page 4