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The Late Mb A. Richmond.—We regret to learn the death at a late hour last evening, at Richmond Brook, Awatere, of A. Richmond, Esq., M.H.R. for Nelson City Suburbs. The deceased gentleman, who was only 48 years of age, was the only son of the Hon. Major Ricbmoud, C.8., M.L.C. He was born in Wales in 1832, and obtained the greater portion ef his school training at Paramatta, New South Wales. On coming to this colony be resided first in Auckland, and afterwards in Nelson, of which latter province he was one of the oldest Bettleis. , For many years past he has represented either Collingwood or Nelson City Suburbs in the House ef Representatives, and during the past aesßion was a staunch supporter of the Government. It is little more than a week since Mr Richmond and his son Mr Francis Richmond passed through Blenheim from Nelson, on their May to Richmond Brook station to attend the annual shearing, as was his custom, and was then apparently in good health. For some days previous to his death be had been ailing; yesterday, however, at 4-30 and later he had several very severe fits, which sremed to exhaust him greatly. Towards 9 o'clock the attacks left him, and the deceased gentleman breathed his last peacefully at bs If-past ten last night. The cause of death is stated by Dr Cleghorn to have been angina pectoris. The body will in all probability be conveyed to Nelfion for in'teiment. As a thorough gentleman, possessing a genial and kindJy disposition, his loss will make itself deeply felt.

Ceickbt. —The' scores made in the match .played at Havelock yesterday, between Havelock and a combination Marlborough team, under,the title of "Spring C*eek^';i«s!&>--Havelock, first innings 56, second 79, total 135; Spring Creek, first innings 30, second 78, tola! 108. The Havelock team thus scored a victory of 27 runs. Public Meeting.—A public meeting of an amusing character was held at Havelock on Saturday last. A report of the proceedings has been forwarded to us by our Havelock correspondent, and will appear in to-morrow's issue.

i>HT3KKE»-SKSB.—At the R.M. Court, Haveloek. on baturdey last, a man named R. Whittern vas> tntO 5/- and 2/- costs, for being drunk on the 12th inst.

Ihe Bailway Tariff—ln the •' Gazette " of the 11th in6t. appears a notification to the effect that on the local railway wool, from Lltnbeim to Heton will he charged Is 9d per tale for undunsped, and 3s per bale for double . dumped, to include all charges for loading, unloading, acd wharfage. .Oegan I&ciTAii:— : We are glad to learn that the members of the Church of the Nativity Cho r have another organ recital in rehearsal, u> be given early in December next. It will be emembered that their first recital was given in aid of the sufferers by the Benwiek Town fire, on which occasion the service was most enjoyable and pleasing to all. It is, however, proposed to give the proceeds of this recital to the choir, who, we understand, in a most praiseworthy manner, defrayed the cost of the alteration of their seats (so much needed in the church), and which is a decided improvement. lojolKlUY.—The mo6t valuable speech deliver*d at the recent Friendly Societies' dinner was undoubtedly that made by Mr W. Hosworihy vi responding on behalf of the Foresters to the toast of " The Fiiendly Societies." In the course of bis remaiks the gentleman in question quoted the following s(atistit'B CiDcerniig the Foresters, which will, we dan say, prove of interest to many besides those who belong to the Order:—ln ! 1869 our Order contained 3,480 Courts, and 340,C00 numbers, in 1879 it contained 4,514 Courts, and 560,000 members; in 1869 tbe i capital of the Order was LI,000,000; in 1879 it had increased to L 3,000, COO ; in 1869 there was paid for sick benefit L 193.270, and for funeral benefit 155,000; in 1879 the sick benefits were L 315.000, funeral benefits 190,000. aid L 65.000 was paid for medical attendance. The turns were paid as the rights of the members, and not as charity. Tbe Foresters have put two lifeboats on the coast of England, at a cost oi LI,BOO, and pay L) 00 a year to keep the:n in proper condition. The Order strongly recommends that sick pay for cbtonic sickness should be spread over larger numbers. It also earnestly entreats tbat memb«is would consider the advantages of contributing for superannuation after 05 years of age, whereby a member now ,-ged 20, for a contribution of 9d per month wore than what h<; ought to pay for the present l-rutiits, can gel *ick benefits to 65 years of age, and five shillings a wek after, without any conditions. The Blenheim Court was establifched on December 6th, 1869, and: has LllOO in its Sick Fund, and 83 members. The district has 1,800 members and about LI,ICO in the Funeral Fund. The sickness has averaged about half the amount set down in the Manchester Unity Tables, 1866, 1870, which were compiled by the late H. JRatcliffe, who was secretary of that Older, ami who from gatheiing the statistics and <coitt|»iHiig ilMon, proved hinißflf ihe best actuary of his day with regard to Friendly

h|rticcltubai, Show.—We take this opportunity of reminding our readers that tomorrow is the day of the Spring Show of the Blenheim Horticultural Society. It will be held in Ewart's Hall as usual, open from ,X to 5 in the afternoon, and in the evening from 7to 10. The weather of the past week hayi|ig been warm and genial, has been ;favorabl£vto the. perfecting of both flowers and vegetablesj and we have reason to expect a very good, show. Herr Norberg's Quadrille Band will perform in the hall during the evening. "We would remind exhibitors that the Secretary attends from 2to 6 this afternoon to receive entries and take delivery of pot plants. Exhibitors can have the use of the Society's van to bring their exhibits to the Show-room, by applying to the Secretary. All exhibits should be forwarded in good time, to enable the | judges to complete their work early in the day, so that the exhibition may be opened punctually at the advertised time.

Extraordinary Conduct.—Our Havelock correspondent writes under date of the loth November:—" On the 10th inst a gentleman, Mr C. H. M. King, 8.A., was arfested by Sergeant Hogan, in Lucknow-street and accused of creating a disturbance at a house occupied by Mrs Alexander. He was taken to the house, and the woman not being at home, aboy was sent to find her; he not returning, Mr King was taken to Mr Levien's, and fron) there back to Mrs As. The woman having returned, she was asked by the Sergeant if Mr King was the man wJ.o created the disturbance, she at once said "No." Mr King altered the position of his hat, and she again said he was not the man, when the Sergeant, who had been trying to induce the woman to give Mr King in charge, said he was sure Mr King was the man, and would not let him go until he had proved where he had spent the.J night. They went to;Mr Fear's Hotel, and those who slept in the same room declared Mr King went to bed before eleven, and did not rise until after 7 the next day. Mr and Mrs Fear also corroborated their evidence. This did not satisfy our Seigeant. Mr Cawte interposed on his friend!* behalf, but was threatened with the 3of)k-up, the Sergeant calling them all liars. "Mr King was then released from custody. Sinde the occurrence of these events, Inspector Acherson has been visiting in the Grove and Mabakipawa, and his case will be strongly represented to fewa^ quarters. .

Sale of the Anchor Line.—A Press As r sociation Telegram sent from Nelson yesterday says:—The Anchor- liiie of steamers,, with the exception of the Ljttelton, together with the Albion Whatf Foundry, hu]kj &c. have now been purchased Here. The price has not transpired, but the mw owners art) Messsrs Cock and Co, Sclarxders aijd Co, P. Donald, of Arthur and Co, and, Brown Superintendent Engineer. The steamers will continue to run as heretofore in the Wellington, Wanganui, and West Coast trade.

A Vaxuable Importation^ Tbree fine pure merino stod ; rsmV arrivea at the station this morning from ChristchurchJor Mr C- Redwood, of EiverJands, and"were at once carted dowßi 16 iheir e}^latfatio:n.; - The most noticeable of the three is a 4-tooth, sire •• Duke II," by *' Old Sir Tbomap^tawibred by Messrs W. Gibson and" 86b, of Scone, Tasruaaia, end is bred out of their first-class pure ewes, by their reserved Btud rams; and has never been housed or protected from the weather or pampered in any way. It is a first-^ass consignment with heavy fleece of soft, beautiful wool, and bears the stamp of high breeding. The price paid by Mr Eedwood for this ram was 100 guineas.

A Heaven Bokn Financier.— l he LytteJton "Tinus" writing of Major Atkinson, Bays;— "His Bucigets are diseolvifcg views. lv 1875, we bad the Budget of false pretences. The rah.bow of Provincial Abolition was ptcclaimed as the precursor of a financial miileimium ; and at the bottom of the arch •we were premised perpetual pots of In 1876 Major Atkinson held divided empiie with the Jove of Finance ; aid we had a a chaiming Budget of Bubbles, Beet-root, Trea&my Bills, and the ajauexation of Polynesia, weie anong the novelties of the season. In 1877 Major Atkinson was himself acain. He was Premier as well as Colonial lYtasuitr, for the fiist half of the session. He propounded tbe Budget of Larceny and Eest. After v iorceii retirement of two years Major AthirjEcn reap^eartd in 1879 with a Budget of Bogyibß ; ar,d last session h« produced his Budgtt oi BunkumVvibich altogether coliajEtd, but which, no doubt, next section will be revived, with new scenery, and new dresses, a»d made more suitable to the public taste. Thei tis no consistency, no peiman-ncy, bo foresight, no principle, in Major Atkinson's finance. He is no more a financier than a man who lives by his wits i». a capitalist.

The Annual meeting of the Star Cricket Club will be ht-ld at the Masonic Hotel this evening at 8 o'clock.

We would rimind our readers that the sale of Mr TV. Jtfhies' hcusehold:furiiiture»nd effects will be held at Mr P. Lawrence's Sale Bocms at 10 o'okek to morrow. AbMr W. Jtftiies is leaving iht- Pioviiice,a very good opportunity ofpicking up bargains is afforded.

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Marlborough Express, Volume XV, Issue 268, 16 November 1880, Page 2

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LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS Marlborough Express, Volume XV, Issue 268, 16 November 1880, Page 2

LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS Marlborough Express, Volume XV, Issue 268, 16 November 1880, Page 2