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I POSTPONED To Friends, and Patrons of TO LET! TO. LET!! ; T0 the Past. miIAT "Commodious and Centrally- : THURSDAY NEXT, ,— 1 Situated House, lately m the ; B. co^nce -Sji-— 7 riffITLEMEN,-! tag, , ? SLLKK. M. thanks for. the patronage re- Bathroom, and there are also spacious PUBLIC AUCTION. ceived during my career as 1 ' proprietor outbuildings. The rooms am 1:%, 1 : ■•■ ; ______ ~ , „ ■•'. ■• TT r, „ ■■-. .■: .'•• .;„ ' and well^ventilated; !and the position of ' OUAKISS ANOSWOETBYhave °f*e Masonic Hotel, and also to inform jjouse is un.urpkssabl e , 'it being JJ . j . ... „ ...•-• „ you that the business is now. changing within three -. minuteß' valk of the receive m rue ion rom c tands - on wMcll occaßion _ new jj O _ fc Whart, Railway Station, Post, and Eev. W. Shirriffs, who is leaving , ' TT . Telegraph Offices. ■ •< , . , . m , . . — MrG.HoutDBWORTH--purpoßPSgiT-: ■ _^» :* .; , f ; -^ „,» i• : , , Blenheim, to . , ,-. „ . . „' ! There' are large grounds^. well-stocked SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION in S a dmner » aC(J cordially invites his with treeß) ?nd t he wh ole is m first- ; ;,-j t ;- ■■. on friends and patrons of the future to class condition, ' T H TCI EgDAY, JULY 7th, meet him, and celebrate- the occasion. •:»;,% *c r F?: and t po^dUwns apply trt AtJloclock, jjy attending to the requirements of 62 _ Pic'ton THE WHOLEOPTHE mn e r ., man .,. The, chair c will be ■ •■-••-•• 1 ------• __ n t^atSo'clockonWEDNDSDAl j F Oft SALE. ' Consisting oT^uSrniture of a ING^ July Masonic >p,HRm^IRg^iASS " WOEK 1 well-kept house, amongst which Hotel. -••'•••■•. ■-.•.' „. : J_ HORSES. " l : ; ■ will be found:— . , ff'S 'BUSH^- 1 ' ■ '' a ''' ■■■ '■' ■■' - ! ■ i/ .' '>';■ "' 1 One Superior "Piano, by Hop- -■■ ' ' . : *° [ kinson (nearly new) 661 G. HOULDSWORIH. 500 : Q STOREY. ■■ : Tables, Chairs ■ ' ' — ';•;•'-■ — - :■: i -. — —— — . — ■ — , ■ „S=Si WHOLESALE" & RETAIL- BRAPERS; : ;,, !! ,S_JfflKM^:.' ::.' ; BLENHEIM & PICTQN., ,,. , j i Chest of Drawers ''■ ■ ■ ■. '■ ' THE ABEIVAL^ THIS SEASON TO DATE ARE : ' ' ' :''.;/ "/SSr";. '■ : ! : ; ::: »S* 77 CASES & BALES -=®* ' v:si «{!!s____ ;i '- NEW GOODS FOR AUTUMN & WINTER, also : ' /^OMPEISING all that is New, Choice, and Faidlionablc, as weU a. A small quantity of Ladies' and V^ 1 llio heavier, strong,, warm, and substantial materials. „. v • • 8 Gol f d S^ er TkeVdslmssdf'lhcHockis unequalled m the annals oi'he X Watches, m goodgoing order :: :•• J n • . . ■. i./ v•; ..i-:-'i ; A Good Bay HOUSE, rising six Province. years: will carry a lady PURKISsTnoSWOBTHY, ■ ■- MILLINERY DEPARTMENT. - : '\ 631 „'-.-■■ ..-■• t Auctioneers. Here there is an Unrivalled Display of EN GLIS.H MILLINERY, pro- •"*•■••■"= ' :t ■■ nounced by general opinion to be beyond compare. ** ."i. .•.{. 1 1 : ■"i'Hba'PiF'rJTTTS r " -LADIES' COSTDMEV.IfIB_»AaTMBNTi s I WJii? ,„.„ :~° . r" A Superb Lot. of Ladies 1 LONG JACKETS, m all qualifier and price - llininWnnimil til'a fiAHinnnr - some plain ' Borne ricbljr trimmed - Ladies' Ulsters, &c.' : '- ;.,? JHUBtltluGI GAS COMPAMY, ■ . .dress department;^,^..^o ( ' (LIIVEiTE_3 ) Persian, Belgian, and Resino Cords m Navy Blues, Prunes, Maroons." _______ '• . Clarets, Browns, Olives; &cj 1 Thq same shades "also ia Cashmeres, Diagonals, TO HE INCORPORATED UNDER French Merinoa, Satin Cloths, All Wool Reppes, &c, &c. ;: . "the joint. stock com- ■'■ ' ■■■ . MOURNING DEPARTMENT. . .«s ..}■■'. ' ; F i AN * El !' A ? T \' I 8??" A Splendid. Lot of Black r 'Cashpieres| Ftduch - Metiuos, Sntin Cloths^ _ ~~ " n Kr .nn Alpacas, 1 Lustres, Diagonal Satin ! v Clbf.h l s, Wool i Series; 'Balmoral -Crapeii; LMrAnAi " V n\' * s , jUo ° „ Crepede Crepe; Cobourg's 3 French Twills, Para:nattas r Ac.^Ac. Black CrapPß; 1 N 5,000 shares of. £1 each, payable Josephine Kid Glovesi' Black ShawlH.^-'A large"' stall 1 of Dessmakorß.i .as follows :— 2/6 on application, Q u io.k Dispatch, Good Work, and Latest ..Fashions. .This department is pre5/-- on allotment, and the balance m sided over by Miss Batchelor. : .^UuasTSft mufy\iVUJ\ r :...= ojfl^nat to exceed 1/- per share per BLANKET DJIPARTMENT., , f „, „..,, . Mflsgiel, Kaiapoi, Merino, Witney, Supersj Mediums, Blue 1 , Grey, Scarlet, Directors' Bed Rugs, &c., &c. ; : : W. B. SIBLING, Esq., Merchant.jßlenheim. ...... MANCHESTER DEPARTMENT. : H. DODSON, Esq., „ „ Sheetuigs, m every width, from 1J to yards Diapers, Cloutinga, Irish Linens, Silesias W. BLICK, Esq., . „ ' „ wide ;.' '.'."[ ; Hollandgj: ■ Greeny TJhite^and; Bgf! Windrnv. C. DAViES, Esq., Builder ' •„ • Long Cloths, m every quality Hollands, every width E. PURSER, Esq., Draper. Blenheim. Heavy Caiicos, white and unbleached Glass Cloths, Crimean Flannels . . ■ ' : - : ' .. Bussia Duck, Apron Check ; .. iPiplc Linings, Cuttjiin Muslin ( antl-.Nets-. , ■ :.;' '.-Manager: ?prfar)s English and. American' Ticljings Lace Muslinand Apiplique'Lpng'CuitMns ' ' E S OLIVER Cotton Union .and Linen '. Covers,:'^ :i ' :lj ''-^ s .■>■::• ' ' j___ ' ' White and UhbleachEd'Swansdown Calicos Wliite and Unbleached Table DamaSk: ■ Bankers" ■ Kaiapoi, : Welsh, Lancashire,, and tiaxony Jacconats, i Mnlls,') Check, Nainsook, Book, l and BANK OP NEW ZEALAND. m;: r, , .. . y , :• } . Striped Muslins/ ' —J — ■ - ... . .. .:. .. ».,. CARPET DEPARTMENT:,Solicitor:' Tapestry, Kidder, Felt,' Dutch, Hemp, Linoleums, Floor Cloths, Cocoannt Matting j to \V. SINCLAIR; Escj. H yards wide, Felt Squares, 'Door^ats, and Heai-^x Rngsf; < j *;" Ulf'jjP^A * : :"":s":^ ..'■;_: • v ' ■"■•;■; MEN'S CLOTIM'G DEPARTMENT. ''" '"' ; .••■•■■ Secretary: ; The variety m this Department is immense. Alb sorts. vand i bzrsj .makes, and prices. ..:.■.•':■'.■: : ':-'|-; ..-,;; . ' Suits m saddle tweeds, Geelongs, Fancy Tweeds, Serges, &c. Trousers and Vests m plain, _ . . . ~~ — ~. ■. ; . ... striped, and check tweeds, 200. different- patterns.' Gents Top Coats m : pilot cloths, frieze, This Company has been formed for tweed, &o. Pilot Jackets, .Ulstera, Waterproofs, Gents Fashionable Cut Coats, Boys' and the purpose of supplying Blenheim with Youths' Clothing of every : descriptipn. , ? .,- gas. : : '::.;■• : . GENT'S MERCERY: DEPARTMENT,- j; ,,.r.,,;j' • The promoters have made a careful Fashionable Scarfs, Ties,' £c..; Fur-top Kid, Gloves,, Braces, ...Belts,, iCptton, Merino,, ptslimntfi nf tliP npopnaarv nmniinf nf Wool Half-Hose, Flannel, Merino, Lambs' Wool,' and Cotton Under Vests, a_d'P_ntß,'O_f6rfl -;. !•'!• . i , • ,r , IT,- , Shirts, with collars, and detached- collars ; White Shirts, plain and pletes ; Cashmere Neck capital required to erect G«, Works Handkerchiefs, &c. -^ '• •:< : ' ; ' ; ' .'^-j.;.-. ?r. vw i-A ,'i o : suitable for the requirements of the .'...-. . ■■■„: ...... ' .•/,. Town ; they, have also arranged for a All country orders receive the most careful attention.— A discount of 1b m the i alllowed site suitable foy this purpose, and have to all cash customers. ': ______: '"' '.'.'[ *''"'''' . ",',,' '''"'■.*! ""'" ' all necessary knowledge^ m reference to We perC g ive by advettisement tbat an outsider' is '.faying to makecapitaiout of'tke loc»l the latest improvements connected with Drapers, and ourselves m particular. .We _hot_d not have noticed this oorr r tUe adyento| theße gas works m all its branches. men, had they npt opened the way for us to' do so." We need:no't say 1 very 'much,- because the Tt, k nlmoih Tipprllptiti fn rlwpll nnnn people of Blenheim must be heartily sick of theße adventurers, who'trade upon the; credulity fK»^n«™3* . « .* \°l ?o>ir- m oftheunenUghtened, by using freely such terms as BARGAINS!; GREAT. BARGAINS !! the inconvenience that is felt m Blen- wiflia . conta sy r e_ n it l and then -to make it, important they, catalogue; then if that .won't do. heim ac the present time with the oil they try mock auctions ; 'then', if they find they camipJt\Work/B_ffi^(mfljr|Up(m"tne,^eqpleni lam ps that are now m use. It is also a one place, they take the stuff elsewhere, with the sjvme ; cry— Great 1 Bargainsi catalogues'; mock well-known fact that gas works are -notions, &c. However, some men^'live by. their. wits. .We cannot say we envy ;or are desirous very much wanted. The Town itself fj o^™* them ' A f<dr> le^ mate bUßi^" W 'M^^^^f^}^ would not only have a more imposing ! ', - x i ; l r ' ■; .■; : .-.- ,-,-;: : 1 appearance, but. at the same time a T T) A TTT jD 1 H f\ S CJ '^■DDT/^'l? T-' ! T^2T'- J ' ! much greater inducement would be J, lAUJj (36 xjKJi Di Xi;lElJ:'\i/l!_'iXjlul'.-/: -,i given to people to purchase freeholds li'i'T"^ " "' /ij i '' l ' ; i' !! iiv:> '•■'"•:' arid settle m it, and it will also increase _„ '_»,,„, „-, ,: . ■■■■• '*^y,ii •'' " ■'j.'''t i d---'f. i : >^ i.'r.'J j . .; -.hlj ii. the value of property to a conßiderable Fingering Wools, all colors, 3d skein ; . M^^d^ $ ev, 9^vn^cosi extent Wool Scarves, 9d each' " „L adies 1 , SJi . Scarjes,. 6d, 1/ , :/ . " ' It is widely known that all gas cbm- Wod Clouds, l/sjmd 1/6 eaoh.-ii ; ; . /;,^ 1/^cl^ : Sanies throughout the world have given Ladies' Linen Cufls • fid.per.pau- ?«f°° 8 ' Laces, and HQSierjr^;,, good profite-to-sharPholders, the price CMdren_s Gloves fld.per pair 12-i Blankets 35 ; of gas not being liable to a very great Ladies' Thread Gloves , fld and 1/ ■;• -114- do ' ' JJ/J^' J i „ amount of fluctuation, but usually com- Baabete ofLadies' & Chi%en^ Hosiei 7 10-^-.-ido- W"J9/6'W' ; •■; manding uniform prices, is always m Cainbnc Handkerchiefs, 2d, 3d,;6d 0-4 do 13/6, 16/6 uw» : " .'■• » demand" and is, beyond 'any doubt, a ce » l/.«* „■,..;"" j i- - ■ safe and ' nrofitablo invpatmpnfc for Boxes of Flowers, 3d and 6d per spray 104 do , do 19/6 :>■ ■ I Sonev pOfatal ° m7estment fOl Goi^ei Fetors BM^h^W^ll-'-B^Qv^m^lO/G . The use of gas Bt the pre S ent ; day is g«* 1 ' rlr " SSmSS?Sj 7/H ■ i somptliiniT pnoi-moim tV is iirp<l m Black Lustres, 10|d and 1/6 „ Felt Hats, 2/6 „ I E^andfo^Snrand'varlo^ler Ladies; Ulsters, 12/6 . / " „ ' 1/6,1/11^,,, ■ purpPßes, and m fact, generally through- Long Curtains ;, 4/6 per.pair „ Co ored^oles 4/C nut Vim wm-lrl ' Fnnged Toilets, 1/6 s;;:: •;--,•■; .:,•,„,■. Cotton box,,,6d>,^_ I j. It^muTat be understood that this r \> 17/6, 22/6 Company is formed with a view of ex- Turkey Towels,^ large, Colored Handkerchiefs 6d ' tending their busineßS, if : sufficieno frocks ,'Lofn g Cloth,:^d, 7d- Men s Merino Sox^Vl/ ; inducement offers, to any part of the S^^^^.W-^m^ Driving Gloves,- 8/6 f- pur Province of Mii-lhimnnli Winceys, 2Ad, 41(1, and lOJd , , .Tweed .Trousers, .7/11, ,10/11,. : . . Jff \^s W\*\ ' . \ „ ! mislng future of Marlborough, the Go bred Shirtmgs, 8/11 doz: •; J promoters can with every confidence n ' h<i }.' : 7U- .■• . „ Wod.Pante, 5/11 appeal to the public to take up shares TwiU Sbeetmg, 2 yards . /B^, 1/6 , Undershirts, 4/11 ■m this undertaking, as it has aU the ?™.gf G^'P^?/ 11 ; ' " '-" ''? ott °" cZJiti -'^ . elementsof success to recommend it Ladies '^ teta, 4^9,5^1i ■■ ■ _ Tweed-Goats, 15/6 . and with a proper management success fxti-a felt do, B/b, 9/6 S^'whiteMnli^/i ! and triumph m the matter is certain. ? J k do, 18/fl t . ... T =„: Men Si Wlnte Moles, m^'i ' As soon as the necessary amount is. Wool Sha wl», 10/6 ... -- >, = . ,„■, :-,,.^ „^;.^cr™Vß^, ■ subscribed, being not less than two- Ladies' Jackets 13/6 16/6 . : , !,..■- '» f •■ (W frwl),^ thirds of the entii-e number of shares, 6 ™' l ?- 2 )' 2 ! ' ' '-- ' 6•'i: ■- ' ■•- !^ : """ . the company avIII at once be incor- ™^*>X>,?1 Q -,!, , - Oojtop .^qx,. 4d . „ . , ■■ 1 ported and operations commence. Kidder do 2/9, 2/11 ;^H^ ;| „ ' Copies of the prospectus with forms OJ-pesti-y, 8/«>, 8/1 L Lweed Ilat of application can be obtained) from 25do Z Black Straw .HaW, 1/, 1/6 „,„„ fecar^ and^ies. ..,. .; llF « , !G. S. Stenliouse, Blenheim ; Mr Card, v^ v </^^.^yc^j^v*w^:'! r ::i'-. ■.': i , Picton; Messrs Mills Brothers, . Have .^^ & B p Kj BLENHEIM.

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Marlborough Express, Volume XVI, Issue 155, 6 July 1881, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Marlborough Express, Volume XVI, Issue 155, 6 July 1881, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Marlborough Express, Volume XVI, Issue 155, 6 July 1881, Page 3